1 minute read
by Nour Elbarawy, age 12
There were two friends who had been friends since kindergarten. Their names were John and Drag. They went to school together, played together, ate lunch together, and even studied together. Recently, John had been noticing some things about Drag. Weird things. Such as not looking at mirrors, having an umbrella open with him at all times, and being scared of garlic. John often saw Drag getting bullied at school, but John always stood up for him. He thought that Drag must’ve had a mental disability of some sort, but he barely thought of it. One day, John wanted to have a sleepover at Drag’s house, because they were friends since kindergarten and somehow hadn’t had a single sleepover. So John went over to Drag and asked, “Hey, Drag! You know how we’re friends since kindergarten?” Drag replied, “Yes? What about that?” John said, “Well, I was hoping we could have a sleepover since we haven’t ever had one together.” Drag replied, “I’m sorry, but I can’t.” John asked, “Why? We’ve been friends for almost a decade now.” Drag said, “Sorry, I can’t tell you,” and then ran away yelling, “I have to go! Bye!”John was so disappointed in Drag. He couldn’t believe that his best friend since kindergarten just declined his offer! John knew he had to do something about it. He thought of a plan to find his house and have a surprise sleepover. Drag stayed at the library until dark, so John waited outside wearing dark clothes to blend in with the dark. When Drag came out, John made sure to keep a distance between them. It was too dark to see him, so he focused on his shadow. They kept going until Drag’s shadow disappeared. Then, in the place where his shadow was,
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