1 minute read
One Sunny, Warm Evening
One Sunny, Warm Evening by Jaylin Johnson, age 13
Ablack-haired, blue-eyed, tall man named The Mighty Warrior, and a medium-sized, brown dog named War Dog were walking in the city of Howard, observing their surroundings and breathing in the nice, chilly breeze. All of a sudden, people started running fast and screaming loudly from the opposite way, “Zonie’s coming!” The Mighty Warrior looked at War Dog and shook his head as they ran into the alley. The Mighty Warrior reached into his pocket and took out a bag full of magical gummies that helped them change into superheroes! They both flew and followed the voice calling their name.
“Come out, come out, wherever you are.” They approached the voice. Standing before them in a tall, metal, robot suit was Zonie, their worst enemy. The Mighty Warrior yelled, “Zonie! Why are you here?” Zonie replied, “I’m here to take over!” The Mighty Warrior then said, “I can’t let you do that.” Zonie swung, but The Mighty Warrior dodged, flew up, and twisted the robotic head in a circle until it fell off. Then, he grabbed Zonie and flew him to jail.
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