1 minute read
by Julian Spedalieri, age 10
Riddle #1Q: A girl loved her new cat. She decided to take a trip. When she came back, the cat was gone. She questioned 3 suspects. The gardener said he had been working on the flowers. The plumber said he was allergic to cats. The chef said he was preparing dinner. Who took the cat? A: The plumber because he’s allergic. He would want to get rid of it.
Riddle #2Q: Let’s say you’re lost in the sea. There are three tunnels. The first tunnel has a basking shark thats mouth is big enough to eat you in a gulp. The second is full of poisonous jellyfish. The last tunnel is 1,000 kilometers long. You wouldn’t have enough air. Which door should you choose? A: The first tunnel. Basking sharks are harmless
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