1 minute read
I Got Slapped in the Face with SOUSE
By Milania Marshall
I am so lucky to have this type of food! Everytime I get this dish, it always has some type of spicy, gooey flavor. One day, I was going to my grandma’s house for a party. I went into the train station and I heard rats, yelling, and trains going to their stops. I can’t wait until my mom gets a car. I finally get to my grandma’s block past the corner store, the Chinese restaurant, and the hair salon. I get to my grandma’s house where the party is, and right where I’m by the food, my favorite dish slaps me in my face. SOUSE! I drool immediately. I just imagine myself being in spicy land and seeing souse all over the world. I snap out of it immediately and wipe my mouth. I saw a long line of people, but I heard the pig’s feet dropping into the water and saw it bubbling. I see another person cutting the cucumber into pieces. I see another person making the juice for the souse to have some flavor, the best part! I can’t wait until it’s my turn to eat the juicy, spicy, gooey souse! You should try it yourself, only if you like spicy things. But it’s my family dish. Everytime I go to a party, souse is there, like always. Finally, it was almost time to get my food. Once it was my turn, I got a great smell and I knew that it was the souse. I ran to the table and got my food. I went back inside to eat it, I opened the jar and dip my hand into the juice and lick it. I took a cucumber and took a huge bite. It was spicy. Time for the actual pig feet. I took a big bite and it was spicy! It tasted so good though, I couldn’t stop eating it and once I finished, I went to go get another one.
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After the party was over, my stomach started to hurt. I think I ate a little bit too much souse. That’s not good! Next time I don’t think I should eat that much spicy, gooey pig feet. I think I’m going to throw up!