1 minute read
Juelz Santos, Raised by Games
from To Walk in My Shoes
by 826nyc
Raised by Games by Juelz Santos
I was raised by Being able to explore my creative side Enjoying free time with friends Having fun even if you’re not good at the game Trying for countless hours to get better Learning new strategies Escaping reality .
Upgrading all my guns Getting the kill cam Having a Victory Royale Getting enchanted armor Being top of the leaderboard To getting DLCs
From making new friends To saying bye to old ones From late nights To early mornings From being a bot To being a pro From being lonely at night playing by myself To having multiple people to play with From playing to win To playing to laugh From loving the game To hating it From trying my hardest to get a kill To them coming easily for me I was raised with multiple choices . I was raised by games .