1 minute read


by Queenie Zhu, age 7

Chapter 1 A brother named Eason and a sister named Wenxizhu were walking in the forest, and it was raining, so they went inside an old haunted house to hide from the rain. Then a werewolf bit the sister and brother.


“I’m so scared, please don’t eat me!” “Hahaha” he laughed. “Yum that food is yum yum! That is so good you will be dead! You will be dead.”

“No please! You will take my chocolate.”

“It’s a prank! Hahaha.”

“Wait nooooo!” “I scared you to death. Hahahaha I put it on YouTube.”

THE END . . .

Chapter 2 The man, Queenie, comes out of nowhere and grabs the egg. You get the man and eat the “egg.” “Free you yuck!” says the leader. I saw that it was a prank. I felt mad and sad, and I am mad, and I am to prank him now, and I’m so mad. I have to press a button, so I’m going to take you so hard you’re gonna say, “Ahh! OH NO!” I’m dead. It’s ghostly and so bright.

THE END . . .

204 Cartoons for all eternity • Caricaturas por toda la eternidad

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