1 minute read
Terrific Turkey Time
By Ronald Johnson
Do you want to know about the first time I ate turkey? I was two years old and the family got together for a special dinner. That was the first time I ever saw my family say what they were grateful for. I was kind of confused about what was happening, but my nose wasn’t. All I smelled was the best turkey ever with onions and stuffing, but I just sat there, and that was the first time I sat there and ate turkey with my family. That turkey is the best food ever! When my mom makes it, I start to drool because of how fantastic it looks. It would look so wonderful when it comes out of the oven, freshly baked, and the popping sound is so nice to hear when my mom puts in the peppers and onions and stuffing, and when it’s on the table, I look at it and inhale softly, and say, “It’s so amazing that God can’t believe that he made that, and I know that because it’s going to explode in my mouth.” Then I would look at it so hard that I had to remember that it might get cold, and I didn’t want it to get cold, so I would taste the explosions in my mouth. Cooking turkey is very special; it brings people together. Sometimes I get lucky, and I get to cook and make the drinks with my sister. When we make it, it feels so smooth, and then when we put it in the oven, it smells so fantastic. We would make something like smoothies and milkshakes with oreos. Then everyone would sit at the table and eat the food. When we are done, we play a family game like Sorry. Turkey time brings people together with peace. The next time you are looking to eat turkey, you should think of how it brings people together; it’ll taste even better.