1 minute read
Ramen’s Grace
By Joseph Ross-Jones
Ramen is a food so good that it grants immortality. One gulp of broth, BOOM! Three years added to your life; take a slurp of the noodles coming out the broth, KACHOW! Two years added to your life. You may be asking, “Oh my! How does this work?” Your body enjoys the taste of ramen so much it forces itself to stay together and keep working longer so it can keep tasting the grace of ramen. Ramen comes in big giant meals bigger than the ocean or cup like servings to keep on ya in case you need the sweet taste out your pocket. Although be careful, there is a riddle, ramen isn’t all miracles nor grace, ramen has downsides to its upsides. Just like, you finished making ramen ready to take a bite then SPLASH! Hot water is sinking in your skin as you yell from the deed the ramen just did to you. And when you’re gonna take a slurp of the nice hot broths and boom! Your ramen is as cold as Mount Everest. This feeling makes you feel so unsettled it takes one year from your life! Be careful with ramen; some people can’t handle its grace. Have you heard of the tribes who worshiped ramen’s grace? Each year they go to the shrine and take a sip of broth; only those who are worthy and pure can taste its grace. The leader of the tribe was said to be the one who made ramen! Did you know that?