1 minute read
Heaven’s Most Wanted Candy
By Azana Deshong
One day two friends with a sour and sweet personality walked into a lab. The young females thought, Let’s make candy that can relate to us and people all around the world. They decided to call it Sour Patch Kids. At the start they’re sour, then near the end they’re sweet. Sour Patch Kids remind me of kids around the world who sometimes have sweet energy and sometimes sour energy. Sour Patch Kids are shaped like little humans in a gummy suit with lots of different colors and flavors. Why are Sour Patch Kids heaven’s most wanted candy? I’m glad you asked why Sour Patch Kids are heaven’s most wanted candy. It’s because they taste like a popsicle or cold water on a hot summer day. This candy reminds me of myself because sometimes most people say I’m as sweet as cotton candy. But I’m actually as sour as throwing twenty Warheads in your mouth. Try not to make any faces. Since people all over the world enjoy Sour Patch Kids I wanted to ask my classmates if they liked them or not and yes, twenty-five out of twenty-five kids are in love with this gummy candy coated with sour seasoning. I really enjoy the Sour Patch Kids candy because they don’t have only one type and flavor, they have many different flavors including normal, watermelon, fruits, cherry, sour apple, peach, blue raspberry, Christmas, connectors, chillers, Xploders, Soda Popz, Heads and Bodies, and Extreme. There are also many berry-flavored Sour Patch Kids. I didn’t try most of these but I feel like they’re really good. I also think other people should try Sour Patch Kids because they’re really good and if you love
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sour candy like me, YOU WILL LOVE SOUR PATCH KIDS. Sour Patch Kids is one of the number-one top sour candy in the entire whole world! Sour Patch Kids even have their own whole store.