Dream by Saray Hernandez
Run, run, run, RUN! Run as fast as you can, Sarina! I’m running, I’m running, I’m crying, I’m crying. Why am I crying?! I tripped, I fell to the ground, and just for a moment I look up to the sky, I see white fluffy marshmallow clouds, dancing. And I smile. I look behind me, I see a grown-ass man running towards me, I start to get up but then I trip and fall into this big hole and all I see is black and I shut my eyes. I open my eyes, I look around frightened, all I could see is black and then I look up to the hole I fell into. I see the grown-ass man walking slowly, looking around, and then he sits on the side of the hole. Then he stops, quickly looking inside the hole I fell into and I move back, closing my mouth with my hands. He’s looking into the darkness, trying to see a movement (me). I walk slowly back, trying to walk away, but while I walk away slowly my right foot touches a branch on the ground and it breaks. I gasp and he moves his head as fast as a roller coaster, he’s staring at me up and down. I stared at him frightened as I was walking back slowly and he moved a bit and I started running, running inside this dark, dark cave. I’m running, I’m running Mom, I promised I would get revenge, I’ll get revenge for you and the whole village. A tear falls down my face and I wipe it off. I stop, confused, and I look behind me. I don’t hear any footsteps or any movements. It’s quiet, too quiet. I look around me scared, drips of slimy water all around my body, wet stains on my clothes, and heavy breathing. I look around and suddenly someone grabs my hand and pulls me to this corner of the dark cave. I look at this person while they are pulling me to this corner, it’s a guy, like my age. He grabs my shoulders and pulls me back to a wall. He looks at me up and down, he says, “Are you alright, Miss?” I looked at him confused. What did he just call me! I know, respect, but Miss? At least call me a funny name, damn. I say, “I’m alright and by the way the name is Sarina.” “Oh, James, my name is James,” he says and I nod and before I 89