5 minute read
Marcellus Fairley, Untitled
from To Walk in My Shoes
by 826nyc
Untitled by Marcellus Fairley
once there were two brothers, Alex and Allan . They lived in the deep south of a remote town . The town wasn’t very big—only 400 people lived there—however, both boys had made countless enemies, human and nonhuman . In the north, there were enemies who planned to murder both boys in coldblood with the weapons of choice: a 12-gauge shotgun, a twenty-pound hatchet, and finally, a silenced Colt .22 revolver . They were waiting to ambush Alex and Allan, who were driving home after school in a 2012 Dodge Charger with gold-plated rims and a souped up, nitro-powered engine . They hit a red light at Hancock Avenue, two miles away from the intended ambush site .
Alex asked Allan, “Brother, it sure is nice to have this awesome car isn’t it?”
Allan replied, “Yeah, glad dad got us this for our 18th birthday .”
Their dog Luffy sat in the back whining, sensing danger ahead, but both boys ignored luffy .
Allen said, “Luffy, chill out . We’ll be home in about thirty-four minutes . Then we will be at our awesome new mini mansion . It’s not far .”
Luffy looked at Allen, concerned about her owner’s oblivious attitude . About two minutes later they reached the ambush site . Suddenly, a shotgun slug ripped through Allen’s left leg, and he screamed in pain . Alex slammed on the gas . Allen looked back in horror . He saw Luffy in the back . Luffy had been hit by the twentypound hatchet . He broke out in tears . They had Luffy for four years, and she was reaching her fifth birthday . To see her dead in the back demolished any hope he had left .
Suddenly, behind the Charger came an older model car, a 1950 Ford Mustang . Inside they could see the assailants . A reptilian-like human was driving the car, holding the silenced Colt in his brown, scaly claws . On the lizard-like figure’s left was a long, lanky figure with horrifying long fingers, yet the shotgun fit in his long lanky fingers . In the back of the Mustang sat a spider, femine in look, arming a large .50 caliber machine gun on the back of the car with five whole ammo crates . Alex and Allan realized never to use a Ouija board ever again . Both boys were never seen again .
Two months later, the police found Alex, Allan, and their dog dead . Alex was missing his right arm and left leg . Allan was found with tiny red and black spiders slowly eating him right in front of the young officer, and Luffy their dog was found half eaten with claw marks . It was clear that she was mauled by a lizard-like creature . Moral of the story: don’t upset random spirits with a Ouija board, or they will come for spectral revenge .
After the death of Allan, Alex, and their dog, the police enlisted the help of a young and brave bounty hunter, a nineteen-year-old boy named Rohan who was armed with an assortment of tools from the back rooms of other worlds and previous wars . Rohan was a teen shrouded in mystery . He was mostly human but with noticeable differences . One of his most defining things was a tail, alien in look, and instead of normal human canine teeth, he had venomous fangs with an unknown parasitic liquid inside the fangs . One of the rumors about the fangs was that the venom would turn a normal human being into a creature like him and that was true .
When he arrived at the police station, Rohan was handed three pictures, each one was an image of the victims .
“So officer, these are the victims?” Rohan said .
The officer replied, “Yep these are the cadavers that were killed .”
Outside the station was a speeder bike straight out of Star Wars, but it was red and white with the name carved in it that read Red Devil . Rohan jumped on and the bike darted off reaching speeds of 120 miles per hour, yet the young teen was fine . He was used to such high speeds . At last he found the murderous assailants, pulled out a laser pistol and fired . The Ford Mustang was clipping its rear axle, sparks flew, and loud screeching followed behind the car . The spider then realized that Rohan was the bounty hunter sent to find them and in a blind panic . The lizard driving attempted to fire off the nitro into the car . First, there was silence . . . Then a loud explosion was heard . The Ford Mustang, now a burning wreck, careened off the highway behind the speeder bike . The police came tailing behind and surrounded the burning car . Rohan pulled out a weapon that humans have never seen: a very large and very heavy futuristic rifle known as a super energy rifle capable of destroying an entire city in one shot . Rohan fired the weapon and a loud whirring noise came out of the massive weapon . A very large laser flew out then exploded . Everyone except Rohan was blown back by the massive boom . Then Rohan pulled out a stasis rifle and blasted the murderers . All three of them were encapsulated in bubble shields .
“Thanks officers, but me and the Federation will take it from here . I doubt your inferior prisons can hold Class Five intergalactic criminals . Call again if you need me . See ya!”
The police looked in awe as two Federation soldiers came in a large dropship with the name Ghost painted on and took the three and Rohan inside, and left the police to the father of Alex and Allan .
Officer Gray walked up and said, “You’re Mr . Fields right? Your two sons are dead . ’’
Arron Fields replied, “Both of them?” He sighed loudly and walked away . Three years later, Mr Fields found a new wife and later had two kids with her . Their names were Axel and Aaron .
the end