6 minute read
Makayla Bellamy, “Lilly in the Valley”
Makayla Bellamy
An excerpt, inspired by the shows Attack on Titan and Darling in the Franxx “Some sunny day, We’ll meet again.” “See you later Krista.” She awoke, gasping for air, hot tears slipping out of her eyes leaving a burning sensation on her skin as they fell to her comforter. “When was the last time—” she muttered, scanning the room as if she didn’t fall asleep in there the night prior. “Krista!” a voice called as they knocked on the door. It was silent for a few seconds as the noise echoed through the dimly lit room. “It’s time to get up, I’m coming in.” The door softly creaked open to reveal the person. It was Yvette, Krista’s best friend. Her blonde hair swayed as she moved to close the door behind her. “What happened, Kris?” Krista swiftly wiped the remaining tears off her cheeks before hopping out of bed, shooing the other girl off, “I’m fine Yvette. I’ll see you at breakfast.” She smiled before pushing the blonde out of the door.
* * * * * The day began like any other with early breakfast and morning combat training, where Krista was once again paired with the one and only, Kaden Izumi, the Black and Asian boy, with dyed dirty blonde hair. Every day prior had been remotely the same since she joined the cadets: early mornings, long training, and hellish circumstances. “Yo, Kris.” The false blonde smiled as he approached her. “You missed dinner last night, where’ve you been girlie?” A flirt, that’s what Kaden was. She rolled her eyes. He was repetitive
and it frustrated her. He talked too much and strived to impress everyone he came across. It was stupid, but expected of him. “Sorry Kaden, I was honestly so tired last night,” she muttered just loud enough for him to hear. He nodded in response. “Let’s get started, shall we?” he smirked.
* * * * * “What in the world is that?!” someone in the crowd shouted. It was large and looked to be made of stone. It stood on all fours at a clearing in the dome. “How did it even find us? There shouldn’t be any living things on this side of the planet, other than what’s in the dome.” Yvette frantically whispered, nudging Krista in her back. “This is supposed to be the safest place in the abyss.” * * * * * There was rumbling heard and felt around the east side of the dome, everyone on the surface level was immediately informed of it just in case they had to evacuate to what space was left in the city underground, but obviously, the cadets and soldiers had to stay above ground for “safety precautions.” But as time went on, they mostly realized they were out there to fend for themselves.
* * * * * “Are we . . . supposed to fight it?” Before any response was given the huge thing started attacking the northeast clearing, which was where the Outriders departed. It’s also where they re-enter the dome, meaning if they were to come back from scouting anytime soon the gate won’t open and they’d be stuck out there with those . . . things. They had to find a way to kill them off, and soon. Either the Outrider regiment would come and they’d be wiped out, or the clearing would be broken open and everyone in the dome would be slaughtered. Neither would be considered a win.
Twenty minutes passed and there was only one plan. Half of the group would go through the north opening and circle around attacking from the back. The rest of the group would stay in front of the opening just in case there was any sign of the Outriders. Keeping the gate stable enough until the other group got around, after which they would attack using thunder spears, grenade-like spears that could be shot in tight places, including the openings in the monster’s rock-looking armor. It was a risk, a huge one, but there were no other plans, there was no other way. Another ten minutes, the situation was getting worse and there was no sign of the outriders outside the dome, so the plan was put into motion. Krista and Kaden were a part of the defense group while Yvette was put in the offense group because of “lack of strength.” Krista knew it was because she was less likely to die if the plan did succeed, but she still wished that Yvette could be by her side through it all. “Stay safe you two,” Yvette called out as they all got on their horses, “Krista . . . please don’t die.” “Didn’t plan on it,” she smirked. That was something Kaden would say. She guessed all the years of being friends with him made her just as cocky. They both laughed. Krista, staring at her with a love-struck smile displayed on her lips. “Even so, be careful Krista, I don’t want to lose you.” “You too Yve. Your life isn’t guaranteed either.” “See you later, Krista,” she smiled with a short eye roll. After the groups bid their goodbyes, the defense made their way to the Northern Opening, there were three openings in the dome all placed around the northern border, the northwest used for imported goods and resources from the planet. The North Opening, which was the first made for aircraft and traveling in general, and then the northeast border that was used
for expeditions. It was rare to use the Northern Opening because traveling was banned fifty years ago, but now, of all days, during a tragedy, was the day they finally used it. “Don’t mess up Kaden, I don’t need you dying on me.” Krista laughed, smacking him in his lower back as she rode past him, both laughing it off, smiles fading into stoic facades. This was a battle where their lives weren’t promised and they had no upper hand. They needed to get the opening surrounded, fast. * * * * * It took the soldiers about half an hour to get behind the crowd, lucky the horses had not made much noise so they got there without informing the monsters. “Stick strictly to the plan. No changes. Krista is in charge of the left group, Kaden the right. I’ll take anyone in the middle. The survival of humanity is in your hand’s soldiers, act like it,” the commander informed, before taking his group and zipping off in his maneuver gear. “I guess this is where we depart, miss Kris-Kris.” Kaden chuckled, prepping himself before leaving without a response “I guess it is Kaden,” she mumbled to herself before scanning her group and signaling them off. “Let’s do our best guys.” The thunder spears they were required to use were not the easiest to lug around with blasters, but whatever works, works. Right?
* * * * * He went flying straight into the dome after being swatted by a tall hunched-over rock giant. “LEO,” a girl shouted, reaching out for the guy. Before she knew it she was being scooped up by the same giant, Machi. Krista was in shock. She quickly fired a spear, it destroyed the armored skin of the giant, she continued to shoot the giant’s hand with her blasters until Machi was set free. When the monster let go of Machi’s limp body, it fell to the ground and she was
crushed to death. Krista’s heart shattered, she just watched half her group die in the last forty minutes. It wasn’t a fair fight. It was a bloodbath. Devastated, she circled a few of the monsters. Blinded by rage, she forgot she was on the battlefield and one of her maneuver wires got caught, she fell hitting the ground falling unconscious. To be continued . . .