1 minute read
Quinyah Hill, “Untitled”
Quinyah Hill In this world, everything is controlled by the internet, and phones are used for everything. If you have to pay for food, you use your phone. If you have to give somebody something, you have to use your phone. If you have to pay for clothes, you have to use your phone. Normally mornings in New York smell of cigarettes, a very strong smell that fills the air, but on this day it was different. There was no strong smell of cigarettes. Instead, most people were playing this game, Cash Inc., and nobody was really paying attention. Jaclyn was on her way to work when she realized that nobody was paying attention. She didn’t really mind it because they use their phone for most things. Jaclyn gets to work and works as a cashier in Fendi on 5th Avenue. A lady went up to the register and purchased a white dress. After scanning the dress, Jaclyn asked the lady to pay for it. The lady pulled out her phone, a red iPhone with a clear case, and paid for it. When trying to pay, the machine didn’t accept her money. It said she didn’t have enough money. “It looks like you have insufficient funds,” Jaclyn said. “What do you mean I have insufficient funds?” the lady replied. “Well, when you swiped your phone, it declined, and this normally doesn’t happen with you,” Jaclyn responded. “I could’ve sworn I had money before I came. This is all so weird,” the lady said. The lady took out her phone and checked her bank balance, noticing she had zero funds. When she saw the zero funds, Jaclyn saw the blood drain out of her face, and her face turned as white as a ghost. Her jaw dropped. “Ugh,” Jaclyn thought to herself. “She probably lost all her money on that stupid game and didn’t realize it.” To be continued . . .