1 minute read
The Cheesy Cold Case
By Seriah Joseph
Anytime you ever get hungry for easy-made but tasty macaroni salad, this would be why you should try my mom’s macaroni and cheese salad. You should try it because one time when I was seven, my mom was in the kitchen cooking up something that smelled so immaculate it made my nose run, and would make yours run, too. I sprinted out of my room and quickly asked her what in the world is she cooking that’s making my nose runny, and she said it was a special macaroni salad. I took my Cinderella plate and made sure to get the macaroni bunches with tons of cheese while shaking to go to the table. Right before you know it, I’m sitting there admiring the smoked cheese-covered Cinderella plate with ranch salad on the side, ready to pick up the spoon, but I just could not stop looking at the golden, perfectly-crisped yellow cheese. I picked up the spoon with my snotty little hand, and almost fell out of the chair because I was so excited. I scooped a big spoonful of the golden yellow macaroni and started eating like a vigorous hyena. It was a theater in one spoon, and my taste buds were screaming while suffocating in the cheese and salad, while the macaroni was getting devoured by my little baby teeth. I loved it too much to leave the table; my stomach was so full, I couldn’t even get my box of apple juice. I just slouched in my mom’s chair, drank the sour but tasteful apple juice, and fell asleep in the chair while my mom fed me more the next day. So every time I have that special macaroni salad, I fall straight to slumberland. She doesn’t tell me the recipe, but she definitely knows
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how to make me go to bed, which is why I think you should try my mom’s macaroni.