1 minute read
Pizza Brings Happy Tears to My Eyes
By Yaqob Nagi
I remember when I went to a restaurant with my parents and ordered a pizza. The smell of the pizza was coming all the way from the kitchen. The smell was like the smell of honey bees hunting for cheese. It smells like a pizza that has never been touched before. It smelled like red roses from a garden. One reason why this food is so special is because the sound of the oven makes me so hungry. The sound made me taste it already. The sound of the oven made my eyes water. The sound made me fly to the moon. The sound made my ears hungry. The sound was like a spaceship running into the moon. Another reason why this food is so special is because when the pizza arrived, it was shaped as a triangle. It was so gooey and cheesy. The pepperonis and the mushrooms just made my mind explode. The crust was burned and crispy, which made aliens come down and join me. Another reason why this food is so special is because when I took the pizza to have my first bite, it felt like I had a million dollars in my hand. The cheese was dripping down the side of the pizza. It was hot like a bucket of lava. It felt like a dinosaur that had no arms. It was so soft, it felt like I was holding a flower. My last reason why this food is so special is because it makes me remember the flavors of the pizza and how it was melting in my mouth. The mushrooms were perfect with cheese and sauce. It was one hundred percent better than going to the moon with aliens. The crust was crunchy, like you just took a big bite of chips. The mushrooms with the pepperoni was bussin.
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The next time you’re looking to eat pizza, make sure you go to LaRustica Pizza. Because the pizza will make your mind explode. So if you are ever looking to go to Los Angeles, make sure you visit LaRustica Pizza.