4 minute read
by Saray Hernandez
Run, run, run, RUN! Run as fast as you can, Sarina! I’m running, I’m running, I’m crying, I’m crying. Why am I crying?!
I tripped, I fell to the ground, and just for a moment I look up to the sky, I see white fluffy marshmallow clouds, dancing. And I smile. I look behind me, I see a grown-ass man running towards me, I start to get up but then I trip and fall into this big hole and all I see is black and I shut my eyes. I open my eyes, I look around frightened, all I could see is black and then I look up to the hole I fell into. I see the grown-ass man walking slowly, looking around, and then he sits on the side of the hole.
Then he stops, quickly looking inside the hole I fell into and I move back, closing my mouth with my hands. He’s looking into the darkness, trying to see a movement (me). I walk slowly back, trying to walk away, but while I walk away slowly my right foot touches a branch on the ground and it breaks. I gasp and he moves his head as fast as a roller coaster, he’s staring at me up and down. I stared at him frightened as I was walking back slowly and he moved a bit and I started running, running inside this dark, dark cave.
I’m running, I’m running Mom, I promised I would get revenge, I’ll get revenge for you and the whole village.
A tear falls down my face and I wipe it off. I stop, confused, and I look behind me. I don’t hear any footsteps or any movements. It’s quiet, too quiet. I look around me scared, drips of slimy water all around my body, wet stains on my clothes, and heavy breathing. I look around and suddenly someone grabs my hand and pulls me to this corner of the dark cave. I look at this person while they are pulling me to this corner, it’s a guy, like my age. He grabs my shoulders and pulls me back to a wall.
He looks at me up and down, he says, “Are you alright, Miss?”
I looked at him confused. What did he just call me! I know, respect, but Miss? At least call me a funny name, damn. I say, “I’m alright and by the way the name is Sarina.”
“Oh, James, my name is James,” he says and I nod and before I
could say something he started. “By the way what are you do—”
Before he could finish asking his question, I looked around and said, “I’m running.”
“You’re running?” he says.
“Yes I’m running, well technically I’m running from someone. That’s why I’m breathing heavily and sweating everywhere. And thank god you came along. I would’ve probably died out there,” I say.
“Uh, well, we don’t have that much time. Let’s go!”
He grabs my hand and he pulls me and we start running, running until we see a light. And I started thinking, I’m going to run for my whole life aren’t I, Mom? The grown-ass man and everyone is not going to stop. They are not going to stop until I die, until I close my eyes forever.
A tear falls down my face and I wipe it off quickly before James sees. But why do I care, why do I care about his opinion?!
We finally stopped and I could see the sky and the fluffy marshmallows, dancing. And I look at James and he looks at me, he says, “We need to jump.”
I look at him scared and confused.
“Don’t worry, I won’t let you die,” he says.
I breathe in and out slowly and I say, “Okay, count!”
He started counting, “5 . . . 4 . . . 3 . . . 2—” and before he could finish counting all I could hear was a gunshot and I looked behind me, the grown-ass man aiming the gun to my back and all you see is blood spreading to my shirt, my blood is spreading to my shirt!
Holy crap, there’s a bullet in my body and it hurts.
I started falling to my knees and my whole body moved. I’m falling, I’m falling, I’m flying. I look at how the clouds are getting higher and I’m getting lower. I looked behind me and I could see grass and flowers and I smiled. I wake up frightened, I look around my room and face my mirror. I see scratches, cuts, scrapes on my legs and arms. I screamed, I looked at my back and there was nothing. No hole from the bullet, no scar from the bullet, nothing! I started looking around my room, there’s an IV stand and monitor next to my bed, but before I could finish looking around my room there’s a knock on my door, the knob starts turning in the opposite direction and the door opens. There’s a man, with a white suit, glasses, hair down, and holding a binder.
He looks at me happily and surprised and says, “Welcome back, Saray.”