Hsieh, Tong's
product design / graphic design
-2017 Hsieh, Tong's portfolio
product design / graphic design
設計之於我 我對於設計
設計對我來說,像雲一樣,有時候靜而不止,有時候卻變化多端。 設計無法不在,任何人都可以做設計,設計師只是為之瘋狂卻又樂此不疲的人。
作品 Project
介紹 Introduction
自游視 SVIM
順騎自然 Smoothly
19 05
遙遙系列 Rocking Collection
溫度 D.E. CORK
平面 Graphic Design
33 06
介紹 Introduction
Hsieh, Tong
This portfolio includes most of works done when I in college. "Design is not for philosophy, it's for life - Lssey Miyake. To me, it's definity right.
簡歷 Resume │ 國立成功大學工業設計系學士班 國立新竹高級中學
National Chang Kung University Department of Industrial Design
National Hsinchu High School
經歷 Experience / Camp Plannong / Sport / work │
2013 國立成功大學工設營隊輔
NCKU Industrial Design Camp / Member of Tutorial Staff.
2013 成大工設迎新宿營戲劇導演 NCKU Industrial Design Orientation Camp / Director of Drama. 2014 國立成功大學工設營課程
NCKU Industrial Design Camp / Member of Curriculum Planning.
2014 成大工設迎新宿營器材組長 NCKU Industrial Design Orientation Camp / Leader of Equipment. 2014 國立成功大學快速壘球校隊 NCKU School Team of Fast Softball / Team Member. 2015 成大工設棒壘球系隊隊長
NCKU Industrial Design Baseball Team / Captain.
2015 成大工設系學會體育幹部
NCKU Industrial Design Student Association / Chief P.E. Offic
2016 成大工設畢展事務組長
NCKU Industrial Design Graduated Exhibition / Caption Of Transaction
2015 宜庭國際有限公司實習生
Moriden In & Outdoors Casa company / Intern (three months).
2017 國家設計菁培營工作人員
Moe Sciolarship Program For Ovettseas Study In Arts And Design / stuff member
得獎經驗 Award Record │
2015 奇想設計比賽 - 創新科技組
2015 The Design Competition of GIXIA Company / excellent work 2016 畢業設計 LEXUS 特別獎 2016 The Sponsor of Graduated Exhibition - LEXUS / Special Award
個人特質 Personality │ Energetic, Passionate, Idealistic, Challenging, Creativity 技能 Skill │
自游視 SVIM
視障者游泳輔具 Swimming Goggles 材料 Material |
橡膠、鋁合金、壓克力、ABS 塑膠 Rubber, Aluminum, Acrylic, ABS
SVIM 是一組為視障者設計的游泳輔具,其中包含了泳鏡以及環境
感應裝置。泳鏡與耳機結合不僅降低穿戴裝置的複雜度,透過與岸 邊環境感應裝置的訊號傳遞,降低視障者游泳時的阻礙,並讓他們 更能享受游泳的過程。
SVIM is a kit, combinibg goggles and environmental sensor. designed specially for blind swimmers. With this combination, we aim to enhance their swimming experience by reducing their possible obstacles. 謝 彤
Hsieh, Tong
Chien, Ze En Lin, Nien Pu Hung, Tzu Suan
Background |
支撐日常生活活動;然而統計指出,高達 39% 的視障者過於久坐不活 動,因此我們希望視障者藉由運動改善這樣的生活常態。根據研究指 出,視障者從事運動項目前三名為:散步、游泳、登山。其中游泳除
了能改善視障者普遍的駝背與脊椎側彎現象,同時也增進動態平衡。 我們希望透過此設計降低視障者游泳的阻礙,進而提升其生活品質,
Due to the congenital impaired in visual feedback, the visually impaired need higher metabolism to support their daily living. According to research data, strolling, swimming, and mountaineering are the top three in their sport preference. Swimming, however, has better impact on the blind such as ameliorate dynamic equilibrium. We look forward to reducing their hindrances, elevating their life quality, and relieving minders’ burden.
訪談 Interview │ 來到位於安平的佑明視障協會,我們實際訪談幾位視障者,並了解他 們在游泳經驗中遭遇的困難及學習游泳的過程。由於無法判別方向, 他們不知何時觸牆,也總是被水道繩刮的傷痕累累。在心理層面,由 於擔心造成別人的困擾,游泳時不能真的輕鬆自在的享受運動過程。
We visited Yowming Blind Association to interview some actual visually impaired, to find out the difficulties they encountered during their swimming. Lacking of visual feedback, they are unable to know when will come to a wall and always scratched by the lane rope while swimming. As a result, being worry about troubling the others, they cannot enjoy swimming
觀察 Observation │ 我們和一位有游泳習慣的視障者一起去游泳,這位視障者是由媽媽陪 同前往,我們觀察到:照護者必須游在視障者之後,隨時提醒她前方 的障礙物,以及是否偏離泳道。而為了確認自己的方向,視障者在游 泳時會不時去觸碰水道繩,這也間接影響了她游泳的姿勢。
We went swimming with a blind accompanied by her mother. Her mother had to swim aside to inform her of obstacles and deviation. We also observed that she could not help touching the lane rope to confirm her position, which indirectly affected her strokes.
Conclusion │
綜合以上的內容,我們希望能幫助視障者在游泳偏離泳道和即將遇牆 時主動給予提醒,發生溺水狀況的時候也能在第一時間被注意到,讓 照護者能對視障者獨立從事這項運動更安心。
To sum up, we hope that the visually impaired are informed previously to avoid bumping into walls and deviating from right path. In addition, they can be noticed immediately when drowning happens. As such their guardian will feel reassured when they swim by themselves .
草模測試 Prototype │ 穿戴式裝置方面,我們做了草模測試舒適度、穩定性、穿戴便利性及
按鍵的使用性,也模擬使用的情形,過程中實際訪問視障者使用產品 的習慣,並修正我們的草模。而在環境感應裝置方面,則是測試了與 環境固定的方式及放置導盲杖的功能。
We made prototypes to test the comfort, stability, convenience and botton usability. We also stimulated the situation when using it and modified the prototype with the help of our user's’ feedback. For the environmental sensors, we tested the fixation and accommodation of the blind cane.
SVIM 泳鏡細部設計 Details | 自游視 SVIM 是一組能夠及時給予語音回饋 的視障者游泳輔具,透過泳鏡與立牌兩者間的
反應,使游泳過程變得更安全。 3
SVIM is an aiding kit for blind swimmers. The goggles communicate with the environmental sensor and give vocal feedback to the blind when
dangerous conditions occur, making it safer swimming experience for the blind.
1. 骨傳導技術 Bone Conduction
2. 防水機制 Waterproof
3. 充電方式 Charging
連接處使用 o-ring 防止進水,矽膠帶連接處
採用 usb 孔方式充電,連接膠軟蓋防止進水。
Use an O-rings on the joint makinge it water-
It's a technology that transmits sound through
proof by isolating the inner circuit.
USB port with silicone cap is available for charging.
bones. It allows people to hear surrounding at the same time while wearing it. This helps the blind reduce their fear.
1 2
1. 固定於耳朵前方,配戴時方便視障者能精準 的將骨傳導振子靠在對的位置。
2. 按鍵凸出的設計讓視障者利於觸摸辨識。 3. 鏡面與側板連接處以軟材質處理,後方矽膠 條能彈性伸縮以適應各種不同頭型。
4. 電路板嵌在兩側板內,線路貫穿前方鏡面。 1. Fix at front side of the ears make the user easier to place the device on the right place. 2. The Button design is easy for users to identify. 3. Adjustable silicon straps, making it suitable for various head sizes 4.The circuit boards are embedded in both temples which are connected through the end pieces of the goggle by wires. 13
SVIM 環境裝置細部設計 Details │
圓潤的外型利於視障者觸摸,圓滑的邊線避免手受傷;收音孔除 了發收訊號,外觀造型傳達速度感。
Rectangular design with sleek margin not only comforts for touch but also prevents users from accidental cut. Aside from receiving signals, the radio receiver also convey sense of speed in appearance.
2. 專屬位置 Specific space
3. 固定方式 Way of Fixed
將提把下壓後,可以將立牌固定在排水溝上 ,
The placement for tactile stick will have braille
By pressing the handle down, the case will
engraved on it to avoid user from getting other’s
be able to stand firm on the gutter to avoid
by mistake.
警急求救燈 Emergency Alarm
邊的立牌,此時立牌上方緊急求救的 led 燈將 When emergencies occur, the goggles will send out signal to light out the LED on the case with
distress sound to arouse attention.
內部運作機制 Inner workings 採用無線通訊協定,利用無線定位來設定座標系。泳鏡內含加速度計及電子羅盤來偵測是否偏移以及位置距離判別。 By using wireless protocol to position the coordinate system, the accelerator and digital compass will be able to detect deviation and displacement. 14
使用流程 Procedure |
1. 業者將握把下壓,把立牌固定於泳道兩側 隨後開啟電源。
Dealers set up SVIM sign stand at both ends of swimming lane. Fix it up and switch on the power.
2. 視障者戴上泳鏡,並開啟電源。
3. 當接近立牌時,SVIM 泳鏡提示使用者立 牌就在附近。
4. 找到立牌上放置導盲杖的圓孔,將導盲杖
Users put on the SVIM goggles and turn on the power.
When approaching the environmental sensor,
Users lay down their tactile stick, touch the
the headset will alert users.
braille and memorize the position.
5. 游泳時,遭遇各種突發狀況,SVIM 泳鏡
給與回饋與提醒,同時記綠相關運動數 據,並上傳雲端。
7. 回家後擦拭 SVIM 泳鏡並充電,另外打開
After swimming, users take back their tactile
APP 了解今天的運動情況。
stick according to the braille.
Users dry the goggle and charge it. They may
Conditions happen while swimming, SVIM
also have their latest swimming records on
goggle gives feedbacks and record the data
instantly by cloud.
6. 上岸,根據點字拿取導盲杖。
1. 偏離泳道 - 引導修正方向。
2. 遇牆 - 提醒距離多少公尺即將遇牆。
提示音:Beep! Please turn left/right.
提示音:Beep! 2 meters to wall.
Deviating from the right path.
Crash into wall.
voice: Beep! Please turn left / right.
voice: Beep! 2 meters to wall.
3. 前方有人時 - 提醒放慢速度。 提示音:beep! Please slow down. 3. Approching someone. voice: Beep! Please e slow down.
4. 溺水 - 自動偵測血氧濃度異常並傳訊給立牌,發出求救訊號。 Drowning - Detect abnormal oxygen concentration automatically, and send outemergency signal.
App | 觀察視障者使用手機的情形,他們是以語音播 放的方式來讀取文字內容,故設計的介面力求 簡潔,有次序性的排放欲傳達的資訊。
The blinds listen to text messages by using the playback fuction on their cellphones. Therefore, the SVIM app will focus on a concise interface and orderly playback of essential information.
自游視,讓生活充滿更多可能性。 SVIM gives life more possibilities.
順騎自然 Smoothly
智慧型手把、變速器 Smart Handle & Derailleur 材料 Material |
鈦合金、矽膠、ABS 塑膠 Titanium, Silicone, ABS 順騎自然為一件概念設計,主要是藉由感測器紀錄自行車使用習慣 後藉由大數據分析,建議使用者最初最好的選擇。
Smoothly is a conceptiv design. By sensor record the users' habit when they ride a bike. To advice the users better choice. 謝 彤
Hsieh, Tong
Lin, Nien Pu Chou, Chen Way
緣起 Background │ 近幾年越來越多人開始投入自行車運動,但是學習一項運動的過程是需要經驗與時間 的累積,公路車也是如此,甚麼樣的情況應該變速?何時該把手放在特定的位置? More and more people start to be a bick player. But learning how to ride have to pratice repeated.When do i should use derailleur? When do i hold my hands on the right site?
觀察 Observation │ 在騎乘自行車時常會因為路線的不同而有不同的持握方式,但需要經過練習才能熟悉,那新手該如何應對這種問題。 Due to ride different roads, we should hold the handle on different way. But almost player need to pratice. How does the new player face the problem?
1. 平把位 Holding Center Handle
2. 低把位 Holding Low Handle
3. 變速把位 derailleur
Keeping the body low is more safe when we
Because holding the center handle press the chest
speed up the bike. And we will hold the low
Because the slopes and the curves are all
or respiratory, this is a suitable way on upgrade.
handle when we stood up.
different, the player need to adjust derailleur and
control the brake.
順騎自然 Smoothly
概念 Concept │ 將變速器以及握把裡裝上 sensor 再透過 wi-fi 連上網路,把身體數據上傳至雲端,但這也意
味著必須要把變速器以及握把轉變成必須使用電或者藍芽一或者要與手機座結合,這也是為 什麼這件作品只停留於概念的原因。
First of all, the derailleurs and the handle need to instand the sensor. Second, that must connect to the internet by wi-fi etc. The problem is the derailleurs and the handle should use electricity or depend on smart phone. That is why the project is a concept.
握把光條設計 Details 藉由在握把裡埋進矽膠做的光條,當握把收到丟回來的資料時就可以給予相應 的回饋並指示使用者應該將手放在甚麼位置,藉此提升使用者的使用效果。
Instanding the light into the handle. When the handle receive the data form cloud, it could advice the user where his hands hold.
變速器光點設計 Details 由變速器上的光點顏色可知,該路段應該提升或是降次檔位, 並由顏色分別表示不同的指示。
The light dot on the derailleur show the users could change the stalls. And using the colors show different point.
Rocking Collection
搖椅系列 Rocking Chair & Ottoman 材料 Material | 鋁合金、矽膠、網布 Alum , Silicone, ABS 搖椅系列由鋁結構以及網布組成,可拆解運送方便。最重要的是讓 人感到舒適的角度是他的一大特色。
Rocking Collection is made up of the aluminum and nets. This podouct can be disassembled and transport easily. The most important feature is comforable angle. 謝 彤 Hsieh, Tong
Background |
事是,某個很熟的客戶希望購買和照片中類似的 Rocking Chair,但
是公司卻沒有類似的產品,所以我的主管就問我是否可以設計一款 Rocking Chair 符合該客戶的需求,完成後隨之而來的是客戶希望有一
個 ottoman,後來就依照了相同的風格製作,一個月的時間打樣,鋁管 烤漆加上網布,衍生的是這件產品了。
This poduct is my first project when i was a intern in Moridencasa. At the first story, a muture costomer would like to buy a rocking chair which is similar to the top picture. My supervisor ask me to design a rocking collection the customer in need. Further, i was asked to make a same style ottoman. Finally, I mdae prototype for a month.
遙遙系列 Rocking Collection
製作過程 Process | 確認好草圖以後,隨即就是建 3D 模型並且 render 出來給主管選擇。等到 上述的的步驟都完成以後,就輸出三視圖並交由工廠打樣。
At the first, we must confirm the sketch. Second, we have built 3D models and
rendered that. Third, we should male the three view drawing. Finally, the factory 620
could male a prototype.
4 0* R8
溫度 D.E. CORK
文具用品 Stationery 材料 Material | 軟木皮、紙、木頭 Cork, Paper, Woods 一片片的軟木片,每一道裂痕都是時間的痕跡,軟木作為隔熱的材 料,相對的他也可以保留溫度,我們希望透過這樣保留溫度的方式 告訴消費者,每個人都有一雙溫暖的手可以給他人力量。
Every pieces of cork could generate traces for a long while. The cork is a insulating material and it could keep warm. We want to tell the customers we could cheer up each others. 謝 彤
Hsieh, Tong
Chang, Shao Tsao, Hsiu Liang Shen, bo Yen
故事 Story | ℃ ORK 的軟木每一片都是經由這位 76 歲的老師傅一片片親手挑 選,歲月在他身體上留下了痕跡,就像是軟木上面的裂痕,時間 越久,便越深。面對這些歲月的代價,他總是笑著說:「自己是
紅極一時,但科技產品崛起後,跟不上時代的老產業自然會被淘 汰,目前台灣的軟木進口商已所剩不多,即便如此,老師傅仍笑 著面對人生每一次的大起大落。我們希望帶給大家的是老師傅這
樣樂觀的人生態度,如同軟木般憨厚溫順。並希望每個人都能擁 有一雙給予他人力量─溫暖厚實的雙手
The old master help us to choose every cork. Every cork have some crack, as time goes by these crack are more deep. Actually, the cork is a famous material thirty years ago. But the technology poducts are more and more popluar. Let the cork market decline. However, the master still challenge every hard. we wish the attitude of this story could give to everyone. We believe everyone could give someone warming.
過程 Prototype | 我們想要做一些可以穿戴在上的東西並且結合不一樣的材質,例如:項
鍊、吊飾必須要和一些金屬件結合,我們也嘗試過和水泥的效果,但沒 有找到好的比例做結合。
We want to make some accessories and combine some different material. Something like necklace, charm have to be used metal. We have been try to combine with cement, but didn't find the better way.
溫度 D.E. CORK
產品 Product |
Season 四季項鍊 小黑莓項鍊 Blackberry
產品 Product |
明信墊 Postcard 筆記本 Notebook
溫度 D.E. CORK
行銷方式 Marketing |
網路行銷 Network 設置攤位 Booth 形象影片 Video
平面作品 Graphic Design
草圖 Sketch 材料 Material |
紙、麥克筆 Paper, Maker 每一張草圖都代表著每次作品的累績,並期許自己可以更好。 Every pieces of the sketches represent the beginning of the product. I wish I can do well the next time.
謝 彤 Hsieh, Tong
介面設計 UI Design 此設計是一個希望可以幫助流浪動物找到新
主人的一個 APP,希望藉由現在人常常使勇
智慧型手機的習慣增加對於流浪動物的資訊。 This design is app that could help the stray animals to find new owners. We wish this way could raise people with reference to stray animals information.
企業識別練習 CIS Pratice
軟體 Software | Adobe Illustrator
色彩計畫 Color Plan C:46 M:38 Y:35 K:0
原始字型:Hobo Std Medinm C:0 M:52 Y:91 K:0
名片 Namecard
C:70 M:61 Y:58 K:10
C:0 M :0 Y:0
信封 Envelope
光碟 CD Label
海報 Poster 軟體 Software | Adobe Photoshop
Hsieh, Tong's portfolio
Email: tony83417@gmail.com