This project focuses on early-career researchers and seeks to provide them with the kind of support that will result in them being productive researchers who are able to contribute to UWC’s contributions in terms of the national knowledge and skills requirements as well in supporting the strategic positioning of UWC within the national and international higher education context.
We give our Early career researchers an opportunity to showcase their work.
Academic Coordinator, UWC.
Research area:
Incorporate indigenous knowledge into the scientific investigation to develop viable alternative treatments based on natural products that are easily accessible and affordable.
Ms Chafekar is an academic coordinator at the Research Development and Postgraduate Support Department at UWC She was formerly a lecturer at Medical Biosciences where she taught the Medical Virology course in the Department Her postgraduate training focuses on the various aspects involved in research methodologies. She is the project manager on a Technology Innovation Agency Seed Collaborative Project to advance and de-risk her research outputs into fundable ideas for commercialisation She is currently doing a PhD using interdisciplinary research approaches to investigate the potential role South African medicinal plants play in our health The vast majority of the SA population cannot afford or lack basic access to conventional “Western” medicine and healthcare, ultimately leading to reliance on traditional herbal medicine
Her research seeks to incorporate indigenous knowledge into the scientific investigation to develop viable alternative treatments based on natural products that are easily accessible and affordable The resources are sustainably cultivated in rural communities by farmers to sharpen our innovative edge by making better use of existing resources for inclusive economic growth that aligns not only the with NDP of South Africa but Africa Agenda 2063 and SDG goals for healthy citizens by promoting well-being and transformed economies to promote sustainable and inclusive innovation
Dr Osiki currently lectures in the Mercantile and Labour Law Department at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) She is also a research associate at the Centre for Transformative Regulation of Work, UWC. Dr Oksiki research background is in working poverty, nonstandard forms of work, sustainable development and policy reform, with a specific interest in the informal economy in Sub-Saharan Africa. She was formerly a postdoctoral fellow at the Fairwork Project. She holds a PhD in labour law from the University of Cape Town.
aosiki@uwc ac za
Lecturer, Mercantile and Labour Law department, UWC
Research area:
Working poverty, non-standard forms of work, sustainable development and policy reform, with a specific interest in the informal economy in Sub-Saharan Africa
Her research addresses Sustainable Development Goals 8 and 5.
Mr Hess is a clinical physiotherapist and researcher currently pursuing a doctoral degree at the University of the Western Cape (UWC).
Position: Clinical Physiotherapist & Researcher, UWC
Email: Research area: Healthcare utilization by athletes, aiming to identify areas for improvement and enhance the field through evidence-based practices and innovative approaches.
His professional endeavours are closely aligned with the United Nations SDGs and Africa 2063 Mr Hess is committed to promoting the health and wellness of elite athletes and providing them with the opportunity to reach their fullest potential His role as manager of the HighPerformance Unit at UWC directly contributes to the achievement of specific goals: 1 Good health and well-being (SDG 3): He assumes responsibility for overseeing and managing the provision of healthcare services and optimizing the performance of elite athletes at UWC His expertise and experience in physiotherapy ensure that athletes receive quality care and support to maintain their health and well-being 2 Human development (Africa 2063): He provides guidance, support and knowledge transfer, empowering the next generation of professionals to deliver quality care His effective mentoring fosters personal growth, leadership potential and lifelong learning, strengthening the healthcare workforce
Mr Hess’s work, deeply rooted in the principles of the United Nations SGDs and Africa 2063, underscores his impact on the healthcare landscape and the development of future healthcare leaders.
dhess@uwc ac za
Lecturer and Researcher in the Department of Physiotherapy, UWC
Research area:
Physiotherapy education, Health Professions Education, Clinical reasoning and Evidence-Based Practice
nelle Hess is an emerging researcher in the field of Health sions Education, currently serving as a lecturer and researcher he Physiotherapy department at the University of the Western She holds a PhD in Physiotherapy from the University of the n Cape. Her research scope encompasses both the realm of herapy education and the broader domain of health professions on. Her research pursuits have engaged with diverse facets, ng students' learning styles, evidence-based practices for both s and educators, tutor methodologies, and the intrinsic behavioral influencing clinical practice and the cultivation of clinical ng. Her PhD research has led to the development of innovative design principles intended to empower educators in nurturing clinical reasoning skills among undergraduate physiotherapy students
Aligned with the goal of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3, Dr Hess's research echoes the mandate of ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being across all age groups. This critical SDG strives to limit non-communicable disease-related mortality, enhance health workforce capacity, mitigate global health threats, and foster disease prevention awareness among healthcare professionals. In this context, her research endeavors contribute to the broader goal of cultivating and retaining health professionals in developing nations, thereby aligning with the SDG's emphasis on global health workforce development In light of an evolving medical landscape, it is crucial that the health practitioners of tomorrow are aptly equipped to diagnose, manage, and prevent diseases for their patients, ensuring holistic well-being across all ages In addition, her research aligns harmoniously with one of the key aspirations of Agenda 2063: the realization of a prosperous Africa rooted in inclusive growth and sustainable development Goals 2 and 3 of Agenda 2063, are centered on the cultivation of well-educated and healthy citizens, these are areas where her research also makes valuable contributions
Senior Lecturer, Department of Physiotherapy, UWC.
Research area:
Intensive care, respiratory and cardiopulmonary physiotherapy and rehabilitation, quality of life and implementation science and translational research.
Dr Karachi (BSc Physio, UCT; MSc & PhD Physio, SU) is a Senior Lecturer in the Physiotherapy Department at the UWC with extensive experience in intensive care, respiratory and cardiopulmonary physiotherapy and rehabilitation, quality of life, implementation/translational science research She is a SAFRI Fellow, and member of the South African Society of Physiotherapy, Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Specialist Group and Critical Care Society Dr Karachi is part of a neuro-rehabilitation research collaboration conducting studies on traumatic brain injury linked to intensive care and general hospital management. She serves on the CHS Faculty Research (Executive Member) and Higher Degrees Ethics Committees, has graduated 11 Masters students’, published in peerreviewed accredited journals and participated in over 22 national and international Congresses. Her research on changing practice amongst intensive care Physiotherapists, as part of a quality improvement initiative, contributes to the achievement of Good health and wellbeing (SDG 3), Quality Education (SGD4) and speaks to the Goals & Priority Areas of Agenda 2063 namely High Standard of Living, Quality of Life & Well Being for All Citizens prioritizing Basic Quality Services including acute and rehabilitative healthcare. Her mentoring and leadership allow for the growth, development and empowerment of the current generation of physiotherapists and other allied healthcare professionals that she trains to deliver quality care and services to the South African and African critically ill population.
Mr Hitesh Harribhai (B.Med.Sci (HONS) (UKZN), MSc. Biomedical Science (Endocrinology and Immunology) (UWC), Personal Trainer (ETA), Doctoral candidate (Sports and Recreational Sciences (UWC)) is currently a lecturer in the Department of Medical Bioscience. With 18 years of lecturing experience, he has shaped the undergraduate basic human biology curriculum for nursing students to be more applied to their field.
Lecturer in the Department of Medical Bioscience, UWC
Research area:
Physiotherapy education, Health Professions Education, Clinical reasoning and Evidence-Based Practice
In 2012, at the Faculty of Science Research Day, he won the award for best oral presentation and subsequently presented his work at the 15th International Symposium for Toxicity held in Cape Town, South Africa. As a qualified personal trainer and long distance runner, he is expanding his research expertise. His doctoral studies are exploring the uses of African traditional medicine, and complementary and alternative medicine by professional soccer players. Currently, the role African traditional medicine plays in the professional sporting context is an under explored area.
His doctoral research aims to address SDG 3: ensuring good health and well-being for aspiring sports professionals in Africa Establishing a foundation on understanding the relevance and role of this form of alternative medicine in the professional sporting world especially in Africa and extending to worldwide counterparts.
Researcher in the Centre for Diversity in Psychological Practice, Psychology Department, UWC
Research area:
Enhance students' well-being and academic success by providing them with the necessary tools & resources to navigate the challenges they encounter throughout their doctoral journey
Mrs Masters is a researcher and scholar in the field of psychology, specialising in comprehensive support for doctoral students She brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her work, along with a solid academic background and a history of accomplishments.
Her educational journey began with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and Ethics, which provided her with a solid foundation in the fundamental principles of human behaviour and ethical considerations in research. She then went on to get an Honours degree in Psychology, which gave her a deeper understanding of psychological theories and how to do research She then obtained a Masters in Research Psychology. This degree equipped her with advanced research skills and methodologies, enabling her to explore and contribute to the field in a meaningful way
She is pursuing a PhD in Psychology, focusing on developing and implementing a comprehensive support model for doctoral students. Her research aims to enhance students' well-being and academic success by providing them with the necessary tools and resources to navigate the challenges they encounter throughout their doctoral journey. In addition to her academic pursuits, She works as a researcher at the Centre for Diversity in Psychological Practice. This position allows her to apply her expertise and insights to real-world contexts, promoting diversity and inclusivity in psychological practice
Her research title is: "Comprehensive support for doctoral students: Adapting a model," is directly related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4, 8, and 10.
kmwandajonas@uwc ac za
Linguistics Lecturer, Linguistics Department, UWC
Research area:
Examines how language structure influences cognitive processes in adults
Ms Mwanda-Jonas is currently a Linguistics lecturer at the Linguistics Department at the University of the Western Cape. Her lecturing focuses on Psycholinguistics, Language Acquisition, Syntax and Research Methods. For her PhD, she examines how language structure influences cognitive processes in adults. For her MA, she looked at the effects of noun classes on isiXhosa speakers' object perceptions. With her research, she wishes to play a role in the advancement of empirical and theoretical research on isiXhosa (and other related Bantu languages). Her other research area of interest is language disorders (or disorders that affect language production and comprehension) in both children and adults.
SDG my research address: Goal 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.
"9.5. Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all countries, in particular developing countries, including, by 2030, encouraging innovation and substantially increasing the number of research and development workers per 1 million people in public and private research and development spending "
Lecturer in the School of Nursing, UWC
Ms Fürst is a lecturer in the School of Nursing at the UWC. She is the portfolio head for the 4th year level of the undergraduate nursing degree programme and a module coordinator in the postgraduate nursing education programme She accumulated 29 years of experience since completing her training as a Registered Nurse
This includes experiences in clinical nursing practice (12 years), in nursing teaching (15 years), and in nursing education management (2 years). Laetitia holds postgraduate diplomas in Nursing Education and in Nursing Administration, with a Master’s degree in Nursing (2011) and a keen interest in researching the most effective teaching methods for 21st-century learning environments She is registered with the South African Nursing Council (SANC), a member of the Nursing Education Association (NEA) and a board member of Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) Alpha Beta Beta chapter.
Ensuring graduates from HEI’s who developed an ability to engage in critical thinking and clinical reasoning become strong problemsolving agents in their chosen professions.
Associate Lecturer in the School of Nursing, UWC
Research area:
Research area: Nursing Entrepreneurship Education
She is currently registered for her PhD in Nursing at UWC, with a focus on the teaching and assessment of critical thinking and clinical reasoning in a Bachelor of Nursing programme This research aims to ensure graduates from HEI’s who developed an ability to engage in critical thinking and clinical reasoning become strong problem-solving agents in their chosen professions. The research focus will address strategic initiatives: 2023 SDG 4, Africa 2063 Goal 2, NDP 2030: Chapter 9, Decadal Plan 2020-2025 Pillar 3.
Ms Tengeh is an Associate lecturer in the School of Nursing at the University of the Western Cape (UWC). She is the undergraduate Year level and module coordinator in the third year programme (Midwifery)
She accumulated 9 years of experience since completing her training as a Registered Nurse. This includes experiences in clinical nursing practice (2 years), in nursing clinical teaching & supervision (4 years) and in nursing education (3 years)
Ms Tengeh holds a Master’s degree in Nursing Education (2020) which was focused on Nursing Informatics (Electronic Health Records) She is registered with the South African Nursing Council (SANC) Laura is an emerging researcher, currently registered for her PhD in Nursing at UWC, with a focus on Nursing Entrepreneurship Education. This research aims to address SDG 4 as entrepreneurship has the potential to drive innovation, create jobs, and generate sustainable solutions.
lkock@uwc ac za
Lecturer in the Interprofessional Education Unit, UWC
Research area:
Interprofessional Education and Practice, Primary Health care, and Health Professions Education
Dr Luzaan Africa is a lecturer in the Interprofessional Education Unit in the Faculty of Community and Health Sciences at the UWC. In this position, she is actively involved in the development and implementation of an interprofessional curriculum. She is part of a team that offers interprofessional collaborative practice supervision to senior health science students. In her capacity as an associate lecturer, she teaches and convenes interprofessional modules for health and social science students. She joined the unit in 2016 after nearly two years in private practice. She holds a BSc in Physiotherapy, an MSc in Physiotherapy, and a PhD in Physiotherapy. Her doctoral study aimed to develop guidelines that incorporate interprofessional practice principles into the rehabilitation sector at a primary healthcare facility in the Western Cape. Her research interests include interprofessional education and practice, primary health care, and health professions education. The incorporation of interprofessional education and collaborative practice to meet sustainable development goal 3.
This case study investigates how IPECP can be implemented in a lowsocioeconomic community's primary healthcare facility. The outcomes of this research provide this facility's staff with guidelines for providing high-quality health care to the community. Aligning with SDG 3, which seeks to ensure the health and well-being of all people of all ages.
Faculty of Community and Health Sciences
Lecturer, School of Nursing, UWC
Research area:
HIV and co-morbidities
Mr Tokwe is a Lecturer at the University of the Western Cape (UWC). PhD Candidate in the Department of Nursing and Midwifery at Stellenbosch University He holds a Bachelor of Nursing (BCur), Master of Nursing (MCur) (Cum laude), PGDip Nursing Education(Cum laude) Prior to joining UWC, He worked at Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Department of Nursing Science. He was teaching community nursing to undergraduate students. Before that, Lwandile worked in Primary health care as a professional nurse and a Research Nurse for the University of KwaZulu-Natal. He presented at two conferences and published in National journals. He is a member of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing and serves as a communication officer for the Alpha Beta Beta Chapter
He is a Global member of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (ANAC) He is registered as a Nurse (General, Psychiatric, Community, Accoucheur), Nurse Educator, Assessor and Moderator by the South African Nursing Council His research niche focuses on HIV and comorbidities. His PhD study is entitled “Care Pathway for the newly diagnosed patients living with HIV/PTB Co-infection in South Africa”. This study meets Sustainable Development Goal three which focuses on promoting good health and well-being, SDG 3.
Lecturer in the Faculty of Education, UWC
Research area:
Teacher professional development; public-private partnerships in education; teacher agency
mmalema@uwc ac za
Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sport, Recreation & Exercise Sciences, UWC.
Research area:
Youth with disability leadership development and leisure education.
Ms Johns is a lecturer in the Education Faculty at the University of the Western Cape and a part-time Doctoral student with the Centre for International Teacher Education (CITE) at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) She was formally employed by the National Professional Teachers’ Organisation of South Africa (NAPTOSA) as an Executive Officer responsible for teacher development in the Western Cape Province.
Her area of research over the past seven years has focused on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4 and 17. SDG 4 intends to ensure an adequate supply of trained and motivated teachers. These quality teachers who teach effectively are key to providing equitable and quality education This is realised through offering continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities for and by teachers. Resultant in upskilling teachers, providing them with updated skills and knowledge, and ultimately improving learner performance SDG 17 calls for a global partnership for sustainable development Globally, in education, there has been a shift in policy to allow for public-private partnership schools, such as academies in the United Kingdom and Charter Schools in the United States. In South Africa, Public-Private Partnership (PPP) schools in the Western Cape, are an example of a new form of public schooling that fast-track the provision of quality education in disadvantaged areas. The topic of her doctoral thesis is, “Unpacking Continuing Professional Teacher Development in Public Collaboration Schools: Western Cape South Africa”
Dr Makhaya is an emerging researcher in the field of Leisure and Recreation He is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sport, Recreation & Exercise Sciences He holds a PhD in Sports, Recreation & Exercise Sciences, with background teachings and qualifications in Sports, Leisure and Recreation management His teaching philosophy is based on the critical thinking and problem-solving approach, which enables students to think beyond their thinking relating to practicality and the application of theoretical knowledge.
His current research focuses on youth with disability leadership development and leisure education. He is involved in community recreation programmes with NGOs from disadvantaged backgrounds and health institutions for special populations. Makhaya is a committee member of the 2023 World Leisure International Innovation Prize Committee. He is also a co-chair of the World Leisure Special Interest Group (SIG) Leisure for Youth & Children. He serves as a Youth Ambassador and a country coordinator of South Africa for the World Leisure Organization. He is a recipient of the 2018 Thomas Ruth Rivers International scholarship.
Senior Lecturer, UWC.
Research area:
Labour and Developing economics with key motivation to highlight the conditions of our people and how we can better create policy and support programs to improve their lives
Dr Nackerdien is a Senior Lecturer at the University of the Western Cape having completed his PhD in 2021 He is experienced at lecturing at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, supervises both master's and PhD students and is currently working on projects linked to access to TB medication and support programmes for SMMEs.
His key areas of research are in labour and developing economics with key motivation to highlight the conditions of our people and how we can better create policy and support programs to improve their lives.
Lecturer in the Department of Biotechnology, UWC
Research area: Development and validation of DNA analytical tools and to understand patterns of genetic diversity in human populations in Africa as it has a direct impact on forensic applications
Dr Kasu is a Lecturer in the Department of Biotechnology at the University of the Western Cape since 2018. His research laboratory is involved in the development and validation of DNA analytical tools which may be beneficial in the context of Africa. The research also gives a primary focus on understanding patterns of genetic diversity in human populations in Africa as it has a direct impact on forensic applications. Africa is considered the most genetically diverse continent and host to the origins of early modern humans, our research aims to characterize and understand the patterns of geographic, ethnic and genetic diversity in African populations by way of forensic DNA profiling and sequencing tools
His research which involves forensic and population genetics are aligned with the South African national developmental plan, the sustainable development goals and the national imperatives. Sexual assault in South Africa has a massive impact on social dynamics in society The research projects are all aimed to produce genetic data for Africa and develop genotyping workflows that are of benefit to our justice system
Dr Behardien is a senior lecturer and general dental practitioner in the discipline of Dentistry at the University of the Western Cape (UWC). She has a Master's degree in Oral Medicine and two postgraduate diplomas (Implantology and Sedation and Pain Control) in dentistry. She is actively involved in undergraduate teaching and postgraduate research supervision in the discipline of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery.
nbehardien@uwc ac za
Senior Lecturer and General Dental practitioner, UWC.
Research area: Medical Education and Dentistry
nmbusi@uwc ac za
Lecturer in Foundation Phase Teaching Programme within the Department of Educational Studies, UWC.
Research area:
Innovative strategies for teaching Mathematics, Linguistic influences on mathematics teaching and learning, indigenous knowledge and school curriculum; integrated approach to teaching.
She is actively involved in research in the field of medical education and dentistry and presents papers at both local and international conferences. Her research relates to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 3 and 4 (Good Health and Wellbeing, and Quality Education). She is the current treasurer of the South African Division of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) (2023). Dr Behardien is currently a PhD Candidate in the field of Dental Education.
Dr Mbusi is a lecturer in the BEd in Foundation Phase Teaching Programme within the Department of Educational Studies in the Faculty of Education, UWC. Her research interests include innovative strategies for teaching mathematics, linguistic influences on mathematics teaching and learning, indigenous knowledge and school curriculum; integrated approach to teaching. Dr Mbusi holds a PhD in Education from the University of Johannesburg, a Masters degree in Mathematics Education from Rhodes University and a BComm degree from UNISA.
Over the years, Dr Mbusi has led and participated in successful projects involving teaching and learning in the Foundation Phase. She was a Family Math Project Champion for the University Mpumalanga, in a collaboration involving four other South African universities, from January 2019 to July 2022. She also participated in the African Storybook Writing Project, a collaboration between the University of Mpumalanga, the University of KwaZulu-Natal and the University of Nairobi, in 2021. She played a crucial role in forging a partnership between the University of Mpumalanga and the University of Teacher Education, St. Gallen PHSG, Switzerland, where the overseas students paired up with local students in doing Teaching Practice at local South African schools.
Her research focuses on SDG 17, SDG 4.
Mr Grosch is a dedicated lecturer and researcher with expertise in financial literacy, entrepreneurship and management He is committed to positively impacting society by aligning his work with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and in support of the South African National Development Program 2030
Lecturer and Researcher, UWC
Email: Research area:
Empowering individuals and communities to achieve economic sustainability and inclusive growth
He is enrolled for a PhD in Management at the University of the Western Cape. He holds formal qualifications in Commerce, Financial Planning and Business Administration. Coupled with extensive experience at a senior management level in the financial services sector in South Africa, he developed a deep understanding of the complexities and challenges within the realm of financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and management His research endeavours have been focused on empowering individuals and communities to achieve economic sustainability and inclusive growth.
His work strongly aligns with several SDGs, including SDG 1: No Poverty, SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, and SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities. He firmly believes that addressing financial literacy gaps and fostering entrepreneurship can play a pivotal role in eradicating poverty, reducing inequality, and promoting sustainable economic development.
rhumphreys@uwc ac za
Associate Lecturer in the Department of History, UWC.
Email: Research area: Green Hydrogen Energy project, Photoactivated Materials, and Anticancer Drug Design & Synthesis.
Ms Humphreys is an Associate Lecturer in the Department of History at the University of the Western Cape. She is completing her PhD in the Department of Archaeology at the University of Cape Town. Through her research, she focuses on heritage policies related to the dead from archaeological sites and the avenues communities can use to make claims to human remains. She hopes to expand the possibilities for communities’ involvement in research on human remains. By exploring how communities can be included in archaeological research practice she is working towards Aspiration 5 of the African Union Agenda 2063 which is to create an “Africa with a strong cultural identity common heritage, values and ethics” Community-centred archaeological research allows formerly marginalized communities to explore their cultural identities, and their common heritage and take agency over archaeological sites communities were marginalized Her work is important given the violent history of collecting human remains and the historical marginalization of communities from archaeological sites that are of cultural significance to them She also managed the stakeholder engagement process for the Sarah Bartmann Centre of Remembrance Exhibition Project One aim of the South African National Development Plan 2030 is to achieve social cohesion This was a key concern for local stakeholders in relation to the Sarah Bartmann Centre of Remembrance Project Museums provide space for dialogue knowledge and exchange that builds communities and social cohesion
Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Work, UWC
Research area:
Improving the capacity of community-based organizations within the Deaf community, particularly in evidence-based practices
Dr Davids is a Senior Lecturer at the University of the Western Cape, where she earned her degree and holds a PhD in Social Work. Her career path has been diverse, starting as a social worker and South African sign language interpreter for 20 years before transitioning to academia
As an emerging researcher, Dr Davids focuses on improving the capacity of community-based organizations within the Deaf community, particularly in evidence-based practices related to her current areas of research and community engagements, which include GBV and accessible social work services Her work aims to contribute to partnerships that enrich scholarship and research, informing her learning and teaching pedagogy By fostering collaborations and partnerships with this community, Ronel hopes to contribute to the achievement of SDG (5) in eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls who are deaf. Moreover, Dr Davids addresses the concern of disability as it is referenced 11 times in the SDGs, ensuring that disability is included in national priorities.
Mr Hendricks is a Lecturer in the School of Nursing at the University of the Western Cape (UWC). He is the clinical coordinator for the 4th year level of the undergraduate nursing degree programme (R425).
slhendricks@uwc ac za
Lecturer at the School of Nursing, UWC.
Research area:
Empowering Nurses to provide good health and well-being and to improve patient care
He is registered with the South African Nursing Council (SANC), and a member of the Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) Alpha Beta Beta chapter. He is a Registered Nurse (General, Psychiatric, Community and Accoucheur). He is also a Nurse Assessor, Nurse Moderator and Nurse Educator, by the South African Nursing Council. Mr Hendricks holds a postgraduate diploma in Nursing Education and a Master’s degree in Psychiatric Nursing.
Mr Hendricks is an emerging researcher, currently busy with his PhD in Nursing at UWC, with a focus on Transformational Leadership with newly appointed graduate nurses who completed their Bachelor of Nursing programme and doing their community service.
His Research aims to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 3) Ensuring well-being and promoting lifelong good health for all; by empowering newly appointed graduate nurses at various healthcare facilities, thus improving and uplifting the communities they serve.
Lecturer at the Institute for Social Development, UWC
Research area:
Unequal opportunities in Early Childhood Development and all tiers of education.
Dr Madyibi teaches Economics for Development Studies (DVS722) and Social Policy for Developing Economies (DVS 726 & DVS 827) at the Institute for Social Development
She received her PhD in Economics, specialising in Development Economics, at the University of the Western Cape
Her research mainly focuses on unequal opportunities in Early Childhood Development and all tiers of education
Her research interest touches on SDG 4, specifically Target 4.2 which is to ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education by 2030
sgmlonyeni@uwc ac za
IsiXhosa Lecturer at the Department of African Languages, UWC.
Research area:
Challenges facing non-mother tongue students learning isiXhosa
Mrs Mlonyeni is currently an IsiXhosa lecturer at the Department of African Languages at the University of Western Cape. Her lecturing focuses on Morphology, Literature, and Second language Acquisition. For her PhD, she is focusing on challenges facing non-mother tongue students learning isiXhosa at UWC. With her research, she wishes to explore problems that hinder speaking in non-mother tongue speakers after they pass isiXhosa. The problem is that they cannot speak isiXhosa fluently after finishing the course and yet the goal is for them to communicate effectively in all domains of life. Relevant theories (like the communicative approach, communicative language teaching, Humanistic approach, etc. will be explored to address the problem.
SDG my research address: Goal 4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong opportunities for all.
This research will add value in terms of teaching, curriculum and success of students in mastering speaking isiXhosa. The output of the research will be aligned with SDG 4 because its output will bring about quality education which enables the learners to speak fluently socially and at the workplace.
Lecturer at the Physiotherapy Department, UWC.
Research area:
Virtual reality, teaching and learning, health professional education.
Mr Yu holding a Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy and a Master's degree in Physiotherapy, presently serves as a lecturer in the Physiotherapy department at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) since 2015 His instructional focus spans Clinical practice, sports rehabilitation, and Pediatrics After completing his Master's degree in 2017, he embarked on his doctoral journey in 2019, concentrating on applying virtual reality in learning and teaching. Demonstrating a blend of conscientiousness, adaptability, and flexibility, he possesses a resolute determination and genuine enthusiasm to fully embrace the responsibilities associated with his role, consistently driving towards achievements In recognition of his expertise, he was also invited to serve as a guest lecturer in 2019 for a Graduate Diploma program centred on Teaching and Learning, specifically about utilising Virtual Reality.
Despite being a burgeoning researcher, he has admirably supervised and guided fourteen Honours-level research projects, showcasing his commitment to nurturing the academic growth of his students. Simultaneously, he is ardently pursuing his doctoral studies, with his current research delving into the intricacies of employing Virtual Reality to enhance teaching and learning methodologies
Mr Yu's journey is marked by a commitment to advancing education through innovative approaches, a dedication evident through his teaching, research, and mentorship endeavours