1 minute read

The Food of the Future

By Olivia Mills

Have you ever wondered what future food might be? Wonder no more because the food of the future is molecular ramen. It is incredible! It’s technological, it’s so good that there are no words to describe it. You might ask what molecular ramen is? Well it hasn’t been invented… yet. But it will be the most advanced type of food ever and I will make sure of it.


You may not believe such things but I will survey my best friend and other people to see what they think. “What do you think about molecular ramen?” “I think molecular ramen is a great idea. Ramen already tastes good but molecular ramen would be even better.” I want to make food that people love. I want to make a food full of technology and power. To describe my food: it looks flavorless but when you put it in your mouth it melts and becomes a burst of delicious flavor. Embedded in the ramen is a flavor chip (it’s edible) and when someone puts the molecular ramen in their mouth it activates and bursts into a sweet and warm flavor.

In conclusion, molecular ramen will be the food of the future and I hope all people will love my future kind of food. Thank you for reading about food of the future.

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