• ResearchGate also has a public list of researchers that have joined ResearchGate More about ResearchGate Additional resources: Video of the co-founder https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=_39iGQSwHuE talking about the vision and mission at a recent conference ResearchGate walkthrough video (5.29 mins) Online Collaboration: Scientists and the social network
Things to Remember
International Open Access Week is a
global event that has been celebrated for eight years. This occasion allows academics to continue to learn about the benefits of making their research open access and find out about new possibilities within digital scholarship. UWC Research for the World to Read
• Be consistent with your online profile, • Schedule regular time to update profile, • Keep your profile current, • Link all your research, • Just do it!
WEEK 20 - 26 OCTOBER 2014 UWC
Online Research Visibility Step-by Step GUIDE
Creating a Google Scholar profile Google Scholar allows you to set up a profile to keep track of citations of your publications. It is updated automatically, so little or no maintenance is needed. In order to set up your profile, you need to have a Google account. • Go to http://scholar.google.com and click the “My Citations” link at the top of the page. • Log in with an existing Google account, or create a new one. • Complete the form with your details then click the “Next step” button. • Review the list of publications, and use the “Add” button to add them to your profile. When you’ve added them all, click the “Next step” button. • Choose how you would like to deal with changes to publication and citation data, and click the “Go to my profile” button to view your profile. • If there are articles you’ve written which don’t appear in your list of publications on your profile, you can add them manually by selecting “Add” from the “Actions” drop-down menu. • To make your profile public, click on either the “Make my profile public” link in the yellow box at the top of the page, or the “edit” link next to “My profile is private”. Additional resources: • A Libguide on researcher profiles, called “Measuring your research impact” http://libguides.uwc.ac.za/content. php?pid=399878&sid=3274850 • 7 ways to make your Google Scholar Profile better, 24 July 2014 by Stacy Konkiel • Citation Tracking with Google Scholar videohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cV4N6pl1FgU video (3.59 mins)
Creating an Academia.edu Account Academia.edu is used by academics to share their research, monitor the impact of their work and track the publications produced by academics they follow. 1. Go to Academia.edu and sign up (on the right side of the website). 2. Click on “Upload papers” next to your name, on top right 3. Click on “No file to upload?” and add the Details of the publication. 4. If your publications are in the UWC Research Repository, add the hyperlink from the Repository to your publication, or add the DOI, click “CONTINUE” 5. On the “Tag” screen, add a few research interests, and then click “SAVE”
Creating a ResearchGate Account ResearchGate is a large researcher community linking researchers around topics. It is frequently used to ask questions to peers all over the world that have the same research interests and specialisations. You can automatically populate your publications list or add items from reference management tools or add manually. However, most publishers will not allow the full text of publications in ResearchGate. 1. Go to ResearchGate, sign up and complete your profile. 2. To add a publication: • •
Tip: Publications uploaded to Academia profiles are indexed by Google Scholar http://scholar. google.com/scholar?q=site:academia.edu&btng=hl=en&as_sdt=0,5
More about Academia.edu and FAQ
Additional resources: • Elsevier is taking down papers from Academia.edu - blog • Academia.edu Tutorial - Intro and Overview: 3:49 mins https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=f6ILBT12tYA • Academia.edu Tutorial - Profile and Dashboard (3.54 mins)
Go to “Your Publications” on the ResearchGate page, or your profile’s “Contributions” tab Click “Add your publications” in the top right-hand corner Click “Select file” to find and upload your file (A suggestion is to upload a file containing just the abstract of the publication) Add an optional URL, such as the hyperlink to your publication in UWC Research Repository or DOI linking to the original source. Click “Upload”.
3. There is an option to ask questions and follow topics on the right side of the screen. Tips: • If you’re having problems uploading or linking, look at the FAQs on publications https://explore.researchgate.net/display/support/Publications?src=breadcrumbs-parent • Full text publications uploaded to ResearchGate profiles are indexed by Google Scholar http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=site:researchgate.net&btnG=&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5