Instagirls0712 01

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the dialogue

e, as a species are hyper-adap-

New media is now accepted as the dom-

tive. Anything will become a new

inant form of consumption, paper has

normal, a familiar piece of land-

retreated to cult status. The outlets

scape given time. There have been

form the culture of us, and our ubiqui-

socio-cultural revolutions innately tied

tous new personal brand management

to technology and it’s co-dependent

on a scale and at a speed previously un-

evolution with humanity since mans in-

known. This is the generation of now,

ception. Molded and shaped by it, as we

this is the generation of the instant -

shape and mold it, woven as a mobius


strip - hopefully not ending in dystopic


celeration ad infinatum. The power of

We build the tools that hew us, accel-

the feminine identity of beauty is a uni-

erating with connectivity and the drive

versal language and is a central engine

that comes with the collected con-

that drives us in our human experience,

scious. We are becoming something

reflecting the pace we speed towards

else, at a constant rate. This is good. It’s

each other with. Together, they provide

a shift in our identity and self-percep-

a mirror onto us as a society and the age

tion. We are evolving.

of the influencer, the age of the insta-




rine flood your brain when you fall in

Technology allows life an ac-

girl. This is just the beginning.

love, use class A drugs like cocaine, and whenever you see a mobile alert from that person you really keep your phone on for. With the new levels of normative connectivity, our response to the mass co`mmunity we have created, is linked.


20 Letter From The Editor

12 “ Dopamine and norepinephrine flood your brain when you fall in love, use class A drugs like cocaine, and whenever you see a mobile alert from that person you really keep your phone on for. ”

“ On my 21st birthday I went skydiving and I finally felt alive again, hanging at the edge of the world, looking out, it’s a crazy feeling, like you’re invincible. ”

Cameras, Action, Ivana Korab

Don’t Look Now


“ I try to do is unite everyone from the Balkans and I’m still working on it, uniting Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Monte Negro, Macedonia, Slovenia. ”

“ I think it can be old school, if someone wants to know more, like a newspaper, where you know you like a contributor so you always go to page 3 where their article is. ”

Kira Dikhtyar

Dessert Rose

68 “I love working with people and I actually love being in the public eye, doing presentations, all that.”


Jade Weber “ Refresh and rehydrate at the end of the day.”

Naila Nazar

54 “I think your drive and ambition is more important then what are you started. Also you have to travel for work, and I almost never take a personal vacation.”

Nikita Andrianova

78 “I’m doing what I love, and


I’m never in a 9-5 depression where I hate my job.”


the babe

summer de almeida is bringing the heat

good runway model is someone who is unique, strong-minded, and has a lot of courage.� These are the words of Michael Maddox, the well-known runway coach, famous for appearances on Project Runway, and for training top models like Marissa Miller to start their stuff on the catwalk. Aspiring model and actress, Summer De Almeida met Maddox when she was 14 year sold. Maddox saw talent in Summer, and took her under his wing, helping her book gigs while still a student in high school.


Doors began to open for Summer, and with Michael as a mentor, she felt unstoppable. In 2003, the unthinkable happened, when Maddox lost his battle with cancer. Summer, then only 18, almost gave up. “I felt like I couldn’t make it in the fashion world without Michael there rooting for me.” Summer took a couple years hiatus, but after working through the fear of doing it alone, she got back on her feet, and reached epic new heights. No, really. Take a look and you’ll see pics and vids of her skydiving on her Instagram. “On

my 21st birthday I went skydiving and I finally felt alive again, hanging at the edge of the world, looking out, it’s a crazy feeling, like you’re invincible.” A self proclaimed thrill-junky, Summer De Almeida is hot. At 5’9’’ with looks to kill, her 25k insta followers know she’s more than a pretty face, more often than not posting pics of herself on epic adventures, traveling the world or jumping out of planes. Now that she’s back in the game— she’s making it clear that Michael’s influence made lasting impression on her.


Summer De Almeida: Model Style: Hippie Grunge Chic Height: 5’9 Instagram Followers: 25 Favorite designer : Yves St . Laurent Hottest Show: Beach Bunny Where to find: By the Pool of the Beverly Hills Hotel Signature Look: Sunglasses

summerdealmeida 25.8k followers

271 post

215 following

Summer de Almeida











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h a ves 30

the cover



e sat down with Actress Ivana Korab, a beauty with brains. Ivana speaks 6 languages, is a trained pianist, currently training in martial arts with the man with the world’s fastest kick for her latest action flick. The selfie queen who posts affirmative




pic boasts a bubbly personality and claims to live on a pink cloud. So what shaped her into the ultra successful person she is today? Ivana filled us in on everything from her upbringing, to being a daddy’s girl, and her quest to bring peace to the Balkan Peninsula. We even went deep, asking some questions from the Marcel Proust questionnaire.


What was your up bringing like?

lives. He taught us how to live life and

I was in front of camera since I was 3,

how to treat people. When I got my

my mom would film us. That’s when

drivers license he bought me a crap-

you could see that I love being in front

py car even though they had money,

of camera. I had rigorous childhood

to teach me to work hard for what I

with hours of piano lessons a day, but


I stopped enjoying it got a diploma

Greatest Luxury?

and then never again touched a piano.

Education because it gives me the

I was 8 years old when my grandma

power that I have - when you’re in the

took me to acting school and I loved

world on your own, especially being a


model, trying to make your way in the

I was able to express myself. Then I

acting world, people don?t think that

went to high school and then after

you work really hard. But I’m stand-

that I studied philosophy. I wrote

ing solid on the ground and you can’t

about Plato for my senior thesis. I love

shake me.

acting because it’s the best thing ever

Current State of Mind

to interpret another person’s experi-

Super driven.

ence, I love exploring the human con-

Most overrated virtue?

dition, being in their shoes without

Fame people especially now Insta-

judging them. It keeps me humble.

gram famous people think that they

How do you interact with your fans?

accomplish that fame and do nothing

There’s a fine line between sexy and

with it, and they think it’s so impor-

vulgar. I’m sorry but if you’re showing

tant but it’s so fake.

boobs and ass and sticking you finger

On what occasion do you lie?

in your mouth you’re going to get 1

When I have to protect someone that

million followers. When you’re aware

I love. But I forget easily, so I avoid

of the power you have if you don’t use


it in a good way you’re a waste.

Best quality in a man?

My fan base is really huge, especially

Confidence and being a good person

back home, what I try to do is unite

Quality you like most in a women

everyone from the Balkans and I’m


still working on it, uniting Serbia,

Word or phrases you say too much?

Croatia, Bosnia, Monte Negro , Mace-

Well I sound a lot smarter in Serbi-

donia, Slovenia. 3 years ago when we

an, but I speak 6 languages so I mean

had floods back home I did a Red Bury


Hotel with no PR agency, no sponsors,

What or who is the greatest love of

and I raised 15 thousand dollars.

your life?

Your idea of perfect happiness

My dad

The love and support of your closest

What talent would you most like to



Trait you most deplore in your self?

I have a decent voice, but would like

Stubbornness & trusting people too

to have a really good voice.


Greatest achievement?

Thing you dislike most in other peo-

Making my parents proud.


Where would you most like to live?

I don’t mind if you lie, but just don’t

Love LA. Adore LA.

think I believe you.

Most treasured possession?

Person alive you admire the most?

Shoes, I have over 300 pairs.

My father - everything about him, his


moral standards, the way he sees,

Love life love people.

ivanakorab 211k followers

2,050 post

787 following











the success



Naila is a fashionista and

brands reach out to her to promote

insta influencer. But she’s

their labels. While other models show

come a long way from

up at a studio and have a stylist and

where she started, as a

photographer, Naila gets free range

fashion blogger and waitress with

to wear clothes in her own creative

three jobs, who spent her entire pay-


checks on clothes. Now her favorite

In fact, that is what companies seek

fashion brands pay her to wear their

her out for. They know she will take

product. Having grown up in Lebanon

their fashion and kill it with gorgeous

with a family that moved frequently,

shots in exotic locations. She has an

Naila is a lover of travel and consid-

eye for color and architecture. When

ers herself a true gypsy, never able to

Beginning Boutique asked her to take

stay in one place. And now she gets

pics in their magenta playsuit romper,

paid to travel, too. Once she realized

Naila waltzed into Chinatown in LA

the high she gets off mixing fashion

and took whimsical shots of herself

with travel, she jumped in feet first,

under hundreds of red Chinese lan-

putting out only what she considers

terns playfully strolling along with

to be incredible

the circular shadows underfoot. Of

content. “I‘m very picky. Every photo

course, the item sold out. Recently

has to show a side, depth, emotion

she has been tapped by designers Sal-

and substance, even if it’s my body or

ar Milano and Mara Hoffman.

a bikini shot, it’s still art and I do it in

Naila’s life might sound like a dream

an artistic way.” If you check out her

come true for most fashion girls, but

Instagram, you can see for yourself

there is one drawback she’ll admit to.

that every pic has an aspect of art, a

Dating. “It’s so hard!” While she loves

vision and expression of emotion. The

being in relationships, with her sched-

content she curates always has a wow

ule she’s never in one place for more

factor, every photo stunning in the

than a week. Right now dating is off

style, the outfit, the background, and

the table for Naila, which she plans

the location. Incredibly, she does this

on writing about soon, so stay tuned

all on her own. She has no representa-

to her blog for more 411 on that.

tion? styles, shoots and edits her own

Not only is the job not perfect, Naila

photographs. While she admits it was

doesn’t claim to be perfect either. She

a challenge at first, she has learned

believes in working out hard and work-

to teach and guide herself, including

ing even harder. She feels that Insta-

learning 3 different photo editing

gram can fall short and paint a picture

programs. “Being inspired is different

that’s not always genuine, so she tries

than following” she says, explaining

to post from the exact location she’s

that she doesn’t look to others to de-

at, and to caption how she’s feeling.

cide what she likes, but seeks to be

She wants her followers to dig deep-

inspired. How does she get the inspi-

er, she encourages them to follow her

ration?Pro sky diving, dirt biking 3 x

blog. “I think it can be old school, if

times a week , riding ATVs, jet skis and

someone wants to know more, like a

skateboarding. She loves an adrena-

newspaper, where you know you like a

line rush, calling it an obsession. ”I’m

contributor so you always go to page

doing what I love, and I’m never in a

3 where their article is.”

9-5 depression where I hate my job.”

To learn more about Naila, check out

When it comes to making a living as

her blog, Naila In Vogue.

an insta model, Naila has a passion for what she does. As a student she struggled with dyslexia, and would question her intelligence. Now she’s is making money off of her artwork and the unique way she sees the world. Because of her ability to grow an audience and build a following,


nailanazar 256k followers

552 post

256 following













the fashion



rom Los Angeles to New York and

life when “commanding the atten-

net. The main thing you need models

You don’t go out so much at night

back again - every city has its fashion

tion” of your audience is a necessity

for now - apart from runway is e- com-

either because you have to wake up

and french fries will get you every-

in her world.

merce because every store has their

for early morning call times and go


Asked how she keeps up with the face

own line. Every designer has their own

to shoots. So people just don’t un-

We had the pleasure of catching up

pace and ever evolving life of a mod-

line. In this case, you need to update

derstand there’s a professionalism

with Kira D admits her hectic sched-


an online catalog. Nemun Marcus will

models have vs regular girls. You also

ule, attending New York’s fashion

Well I just did a show for New York’s

have a full production but its not al-

always have to be aware of how you

week, a few days prior from shooting

Fashion Week and hopefully I’ll be

ways the most glamourmous part of

look. You want to look as good as pos-

in Los Angeles. She had just enough

back in Los Angeles for The Maximum

the job. You are constantly changing

sible so you can sell the clothes.

time to jump on google voice with us

100 Party. I also have a photoshoot

multiple outfits. If you are shooting

Whats the most difficult part of mod-

for an interview.

coming up for a designer for Mulan

bathing suits for a summer line, then


Kira’s voice was pleasant and casual,

and I’m sure its going to be work for

you are most likely shooting in the

I’m from Russia so the thing is in Rus-

sometimes even straight up loud - and

either catalog or glamour. A normal

winter when its freezing. You are cold

sia, the fashion industry is not so high-

it had to be, as the slur of New York

catalog day is usually 8 hours but ed-

and by mid day, you are always starv-

ly developed. Most of the designers

cabs were being hailed in the back-

itorials sometimes can go for 10-12

ing. But you can’t complain. You have

are European or American print. It’s

ground and busy Park Avenue shak-


to stay professional.

always been much more developed in

ers and movers roamed the crowd-

Whist your favorite type of shoot?


ed streets in the background of our

Editorials are more fun to shoot be-


I was 16 so I’m very use to my work

phone call. Kira had little problem

cause you can be more creative with

Modeling is a profession, it’s not al-

so its not usually difficult for me. I

making her voice heard and I’m sure



ways glamours. Usually models are

treat it as a job. Maybe when you’re

this is the norm in her professional

changed a lot because of the inter-

very dressed down in their daily life.

tortured on set because its cold or







the US but I’ve been modeling since



Shooting with Ash is always a dream.

your starving or have an early call

It’s always fun to shoot with him be-

time, then maybe its difficulty. The

cause he’s a very good friend and one

one thing I really love about shoots is

of the best photographers. I think

how many collaborators there are and

back to when he was being published

when you are done, when you wrap

all over the world, I was a very young

- there’s a huge sense of accomplish-

girl in the industry and wasn’t getting

ment. It’s fun to be on a shoot with a

so much attention but he always had

whole production crew. But I started

something fun in mind for me. Last

my career when I was a baby - and I

time we shot together, we used paint

had overcome rejection. In New York

as a prop and we did a body painting

theres a lot of rejection. You have to

shoot. That was the first time I’ve

be cool with it.

done that and it had been a very long

Do you have different runway styles?

time since we had shot together. I

I have a very European style for the

love to work with him because we are

runway. We live in an era of photoshop

like family. I don’t have an apartment

and Instagram. It use to be models

in LA so sometimes I stay with friends

had to have perfect skin and perfect

and sometimes I stay on Ash’s couch

hair, now people will just spend $500

in his studio. So its like my home away

and photoshop instead of spending

from home and everyone who works

$5,000 for a good model. The only

there is like my family.

thing that has stayed the same is the

Your secret to being successful?

runway show. You cant photoshop a

Just keep pushing, I think thats the

runway show. When it comes to run-

most important part in any profes-

way, you still need a 5’10 model and

sion. You have to watch out for this

perfect hair, she also needs experi-

amazing moment and you just have to

ence. She’s doing a live presentation

keep pushing until you get it. You cant

so I think thats really the future of

take rejection personally. If you dot

modeling. For the internet, you don’t

get chosen for a line, you can’t take

really need a model, you just need a

it personally. I think with modeling

shot of the clothes and you can pho-

its a requirement to be dedicated,

toshop the hell out of the girl.

you have to be willing to do anything

Do you think the Internet and Insta-

they ask you to do. When you shoot

gram is bad for the modeling indus-

a successful model, they never com-


plain about it being cold. They never

I really love Instagram and think its

complain about food. Always be pro-

a good thing that anyone can use it

fessional and always be on time right?

as a platform for themselves. If its

Even if you’re already a top model. No

there to use, then use it. I don’t think

one wants to work with you if you are

networking is a bad thing. You have

not professional.

to network these days and I always

Whats a major pitfall to look out for?

make friends with the people I’m on

Since I was 16 years old, I’ve always

set with and will post about it later.

been on shoots. I think every part of

I think the reason you see so many

my career has started with my agen-

models on Instagram now is because

cy, so its really important what kind

you can photoshop and filter any-

of management you have and what

thing. If you go to my Instagram ac-

agency you have. To be mismanaged

count, I’m modeling for Valentina and

by different agencies is a big mistake

have photoshoots with other design-

and they will not market you right.

ers. I’m showing pictures of the real

Not everyone will get you enough

clothes not just selfies but Instagram

work. So someone that will manager

is kind of funny that way. Its a look

you better, thats really important.

into someone’s private life - anything

Is there something that makes YOU

they want to show. With my Instagram

unique in modeling?

I usually keep it professional. Now and

My movements because I was a pro-

then I will post something more pri-

fessional gymnast before. Because

vate for my audience to see.


Speaking of runway - do you need a

of that, I have a great sense of how

certain attitude on the catwalk?

to move in front of the camera and

With runway, it all depends on what

combined signature moves to the

kind of clothes you are wearing. You

photoshoots. That has really made

need to feel the collection. If its more

a difference than any other model

Chanel or a designer from London

and it makes me more successful. I

then you just walk straight to the

have great movements and it’s really

front. If you’re modeling dresses or

helped my career. Its also my drive

evening gowns that’s one style. If you

for sure. I’ve been here long enough

are wearing high heels thats a com-

before I succeeded. I’m one of the

pletely different style of walk. It also

most motivated people you can find.

depends if they want you to smile or

Thats why I succeeded, I was willing

not smile - you have to change your

to put in the work. Some people think

walk and your style depending on the

“oh with modeling you just have to

designer you’re walking for.

start at a certain age.” But it’s a busi-

Back to IG - is there a photo you post-

ness either way.

ed that got alot of attention?

look really good from the beggining

I post most photos of my work. If I

but they started when they were 25.

post something edgy obviously that

Then you have the 16 - 17 year old

gets a lot of likes. I know for me es-

thats going to keep trying like myself

pecially a lot of people have said

and many other models. I think your

things like, “OMG, she’s so skinny, she

drive and ambition is more important

doesn’t eat - FEED HER!” So I actually

then what are you started. Also you

had to post two Instagram posts of

have to travel for work, and I almost

me eating french fries and it was New

never take a personal vacation. My

York Fashion Week and i had to be

work is travel.

like, “Hey I’m a model but I like to eat.

What about relationships?

I’m skinny but this is my body. I love

It’s hard to be in relationships be-

to eat french fries…look I’m eating

cause you care so much but you cant

a cheeseburger in front of my whole

see them. The hardest thing is when

Instagram audience!” I had to post

you are in a relationship and you

something like that just so people

have to go away for work. Models are

could see. And you know I can go to

very different girls (so am I) and we

a nice restaurant also and eat french

meet so many people. Some people

fries - it doesn’t have to be fast food..

will just tell you, “you’re beautiful.”

but I just love food.

Everyone looks you up on Instagram

Regret any posts?

and googles you almost just to show

I don’t regret any photos I’ve taken. If

you off. But it’s not that awesome if

theres a picture of me showing more

they just love you because you’re a

skin, I usually get around 2,000 likes

model or just want to go out with you

per photo. It took my parents awhile

because you’re a “famous model.”

to appreciate my work but now they

Do you get lonely?

follow me on Instagram and comment

Abousley. I feel lonely now. I’m work-

and like all my photos. Of course,

ing but - you feel lonely enough. I

sometimes they are like “OMG!” but

think about my past 3 days.. one day I

you know this is my job, most of the

flew from New York to La and then I as

photos are professional but if they’re

in the airport for 2 hours and my plane

not, thats fine. IF I wanted to post

was delayed for another 4 hours.

a half naked photo of me drinking

Then on the way back I was at the bar.

champagne I could (laughs). This is

Alone. I was supposed to be there at

my life, you know. Actually, one of the

3pm but my flight took much longer.

more recent posts I got 8,000 likes

So yeah it’s very lonely sometimes.

and it was the last time I was doing

I feel it now. But you know I come

runway for a Valentino show.

to LA for work and I meet up with

What was your last shoot with Ash

friends. After the Valentina show, we

Gupta like?

all went to the Hard-rock cafe and it

Some models just


was very nice. Staying in a relation-

What’s your personal style?

ship is important for me. Someone

I like my jeans and t-shirt for my casual

who understands your professional

clothes. When I travel or when I’m off

is very important. Thats why you see

set - you know models don’t wear a lot

alot of models who date musicians or

of makeup they are very causal. You

directors (people in the industry). It’s

cant go to set with hair and makeup

very common because they have the

and you never know when something

same lifestyle like a model and they

can happen.

understand. So many models are ac-

Personal role model?

tually getting married or getting en-

My mom is my role model - she actu-

gaged to these musicians and direc-

ally hand makes clothes. I just started

tors. It’s easy for me because I don’t

working with her selling and wearing

really have a problem with meeting

her designs and posting for her. I re-

people. Some of these people I meet

ally love her handmade stuff. It’s very

up with for drinks, these are people

unique and I love it.

I’ve known for 8 years now. My career

New York vs LA?

took off 8 years ago and theres been

When it comes to fashion … I wear

friends along the way supporting me

simple (not expensive) so I can dis-

in my work and without the support

charge if need be. I’ve been known to

of my fiends, if they didn’t believe in

toss my T-shirt away while I’m trave-

me, I wouldn’t be as successful as I

ling so inexpensive items work best so

am now. Friends really know me. They

I can change quickly. But LA vs NY?

know my downsides and weaknesses

In LA, you have to wear more color-

and everything. I think people who

ful clothes. In new York, I’m wear-

really know me - just understand me.

ing jeans or shorts and its very very

casual. A very New York style is a black

have a piece of jewelry to post about

top and a jacket. Recently in LA I was

it, theres no need to buy - designers

wearing this orange designer dress on

will give it to me. But I mostly have a

Rodeo Drive and going to Valentina

small suitcase I use to travel from LA

then going for a glass of champagne

to New York in so I’m still living out of

after so it works for the lifestyle. Be-

a suitcase, mostly.

cause of the weather and the lifestyle

Accessory you cant live without?

people wear very colorful clothes in

I cannot live without my phone for

Los Angeles.

sure.. sometimes I try by just not

Whats your place like in NY?

charging it (laughs). You have to use

I have an apartment in New York. In

your phone for modeling because

LA so many people have houses and

everything is Instagram. Every day

with many rooms. In New York we all

you have to post something - it be-

live in small apartments right? In LA

comes a very important part of your

there are so many beautiful houses so

life - you have to have a phone.

I usually stay as a guest in a house. In

Stranded on an island?

New York I still live out of my suitcase

OMG. I would just live. I would be

kinda of. People laugh but you don’t

sleeping and walking around. One

really cook in New York, you just go

thing I would need is music. I have to

dine downstairs. After this interview

have music when I’m walking around

I’m going to have dinner downstairs

New York or Los Angeles, it doesn’t

because its just faster and easier. Peo-

matter. It would be nice if there was

ple think models have a huge closet

a coconut tree or a lemon tree - you

but it makes no sense to buy clothes

know something you could actually

just to wear one time. If I HAVE to

eat and enjoy.

kiradikhtyar 145k followers

774 post

2,003 following












the art

What you do, did you always know this is where you would be going? On the inside ya, I just maybe didn’t think i could d o it. hahahahaha, I think i didn’t believe i would have the opportunity do it this quickly, i thought I would have to work my way up, work for a really long time and hate my work and after 6 or 7 years experience I might be able to do the work i wanted.

What did you go to school for Graphic design, I wanted to do fashion design first so i went to central saint martins took fashion first and then changed to Chelsea college for Graphics So right out of program you started on graphics ya for that one i did, ya. it was great, i learned al to about the industry but for me I didn’t fit in at all I was too



much of an extrovert and i love work-

here in the U.S.

was still styling i was assisting sascha

cept from start to finish.

ing with people and i actually love be-

That was kinda the first piece and

linnich. Then I began working in brand

Where do you see social media fitting

ing in the public eye, doing presenta-

then there was Pulse films in the

development building concepts for


tions, all that. I cant just be in front of

U.K. and I know one of the founders

high end uniforms pitching designing

Well you have your snap stories and

a desk all day, which is what graphics

and he was working on a feature film

presentations i would still style for

your instagram and twitter and all the

is,and it was driving me insane and it

called ‘Alley Cats’ and I started doing

commercials and fashion projects and

different platforms and I think it re-

was for many years you would have to

preproduction on that and then the

he would style the female leads and

ally depends on what you’re trying to

be the technical brain of the creative

film was pushed for a year which led

i would get to do my own thing and i

do, like I don’t use twitter for me twit-

director and i didn’t feel it was playing

me to working on Idea channel four

would get to design. On the side I also

ter doesn’t work, I’m all about visuals,

to my strengths. I didn’t wanna design

on a documentary and did production

have done some illustration.

all about colors. whereas obviously if

fonts or logos or do animation , I love

assisting as well as kinda production

I’m one of these people that can’t do

you’re a musician you can announce

it but its not for me. I’ m very respect-

secretary and ended up because we

just one thing. (laughs) I would go cra-

your gigs, engage your audience, etc.

ful of their life and their art tho. it was

were such a small team doing a lot of


- its a very quick response mechanism

good to do it, so now i know what i


do you have a favorite part

and its better in that sense than insta-


It was all about music subculture it

I like creative direction i like running

gram for that particular aspect. I think

Where did you go after that

was all about finding all these peo-

the show putting all the parts togeth-

you have to be intelligent about social

I graduated to music videos, I did a

ple who really into their work and i

er,making the process as fluid and

media and see what you’re aiming to

Ukrainian music video that premiered

loved it, going in and finding differ-

seamless as possible, working with

do and see what works.

onto MTV Russia and Bullet magazine

ent platforms online.. in-between i

people in general designing the con-

Have you seen it change things or


of experience and I think an impor-

I have, ,its been such a great develop-

tant change in the future will be com-

ment its a really good platform for an-

ing into schools and teaching how to

yone in a subculture something very

deal and where kids get support with

specific for someone who wouldn’t

it psychologically about how the re-

find peers so quickly, wouldn’t have

action they’re getting and how it af-

such easy access to connect and show

fects them, because it is bullying. For

their work. so for that i think its great

me I’m used to it if someone insults

but sadly i do feel that some people

me I block them but when your 13 it

are entitled if they have large follow-

matters so much.

ing, theres so many metrics to meas-

Where does it go from here

ure things by.

I think its just gonna grow, but its a

Its a balance as with anything else,

balance really, its important to pro-

also with young kids who don’t really

mote than online isn’t enough, its

know how they’re portraying them-

important to promote human interac-

selves in the public eye and they get

tion in real life alongside your digital,

negative comments and theres a lot

its still important to really connect

of cyber bullying and they don’t know

and be around people physically, but

how to deal with that because of lack

this is going to just get bigger.


nikitaandrianova 145k followers

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2,003 following












the future



eet internet sensation Jade We-

pher to take a headshots of them!

with the people I met. So it Is hard to

Then I would go do the job, and in the

ber. Child model and dancer who was

The photographer thought I should

say, we are having some big dilemmas

plane or car I would do my homework

featured in the Hayden Summerall

become a model, so she sent a picture

here. I am very thankful for that!

and then come back home and go

cover music video of The Weeknd’s

to her sister and it turns out her sis-

What is your dream modeling job?

back to school the next day! It might

“Can’t Feel My Face.” She has a strong

ter was the director of an agency . We

My dream modeling job would be to

seem very tricky but I get used to it.

following on Instagram of more than

never really thought of me becoming

work for Dior, or Chanel! I dream to

When you’re not busy modeling, what


a model because I was young but we

go to my country and work in Paris . I

are some of your favorite things to

How old are you and where are you

decided to give it a try!

am French and that would mean a lot



What was your first big break in the

to me .

I like playing basketball outside with

I’m 12 years old and I’m French but I


How do you deal with all the traveling

my friends. I also like reading and

was born in Hong Kong and I live in

I didn’t really have a break since I

required to be a model?

watching tv. I like the Harry Potter

the US.

started 2 years ago but there some

For modeling jobs I mostly go to LA,

series the MOST!! And I watch varie-

How did you start modeling, talk us

seasons where jobs start decreas-

but I have traveled to places like New

ties of shows on Fridays or sometimes

through the process from start to fin-

ing which therefore slows down the

Yor, NY state , San Francisco , Nevada

when I have extra time. I started self


process. But if not I have worked non

… . I go to a public school so some-

defense and that is really fun . I adore

Editorials are more fun to shoot be-

stop . Now we are more selective On

times it could get a bit tricky, but I

listening to music, and doing karaoke

cause you can be more creative with

what i do , so it gives a balance for my

normally leave early from school, get

but It is very personal to me.

makeup. You know businessIt’s quite

student life too.

homework for that day or if I’m trav-

You have a strong following on Insta-

an interesting story actually… My

What has been your favorite job so

eling I would most likely get the les-

gram of more than 380,000; do you

brothers needed headshots for an au-


sons that the class was going to learn,

feel that has helped when it comes to

dition and so we went to a photogra-

I really love most of the jobs I’ve done,

and the homework for an extra day.

working with brands?



With 315k followers, I know I am an influencer. Yes definitely , I guess this matter for certain brands to select models and get some exposure. But I won’t say that it is always the case. There is a lot of judgement in this industry and I know it becomes worse when you become more of an adult, such as size, age, and looks. I don’t know but I wish diversity will be more and more accepted . I wish my fan love my work and me more than the size of my hips or my legs… and i am glad to see there is some Brands who see that!! How have you used instagram to gain followers, market yourself and work with brands? I don’t know Why i always get this question lol , and the answer might be disappointing but we don’t have any techniques or anything to hide. We just show my work and people see it. The account is purely professional by showing my work and some sides of my personality. If you weren’t a model, what would you want to do? I do acting classes which are really fun. I do LOVE acting !! Soon I would also start doing speech & debate. Since I’m going to Middle School next year there is actually an elective for that which I might do, and there is also one for video and filming. I like debating, and I want to become an actress or a lawyer when I grow up. Where is your favorite place to travel? I LOVE the Hawaiian Islands, and France, when i go to visit all my family there . I was very young when I visited Paris but the pictures I can see on internet just make me dream to spend few days there … we might go to France this summer to see my Grand Parents !! I am very excited. What advice do you have for other kids your age that want to be a model? I would say to stay humble, be true to yourself and yes there is going to be hate , jealousy and that comes in the package of being a model sometimes but there is so much more love to get from it . If it is what you love so give it a try.

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