826 Valencia Annual Report 2016–2017

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REPORT 2016–2017

Dear friends, Can you believe that we’re celebrating fifteen years of 826 Valencia?! That’s fifteen years of amplifying students’ voices, leveraging the support of volunteers, publishing student work, and being responsive to our schools and communities, all with a whimsical spirit that is at the core of everything we do. As I’m writing this, our country is grappling with some critical questions about what it means to be an American, and how we can build a country that meets PHOTO BY DAVID ELLIOT the needs of all its denizens. It is my sincere belief that if we are ever to realize our collective dream of equality for all, we must build empathy and make sure our diverse voices are heard. There is no better vehicle than the art of storytelling to help us understand the experiences of our fellow humans. There is no more important task than amplifying our students’ voices so they can rightfully participate in our democracy. What I love most about 826 Valencia is that we get to do this essential work with a spirit of joy that is evident in all our spaces, through our publications and events, as well as in our daily programming. This past year has been epic! We not only served nearly 7,000 students and produced 36 publications with the help of 1,300 volunteers, but we fully operationalized our new center in the Tenderloin, held our first ever Storytellers’ Showcase for students and families, held a massive block party in honor of our 15th Anniversary, and had oodles of fun doing it. We could not do this important work without your support, and we thank you 826 X 15 x 365 times! Warmly,

Bita Nazarian, Executive Director



Our Mission 826 Valencia is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting under-resourced students ages six to eighteen with their creative and expository writing skills and to helping teachers inspire their students to write. Our services are structured around the understanding that great leaps in learning can happen with one-on-one attention and that strong writing skills are fundamental to future success. Named for its street address in San Francisco, 826 Valencia was founded in 2002 by educator Nínive Calegari and author Dave Eggers. 826 Valencia comprises two writing centers—our flagship location in the Mission District and a new center in the Tenderloin neighborhood—and three satellite classrooms at nearby public schools. All of our programs are offered free of charge to make them accessible to the students who stand to benefit most from our help. Due to the success of 826 Valencia’s model, a separate organization called 826 National was founded in 2008 to help other cities launch their own successful writing and tutoring centers. We are now one of seven official 826 chapters in the United States, inspiring many other like-minded groups around the world.

Why Writing Writing is agency. It’s a tool for telling your story, processing experiences, and bringing imagination to life. But many students lack confidence and skills when it comes to writing, for a host of reasons—the challenge of learning English as a second language, financial and housing instability, and a lack of one-on-one attention during the school day, to name a few.

“ Writing is my outlet. As long as I have

a writing tool and a smooth surface to scribble on, I know that I will never be alone in my thoughts. No matter what is going on around me, I am compelled to write because it allows me to put things into perspective and places me in control. Writing is empowering and uplifting, even in the darkest of times.” MIGUEL GUZMAN, 826 VALENCIA SCHOLARSHIP WINNER, JOHN O'CONNELL HIGH SCHOOL


At 826 Valencia, we believe that all students should experience wonder, creativity, and pride as part of the writing process. We know that access to individualized support, authentic end products, and safe, beautiful spaces can transform a young person’s relationship to writing, which will in turn open doors to new possibilities and empower them to share their stories. Our programs enrich students’ lives through writing and help them find their creative voices, while also preparing them for success in college and in any career they choose.

Our Vision We work to close the academic achievement gap for under-resourced youth, provide the tools and resources necessary for success in school and beyond, connect caring adults to young people in the community, and make the path to college and career less of a leap. We partner with under-resourced schools, families, and communities to provide free programs that build confidence, skills, and an affinity for writing. Our project-based approach allows students ownership over the writing process and strengthens their ability to express themselves clearly and in their own voice, replacing frustration and shame around writing with confidence and pride.

How We Do It Our approach is based on four key methods that make our programs successful. PROVIDING ONE-ON-ONE SUPPORT

We see students make tremendous gains and achieve more than they thought possible thanks to the one-on-one support of caring adults. We leverage the power of volunteers as tutors in all our programs, helping teachers do their difficult jobs more effectively and giving all students what they need to thrive. PHOTO BY VALERIE DURAN




We develop our programs in collaboration with teachers, families, partner organizations, students, and schools, creating learning opportunities that are responsive to and aligned with the work that is already happening in our schools and communities. CULMINATING IN TANGIBLE END PRODUCTS

We amplify our students’ voices by publishing their writing and giving it an audience— from books to podcasts, magazines to little ’zines. Through this project-based model, we see great leaps in students’ confidence, pride, and connection to the writing process— and lots of great “Woah, my words are in this book!” moments. KEEPING IT WEIRD AND WONDERFUL

All our spaces and projects encourage imagination and inspire creativity. Case in point: at the Pirate Supply Store we purvey, yes, supplies for pirates. King Carl’s Emporium offers tools for exploration of real and imaginary worlds. Both stores also sell the many publications of our students’ writing. Proceeds go right back into our programs, creating and supporting beautiful spaces for kids to write, wonder, and dream.


In surveys of over 1,000 students, parents, and teachers, respondents reported the following outcomes for our students.




tackling writing



in their writing



writing SKILLS






Our Programs IN-SCHOOLS

We bring teams of volunteers into schools around the city to support teachers and coach students one-on-one as they tackle various writing projects. We have a special presence at Buena Vista Horace Mann K–8, Everett Middle School, and Mission High School, where we operate satellite spaces called Writers’ Rooms. AFTER-SCHOOL TUTORING

During the school year, our Mission Center is packed with neighborhood students who come in after school, in the evenings, and on Sundays for one-on-one tutoring in all subjects, with an emphasis on creative writing and publishing. Tutors are ready to help with anything—from answering the day’s writing prompt to polishing a science presentation. WORKSHOPS

Workshops are designed to foster creativity and strengthen writing skills in a variety of areas, from playwriting to personal essays. All workshops, from the playful to the practical, are project-based. At our Tenderloin Center, After-School Workshops serve neighborhood organizations and build students’ writing skills in a fun, inspiring environment.




Field trips to 826 are wild adventures, but we also pack in a lot of learning and every student leaves with tangible proof of their hard work. Classes from public schools around San Francisco visit our writing centers for a morning of high-energy writing, performing, and storytelling. Our Field Trips produce bound, illustrated books and professional-quality podcasts, infusing creativity, collaboration, and the arts into the regular school day. COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS

We offer a roster of programs designed to help students develop their leadership skills, get into college, and be successful there. Every year we provide six $15,000 scholarships to college-bound seniors, and provide one-on-one support to 200 students via the Great San Francisco Personal Statement Weekend. We also offer leadership training to our teens and interns, who serve as mentors and role models to our younger students. 2016 – 2017 BY THE NUMBERS



1312 4 5 2 6 7 1 4 ACTIVE VOLUNTEERS









Mission Center The Writing Center that gave us our name hums with programming from morning to night, seven days a week. Our cranky editor, Captain Blue, lives in the attic and hollers down the ladder each morning that, “kids can’t write stories!” while a class of elementary school students visiting on a Field Trip sets out to prove him wrong. Our After-School Tutoring Program serves a tightly-knit community of families, with many students who come to tutoring with their siblings and cousins. We host potlucks, readings, and community gatherings with these families, and watch the children grow from elementary, to middle, to high school students with our support. Creativity rules the sea here, with the spirit of a pirate ship inspiring imagination in every porthole and ceiling beam.

NEW IN 2016! Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Field Trips

This curriculum came as a response to teachers saying that they wanted their fifth grade students to be challenged with a rigorous—but still fun and whimsical— field trip curriculum. We hosted eighteen CYOA Field Trips this year, which teach the concepts of genre and point of view and help students collaboratively build a complex narrative with lots of twists and turns along the way.












“ Ever since my daughter has

been at 826 Valencia, I’ve noticed she’s grown more responsible in doing her homework, she has more self-esteem, and she’s also more proactive.” RAQUEL BAYARDO, AFTERSCHOOL TUTORING PARENT PHOTO BY LISA BETH ANDERSON

A DAY AT THE MISSION CENTER After filing through the Pirate Store at 10:00 a.m., an intrepid class of third graders dares to write a story that meets the exacting standards of Captain Blue. In just two hours they write, edit, and publish The Life of Pizza in 2066, and leave with their own copy of the book, which includes an “About the Author” page. After school, enrolled students work with tutors on everything from long division to language arts, then head over to the Writing Table to answer the day’s prompt: “If you were president, what would you do to help people feel safe?” As the sun sets over Valencia Street, middle and high school students work with tutors on homework, then work on editing their favorite piece of writing from the semester for their chapbook, Walk with Me/Acompáñame. It’s the weekend, and super talented volunteers lead a workshop, Finding Poems Where You Never Thought To Look. Students write found poems using their


favorite song lyrics and excerpts from text messages as inspiration. Later, we’ll open our doors to drop-in tutoring, where anyone can get tutoring support and answer the day’s writing prompt.



Parent Miguel Colon and daughter Isabelle One great joy of our work in After-School Tutoring is getting to know our students’ families, and seeing how the free one-on-one support 826 Valencia provides becomes a part of their life as we celebrate students’ accomplishments together. Miguel Colon, father of Isabelle Colon, age 10, is one of several proud parents who spoke from the stage at the Storytellers’ Showcase, a celebration of our community and all the publications we released in the spring of our fifteenth year. “Isa’s been at 826 for two and a half years,” he said. “Coming in, she struggled with a lot of things, and now she is able to do work independently. I used to do homework with her every day, and it would take us three to five hours.” Isabelle, always a bubbly presence in our Writing Lab, says, “I didn’t like to write because I always got the writing wrong, but now. . . if I don’t know a word I try to spell it, and I know how to practice on scratch paper.”

“ I didn’t like to write because I

always got the writing wrong, but now . . . if I don’t know a word I try to spell it, and I know how to practice on scratch paper.”

Miguel credits the individualized support and student-centered approach at 826 with building not just Isabelle’s skills and confidence, but her time management strategies. “Tutoring has helped her with structure and getting things done in a limited amount of time,” he says.

At the Storytellers’ Showcase, Miguel brought the audience to tears with his closing remarks. “Isa, I’m very proud of you,” he said. “I can’t wait to see what’s in store for you, and I will be by your side the whole time. Be patient with the process of learning. Stay confident in what you do and always believe in yourself.” We’re proud to have Miguel and Isabelle as part of our community. Thank you to all of our parents and families for inspiring us every day!



Tenderloin Center In 2016, 826 Valencia grew in the biggest way yet—by opening a second writing and tutoring center in the Tenderloin. The space was a labor of love and the product of lots of pro bono services from a variety of design and construction firms who transformed what was once a shuttered corner store into a space of learning and wonder—and an emporium for the wares collected by King Carl, our world-traveling pufferfish. Thanks to our close partnerships with the many organizations already doing great work in this community, and the over 400 volunteers who signed on to help, we’ve created new programs to meet the community’s needs and had a banner first year in the center. Students fill the space nearly every day to write, learn, and, as King Carl says from afar, “Set forth and explore!” under the shade of our indoor treehouse (an idea suggested by an 826 student!).

“ I always love the first steps into the


Windows Down, Volume Up

store and how nice and good it smells.


I love how nice my tutor is and how

On a sunny day, when the lazy sun has finally come out and all the clouds have run away, that’s my definition of a perfect day. I roll down the window and let the firm wind hit my face. It messes with my hair and whispers in my ear. He’s driving—my tall, quirky dad.

she helps me with my homework. I feel like they make me really smart and educated. Writing always makes me feel great.” KEIRA V., AGE 9, BOYS & GIRLS CLUB TENDERLOIN CLUBHOUSE



(PLUS 1500












A DAY AT THE TENDERLOIN CENTER All morning, a class from San Francisco International High School is writing, editing, and recording “stories of personal significance,” which we’ll share as podcasts with thousands of listeners on SoundCloud. Throughout the day, tutors help students at Bessie Carmichael Elementary School write odes to their favorite foods. “Oh, sushi!” they proclaim. And, “Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, you are as hot as the sun!” Once school lets out, students from one of our wonderful partner organizations in the Tenderloin work in small groups led by tutors to write recipes for abstract concepts. One young writer drafts a recipe for boredom, another lists the ingredients in hope—including “five quarts of kindness.”




Cross Cultural Family Center of San Francisco TENDERLOIN COMMUNITY PARTNER

We’re proud to partner with the many amazing neighborhood organizations in the Tenderloin to help their students build writing skills. One of those partnerships is with the Cross Cultural Family Center of San Francisco (CCFC), which provides community-based childcare to families of diverse backgrounds, with an emphasis on learning experiences that reflect and promote their heritage. “Our students’ lives are complicated, with a lot going on,” explains Joy Ryan, Special Education Coordinator at CCFC. “We felt like they had a lot of stories to tell, but we weren’t sure how to help them tell them. 826 Valencia has helped our students start to value their own voice and story. . . that has meant a lot for our students’ social-emotional needs.” Bushra Alabsi, CCFC’s Education Manager, particularly noticed a transformation in eight-year-old Iman when she started coming to 826 once a week. “During our reading time, Iman wasn’t confident. She used to read in the corner, far away from the other kids. Now she’s reading in front “ 826 Valencia has helped our of the group. She’s reading the words correctly. In three months, 826 touched that part of her.” students start to value their own

voice and story.”

The benefits of writing go even deeper than what happens during program. “One of our students is going through some challenges,” Joy told us. “She and her mom were talking about how it would be a good story. Her mom said that when she goes back to 826, she can write that story, and maybe it will become a book.”

Joy believes the presence of our Tenderloin Center is particularly significant in this neighborhood, home to nearly 3,000 of the city’s under-resourced children. “This beautiful building shows our kids that the neighborhood is valuing them,” Joy says. “Many [of our] families are Muslim, and feeling a backlash. Walking on the street can be hard, but to walk by 826 Valencia, they feel they’re walking by a safe place that is for them.”



In-Schools 826 Valencia has always aimed to support teachers and reduce the student-to-adult ratio in classrooms. To do this, we bring our volunteer tutors into schools throughout San Francisco. We also run programs in our Writers’ Rooms, special 826-designed spaces on the campuses of three local schools. These whimsical classrooms serve students in smaller groups and offer greater individualized attention, while allowing teachers to target the instruction in their classrooms. This transforms the classroom and the school day; the average student-to-teacher ratio in SFUSD is 33:1, and with the support of 826 Valencia tutors, that ratio becomes 2:1. MEET OUR WRITERS’ ROOMS

Everett Middle School: Our first Writers’ Room, here 6th–8th grade students create The Straight-Up News, pen poetry chapbooks, and learn the basics of argumentative essay writing with the support of our tutors. Mission High School: In this Writers’ Room, students learn to research and write articles for Mission Magazine, get help with personal statements, and publish chapbooks, monologues, and more.

Buena Vista Horace Mann K–8: This former locker room houses our after-school writing program at BVHM, where 3rd–5th graders in need of extra support receive one-on-one attention as they build their writing skills. In 2016, we also began working with middle school classes at BVHM during the school day, providing sustained and consistent support for students from third all the way through eighth grade. 18


“I can say without exaggeration


The 2017 Young Authors’ Book Project We Are Here, Walking toward the Unknown

From intimate reflections about their own lived experiences, to the development of creative and futuristic worlds, these young authors from Phillip and Sala Burton Academic High School reflected on the past, present, and future with one-on-one support from tutors for ou r biggest annual publishing project. As t he student editorial board wrote in their introduction, “Take hold of this book and see us for who we really are.”

that, in thirteen years of teaching across three major urban districts, I have never worked with an organization that has provided such intensive support for so many hours a day for so many students in such a short time period. If more cities had more organizations like 826 Valencia, then students would have the resources and attention that they deserve.” TOBY RUGGER, TEACHER, SAN FRANCISCO INTERNATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL












Summer Programs School might let out for the summer, but the learning doesn’t stop at 826 Valencia. We offer a variety of programs to reduce summer learning loss and keep students writing and thinking creatively. EXPLORING WORDS SUMMER CAMP

In the summer of 2016, we held our seventh annual Exploring Words Summer Camp for third- through fifth-grade students enrolled in our school year programs. The camp focused on creative writing, which was paired with a science curriculum developed and led in partnership with the Exploratorium. Students grew their writing and science skills in an atmosphere filled with rigor and fun.

NEW IN 2016!

Exploring Leadership Summer Camp Summer of 2016 saw the launch of our first summer camp specifically for middle school students, focused on developing these students as youth leaders. Students learned about college and career pathways and opportunities through field trips to companies like Dolby and Pinterest, wrote and reflected on what leadership looks like, and learned to tutor their younger peers in Exploring Words. It was great fun and a great success. As one participant put it at the end of the program, “I’ve changed as a leader because I feel more leader-y.”


“ I loved getting to know all of these

amazing people, interns and students alike. I connected to people from so many different backgrounds. I also learned that everyone has a story, and how important it is to share.” ANGIE F., AGE 17, BERKELEY HIGH SCHOOL, YOUNG AUTHORS’ WORKSHOP PARTICIPANT



Each summer we offer a two-week intensive writing camp for high school students. Our 2016 Young Authors’ Workshop took place in our new Tenderloin Center for the first time; twenty-two students, 30 percent of them English Learners, joined us for ten full days of writing together, led by guest speakers who were poets, journalists, oral historians, and artists. We saw the students grow their confidence and skills throughout the writing and editing process as they became a strong community of writers. SUMMER PROGRAMS BY THE NUMBERS








315 21


College and Career Readiness 826 Valencia offers a variety of programs that together support our students on their path to college and whatever career they choose. Our College and Career Readiness programs provide pathways for ongoing student involvement with 826 Valencia in middle school, high school, and beyond, acting as role models for their younger peers and offering tutoring support from mentors who share our students’ backgrounds. This constellation of programs aims to increase our students’ post-secondary success by offering leadership development, support with writing across the disciplines, and financial incentives in the form of stipends and scholarships. HIGHLIGHTS FROM OUR COLLEGE AND CAREER PROGRAMS THIS YEAR

Our Youth Leadership Advisory Board nearly doubled the number of active participants and provided over 300 tutoring hours in our programs—a more than five-fold increase.

“A change I noticed was becoming this person

that I didn’t know I had in me. Being there for the kids, it made me more confident in what I was doing: being on time every day, being organized —I’m just a totally new person whom I really like.” CCSF CREDIT RECOVERY TUTOR SANDRA M., AGE 20, JOHN O'CONNELL HIGH SCHOOL

Through new and deepened partnerships with MYEEP, CYC, and CCSF, youth and alumni tutors from the communities we serve provided approximately 2,300 hours of tutoring in our programs, up 50 percent from last year. Our youth and alumni tutors helped to maintain a low student-to-tutor ratio in our programs and increased the diversity of our volunteer force.

During our annual Great San Francisco Personal Statement Weekend—a two-day extravaganza in which we rally as many volunteers as possible to provide free one-on-one personal statement tutoring to more than 200 students—97.5 percent of students reported increased confidence about their personal statement after working with a tutor, and 96.9 percent reported that they made significant progress on their writing during the event.



Cristhian Pineda Diaz

Sur Huang Chen

Jeronimo Perez Flores




Sur Huang is a lover of languages. She speaks Chinese, Spanish, and English. Her linguistic prowess gives her a unique lens through which she views the world.

On his way to college, Jeronimo tells us, “The most important thing I will carry with me in my transition to my new life in college is hope… I will take with me my stories, the bitter and the sweet ones.”

Miguel Guzman

Gilda Temaj Marroquin

Carlos Gomez




Cristhian is committed to both his studies and his community. After college, he hopes to work as a lawyer and, eventually, a judge to advocate for children, immigrants, and the LGBTQ community.

An 826 student since he was six years old, Miguel is a true bibliophile. Hungry for literary discussion, he revived his school’s Book Lovers’ Club and raised hundreds of dollars to purchase books for his classmates.

“Through my writing I can empower other people to advocate for themselves.” Whether exploring civil rights with the ACLU or conducting biomedical research with UCSF, Gilda continues to challenge herself.

Carlos, the first in his family to go to high school, took AP courses while he was still learning English to ensure he would be prepared for the rigor of college, all while working and tutoring as a Youth Leader at 826 Valencia. 21 PHOTOS BY PAUL CARTIER



Carlos got involved with 826 Valencia at Mission High School when he was part of Mission Magazine. Carlos wrote his article about immigrants and determination—a subject he knows a lot about. Carlos was the first of his family to attend high school in Mexico. Just one month shy of graduation he had the opportunity to come to the U.S. “People told me I was crazy,” he says, “but I wanted to be with my parents for the first time in my life, and to have better opportunities to work and support my family.” When he learned he could enroll at Mission High and continue his education, Carlos was determined. “Some people, like my parents, didn’t have the opportunity to go to school. And I wanted to take advantage.” Motivated by his desire to practice English, Carlos participated in the Young Authors’ Workshop, then in our Youth Leadership Advisory Board. He used every resource available to prepare himself for the “Some people, like my parents, rigor of college. As one of his teachers, Mr. Anders, wrote, “Carlos is quite possibly the didn’t have the opportunity to go kindest and hardest working young man on to school. And I wanted to take the planet.” advantage.” His kindness and work ethic led Carlos to spend over 350 hours tutoring or being tutored in 826 programs during his senior year, all while working at a restaurant, applying to college, and leading a club for newcomers at his school. We were overjoyed to see him graduate and send him off to San Francisco State University with a $15,000 scholarship. On his first day at 826, Carlos wrote, “I have stories that deserve to be remembered. Writing makes me feel confident about what I can accomplish in my life.” We have every confidence that Carlos will accomplish amazing things—he already has.



Coming soon: 826 Valencia Mission Bay We share big news just about every day here at 826. An eight-year-old just became a published author—woah! We’re helping every senior at Mission High School apply to college—yowza! King Carl is still exploring—well, okay! But this is big news: In early 2019, we’ll add a third writing and tutoring center in Mission Bay, increasing our presence in one of San Francisco’s fastest growing and highest need neighborhoods. Writing is a fundamental skill, and free writing and academic support is crucial for underresourced students, particularly low-income students of color for whom the achievement gap is most profound. In California, tenth graders in the lowest income schools are five grade levels behind students in the highest income schools. The National Center on Education and the Economy notes that writing “will be an indispensable foundation for most of the workforce.” Writing and storytelling are also important means of selfexpression, help build understanding across difference, and amplify voices that are often underrepresented. We know this is of crucial importance if we’re to build a kinder, more equitable, and empathetic world.

“ We chose 826 Valencia as

our nonprofit partner for our Mission Bay project because of their reputation for innovation, creativity, and impact, as well

This is why the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation invited us to be an education partner in a housing development for low-income and formerly homeless families in Mission Bay.

The Mission Bay area is being developed as a mixed-income neighborhood in an effort to create a more affordable and as their ability to bring diverse diverse community. Currently, 63 percent of the children communities together for the in Mission Bay live below the poverty line, and there are common good.” few services to support them in the neighborhood. The DONALD S. FALK, CEO, TENDERLOIN NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT TNDC building and additional development will result in an CORPORATION additional 1,000 low-income children moving to the area. These low- and mixed-income housing developments are beautifully and thoughtfully designed, much like their market rate neighbors. Plans for the neighborhood include plentiful parks, pedestrian access, and public spaces for neighbors to interact—essential features of a thriving community.


Neighboring hospitals, tech companies, and sports venues also offer exciting potential for partnerships (not to mention the houseboat community, which might just convince King Carl to settle down). As a respected and iconic San Francisco nonprofit with fifteen years of proven impact, our presence will attract other organizations that serve our communities. And we need you to join us! We’re seeking philanthropic and program partners to support our new center. For more information, contact Allyson Halpern, Development Director, allyson@826valencia.org. PHOTO BY MALCOLM EATON



Financial Overview We are fortunate to have an amazing community that supported not just our expansion to the Tenderloin in late 2016, but also gave larger and multi-year gifts to shore up our long-term sustainability as we scale to support a new level of student programming. Below is a snapshot of our income and expenditures (pending audit) for the 2016–17 fiscal year.

2016 – 2017



Contributions from individuals

$ 915,246

Contributions from organizations

$ 1,733,365

Special events (net)

$ 336,691

Other (includes stores)

$ 116,245

total income

$ 3,101,547




$ 1,767,871


$ 232,027


$ 404,001

Retail Stores

$ 143,810




251,693 64% PROGRAMMING

total expenses

$ 2,799,402



Our Growth Trajectory 2017 marks our fifteenth year providing free writing, tutoring, and publishing programs to under-resourced students across San Francisco. We’ve served about 70,000 students since our founding in 2002. The past few years have been marked by major milestones, and we have big plans ahead as we expand our reach and deepen our impact on the students we serve. We are growing thoughtfully and sustainably, and need your support to make that happen. Thank you for joining us!





5,312 students

6,714 students

7,500 students

8,000 students

864 volunteers

1,312 volunteers

1,400 volunteers

1,500 volunteers

Opened a third Writers’ Room

Grand opening of the 826 Valencia Tenderloin Center

First full year of progamming at the Tenderloin Center

Opening a third center in Mission Bay

$1.7 mil

$2.2 mil

$3.3 mil

$3.9 mil



Section TK



 

826 Valencia Supporters We’d like to extend our deepest gratitude to the individual and organizational donors who supported us in the 2016–2017 fiscal year (July 1, 2016—June 30, 2017) through their generous gifts, grants, pro bono projects, and special event contributions. CAPTAIN

Anonymous (3) 826 National Acton Family Giving Advisors of the Walnut Fund Marc and Lynne Benioff Bothin Foundation The Brin Wojcicki Foundation The Callison Foundation Cameron Schrier Family Fund City Arts & Lectures Coltrane and Christopher Lord Fund Tom Conrad In memory of Alberto Curotto Different Fur Studios Dolby Laboratories ExCEL After School Programs Lee and Russ Flynn Daniel Handler and Lisa Brown The HBO Crashing Tour Frances Hellman and Warren Breslau Hellman Foundation Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation The Kimball Foundation Kochi Foundation Lampert/Byrd Family Fund Lisa & Douglas Goldman Fund Maverick Capital Foundation Panta Rhea Foundation Scott Patterson

Pincus Family Fund of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock San Francisco Department of Children, Youth, and Their Families San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development Sara and Evan Williams Foundation Tom Savignano Severns Family Foundation Michael and Shauna Stark Laurie and Jeff Ubben W.L.S. Spencer Foundation Karen and Jim Wagstaffe Walter and Elise Haas Fund FIRST MATE

Anonymous Colleen Quinn Amster and John Amster Joya Banerjee and Harris Cohen BBDO San Francisco Michael and Kirsten Beckwith Randie Bencanann and Bobby Baron Art Berliner and Marian Lever The Bernard Osher Foundation Dominique Bischoff-Brown as a gift for Different Fur Studios and Patrick Brown Crescent Porter Hale Foundation Darren Delaye and Jaime Huling Delaye Ian and Keri Ferry Fineshriber Foundation




Fleishhacker Foundation glassybaby white light fund Graybird Foundation Hall Capital Partners Fund Parker Harris and Holly Johnson Christina Hurvis and Steve Malloy Vy and Matthew Hyman Kimberly and Zachary Hyman Diana Kapp and David Singer Jim and Tricia Lesser Marc and Jamie Lunder Microsoft Michael Moritz and Harriet Heyman Dave and Gina Pell Janet and Clint Reilly Remick Family Foundation Robin Renfrew and family in honor of Taylor Renfrew Ingham The Rose and David Dortort Foundation Sakana Foundation San Francisco Unified School District Twitter The Walther Foundation Warriors Community Foundation Eli and Leigha Weinberg Kevin and Rachel Yeaman

The David C. and Lura M. Lovell Foundation Nasseam Elkarra Erwin Hosono and Beth Axelrod Jessica Goldman Foung Jeri and Jeffrey Johnson Kevin King and Meridee Moore Alex Lerner Orange River Fund Kamie Pham Mark Risher and Deborah Yeh Brian and Kristina Schwartz Rachel Segars SF Sketchfest Lee and Perry Smith Fund Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society Stanley S. Langendorf Foundation The Stocker Foundation Andrew Strickman and Michal Ettinger Third Eye Blind Tim Tiefenthaler Treasure Island Music Festival David and Susan Tunnell Mike Wilkins and Sheila Duignan Zynga.org Foundation



Anonymous Alex and Diana Adamson Alexander M. & June L. Maisin Foundation of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund Alice Beckett Arlene Buechert Charles Slaughter and Molly West Fund Clark R. Smith Family Foundation Curran Theatre

Another Planet Entertainment Bill Graham Supporting Foundation of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund Jennifer Bunshoft Pergher The Burnett Fund Chambers & Chambers Wine Merchants The Donald and Carole Chaiken Foundation Vanessa and Matt Ginzton

Gundlach Bundschu and the Huichica Music Festival Shepard and Melissa Harris Cristy and Rob Higgins Joe Hill and the Friends of Keyhouse Derek and Pamela Howard Gail and Ian Jardine Melind John Angie and Jon Keehn Keker Family Foundation Jacquelyn and Todd Krieger Jordan Kurland Frances McDormand and Joel Coen Pacific Gas and Electric Company Cheryl Petersen and Frank Pine Grant and Mary Petersen Silicon Valley Bank Todd Smithline Steven Nathaniel Wolkoff Foundation William and Heather Terrell Peter and Alyson Van Hardenberg Velos Mobile LLC Rick and Nicole Wolfgram HELMSPERSON

Anonymous (2) Laurel Adams David Agger Frank Barbieri Marian Beard Christopher Beckmann David and Sarah Berger Jeff Bluestone and Leah Rosenkrantz Jennifer Braun and Ray Ryan Tad and Emilia Buchanan Denise and Clay Bullwinkel Ed Cavagnaro and Barbara Goode Lydia Chavez and Mark Rabine

The Chrysopolae Foundation Cleaves and Mae Rhea Foundation Kelly Close Coach, Inc. The Companion Group Lionel Conacher and Joan Dea Kathy and Patrick Coyle David and Carla Crane Philanthropic Fund David Foster Wallace Literary Trust Michael Duckworth Isabel Duffy-Pinner and Dickon Pinner Rick and Holly Elfman First Republic Bank Carol Francis and Steve Chapman Fred Gellert Family Foundation Daniel Gelfand and Nicole Avril Gelfand Partners Architects Dan and Nikki George Mike Glaser and Kristine Hernandez Malcolm and Kopal Goonetileke Green Bicycle Fund Joe and Barbara Gurkoff Philanthropic Fund Brent and Ryann Harris Katie and Lee Hicks Reece Hirsch and Kathy Taylor Liz Hume and Jay Jacobs Irene S. Scully Fund J.B. Berland Foundation June P. Jackson Charitable Fund Mark Jacobsen and Pam Laird Susan Karp and Paul Haahr Puja and Samir Kaul Jimmy Kimmel Walter Korman Cathy Kornblith Jonathan Koshi and Jess Hemerly



Meg Krehbiel Kruger Family Foundation Michael S. Kwun and Sigrid Anderson-Kwun Fund Naomi and Sharky Laguana Gloria Lenhart Rachel Levin and Josh Richter Lynda Marren Mary K. Robertson Family Fund Donna Maynard Steven Miller Anna and Mason Morfit Amir Najmi and Linda Woo The Nancy and Sid Fund Noise Pop Industries Norman Raab Foundation The Odell/Kemp Fund Jim O’Donnell and Michael Ginther Katy and David Orr The OutCast Agency Sejal Patel and Sanjay Banker PECO Foundation Tham Thao Pham and Adam Tait James Ponsoldt Marcia Rodgers and Garrett Loube Henry and Kate Rogers David and Erin Russell Celia Sack and Omnivore Books on Food Andy Schwab and Catarina Norman Will Scullin Stacey Silver and Jon Yolles Juliet Starrett The Stephen and Paula Smith and Kendall Wilson Family Foundation Rachel and Stephen Tracy Todd Traina Tuft & Needle Ron Turiello


Valencia Corridor Merchants Association Ellen and Rob Valletta Joe Vasquez Valerie Veronin and Robert Porter Vocera Corporate Fund Brooks Walker and Summer Tompkins Walker Julia Wang Sze Eli and Lauren Weiss Donna Williamson Carey and Noah Wintroub Tim Wirth and Anne Stuhldreher Yellen/Kozak Family Charitable Fund Diane Zagerman and Donald Golder Kristine and Rob Zehner Ben Zotto SAILOR

Nicole Boyer Andrew Dunbar and Zoee Astrachan John Eidinger Allyson Halpern and Dan Cohen Dean Huynh Garrett Kamps Lobster Theater Project Joshua J. Mahoney John Schlag and Jennifer Gennari Mary Taylor RIGGER

Anonymous (2) Eric and Donna Abrams Barbara Bersche and David Katznelson Benjamin Black Kathy and Greg Calegari Geoffrey Challen Rudolph Cluff Family Fund

Diana Cohn and Craig Merrilees Ginger and Pat Connolly Anne-Marie Cordingly Elaine and Stephen Dathe Mag Dimond Leonid Domnitser Clancy C. Drake EACH Foundation Beth and Tim Eliason Joan Emery Aaron Eske Stephanie Farmer Daniel Figueredo Jody Fox Vicki Friedberg Kayvaan Ghassemieh Nina and Howard Gorbach Tony and Caroline Grant Julian and Kimberly Green Benjamin Howard Jonas Kellner Brian and Gwendolyn Kenny Max Kornblith Krummel Family Fund Cynthia Lee Ellen Levin Anna Limkin Ken and Jeannie Lombardi Kavitha and Reza Lotun Angus MacLane Patrick and Buffy Maguire Wren and Justin Maletsky Reed Maltzman and Jennifer Gosselin Martin and Kathleen Cohn Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Communal Fund Mary and Charles Sethness Charitable Foundation Pamela McGuire and Russell Corrigan Thomas McVey

Lisa Nahmanson Zanoon Nissar Barbara Parkyn Rekha Patel Suzanne Penchina Mark Perry Robin Petravic Mark Plakias and Carolyn Schultz Plakias Quantcast David Quinby Quinn Lowenthal Family Fund Michael Rafferty Ramya Raghavan Devon Reed Patrick Reeves Kristina Rizga Margaret Ann Robbins and Seth Weissman Marsha Robertson and Jake Young Melissa Ruhl Sand Hill Foundation David Selby Maltz and Antje Kann Clare Shea Gina Siddiqui Jeff Snipes Barbara Spicer Laura and Greg Spivy Scot Stafford Swanson Charitable Trust Mary Taugher and F. Martin Booth Julia Teitelbaum Michael Tilson Thomas and Joshua Robison Chase Tingley Christine Tooby Patty Tulloch Geoff and Kate Vitt Grace Yu




Heidi Bastel Cassandra Benjamin Matthew Boetger Michelle Bueler Charles and Paola Casey Harvey Chiang Sandra Chu Barrie-Lee Cole Lizzie Jean Coyle Dory Culver Jay Davidson Horner & Freddy Davis DAF Norman Patrick Doyle E. Eastman Kenneth Eddings Ethical Apparel Deborah Fedorchuk David Fisher Taryn Fransen Joel Fruchtman and Maureen Murphy Kristen Grannan Jennifer Holderness Emily Holt Joseph and Urmilla John Hilary Kivitz Matthew Lausch Carrie Leeb Richard Leider Rebecca Lendl Morehouse Family Fund Amy Mortensen Katherine Murphy Bita Nazarian Meredith Nguyen O’Reilly Media, Inc. OiKage Zine


Kasra Omid-Zohoor Maureen Orth Farris Page-King Christina V. Perry Mauree Jane Perry Han Phung and Juan Malo Dale Pitman William Poole Alexandra Quinn and Mark Spoylar Martin and Maria Quinn Romana Rajput Sally Randel James Stearns Karen E. Stilber Anne Stone Grace Sun Third Eye Blind Misfits Jane Tobin Christine Tripp Christopher Walker Caleb Wilson Jesse and Michelle Zeifman DEDICATIONS

Julie Aleman in memory of Phyllis Younger Nicholas Aninag in honor of Alyssa Aninag Simon Armstrong in honor of Debra Armstrong Carolina Barnes as a gift for Val and Raj George Beckwith in honor of Michael Beckwith Virginia and Richard Berry in honor of Kimberly Connor Jared Bhatti in memory of Roz de la Torre Jason Bitensky in memory of Marvin Himelfarb

Deborah Bowers in honor of Kimberly Connor Linda Bratcher in honor of Gloria Lenhart NĂ­nive and Jean Claude Calegari in honor of Matt Middlebrook Jolie Chan in honor of Helen and Ben Doris Y. Chang in memory of Jane Han Emily and Jason Cheng in memory of Tony Littman Catherine Chilton as a gift for Meg Chilton Rebecca Dollinger in honor of Talia Young Michael Duckworth in honor of Savannah Joy Duckworth Allison Ellman in memory of Tony Littmann Marc Engel in honor of Voicebox Creative Four Dollar Books & the Four is a Little, Four is a LOT team Karen and Stuart Gansky in honor of Shelley and Arnold Leder Elliot Garvey as a gift for Kyle Garvey Kenneth Gilman in memory of Marvin Himelfarb Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation on behalf of Deanna Chevas Shirley Gordon as a gift for Caroline Kangas Kevin Gould as a gift for Patricia Gianone Yvonne Green in honor of Shelby DeWeese Ralph Guggenheim as a gift for Pepper Harding Abhas Gupta in honor of the 3rd Annual Crotchies Elizabeth Hale in honor of Michael Beckwith John and Marsha Hall in memory of Brian Hall

Francis Hammersly as a gift for Katie Cassou Paul Heller in honor of Ruth and Henry Heller Pamela and David Hornik in honor of Dave Pell Laura Jacobs in honor of Gloria Lenhart Gareth and Clare Kay in honor of Esme Kay Joseph Klein in memory of Carol Klein Katie Korotzer in honor of the Korotzer family Katie Korotzer in honor of Tramutola & Associates Seth LaReau in memory of Brent Vidulich Ronald Larsen as a gift for Otto Jacob Larsen Tina LeCount Myers in memory of Kay Myers David Teitel as a gift for Laura Szatkowski Cohn Family Fund on behalf of Zoe Luhtala Natira Matthews as a gift for Chris Matthews Karla McAvoy in honor of Gloria Lenhart Kasmah McDermott as a gift for Taylor Norman Naomi Mraz as a gift for Elliott Girouard Lynn Newenhisen as a gift for Jacob and Caitrin Best In honor of Find a Way, hosted by Daniel Fung, Garyan Wong, and Pacificforce at Salesforce Vaughn Quoss as a gift for Pamela Quoss Merle and Leslie Rabine in memory of Bea Wahl Alan Redhead as a gift for Tina Myers Rugged Elegance Foundation in honor of Jessica and Nicole King Fredel



James Scinta in honor of Patrice Scinta Fred and Christine Seely in honor of Blake Seely and Santiago Farias Lisa Sison as a gift for Alyssa Aninag Nancy Spector in memory of Leonard Spector Emma Sutton in honor of Laura Bradley Julia Teitelbaum as a gift for Carmany Thorp Julia Teitelbaum as a gift for Kathy McInerney Julia Teitelbaum as a gift for Yael Abrahamsson Jennifer Liu as a gift for Tony Wang Tony Wang as a gift for Jennifer Liu Drew Wheeler in honor of Amy Rasmussen Jared Wheeler in honor of Kirby Sack Stefani Willis in honor of Simone Fraser Jean Yang as a gift for Miriam Chung MATCHING GIFT SPONSORS

Adobe Systems Incorporated Matching Gifts Blackrock, Inc. CISCO Systems Foundation David and Lucille Packard Foundation Dolby Match Program Dropbox, Inc. Google Matching Gifts Program Kaiser Permanente, Southern California Region Maverick Capital Foundation (Dallas) Microsoft Matching Gifts Program PG&E Corporation, Campaign for the Community S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Salesforce.com Foundation Standard Insurance Company


The Walt Disney Company Foundation Thomson Reuters IN-KIND SUPPORT

Aesop Greg Altergott Lisa Beth Anderson Michelle Anderson Artist & Craftsman Supply Books Inc. Bi-Rite Market Brooke Auchincloss Laura Bagnato Susan Birnbaum Terri Bogaards Shauna Bogetz Dan and Shawna Brotsky Paul Cartier NĂ­nive and Jean Claude Calegari The Chapel Mei Hsuan Chiang Julia Cone Candace DesBaillets Adriana del Mar Dependable Letterpress Dolby Laboratories, Inc. Valarie Duran Malcolm Eaton Janice Echevarria Echo Summit Construction Dave Eggers and Vendela Vida Joanna Ellis Equator Coffee & Teas Lisa Ferkel Britta Fithian-Zurn Fort Point Beer Company Four Barrel Coffee

Emma Gantz Gensler Lifestyle 2 Studio Einat Gilboa Google.org Gundlach Bundschu Winery & Vineyard Jenna Hernandez Hero Shop Christine Herrin Reece Hirsch Meghan Jake Jane the Bakery Jelly Belly Candy Company Cat Johnston Shauna Jin Jonathan Koshi and Jess Hemerly Charmagne Kringstein La Palma Mexicatessen Lady Falcon Coffee Club Matt Leunig Jessica Lin Tracy Liu Kehau Lyons Buffy and Patrick Maguire Make-Out Room Alice Malia Danielle Mascioli Mark Medina Matthew Millman Masa Mlakar Eunice Moyle Sonja Kari Murphy Conor Murphy-Hoffman Shannon Nakabayashi

Native Baking Company Noise Pop Industries Office William Poole Brehanna Ramierez Meg Ray Jacobbia Richardson (Israel King) Lorraine Rorke Bader Rachael Schafer Helaine Lasky Schweitzer Mike Scribner David Peter Simon Sara Spielman Straw subject-object Reina Takahashi Brandon Thompson Diana Toledano Michael and Margie Scott Tucker Tuft & Needle Twitter Whole Foods Market Shannon Weber Leigha Weinberg Karen Wagstaffe Nancy B. Wilson Jody Worthington Liz Worthy Yemen Kitchen

We strive for accuracy in our listings. Please email development@826valencia.org if your information is incorrect. This list ref lects gifts of $250 or more, from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017.


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THE PIRATE SUPPLY STORE 826 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94110 Daily, 12–6 p.m.

KING CARL’S EMPORIUM 180 Golden Gate Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102 Mon–Fri, 11 a.m.–5 p.m.

SHOP ONLINE 826valencia.org/store


826 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94110


826valencia.org Tax ID 04-3694151


826 VALENCIA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting under-resourced students ages six to eighteen with their creative and expository writing skills and to helping teachers inspire their students to write. Our services are structured around the understanding that great leaps in learning can happen with one-on-one attention and that strong writing skills are fundamental to future success. STAFF

Virdell Hickman


Alex Lerner

Bita Nazarian, Executive Director

Caroline Kangas

Melissa Anguiano

Jim Lesser

Alyssa Aninag

Kona Lai

Angelina Brand

Dave Pell

Kiley McLaughlin

Katie Cugno

Han Phung

Molly Parent

Lila Cutter

Andrew Strickman

Christina V. Perry

Izel Jimenez

Joe Vasquez

Amy Popovich

Paloma Mariz

Rachel Swain Yeaman

Kathleen Rodríguez

Olivia Ortiz

Meghan Ryan

Steph Yun

Dana Belott Elaina Bruna Ricardo Cruz Chong Precediha Dangerfield Shelby Dale DeWeese Lauren Hall Allyson Halpern

Ashley Smith Anton Timms Megan Waring Jillian Wasick Byron Weiss Ryan Young

BOARD Eric Abrams Colleen Quinn Amster Joya Banerjee Barb Bersche Lisa Brown

CO-FOUNDERS Nínive Calegari Dave Eggers

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