1 minute read
Amir Hughes, Six Flags Flashbacks
from To Walk in My Shoes
by 826nyc
Six Flags Flashbacks by Amir Hughes
I have been at a loss for words as I listen to the cars roll past the school .
This is an ode to daydreaming about me at Six Flags, daring my friends to go on the first cart on the roller coasters alone .
This is an ode to daydreaming about being at Six Flags with the smell of food and drinks at the concession stand, such as pizza, fried oreos, and milkshakes .
This is an ode to Six Flags with all the amazing rides, from swings to go-carts and Ferris wheels .
This is an ode to the best rides in the amusement park such as the Batman, Green Lantern, Joker, etc .
This is an ode to last summer when I went to Six Flags with my friend, his two sisters, and one of their friends for his sixteenth birthday . It was supposed to rain, but it didn’t . It just drizzled, so there were almost no lines to stand on .
This is an ode to when we got on the Kingda Ka, and we closed our eyes because we were too nervous and didn’t know when it was going to take off . Once it did take off, it was too much air pressure for us to open our eyes, and by the time we opened them, the ride was over .
This is also an ode to the kids that are sad because they are too short to get on the rides, so they have to watch everyone have fun .
This is an ode to wasting your time going to Six Flags if you’re not going to get on any rides .
This is an ode to making sure you get there early, so that way when the park is about to close you have gone on every ride, instead of rushing, looking around for the rides you did not get on .