1 minute read
James, the boy who is scared of ghosts
James, the boy who is scared of ghostsby Jonathan Friedkin, age 11
Once upon a time, there was James who was scared of ghosts. Even pictures of ghosts scared him, and he didn’t like scary stories. James only liked stories with good and happy beginnings and endings. One day, he asked his mom to make his birthday about ghosts. His mom asked if he was joking and he said, “No.” He wanted to get rid of his fear of ghosts. On his birthday, he turned 15 and was not scared anymore. But as a 19-year-old, he got in a car crash and died.Then, as a ghost, James saw a lot of ghosts watching him. He asked why they were there. They said they were watching him as a kid. He was scared again, but also evil. People told stories about him, and when they did, he would come for them so they would be scared just like him. James would scare them by coming into their dreams. James showed their family and friends dead on the ground with them being ghosts saying, “Why did you not save me?” They would make the person who was in the dream now scared of ghosts. The people tried everything not to be scared of ghosts, but it wouldn’t work. Later, the parents would find the kids on the floor dead. They would die by going insane. And in the dream, you were in the dark seeing all of the dead people. After the kids died, the adults saw that there was something in common: all of the kids killed themselves. The adults found the book that all the kids were reading by James. The book was called The end or is it. They went to his shop and found him as a ghost. The adult
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