How to unblock and unleash yuor creativity in 30 days - Sample

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I want to give you a

HUGE THANK YOU! I wrote this with you in mind, with your desire to decipher how to become more creative and how to live always inspired :D So keep reading!


CONTENTS INTRODUCTION CONTENTS Are you ready? What is Creativity? And what does it make for me? Can I really boost my Creativity? What are the best techniques for me? And how can I really take advantage of this book?



DAY 1 - Clearing up your mind

DAY 7 - Let’s change it!

DAY 2 - Energetic Scream!

DAY 8 - What do you want and how do you want it?

DAY 3 - Knots on your Body DAY 9 - Get the Best! DAY 4 - Ugly Spider! DAY 10 - Smile, Dance, Sing! DAY 5 - Count to Ten DAY 6 - Powerful Affirmations

DAY 11 - Change the Movie, change the Outcome DAY 12 - Are you ready to Meditate?

FIRST STEPS Some really helpful questions






DAY 13 - Doodle yourself!

DAY 23 - Time to use your Moodboard

DAY 14 - Plus Size DAY 15 - Make a Map! DAY 16 - Create your own Monster!

DAY 24 - Special someone, Special Gift! DAY 25 - Go Backwards! DAY 26 - Paper Maker

DAY 17 - Toy... or Game Maker? DAY 18 - Kindergarden Plasticine

DAY 27 - Your own Eco-Contribution

DAY 19 - Colorful Sudoku

DAY 28 - Inspired by Nature...

DAY 20 - Puzzling!

DAY 29 - Big Time!

DAY 21 - Doodle Scrapbooking

DAY 30 - The First Step

DAY 22 - Moodboard Making



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Are you ready? This book is with you now because you are sure or at least you have the suspicion you can improve your creative skills in order to improve your life, your relationships, your hobby, and maybe most important of all your career, especially if you work in the Creative-Artistic field. It doesn’t matter where you currently are, it doesn’t matter how creative you feel or think you are, or what you think you can acquire, what is more important than anything is that you want to improve, you want to move, you want to give your best, and creativity is actually a key component in that formula, and soon you will start seeing it everywhere all around you. The truth is, you will embark into a wonderful journey, in which you will be shocked, you will find yourself doing things you never thought you could or would do before, you will realize you can actually make and achieve more than you are right now, you will feel positive, full of energy and motivation and that’s the fuel of all creativity. So come with me and push that button inside you to start this amazing trip boosting your creativity, 1 INTRODUCTION

during all these 30 days I’ll be with you in every step of the process, but remember this is just the beginning, you will need to continue working by yourself, exploring and setting apart some time to increment and maintain this amazing and useful skill. Are you ready? Great, let’s go


And what does it make for me? Did you take a look into the infographic from last page? Great! I took the time to make it for you, especially if you are the kind of people that gets things easier when they are visual. Ok, as we can see in the infographic, creativity is used by both hemispheres to create and connect ideas with the help of imagination in order to get a completely new, unique and original solution, product, artwork, book, song, task, or whatever, you name it, we all know the creativity’s action field is enormous! So we both can agree on the importance that creativity has, even more if we are involved in a creative job, career or hobby, then in this ever changing world it gets absolutely necessary to keep developing and working on a daily basis to increase it. Whether you are a designer, artist, scientist, teacher, engineer, lawyer, mom, dad, student, creativity is always required in our jobs and lives, not only to earn a living, but also to make our days more interesting and fun! Creativity fills your mind and spirit with vitality, with a life force, an energy that propels you to action, 3 WHAT DOES IT MAKE FOR ME?

to do more, to express your true self in a unique and special way that only you are able to do, it is not only good for productivity and for the launch of a great new product, but also it helps you in your daily life to solve everyday problems, to accomplish tasks, giving the best of yourself, to feel happier and have the sensation of completeness and satisfaction, you will be totally amazed with all the things creativity can give you, and most of all, with all the things you will experiment. So let’s allow creativity to flow in our bodies, let’s feel how it fulfills ourselves, and how it brings us the best of life.

Can I really boost my Creativity? Well, now you might be thinking “Great, creativity seems to be good for me, but is it something I can increase? I thought you born creative or not!” The reality is that as a muscle, or even as our brain, creativity increases with exercise, but I-m telling you should go out for a run, it will definitely help you and you can integrate that in your routine, but I am specifically talking about “creativity techniques”, which you can easily incorporate into your day and which will certainly boost your creative skills. That way if you thought you weren’t creative enough you will be surprised. But let’s be clear, creativity can surely be developed, as mentioned before, but once you are working on it, you should not stop, because it can go away just as the great muscles from the gym, so this is absolutely important for you:

“Once you start boosting and increasing your creativity, make sure you keep exercising it”

Now you will start with your 30 days program which will help you to really stimulate your creativity, if you truly want to embrace and take advantage of this magical tool, then make sure that for the duration of this book you make the time to properly perform the technique for each day, some of the exercises might be longer than others but this is key to your success. If you miss a day, don’t worry you can go on the next day, but please keep going until you finish the program, after these days you can continue in a more spaced basis, you can practice once every three days, or even once in a week, what will really really help you is to make it a continual practice. So, in a nutshell:

Yes, creativity absolutely can be boosted and increased; you need to practice specific techniques on a regular basis in order to get the most out of it. CAN I REALLY BOOST MY CREATIVITY? 4

And how can I really take advantage of this book? You already know I’ll be here for you during this month explaining every step of the process, and letting you know what do you need in order to practice this or that technique, and what I need from you is to be opened, to flow and focus on the creativity and its effects on yourself and your life, the approach I’m having on this book is kind of holistic, that doesn’t mean we will be on meditation all day, it means we will have physical, mental, visual exercises, all of them working together to get the best out of you. So I think “awareness” is something passing through your mind now, and if not you should reconsider, I also want you to be fully engaged, fully aware everyday, with every technique, with every step, otherwise no matter how much you work, or how many hours you take on an exercise you won’t have the amazing results you are looking for. Finally, you will want to assess your performance too; it will help you to be better and better, it will prepare you for next time to be more involved and to change whatever is needed, so you can enjoy more day by day this journey.

5 Easy steps to absolutely harness this Book: 1. Execute every exercise with an open mind, being focused, feeling relaxed and flowing. 2. Keep a track of how you feel and what you think about each exercise. 3. Be totally and completely aware and engaged, at least during the time it takes the exercise. 4. Assess your performance. 5. Practice, practice, practice!



GET UNBLOCKED Discovering what is holding you back, what is keeping you from expressing your true self by doing what you enjoy and love the most is the first step to release and completely boost your creativity. This unit is all about knowing what is stopping you, getting unblocked, realize of what you are capable of, and try to take some risks.

What are you waiting for?

Stop feeling this way once and for all, start practicing these exercises and you will finally feel free, renewed and refreshed


Day 5 - Count to Ten This is one of the most relaxing exercises you can perform, it is usually part of a full meditation, and as you can remember relaxing and letting go lets creativity to come in. Counting to ten helps to your brain to have clarity in reasoning and to be opened to creativity, when the brain has its attention on breathing all nervous system is in alert but in harmony, and the calm gets back to you, so you can start creating whatever it is what you want to create. You will need: • A chair. • A relaxing musical background.

2. Get a comfortable position in your chair, maintain an upright posture in your spine and support your feet on the floor. 3. Place the palms of your hands up resting them on your lap. 4. Close your eyes for a moment, and pay attention to your breathing. 5. Take a deep breath and count to ten, hold the air inside yourself and count again up to ten.

You will do:

6. Exhale counting to ten and stay without air while you count again to ten slowly and gently.

1. Answer the first question from the Feedback Sheet on next page.

7. Repeat the exercise several times.


8. You can complement using an affirmation or words like “Love”, “Peace”, “Creativity”, “I am Creative”, “The Creativity flows inside me”. Note: If it is hard for you to stand the ten seconds, then you can start counting to five.

Feedback Sheet 1. In a scale of 1-10, how tesioned did you feel at the beginning? Why? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 2. In a scale of 1-10, how relaxed and creative do you feel right now? Why? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 3. How did you feel during the exercise? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 4. Was it challenging enough or was it too easy? Why? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 5. What did you enjoy from the exercise? Why? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 6. What you didn’t like? Why? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

7. Write 3 options of how this exercise could have been perfect to you. a.__________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ b.__________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ c.__________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ What do you think? It was all about letting go, isn’t it? DAY 5 - FEEDBACK SHEET 22


FEEL CREATIVE Now that you have unblocked yourself it is time to really embrace your creativity, this beautiful gift you have been given and you should feel as yours. Feeling creative not only will help you to feel actually good, but also to increase your creativity, which is the aim of this book, to find more things where you can use it, to solve problems faster, and that’s because you are moving energy inside you, you are moving it in your mind, you are making a commandment and your mind should respond to it.

FE What are you waiting for?

Start this day with an incredible and creative energy. How? As easy as feeling you are the most creative person you have met.





Day 10 - Smile, Dance, Sing! In this fast steady new age, where people are always worried, stressed and in a hurry, we barely have time to smile, even less to dance and sing feeling the joy fulfilling our bodies. We are not aware of the benefits of these three actions and today you will experience them.

A dance gives you peace, clarity, harmony, it aligns you with all that you have to express through creativity.

Even if you just smile, you will produce tons of endorphines, which are the hormones of joy and happiness, these endorphines are also energy for your brain, and body, and this energy is able to activate the creativity in you, giving you confidence, joy, enthusiasm, propelling to take action.

1. Answer the first question from your feedback sheet.

When you sing your true self comes out to express himself, all hidden emotions are now enlightened and you can feel liberated to do whatever you want to do with absolutely no restriction. 39 DAY 10 - SMILE, DANCE, SING!

Some simple and wonderful actions can take you to a better life, and also can lead to increase your creative skills, that’s why in some places in the world sadness is not allowed, you would have only 1 minute to be worried or sad, and the rest to feel happy and smile. You will do:

2. Smile, dance and sing always, whenever you can, whenever it is possible, come on try now, and feel the joy. 3. To smile tell yourself a joke, or joke with somebody! To sing remember your favorite song and sing it! To dance use music that inspires you to move, just flow with it and dance! 4. Only give yourself 5 minutes to be angry, sad or worried, and just smile, sing, dance and let it go, because if you do that your body and mind will be connected on a different level, when you move, your face and body activate your brain in such a distinct way that you will not only feel happier, but also you will feel how your ideas come up easily and you can use them and connect them in order to make something beautifully creative. So give a shot!

Feedback Sheet 1. In a scale of 1-10, how creative did you feel at the beginning? Why? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 2. In a scale of 1-10, how creative do you feel right now? Why? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 3. How did you feel during the exercise? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 4. Was it challenging enough or was it too easy? Why? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 5. What did you enjoy from the exercise? Why? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 6. What you didn’t like? Why? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

7. Write 3 options of how this exercise could have been perfect for you. a.__________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ b.__________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ c.__________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Remember to smile, sing and dance whenever you can from now on. DAY 10 - FEEDBACK SHEET 40


BE CREATIVE Are you enjoying the ride to a more creative you? That’s amazing! Because now you will have the chance to explore your artistic and most creative side with some fun and different kind of exercises, you can go wild and express your creativity as it feels best for you, nobody is watching so embrace every step and give the best of you and your creativity. Remember you are the only one who will be assessing yourself, but never be too rude, just let yourself go and have fun because you are getting better and better!

It’s your turn!

Even if you think it’s a silly exercise just give it a shot it will help you in ways you cannot know and that surely you do not expect, just try it!


Day 17 - Toy... You know I mentioned to have a child’s mindset will help you to unleash your creativity more naturally and effortlessly, that’s because playing activates endorphines in your brain, and you already know endorphines unblock and release your creativity, and this exercise is all about having fun and playing! Actually this exercise is one of my favorites. My first approach to the next technique was back in college, in a super basic, but super meaningful class, the aim was to create a brand new product having as inspiration a fruit or veggie, it could be abstract or literal. What did I come up with? Yes, a toy, but more than that it was a 3D puzzle made with painted clay, maybe not as intricate, but when others just thought about making apple shape candles from apples as inspiration, I realize including some fun could bring 55 DAY 15 - MAKE A MAP

more creative thoughts, more creative ideas even if they seem simple. So don’t be shy, and don’t be afraid, just try to feel playful and try to have fun, that’s all you need to activate your creativity. You will need: • All kinds of materials you have available, paper, colors, markers, paintings, clay, plasticine, everything and anything can work, be bold! You will do: 1. As usual answer the first question from feedback sheet. 2. If you want to take the same approach as me, take a fruit or vegetable as inspiration for your next creation. Otherwise take anything is near to you right now and get inspired!

3. Observe your fruit; observe your veggie, or whatever you have taken: • How does it feel? • How does it look on the outside? • How does it look on the inside? • What is fun about it? • What would it need to actually be fun? • What feature does it have that you could include in your toy, or game? You don’t need to be literal, you can just take a characteristic an include it in your toy or game. 4. If you want to trace a sketch on paper feel free to do it, then take all that bunch of materials and start creating your toy or game. 5. Remember if you rather make a game, you need to have rules, someone needs to win and

... or Game Maker? someone needs to lose. 6. Once you are finished, try to play with your very new creation, talk to someone in your family to play with you in case you need someone else, and then ask yourself and your playmate: • Was it fun?

My inspiration and outcome?

Here is the puzzle I made from and orange. The original was made in clay and then I painted it.

7. How did you feel during the creative process? ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Was it difficult, was it easier? ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Were you having fun during the creation of your toy? ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ DAY 15 - FEEDBACK SHEET 56


Feel free to sketch here...

55 DAY 15 - MAKE A MAP

Feedback Sheet 1. In a scale of 1-10, how creative did you feel at the beginning? Why? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 2. In a scale of 1-10, how creative do you feel right now? Why? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 3. How did you feel during the exercise? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 4. Was it challenging enough or was it too easy? Why? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 5. What did you enjoy from the exercise? Was it fun? Why? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 6. What you didn’t like? Why? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

7. Write 3 options of how this exercise could have been perfect to you. a.__________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ b.__________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ c.__________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ You are just awesome!!


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