1 minute read
The Ultimate Food: TACOS
By Eli Stewart
Tacos are truly a great food, perhaps the best in the known universe . . . the ultimate food. Not a single food matches the taco in flavorful power. EXCEPT RAVIOLI! But that’s another story. The crunch is perfectly crispy, the sour cream and guacamole, adding more to the flavor, and the cheddar cheese on the beef, perfecting it. It’s truly amazing how it’s made. The flavors, mixing in your mouth, and amplifying. Now then, you’re probably thinking about where I found the taco shop. I’m honestly not sure of the name, although I do know where it is. From the school (P.S. 316), go to the one hundred percent NEAREST Starbucks, and it should be across the street. It is a small place. Honestly, I think EVERYONE should try their food, they even have nachos. Multiple types. And of course, you get to pick what type of meat you want in, well, everything on the menu. The first time I’ve ever had it was when I was with my brother, because he was taking me home from school. I didn’t know where we were going but then, when I got in the place, I didn’t think much of it. When I got home however, my doubts ERASED themselves, and I enjoyed the tacos. In conclusion, I want you, yes you, the reader, to try their tacos, because they are the ultimate food, staying unmatched. (Except for ravioli, that’s a tough competition.)