Scholarship of Engagement Report 2022

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2 2019 I Annual Donor Report Compiled by Ms Pearl September-Brown Prof. Priscilla Daniels Ms Asanda Mdayi 2022 Community Engagement Unit Private Bag X17 Bellville, 7535 Disclaimer We have made every effort to ensure that the information contained in this report is accurate and up to date. We make no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the data in the report, in the information services, or in the related graphics. Any reliance placed on such information, therefore, is strictly at the reader’s own risk. Photographic material was sourced from the Community Engagement Unit (CEU) and Graphic Designer. © Copyright notice: Permission to make digital or hard copies of all, or part of this work, for personal or classroom use, is granted without a fee, if copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page, and are not made, or distributed for profit, or commercial advantage.

The Scholarship of Engagement (SoE) Report 2022 highlights the Community Engagement and Teaching and Learning citations for 2021.

The citations captured represent engaged research by UWC scholars from all faculties, schools, support units, divisions, and centres at UWC.


Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic Prof. Vivienne Lawack

KnowleDge Sharing in higher eDucation inStitutionS (heis)


Knowledge Sharing

Facilitating Knowledge Sharing

Knowledge Sharing and Innovation

The Importance of Knowledge Sharing for Graduates


Scholarship of Engagement Model

Dean: faculty of artS anD humanitieS

Prof. Monwabisi Ralarala

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities Scholarship of Engagement Citations 2021 8

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities Teaching & Learning Citations 2021 12 Dean: faculty of community anD health ScienceS 13 Prof. Anthea Rhoda 13

The Faculty of Community and Health Sciences Scholarship of Engagement Citations 2021 14

The Faculty of Community and Health Sciences Teaching & Learning Citations 2021 22 Dean: faculty of DentiStry 23 Prof. Veerasamy Yengopal 23

The Faculty of Dentistry Scholarship of Engagement Citations 2021 24 Dean: faculty of economic anD management ScienceS 27 Prof. Michelle Esau 27

The Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences Scholarship of Engagement Citations 2021 28

The Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences Teaching & Learning Citations 2021 32 Dean: faculty of eDucation 33 Prof. Rajendran Govender 33

The Faculty of Education Scholarship of Engagement Citations 2021

The Faculty of Education Teaching & Learning Citations 2021

Dean: the faculty of law 37 Prof. Jacques De Ville 37

The Faculty of Law Scholarship of Engagement Citations 2021

Dean: faculty of natural Science

Prof. Prof. Burtram Fielding

The Faculty of Natural Science Scholarship of Engagement Citations 2021 42

The Faculty of Natural Science Teaching & Learning Citations 2021

SuPPort unitS, DiviSionS & centerS

Support Unit, Divisions & Centers Scholarship of Engagement Citations 2021



Dear UWC community and all our stakeholders

t gives me great pleasure to release our 2022 third edition Scholarship of Engagement Report at UWC.We have worked tirelessly since 2015, to ensure the integration of our community engagement with learning and teaching, as well as research, and in other endeavours, such as courageous conversations with our stakeholders, building on our community engagement principles at UWC. We started our colloquium in 2017, and grappled with community engagement, the principles, and sustainable communities, to mention a few themes. Since last year, we decided to combine our various forms of scholarship, building up to further institutionalise the Scholarship of Engagement for Societal Impact. Consequently, last year’s Scholarship of Engagement Report included both the scholarship of teaching and learning, as well as research on community engagement. Currently, we are in the process of concluding the last segment of consultation on the draft UWC Framework for the Scholarship of Engagement for Societal Impact. Besides, I am anticipating that this 2022 report will form the basis of our discussions at the upcoming community engagement colloquium, with the institutionalisation of the Scholarship of Engagement for Societal Impact, as the theme.

Thank you to Prof Daniels, Pearl September-Brown and team, for their tireless work, and to all those whose efforts are being showcased in the Scholarship of Engagement Report for 2022, I thank you.

1 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022
Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022 2



Build and enhance capacity for data collection, management, analysis, communication, and improve the management of education system as well as the statistic tool, through capacity building for data collection, management, analysis, communication, and usage

(African Union, 2015 , p. 26).

The creation and sharing of knowledge are crucial in Africa, because the challenges for human capacity building in Africa include: “a low investment in education, low literacy rates, underdeveloped research and development activities, and a brain drain from Africa” (Cortez et al., 2011, p. 146). However, knowledge management systems (KMS) provide strategies to address these challenges, and encourage sustainable economic development in Africa (Cortez et al., 2011). Knowledge management (KM) is described as a “planned and ongoing management of activities and processes for leveraging knowledge to enhance competitiveness through better use and creation of individual and collective knowledge resources” (Heisig et al., 2016, p. 1169). It ensures that people within Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) share what they know; consequently, improving services and outcomes (Bhusry & Ranjan, 2011). In addition, it provides an opportunity to capture and record researchers’, academics’, university experts’, as well as students’ hidden practices and knowledge, which could be stored and made available for future reference, by using a searching facility (Dhamdhere, 2015). Therefore, HEIs have to develop and prioritise strategies to utilise this knowledge, which will provide the institution with the competitive edge (Alsaadi, 2018).

KnowleDge Sharing

HEIs are in the business of generating, disseminating, and sharing knowledge, while academics are perceived as knowledge workers, who create, consume, share, and apply that knowledge throughout the

institution (Alsaadi, 2018). According to Bhusry & Ranjan (2011, p. 36) “knowledge is created as explicit knowledge in the form of documents, procedures and results, whereas tacit knowledge is captured in the form of experiences, judgements, views and perceptions that resides within individuals”. Therefore, the core function of Knowledge sharing is for individuals within an institution to exchange experiences with each other, as knowledge sharing is the process of converting possessed experiences and knowledge from one person, into a form that could be comprehended and used by another (Alsaadi, 2018). Knowledge, such as best practices, shared within the institution, could lead to better decision making, “faster response to key institutional issues, better process handling and improved people skills” (Bhusry & Ranjan, 2011, p. 34).

HEIs comprise various components, namely, faculty, students, administration, academics, research, training, as well as placements, and at each of these levels, knowledge is created to be consumed (Bhusry & Ranjan, 2011). When the transfer of knowledge occurs between people at different levels, it leads to an increase in knowledge, ideas, feedback, values, and common understanding (Annansingh et al., 2018). Therefore, managers at all levels fulfil a vital role in encouraging a collaborative and knowledge sharing environment, as it would ensure that the institutions improve performance internally, as well as externally (Alsaadi, 2018). Thus, the main focus of knowledge sharing in HEIs is to integrate the knowledge created at all levels, to be used towards the institute’s goals and targets (Bhusry & Ranjan, 2011).

It is essential that HEIs embrace a knowledge sharing culture, as it ensures a continuous record of knowledge, especially when staff move on to other employment. The knowledge, consequently, will not be lost, as that knowledge and experience would have been captured (Dhamdhere, 2015). Lastly, if knowledge sharing is socially embedded within an institution’s operations (Annansingh et al., 2018), and everyone at the institution has access to all the information to do their jobs effectively, it benefits the entire institution (Hill, 2022), thereby, affording the institution the competitive edge (Annansingh et al., 2018).

3 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

facilitating KnowleDge Sharing

“Universities play a key role in the knowledge economy through their primary functions of creating knowledge through research and transmitting it through teaching, dissemination of research findings and collaborations with government and industry” (Gamlath & Wilson, 2022, p. no.543). However, more often than not, it is challenging for HEIs to motivate individuals to share knowledge through networks, as, in these institutions, knowledge exists as separated, and in knowledge islands or silos (Annansingh et al., 2018). According to Bhusry & Ranjan (2011, p. 34), failure to establish and maintain KM is caused by the “lack of sharing culture, lack of awareness of the benefits of KM and a failure to integrate KM into everyday working practices” at institutions.

In HE, the staff members’ and students’ fear of sharing, or exchanging knowledge, very often, is due to the expectation of learning and benefitting from new knowledge developed by their peers, “while competing against each other for internal resources and competencies, rewards, status and external recognition” (Annansingh et al., 2018, p. 1003). Therefore, facilitating knowledge sharing “requires creative managers and motivated employees, who are able sit together, and develop strategies, needed to establish a culture of knowledge sharing for their organisation” (Maiga, 2017, p. 38). This involves building bridges between these knowledge islands (for individuals from the various levels at HEIs to connect via social and electronic networks), by encouraging people to share knowledge through open discussions, forums, seminars, or colloquiums (Sohail & Daud, 2009); thereby, facilitating a culture of knowledge sharing (Maiga, 2017). Lastly, creating a knowledge sharing culture among staff and students within HEIs, is fundamental for the success of the institution (Dhamdhere, 2015).

KnowleDge Sharing anD innovation

Innovation has been defined in various ways; however, Castaneda &

Cuellar. (2020) describe innovation as the process of acquiring, sharing and creating new knowledge, which embodies products, services, systems (Dhamdhere, 2015), as well as social and environmental contexts. KM assists in creating tools, platforms, as well as processes for knowledge creation and sharing, which is essential in the innovation process (Rahimi et al., 2017). In addition, it inspires creativity, and is the process through which staff members receive the most from the accumulated knowledge in the institution (Kremer et al., 2019). This accumulated knowledge that contributes to innovation, also “involves organisational culture, identity, policies, routines, systems, and also other employees” (Kremer et al., 2019, p. 67).

The main focus of innovation is the collaboration of innovators and regulators to share knowledge by exchanging “competence, expertise, information, intuitions, and creative approaches” (Castaneda & Cuellar, 2020, p. 168) with each other. Innovation in HE is defined by progress, as well as visibility in theory and practice, curriculum, teaching and learning, policy, technology, administration, and institutional culture (Ngoc-Tan & Gregar, 2018). These innovations are of utmost importance, because the “socio-economic well-being of a country depends greatly on the quality of its citizen’s education”, and secondly “education plays a crucial role in creating a sustainable future” (NgocTan & Gregar, 2018, p. 305). Institutions that encourage knowledge sharing, also facilitate innovation capabilities (Castaneda & Cuellar, 2020). It is unlikely that innovation could occur in the absence of knowledge sharing; therefore, it is important that managers implement interventions, which promote knowledge sharing (Kremer et al., 2019).

the imPortance of KnowleDge Sharing for graDuateS

It is essential that knowledge production organisations, such as universities, cultivate knowledge sharing between graduates, as it ensures academic success and employability (Gamlath & Wilson, 2022). “Graduate attributes are the qualities, skills and understandings a university community agrees its students should develop during their time with the institution” (Bowden et al., 2000, np). Therefore,

4Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

innovative learning and teaching environments, which encourage knowledge sharing, produce high quality graduates, who are ready for life and work (Ngoc-Tan & Gregar, 2018). The two graduate attributes that employers value highly are communication and teamwork, and both are related to social interactions and knowledge sharing (Brouwer & Jansen, 2019). According to Gamlath & Wilson (2022, p. 3) “the ability to collaborate and share knowledge with others effectively is a key skill employers take into consideration in hiring decisions”.

Universities, therefore, need to instil the knowledge sharing characteristic as a graduate attribute, by facilitating tasks that prompt students to experience interdependence and interactions in groups, as well as build trustworthy relationships among group members (Brouwer & Jansen, 2019). An example that encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing in graduates is the use of learning groups, where graduates are required to work in groups, sharing and cocreating knowledge to complete an assignment or task (Gamlath & Wilson, 2022). Knowledge sharing, as a graduate attribute, should be encouraged by HEIs, as it affords graduates an employability skill that would assist them to succeed in their future careers (Brouwer & Jansen, 2019, p. 220), which is one of the determinant factors of an institution’s success (Gamlath & Wilson, 2022). HEIs, as the guardians of young graduates, have the responsibility of instilling graduate attributes, and, in return, these students’ knowledge and skills become

new knowledge, which should be preserved, to contribute and help future graduates (Dhamdhere, 2015).


“Knowledge sharing involves the exchange of experiences, events and ideas between individuals which helps develop their conceptual and practical understanding of various matters and thereby broadens and deepens their learning and capabilities”(Gamlath & Wilson, 2022, p. 543). Consequently, effective implementation of KM at the university will increase the quality and efficiency of education and research, as well as help to retain the best academics and researchers, to develop new curricula, while improving cost efficiency, and ensuring the fulfilment of student expectations (Dhamdhere, 2015). Secondly, KM instils a knowledge-driven culture in the institution, where innovation could be incubated (Rahimi et al., 2017). This is crucial for institutions, as knowledge shared among employees could facilitate knowledge creation and innovation (Brouwer & Jansen, 2019), affording organisations the advantage over their competitors. Lastly, KM provides institutions with a more comprehensive, reflexive, and integrative view of the institutional knowledge, which ensures effective decision making, planning, and better performance (Bhusry & Ranjan, 2011).

5 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

DiScuSSion of centric circleS:

Scholarship of research aims at monitoring and evaluating the CE process through a structured reflective praxis.

Scholarship of integration aims at continuous facilitation integration and promotion of CE through capacity building, mentoring and coaching between role-players and stakeholders towards enhancing partnerships.

Scholarship of theory and practice aims at partnership and citizenry building for the purpose of empowerment.

Scholarship of application aims at facilitating sustainable communities through the recognition of indigenous knowledge and resilience.

Scholarship engagement facilitates an enabling environment for sustainable communities through CE and has its foundation and structure within Higher Education Institution frameworks.

6Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022
Figure. 1 Scholarship of Engagement Model
ScholarShiP of engagement HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION (Policies, Mission, Vision, Ethos, ALL Scholarships etc, which GUIDE engagement) Scholarship of research Monitoring, Evaluation, SI Alignment Partnership & Citizenry Scholarship of integration PartnershipofSocial Justice &Transformati on ScholarShiP of aPPlication Sustainable communities
Adapted from Boyer 1990

uring the year under review, the Faculty has been engaged in concerted efforts to connect its research, as well as teaching and learning, to Community Engagement and the Scholarship of Engagement. These efforts have been facilitated by our committed students and staff. As evidence of these practices, our Honours student (Aidan Africa) was selected as one of two winners of the Society of South African Geographers (SSAG) Outstanding Honours Research Award for 2022.

Mr Africa’s Honours project, titled: ‘Sense of Place: Gentrification experiences of Bo-Kaap’s long-term residents’ (supervised by Prof. Daniel Tevera) was focused on the unique Bo-Kaap Cape Muslim community, who remained in the area, despite Apartheid forced removals. Additionally, the Faculty has continued to reposition itself, in respect of its partnership with communities, which has been evidenced by Dr Lorato Mokwena’s award winning documentary work, titled: ‘Broken String’, which relates historical, as well as the present injustices that the Bushman people in South Africa continue to endure. Such rich achievements (precisely the Broken String: lorato/FMfcgzGqPpbdkJGnflTWfZDpCNMShVrW), not only unveil appreciation and cultivation of scholarship around communities, whose human, cultural, and linguistics rights are violated, but also speak truth to power, with a view to reshape and change people’s lives. Consequently, I consider this research-based engagement, the lifeblood of community engagement.

7 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

1 Banda, F., & Mwanza, D. S. (2021). Introduction. Multilingual Margins: A journal of multilingualism from the periphery, 7(3), 5-5.

2 Bassi, M. M. (2021). Multilingual teacher-talk in Secondary school classrooms in Yola, North-East Nigeria: Exploring the interface of language and knowledge using legitimation code theory and terminology theory.

3 Cyster, C. C. (2021). Knowledge management and organizational learning in religious organizations: A case study of Christian faith revival ministries of South Africa.

4 du Toit, M. (2021). Daughters of Africa and the Gender Politics of Urban Segregation in Durban, 1935–1937. Journal of Natal and Zulu History, 1-28.

5 Gandiwa, T. (2021). The use of information and communication technologies for accessing HIV and AIDS information by healthcare professionals in Zimbabwe.

6 Hames, M., & Lewis, D. (2021). “We Eat Sushi Now”: Targeting Hungry

at South African Universities. Gender Questions, 9(1), 17-pages.

Engagement Department of Linguistics

Research Department of Linguistics

8Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022
faculty of artS
anD humanitieS ScholarShiP of engagement citationS 2021
2021 faculty of artS anD humanitieS taBle 1
ScholarShiP of DePartment/ School/ centre/ inStitute/ DiviSion/ unit Research Department of Library and Information Science Theory and practice Dean’s Office
Research Department of Library and Information Science
Engagement Gender Equity Unit Department of Women's and Gender Studies
If the hyperlink do not open input the link into google.

7 Hart, G. (2021a). Dual use school community libraries: expedient compromise or imaginative solution?

8 Hart, G. (2021b, October). Public Libraries Stepping into the Gap? A Study of School Learners' Use of Libraries in a Disadvantaged Community in Cape Town. In IASL Annual Conference Proceedings.

9 Henkeman, S., Guðmarsdóttir, S., Regan, P., Solomons, D., Johnsen, T., Nordquist, K. Å., ... & Quinn, J. R. (2021). Trading Justice for Peace? Reframing reconciliation in TRC processes in South Africa, Canada and Nordic countries.

10 Kelvin, C. (2021). Emerging technologies for teaching and learning: An investigation into the use and role of iPads in grade six English second language in three primary schools in Northern Zambia.

11 Khan, C. D. (2021). Food relief or food security? A study of the policies and programmes of four Muslim social welfare organisations in South Africa.

12 Koloti, R. P. T. (2021). Pastoral care responses to clergy sexual abuse: a case study of the Anglican church of Southern Africa.

13 Magwebu-Mrali, N. (2021). An investigation of the perceptions and attitudes of postgraduate students interacting with Turnitin: The case of the University of Stellenbosch Business School.

14 Mathope-Dasilva, C. (2021). An investigation into the use of electronic resources by postgraduate students in the department of postgraduate studies in education at the Central University of Technology.

15 McArthur, T., & Francis, D. A. (2021). Acting on Sexuality Education: An Ethnography of How Young Coloured Men Construct and Perform Gender and Sexuality in and Outside The Sexuality Education Classroom. Journal of Educational Studies, 2021(si1), 8-22.

16 Mohammed, T. A., Al-Sowaidi, B., & Banda, F. (2021). Towards a technology-enhanced blended approach for teaching Arabic for Shari’ah purposes (ASP) in the light of the South African National Qualifications Framework.

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Research Department of Library & information Science

Research Department of Library & Information Science Integration

Application Department of Religion and Theology

Research Department of Language and Literacy Studies

Integration Department of Religion and Theology

Theory and practice Department of Religion and Theology

Research Department of Library and Information Science

Engagement Department of Library and Information Science

Research Department of Sociology

Research Department of Linguistics

Department of Foreign Languages

9 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

17 Naicker, L. (2021). Food, sex and text: Exploring survival sex in the context of food insecurity through communal readings of the book of Ruth.

18 Nogqala, X. (2021). The African child and the hidden curriculum at Blythswood Institute: Three snapshots.

19 Ntshuntshe-Matshaya, P. P. (2021). Investigating the relevance of quality measurement indicators for South African higher education libraries.

20 Oyediran-Tidings, S. O., Nekhwevha, F. H., Ondari-Okemwa, E. M., & Salubi, O. (2021). Access to educational information enabled by ICT tools in the Fort Beaufort Education district (FBED), Eastern Cape, South Africa. Information Development, 37(3), 402-416.

21 Oyediran-Tidings, S., Nekhwevha, F., Ondari-Okemwa, E., & Salubi, O. (2021). Availability and Accessibility of Educational Information to High School Learners in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Mousaion, 39(1).

22 Petersen, E. (2021). Divine intervention? Understanding the role of Christian religious belief systems in intervention programmes for men who abuse their intimate partners.

23 Rabe, M., Agboola, C., Kumswa, S., Linonge-Fontebo, H., & Mathe, L. (2021). Like a bridge over troubled landscapes: African pathways to doctorateness. Teaching in Higher Education, 26(3), 306-320. view?usp=sharing

24 Robertson, M. (2021). Queer studies and religion in Southern Africa: The production of queer Christian subjects. Religion Compass, 15(1), e12385.

25 Robertson, M., & Nadar, S. (2021). Queering the Ecclesia: Exploring" Institutional Culture" as a Path toward a Socially Just Church. Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae, 47(3), 1-16.

26 Rustin, C. (2021). What gender legislative reforms have meant for women in South Africa. Law, Democracy and Development, 25(SPE), 47-70.

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Research Department of Religion and Theology

Application Department of History

Research Department of Library and Information ScienceEngagement

Research Department of Library and information Science

Theory and practice Department of Library and Information Science

Integration Department of Religion and Theology

Theory and practice

Engagement Department of Sociology

Theory and practice Desmond Tutu Centre for Religion and Social Justice Office

Engagement Desmond Tutu Centre for Religion and Social Justice Office

Application Department of Women and Gender Studies

10Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

27 Rustin, C., & Florence, M. (2021). Gender equality and women’s happiness in post-apartheid South Africa. Agenda, 35(2), 146-156.

Theory and Practice Department of Psychology Application Department of Women’s and Gender Studies

28 Scharnick-Udemans, L. S. S. (2021a). Decolonising Religious Studies in South Africa: Reflections on the field 26 years after democracy. Religion Compass, 15(4), e12393.

29 Scharnick-Udemans, L. S. S. (2021b). Feminist Pandemic Pedagogies: Podcasting and the Study of Religion. Journal for the Study of Religion, 34(1), 1-22.

30 Shabalala, Z. M. (2021). Bookmobile library services as an information ground in Manenberg.

31 Snell, M. (2021). Multilingual playground: An ethnographic early childhood development study of diverse learners at Philippi children’s centre, Cape Town.

32 Solomons, D. J. (2021). Beyond nostalgia in the search for identity: Black liberation theology and the politics of reconciliation. HTS Theological Studies, 77(3), 1-6.

33 Stroud, C., Williams, Q., Bontiya, N., Harry, J., Kapa, K., Mayoma, J., ... & Roux, S. (2021). Talking parts, talking back: fleshing out linguistic citizenship. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, 59, 1636-1658.

Engagement Department of Women’s and Gender Studies

Theory and practice Desmond Tutu Centre for Religion and Social Justice Office

Research Department of Library and Information Studies

Research Department of Linguistics

Application Department of Religion and Theology

34 Truscott, R. (2021). Frontier Mail: The Liberal Subject and the Post Office in South African History. Kronos, 47(1), 11-35.

35 Truscott, R., Pohlandt-Mccormick, H., & Minkley, G. (2021). iMpumaKoloni/Eastern Cape. Kronos, 47(1), 9-10.

36 van Heerden, M., & Bharuthram, S. (2021). Knowing me, knowing you: the effects of peer familiarity on receiving peer feedback for undergraduate student writers. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 46(8), 1191-1201.

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Theory and practice Centre for Multilingualism and Diversities Research (CMDR Application Department of Linguistics

Application Centre for Humanities Research

Application Centre for Humanities Research

Research Department of English/ English for Educational Development

11 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

Women and gender Studies

12Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022 the faculty of artS anD humanitieS teaching & learning citationS 2021 2021 faculty of artS anD humanitieS taBle 2 DePartment/ School/ centre/ inStitute/ DiviSion/ unit 1 Antia, B. E. (2021). Multilingual examinations: towards a schema of politicization of language in end of high school examinations in sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 24(1), 138–153. Department of Linguistics 2 Foster, N., Auger, N., & Van Avermaet, P. (2021). Multilingual tasks as a springboard for transversal practice: teachers’ decisions and dilemmas in a Functional Multilingual Learning approach. Language and Education. Centre for Multilingualism and Diversities Research 3 Zembylas, M., Bozalek, V., & Motala, S. (2021). A pedagogy of hauntology: Decolonising the curriculum with GIS. In Higher Education Hauntologies: Living with Ghosts for a Justice-to-come (pp. 11–28).
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he vision of the Faculty of Community and Health Sciences is to “Impact Society through Knowledge and Research”. To realise this vision, part of our mission is to transform and sustain the health and wellbeing of communities. Both our vision and mission are conceptualised within a social justice framework. Community engagement is implemented by all departments, schools, and research centres in our faculty, either on an individual basis, or through collaborative initiatives. Outreach activities are executed by staff and students from four faculties at UWC, namely, CHS, Science (School of Pharmacy), Law, and Dentistry, often partnered with the Western Cape Government – Health, and/or the City of Cape Town.

The flagship offerings are the outreach programmes, administered within four identified community settings, namely, Bellville CBD, Fisantekraal, Mitchell’s Plain, and Genadendal, facilitated by the Interprofessional Education Unit, with the focus on collaborative community engagement activities.

To respond to the health and wellness needs of these specific communities, teams, comprising UWC staff and students, conduct health screening, health education, mental health awareness, as well as legal education and advice.

As an essential component of these outreach activities, individuals are referred to relevant healthcare facilities for continued, necessary professional services. Additionally, entities within FCHS engage their international partners, to focus on capacity building of community members, as well as community health workers.

Parallel to these services, a number of research studies are implemented to measure the impact of our engagement. Communication on Science development and knowledge transference are aspects central to the research conducted, while a concerted effort is made to include community members in the design, implementation, and dissemination of research.

This address provides a snapshot of the activities at CHS, which are aimed at impacting society through knowledge and research.

13 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

2021 faculty of community anD health ScienceS taBle 3

1 Adams, J. M. (2021). Exploring factors that gravitate youth towards gang involvement in the Paarl East community.

2 Adebiyi, B. O., Mukumbang, F. C., & Beytell, A. M. (2021). Policy Requirements for the Prevention and Management of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in South Africa: A Policy Brief. Frontiers in Public Health.

ScholarShiP of DePartment/ School/ centre/ inStitute/ DiviSion/ unit

Research Department of Social Work

Application Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of Children, Families and Society

School of Public Health Department of Social Work

3 Adebiyi, B. O., Roman, N. V., Chinyakata, R., & Balogun, T. V. (2021). The Negative Impacts of COVID-19 Containment Measures on South African Families-Overview and Recommendations. The Open Public Health Journal, 14(1).

4 Akimanimpaye, F. (2021). Developing strategies to improve support for grandparents caring for aids orphans in the western cape.

5 Ali, K. T. (2021). Exploring community participation in community-based health planning and services in the Asutifi south district of Ghana.

Application Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of Children, Families and Society

Research School of Nursing Application

Research School of public health

Theory and Practice

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14Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022
the faculty of community anD health ScienceS ScholarShiP of engagement citationS 2021

6 Amoah, C., Somhlaba, N. Z., Addo, F. M., Amoah, V. M. K., Ansah, E. O. A., Adjaottor, E. S., ... & Amoah, B. (2021). A Preliminary Psychometric Assessment of The Attitude of Health Trainee Undergraduate Students towards Breast-Self Examination in Ghana.

7 Anokwuru, R. A., & Daniels, F. M. (2021). Perceptions of baccalaureate graduates on their clinical nursing education and its effectiveness in their service delivery.

8 Arowoiya, A. I. (2021). A conceptual and organisational framework for internationalisation at a selected South African university.

9 Assegaai, T. (2021). Supervision and trust in community health worker programmes at scale: Developing a district level supportive supervision framework for ward-based outreach teams in North West Province, South Africa.

10 Mtshawuli, B. (2021). Experiences of professional nurses in caring for patients with suspected mental health disorders.

11 Bidandi, F., & Roman, N. (2021). Evaluating Family as an Instrument for Policy in Human Capabilities.

12 Blaauw, D., Yu, D., & Schenck, R. (2021). COVID-19 and day labourers in the South African economy: The impact on their lives and livelihoods. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 61(4-2), 1219-1234.

13 Bwalya, C. M. (2021). Retention in HIV care among female sex workers on antiretroviral treatment in Lusaka, Zambia: A retrospective cohort study

14 Chipps, J., Martin, P., Hoffman, J., Williams, M., Baloyi, O., Walters, F., & Jarvis, M. A. Evaluation of a Digital Programme for Final Year Nursing Students During Covid-19. Available at SSRN 3969849.

15 Davids, R., Roman, N., & Schenck, C. (2021). The challenges experienced by parents when parenting a child with hearing loss within a South African context. Journal of Family Social Work, 24(1), 60-78.

16 Desai, M. R. (2021). An exploratory study of the factors influencing the participation of persons with physical disabilities in wheelchair dancing in the Western Cape province of South Africa.

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Research Department of Psychology Engagement

Research School of Nursing Engagement

Research Department of Physiotherapy Engagement

Theory and Practice School of Public Health

Research School of Nursing Application

Research Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of Children, Family and Society

Research DWI/NNS/CSIR Chair: Waste and Society

Department of Social Work

Application School of Public Health

Engagement School of Nursing

Research Department of Social Work

Theory and Practice Department of Sport, Recreation, and Exercise Science

15 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

17 du Plessis, R. (2021). Effect of an exercise training programme on muscular strength, ankle mobility, balance and gait patterns in patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy in the lower legs.

18 Engel-Gilbert, I. (2021). Enhancing the development of clinical reasoning in health professional students–Scoping review.

19 Engelbrecht, B., Gilson, L., Barker, P., Vallabhjee, K., Kantor, G., Budden, M., ... & Lehmann, U. (2021). Prioritizing people and rapid learning in times of crisis: A virtual learning initiative to support health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The International journal of health planning and management, 36(S1), 168-173.

20 Ennos, F. B. (2021). Primary caregivers’ experiences of caring for their child post cardiac intervention: An exploratory study.

21 Ganie, Z. (2021). Factors influencing return to work after a cardiac incident and the development of a return to work intervention programme for individuals with cardiac diagnoses in the Western Cape, South Africa.

22 George, A., Jacobs, T., Ved, R., Jacobs, T., Rasanathan, K., & Zaidi, S. A. (2021). Adolescent health in the Sustainable Development Goal era: are we aligned for multisectoral action?. BMJ Global Health, 6(3), e004448.

23 Hess-April, L., Alexander, M., Stirrup, S., & Khan, A. B. (2021). Moving fieldwork online: Innovations in an occupational therapy curriculum. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 13(3), 210-212.

24 Hlatshwayo, L. P. (2021). Social work students’ experiences of online learning and teaching during the Covid-19 national lockdown.

25 Ibikunle, P. O. (2021). The development of an instrument to assess returnto-work among post-stroke survivors.

26 Johnson, L., Schopp, L., Waggie, F., & Frantz, J. M. (2021). Assessment of risk factors for non-communicable diseases among a cohort of community health workers in western cape, South Africa. Malawi Medical Journal, 33(3), 196-203.

27 Johnson, L. (2021). Empowering community health workers to improve their health behaviours using a self-management approach.

If the hyperlink do not open input the link into google.

Research Department of Sport, Recreation, and Exercise Science

Integration Department of Physiotherapy Application

Integration School of Public Health Application

Research School of public health Theory and Practice

Research Department of Occupational Therapy

Research School of Public Health Application

Theory and Practice Department of Occupational Therapy Engagement

Research Department of Social Work Engagement

Theory and Practice Department of Physiotherapy Application

Research Interprofessional Education Unit Application

Integration Department of Physiotherapy Theory and Practice

16Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

28 Gadija, K. (2021). Experiences of interpersonal relationships, stress and coping amongst adolescents who report substance use.

29 Kinney, M. V., Day, L. T., Palestra, F., Biswas, A., Jackson, D., Roos, N., ... & MPDSR Technical Working Group. (2021). Overcoming blame culture: key strategies to catalyse maternal and perinatal death surveillance and response. BJOG: an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology.

30 Klutsey, E. E. (2021). Development of a safe conception training programme for healthcare workers in antiretroviral therapy units in the Volta region, Ghana.

31 Kock, L., Mlezana, N. B., & Frantz, J. M. (2021). Perceptions, attitudes and understanding of health professionals of interprofessional practice at a selected community health centre. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine, 13(1), 1-6.

Research Department of Psychology Theory and Practice

Application School of Public Health

32 Koroka, P. (2021). Factors affecting adherence to anti-retroviral therapy among adolescents living with HIV/AIDS in Masvingo District, Zimbabwe.

33 LeFevre, A., Chamberlain, S., Singh, N. S., Scott, K., Menon, P., Barron, P., ... & George, A. (2021). Avoiding the road to nowhere: policy insights on scaling up and sustaining digital health. Global Policy, 12, 110-114.

34 Louw, S. A. (2021). The subjective experiences of parents of adolescent substance users, their knowledge of and access to available treatment resources.

35 Maart, R. D., Adam, R. Z., & Frantz, J. M. (2021). Dental educators' views and knowledge of competencies required within a competency framework. South African Dental Journal, 76(8), 482-489.

36 Maart, R., Adam, R. Z., & Frantz, J. (2021). Curriculum mapping: A tool to align competencies in a dental curriculum. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 13(2), 99-104.

37 Maart, R., Rhoda, A., Titus, S., & Manning, D. (2021). 'Going virtual': Innovative online faculty development during COVID19. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 13(3), 179-180.

Integration School of Nursing

Theory and Practice Department of Physiotherapy

Application Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Innovation

Application School of Public Health

Research School of Public Health


Research Department of Psychology

Research Department of Physiotherapy Engagement

Theory and Practice Department of Physiotherapy Engagement

Engagement Department of Physiotherapy Interprofessional Education Unit

If the hyperlink do not open input the link into google.

17 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

38 Makhaye, L. E. (2021). Factors affecting compliance of mothers/caregivers of malnourished children aged 6-59 months to an outpatient nutrition support programme in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.

39 Malema, M. P. (2021). Effect of a 12-week aerobic exercise programme on percentage body fat, fasting blood glucose and dyspnoea in insulin resistant, obese female university employees in the Western Cape.

40 Mariga, E. (2021). Sport for development and peace in communities: A case study of the ‘sport for peace and social transformation programme’in Uasin Gishu, Kenya.

41 Matambanadzo, P. (2021). Perceptions, experiences and coping strategies of families caring for children with special needs within Western Cape communities.

42 Matope, F. B. (2021). An assessment of factors that determine usage of contraceptive services among adolescent women in Lesotho: An analytical cross-sectional study of Maseru city secondary school students.

43 Mianda, S., Todowede, O. O., & Schneider, H. (2021). Scoping review protocol of service delivery-related interventions to improve maternal and newborn health in low-income and middle-income countries. BMJ open, 11(3), e042952.

44 Michelo, C., Hurtig, A. K., & Schneider, H. (2021). Working towards inclusive, socially accountable and resilient community health systems: an introduction to a special issue.

45 Mochechela, M. M. (2021). The role of sport in fostering leadership skills in sporting code club executives: a case of University of Limpopo.

46 Mphigalale, P. (2021). Exploring experiences of homeless young women at a shelter in Cape Town.

47 Mthembu, T. G., & Rhoda, A. (2021). Exploring experiences of using a case study as a teaching strategy to learn about spirituality in occupational therapy education. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 13(2), 96-98.

If the hyperlink do not open input the link into google.

Application Department of Dietetics and Nutrition

Research Department of Sport, Recreation and Exercise ScienceApplication

Theory and Practice Department of Sport, Recreation and Exercise ScienceEngagement

Application Department of Social Work

Application School of Public Health

Research School of public health

Research School of public health

Theory and Practice Department of Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science (SRES) Engagement

Theory and Practice Department of Psychology Application

Engagement Department of Occupational Therapy

18Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

48 Mthembu, T. G. (2021). A Commentary of Occupational Justice and Occupation-based Community Development Frameworks for Social Transformation: The Marikana Event. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 51(1), 72-75.

49 Mukinda, F. K., George, A., Van Belle, S., & Schneider, H. (2021). Practice of death surveillance and response for maternal, newborn and child health: a framework and application to a South African health district. BMJ open, 11(5), e043783.

50 Muller, S. (2021). The role of social work practice and intervention in divorce mediation. view?usp=sharing

51 Munnik, E., Smith, M., Tucker, L. A., & Human, W. (2021). COVID-19 and psychological assessment teaching practices–Reflections from a South African university. African Journal of Psychological Assessment, 3, 8.

52 Mureyani, S. (2021). An assessment of uptake of long-acting family planning methods among women of childbearing age in Gweru district, Zimbabwe.

53 Muyemayema, S. (2021). A qualitative study exploring the experiences with condom use among sexually active university students.

54 Ndagurwa, G. N. (2021). An assessment of the use of viral load monitoring on people living with HIV/AIDS taking antiretroviral therapy by nurses working at rural health centers in Mberengwa district, Zimbabwe.

55 Nell, J. (2021). Exploring the lived experiences of a sample of South African fathers who had a premature baby.

56 Nell, S. M. E. (2021). Exploring the experiences of social workers in private practice in care and contact disputes using the best interest of the child standard.

57 Nemser, B. (2021). Breaking the bttleneck: Understanding the intractable bottlenecks and data-informed decision-making to deliver life-saving commodities for women and children.

58 Nero, K. (2021). A quasi-experimental pilot study examining the effects of occupation-based hand therapy on clients with hand injuries in occupational therapy practice in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.

If the hyperlink do not open input the link into google.

Theory and Practice Department of Occupational Therapy

Engagement School of Public Health

Research Department of Social Work

Theory and Practice

Engagement Department of Psychology

Research School of Public Health

Engagement School of Public Health

Research School of Public Health

Research Department of Psychology

Research Department of Social Work

Research School of Public Health


Research Department of Occupational Therapy

19 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

59 Ngu, E. A. (2021). Experiences of undergraduate nursing students in a mental health clinical learning environment at a university in the Cape Town metropole.

60 Nsibande, L. N. (2021). Exploring challenges experienced by female footballers’ in a higher education institution in the Western Cape.

Research School of Nursing Engagement

Research Department of Interdisciplinary Centre for Sport Science and Development Engagement

61 Ogundele, A. I. (2021). Development of a mindfulness-based unit management training programme for professional nurses in Ondo State, Nigeria.

62 Okeyo, I. (2021). Intersectoral collaboration during policy formulation and early implementation: The case of the first 1,000 days initiative in the western cape province, South Africa.

63 Onagbiye, S. O., Smithdorf, G., Ghaleelullah, A., Andrews, B., Young, M., Bassett, S. H., ... & Travill, A. (2021). Prevalence of Selected Risk Factors for Cardiometabolic Disease among University Staff in the Western Cape, South Africa. The Open Public Health Journal, 14(1).

64 Otty, M. E. (2021). People with disabilities’ perspectives on how participation in a supported employment programme facilitates access to work.

65 Phillips, K., & Titus, S. (2021). Analysis of social networking sites used by student spectators in university sport. African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences (AJPHES), 27(4), 546-560.

66 Plaatjie, Q. A. (2021). Exploring students’ understandings of a decolonised psychology curriculum at a South African university.

67 Prinsloo, E. J. (2021). Perceptions of health professionals using the Umbiflow portable continuous wave doppler in two (2) urban hospitals in South Africa.

68 Roberts, E. (2021). Exploring the guidance and attitudes regarding infant feeding options provided by Healthcare workers (HCWs) to HIV positive mothers of infants 0–12 months of age in South Africa.

69 Rustin, C., & Florence, M. (2021). Gender equality and women’s happiness in post-apartheid South Africa. Agenda, 35(2), 146-156.

If the hyperlink do not open input the link into google.

Integration School of Nursing

Integration School of Public Health

Research Department of Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science Engagement

Research Department of Occupational Therapy

Application Department of Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science

Theory and Practice Department of Psychology

Research School of Public Health


Research School of Nursing

Theory and Practice Department of Psychology Application

20Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

70 Saban, S. (2021). Trauma and fortitude amongst undergraduate students with disabilities.

71 Sebeela, B. (2021). Understanding nursing students’ experiences of online learning at a university in South Africa during the Covid-19 pandemic.

72 Safodien, M. (2021). Social work 4.0? the fourth industrial revolution and social work education: a south african perspective. Social Work, 57(3), 257-271. view?usp=sharing

73 Said, Y. (2021). The effectiveness of diabetes self-management education training among individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus in rural Nigeria.

74 Shapumba, T. (2021). The experiences and perceptions of male partners of the utilization of maternity waiting home in Opuwo district, Namibia.

75 Shuro, L. (2021). The development of an anti-substance abuse initiative for high schools in the Capricorn district, Polokwane.

76 Sipika, C. (2021). An exploratory study of the subjective experiences of supportive and challenging factors among first-generation, professional clinical psychology masters students at a South African university.

77 Sobotker, G. (2021). Psychology masters students’ perceptions of developing identities as researchers.

78 Ssegujja, E. (2021). Stillbirths in Uganda: National and subnational response, community social support systems and women’s perceptions of risk.

79 Gondo, T. (2021). Development of mental skills training programmes for competitive collegiate netball players in Zimbabwe. view?usp=sharing

80 Turner, J. (2021). HIV-positive adolescents’ experiences of finding out their HIV status through the Mini Flipster Disclosure Method.

Engagement Department of Psychology

Research School of Nursing Engagement

Theory and Practice Department of Social Work


Research Department Physiotherapy

Research School of Public Health

Application School of Public Health

Engagement Department of Psychology

Engagement Department of Psychology

Research School of Public Health

Theory and Practice Department of Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science Application

Research Department of Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science Theory and Practice Application

If the hyperlink do not open input the link into google.

21 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

81 van der Berg, L. S. (2021). Advisory framework to inform the development of a micro-curriculum for a new bachelor of nursing degree programme offered at a University of the Western Cape.

82 van der Westhuizen, M., Gawulayo, S., & Lukelelo, N. (2021). A reflective view of the introduction of technologies in social work fieldwork modules within the South African context.

83 Van der Westhuizen, M., Beukes, J. W., & Greuel, T. (2021). Authentic African community development practices in a diverse society: A transdisciplinary approach. Verbum et Ecclesia, 42(1), 1-9.

84 Van Niekerk, B. A. (2021). Correlates of substance use disorder among patients in treatment at substance use disorder rehabilitation facilities in the Western Cape.

85 Velapi, L. (2021). The experiences of mothers living with HIV of the PMTCT programme in Khayelitsha, Cape Town.

86 Yahaya, H. B. (2021). The effects of the devolution of HIV treatment programmes from external to local non-governmental organisations: A mixed-methods study in Kano, Northern Nigeria.

87 Zvinavashe, T. (2021). Availability, price and affordability of selected chronic medications in private retail pharmacies in Eswatini.

Research School of Nursing Engagement

Research Department of Social Work

Theory and Practice Department of Social Work Engagement

Research Department of Psychology

Research School of Nursing Application

Research School of Public Health

Application School of Public Health

DePartment/ School/ centre/ inStitute/ DiviSion/ unit

School of Nursing

22Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022
If the hyperlink do not open input the link into google. the faculty of community anD health ScienceS teaching & learning citationS 2021 2021 the faculty of community anD health ScienceS taBle 4
1 Filies, G. C., & Frantz, J. M. (2021). Student readiness for interprofessional learning at a local University in South Africa. Nurse Education Today, 104

he scope of community engagement in the faculty has ensured that community-based projects in the BOH and BDS are embedded in the curriculum, appropriate to the academic year. Service learning has transpired in schools, institutions of special needs, in partnership with local and national universities. Oral Health promotion and education projects, as part of multidisciplinary teams, have emphasised the importance of healthy teeth and gums in the overall general health of an individual. The information gathering during the delivery of these programmes, has also created the opportunity for the development of databases, as sources of research projects. Additionally, research projects, such as HIV, TB, and COVID-19, has encouraged collaboration with other sectors. In addition, UWC dental and oral hygiene students rotate on the Phelophepa Health Care Train, supported by the Transnet Foundation. In this project, thousands of adults and children, who otherwise, would not have access to oral health care, are serviced. Teaching and learning has been enhanced with the adoption of the latest modes of learning, as well as the significant rise in the number of staff with Master’s and PhD qualifications in dental and medical education qualifications. An ambitious target of 25% is being set to ensure that a significant amount of learning occurs outside the training facility, in “realworld” communities, where the social determinants of health are present, and could be used in clinical decision-making.

23 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

2021 faculty of DentiStry taBle 5

1 Amosun, S., Kimmie-Dhansay, F., Geerts, G., & Basson, R. (2021). Career Development of Academic Staff in Faculties of Dentistry by Means of Mentorship Programs: Protocol for a Scoping Review. JMIR Research Protocols, 10(7), e27239.

2 Amosun, S. L., Geerts, G. A., & Basson, R. (2021). Perceptions of academic staff about mentoring in a Faculty of Dentistry in a public university in South Africa. South African Dental Journal, 76(6), 309-314. view?usp=sharing

3 Elsheikh, M. A. H. (2021). Oral health-related quality of life (ohrqol) of oral squamous cell carcinoma (oscc) patients.

4 Garelnabi, L. A. (2021). The association between baby bottle-feeding habits and early childhood caries in young children in Khartoum, Sudan.

ScholarShiP of DePartment/ School/ centre/ inStitute/ DiviSion/ unit

Integration Department of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery and Anaesthesiology and Sedation Engagement

Research Department of Restorative Dentistry Engagement

Research Department of Community Oral Health Application

5 Indermun, S., Shaik, S., & Opperman, J. (2021). A bunch of grapes with a bag of marbles: The concurrence of the botryoid odontogenic cyst with a compound odontoma. Oral Surgery, 14(4), 349-357.

If the hyperlink do not open input the link into google.

Theory and Practice Application

Research Department of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery and Anaesthesiology and Sedation

Research Department of Diagnostics and Radiology

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology

24Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022
the faculty of DentiStry ScholarShiP of engagement citationS 2021

6 Khan, S. B., & Isaacs, Q. (2021). Evaluation of the quality of systematic reviews critiqued by clinical assistants in-training. South African Dental Journal, 76(3), 147-152.

7 Maart, R. D., Adam, R. Z., & Frantz, J. M. (2021). Dental educators' views and knowledge of competencies required within a competency framework. South African Dental Journal, 76(8), 482-489.

8 Maart, R., Adam, R. Z., & Frantz, J. (2021). Curriculum mapping: A tool to align competencies in a dental curriculum. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 13(2), 99-104.

9 Maart, R., Rhoda, A., Titus, S., & Manning, D. (2021). 'Going virtual': Innovative online faculty development during COVID19. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 13(3), 179-180.

Research Department of Restorative Dentistry Integration Department of Oral Medicine and Periodontics

Research Department of Restorative Dentistry

Engagement Department of Prosthetic Dentistry

Engagement Department of Prosthetic Dentistry Department of Restorative Dentistry

Engagement Department of Prosthetic Dentistry

10 Roomaney, I. A., Holmes, H. K., & Engel, M. E. (2021). Treatment of oral fungal infections using photodynamic therapy: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical and experimental dental research, 7(3), 354-364.

Research Department of Craniofacial Biology Department of Oral Medicine & Periodontology If

25 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022
the hyperlink do not open input the link into google.
26Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

he Scholarship of Engagement is evidenced through our entrepreneurship education ecosystem. This ecosystem promotes students’ (a), employment opportunities and entrepreneurial capacities, and (b), consciousness for social, political, economic, and technological development within communities. Our approach, not only encourages students to engage with stakeholders within communities, but also requires them to form partnerships, to devise sustainable solutions to society’s problems. Operating within ZoneLearning@UWC, the Small Business Clinic provides an experiential learning hub, where students can engage with entrepreneurship-related activities, which direct their hearts and minds towards entrepreneurship as a viable opportunity for:

• employment and income-generation • support to owners of small and micro-enterprises

The training intervention programme, initiated by Professors Isaacs and Hall, on the Theory of Change, is another example, which illustrates the faculty’s efforts towards the scholarship of engagement. This programme fosters close working relationships between researchers and senior government officials on the continent, through the Network of Excellence on Land Governance in Africa’s (NELGA) short course training on land governance.

The Faculty’s Women’s month events, hosted annually in August, further fosters a collaborative spirit of partnership among a cross section of significant stakeholders (including business owners), towards adressing problems that face entrepreneurs, in general, and women entrepreneurs, in particular.

27 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022


1 Bala, S. (2021). Identifying the prospects of job creation along the value chain of plastic recycling.

2 Barnes, N., du Plessis, M., & Frantz, J. (2021). Perceived career management challenges of academics at a South African university.

3 Beko, H. (2021). The impact of unregistered births of children in South Africa and how their rights to essential services and basic education are affected.

4 Bidandi, F., & Roman, N. (2021). Evaluating Family as an Instrument for Policy in Human Capabilities.

5 Blaauw, D., Yu, D., & Schenck, R. (2021). COVID-19 and day labourers in the South African economy: The impact on their lives and livelihoods. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 61(4-2), 1219-1234.

6 Calvert, S. (2021). Food insecurity and dietary diversity amongst seasonal women farm workers in South Africa: The case of Cape Winelands district.

7 du Plessis, M., & Thomas, E. C. (2021). Counselling preparedness and responsiveness of industrial psychologists in the face of COVID-19. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 47(1), 1-13.

into google.

Theory and practice Department of Economics

Research Department of Industrial Psychology

Research Institute for Social Development

Theory and practice

Research School of Government

Research Department of Economics

Application Institute for Social Development

Application Institute for Social Development

28Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022
the faculty
of economic anD
management ScienceS ScholarShiP of engagement citationS 2021
the faculty of economic anD management ScienceS taBle 6
ScholarShiP of DePartment/ School/ centre/ inStitute/ DiviSion/ unit
If the hyperlink do not open input the link

8 Hamman-Fisher, D. (2021). Transforming the learning environment: Closing the theory and practice divide in an undergraduate industrial psychology module.

9 Henn, F. J. (2021). How education outcomes differed between types of schools in nineteenth-century South Africa.

10 Jantjies, M., & Plantinga, P. (2021). How South Africa can prepare for a data-driven education system.

11 Johns, M. (2021). Reduction in pension pay-out time and narrowing of policy implementation and management gaps in the Government Pension Administration Agency: Case study with reference to Western Cape Education Department (2010–2017).

12 Kariem, I. (2021). A digital skills development framework for digitally maturing South African Higher Education Institutions.

13 Kaschek, T. S. (2021). Exploring the experiences of female small-scale organic cocoa farmers about gender-based inequality in agency and empowerment in light of the Sustainable Development Goal 5: A case study from rural Ghana.

14 Lucas, F. A. (2021). Exploring the absence of social capital in entrenching recidivism amongst male and female inhabitants of Hanover park, western cape, South Africa.

15 Mabharwana, N. (2021). Food security at the University of the Western Cape: An exploration of actions and programmes to address student hunger.

16 Madyibi, S. (2021). Evaluating the impact of facility and household-level factors on early learning development in Philippi, Western Cape.

Theory and practice Department of Industrial Psychology Engagement

Research Department of Economics

Engagement Department of Information Systems

Engagement School of Government

17 Makhoere, C. T. E., Jokonya, O., & Gorejena, K. (2021, November).

Evaluating SDN Adoption Benefits: Case Northern Cape Higher Institutions. In 2021 3rd International Multidisciplinary Information Technology and Engineering Conference (IMITEC) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.

If the hyperlink do not open input the link into google.

Engagement Department of Information Systems

Research Institute for Social Development Application

Application Institute for Social Development Engagement

Engagement Institute for Social Development

Research Department of Economics Application


Research Department of Information Systems


29 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

18 Mange, S. (2021). Engaging in financial literacy education: Exploring debt with undergraduate students.

19 Maphumulo, N. (2021). The transition from a decentralised to centralised NSFAS System: A case Study of the impact on students from 2016 to 2018 at a historically black university.

20 Mazhawidza, D. T. (2021). Evaluation of selected human resource practices in selected non-governmental/non-profit organisations in Cape Town.

21 Mbadugha, P. A. (2021). An analysis of the role of remittances in achieving sustainable development goals in Nkanu east local government area of Enugu state, Nigeria.

22 Mdleleni, L. (2021). University as a vehicle to achieve social innovation and development: repositioning the role of the university in the society. Social Enterprise Journal.

23 Mensah, C., & Karriem, A. (2021). Harnessing Public Food Procurement for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods in South Africa through the National School Nutrition Programme: A Qualitative Assessment of Contributions and Challenges. Sustainability, 13(24), 13838.

24 Moyo, L. (2021). Local government as an enabler of local economic development: A case study of the Bulawayo city council.

25 Mqikela, D. (2021). Lessons from social housing provision: A case study in Asanda village township in Strand, Western Cape province.

26 Mtuse, N. (2021). The experiences of homophobia for lesbians who live in Cape Town townships.

27 Mukafuku, C. (2021). The role of churches as social protection actors: The case of Rwandan refugee migrants in Cape Town.

28 Mukiga, A. K. (2021). Community activism and social change of the urban poor in the western cape: Advocating for sustainable sanitation in Cape Town’s informal settlements.

If the hyperlink do not open input the link into google.

Research Department of Economics Theory and practice Engagement

Research School of Government Application Engagement

Research Department of Industrial Psychology Engagement

Research Institute for Social Development Application

Engagement School of Government

Engagement Institute for Social Development

Application School of Government

Research School of Government

Research Institute for Social Development

Research Institute for Social Development Engagement

Application Institute for Social Development Engagement

30Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

29 Mulaga, R. R. (2021). Identifying and assessing barriers and enablers to HIV counselling and testing among men aged 18-49 in Lilongwe District. A case study of Chileka Health Area.

30 Naidoo-Chetty, M., & du Plessis, M. (2021). Job demands and job resources of academics in higher education. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 2336.

31 Nelwamondo, M. (2021). The role of intermediaries in information sharing between government and communities in Western Cape.

32 Nelwamondo, M., & Njenga, J. K. (2021). Approaches for enhancing information sharing between government and communities in Western Cape. South African Journal of Information Management, 23(1), 1-9.

33 Nkwenkwezi, M. E. (2021). Investigating factors that hinder the adoption and use of primary healthcare information systems (phcis) in the western cape of South Africa.

34 Ogbuabo, E. O. (2021). Street children and accessing universal basic education: A case study of Enugu State, Nigeria.

35 Pillay, C. P., & Njenga, J. K. (2021). Opportunities for Reducing Expenses through Digital Innovation: The Case of an Insurance Company. The African Journal of Information Systems, 13(1), 5.

36 Poshai, L. (2021). Urban Housing Policy in Zimbabwe and its Institutional Structures: Reflecting on the Housing Challenge in Harare, 1980-2020.

37 Rey-Moreno, C., Bloom, P., Diga, K., Jensen, M., Ramos, K. V., Brock, N., ... & Belur27, S. B. 3 Funding Bottom up Connectivity: Approaches and Challenges of Community Networks to Sustain Themselves. Community Networks: Towards Sustainable Funding Models, 53

38 Rich, M. J., & Pather, S. (2021). A response to the persistent digital divide: critical components of a community network ecosystem. Information Development, 37(4), 558-578.

If the hyperlink do not open input the link into google.

Theory and practice Institute for Social Development Application

Research Department of Industrial Psychology Engagement

Research Department of Information Systems Engagement

Research Department of Information Systems

Research Department of Information Systems

Theory and practice Institute for Social Development

Research Department of Information Systems

Research Institute for Social Development

Engagement Department of Information Systems

Institute for Social Development

Engagement Department of Information Systems

31 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022


40 Tamirat, F. Y. (2021). An assessment of social capital in rural Ethiopia: The case of Aresi and Menze.

41 Terblanche, J., & Waghid, Y. (2021). Chartered accountancy and resistance in South Africa. South African Journal of Higher Education, 35(3), 239-253.

42 Tyhotyholo, T. (2021). Analysis of the challenges in the distribution of lowincome housing in south Africa: The case of delft symphony community, in Cape Town, 2000-2015.

Research School of Business and Finance

Engagement School of Government

Engagement Department of Accounting

Engagement School of Government

the faculty of economic anD management ScienceS teaching & learning citationS 2021

2021 the faculty of economic anD management ScienceS taBle 7

1 Madyibi, S., & Bayat, A. (2021). A CASE STUDY of EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT FACILITY INFRASTRUCTURE in PHILIPPI, SOUTH AFRICA. Perspectives in Education, 39(4), 156–171.

2 Terblanche, J., & Van Der Walt, C. (2021). Considering positionality: Responding ethically and teaching for social justice in the time of COVID-19. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 16(2), 179–188.

3 Verster, B., & Van Den Berg, C. (2021). Design principles for interdisciplinary collaborative learning through social, digital innovation. International Conference on Higher Education Advances, 847–854.

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DePartment/ School/ centre/ inStitute/ DiviSion/ unit

Department of Economics

Department of Accounting

Department of Information Systems

32Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

he LEDIMTALI project focuses on teaching practices to enhance learners’ achievement in high-stakes mathematics examinations. The SLCA launched the UWC Coding and Robotics Club, with the goal of exposing school learners to this cutting-edge technology. The SLCA, in conjunction with corporate funders, has prioritised the offering of professional development workshops for STEM teachers, to explore the affordances of cooperative- and problem-based learning, and enhance self-directed learning. This is accompanied by a research agenda evidence of reformed teaching in the post-intervention classroom. Additionally, Educational Psychology is engaging with Chrysalis Academy to assist with the development of young adults on mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual levels; again with nascent research opportunities. We are also engaged in the Collaborative Online International Learning practices with Missouri University & Kobenhavns Professions Hojskole (Denmark), which focuses on the internationalisation of teaching and learning, as well as teacher development.

33 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

2021 the faculty of eDucation taBle 8

1 Bara, M. (2021). Early literacy development in IsiXhosa: Fostering grade 3 learners’ imagination and critical thinking through folktales.

2 Dizha, M. (2021). An analysis of mathematical modelling competencies of grade 11 learners in solving word problems involving quadratic equations

3 Esau, D. E., & Maarman, R. (2021). Re-imaging support for beginner teachers in relation to initial teacher education policy in South Africa. South African Journal of Education, 41(4).

4 George, F. (2021). The effects of a dialogical argumentation and assessment for learning instruction model (DAAFLIM) on science students’ conception of selected scientific topics.

5 Hector, N. (2021). Access, participation and barriers to adult learning at a TVET College in the Western Cape.

6 Koch, R., & Wehmeyer, W. (2021). A systematic review of comprehensive sexuality education for South African adolescents.

7 Koopman, O., & Koopman, K. J. (2021). The impact of the neoliberal technological epoch and Covid-19 on the decolonization of the university curriculum. South African Journal of Higher Education, 35(1), 127-142.

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ScholarShiP of DePartment/ School/ centre/ inStitute/ DiviSion/ unit

Research Department of Language Education

Research School of Science and Mathematics Education

Research Department of Educational Studies

Research School of Science and Mathematics Education

Research Institute for Post School Studies

Research Department of Educational Psychology

Theory & Practice Department of Educational Studies


34Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022
ScholarShiP of engagement citationS 2021

8 Larke, S. P. (2021). Access, barriers to participation and success amongst mature adult students at a Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college in the Western Cape.

9 Laubscher, A. O. (2021). A Phenomenological investigation into selected grade seven teachers’ integration of democratic values into their ems lessons.

10 Mitcham, A. J. A. (2021). The NCV qualification, internships and work readiness. The case of a TVET college in the Western Cape.

11 Mlauzi, E. (2021). Investigating the effect of role play on Grade 10 learners’ conception about the human circulatory system, at a selected township school in the Western Cape.

12 Nondalana, N. T. (2021). Grade 3 learners’ metaphorical proficiency in isiXhosa literacy: Exploring the use of idioms in the teaching and learning of creative writing.

13 Papier, J. (2021). 21st Century competencies in Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Rhetoric and reality in the wake of a pandemic.

Journal of Education (University of KwaZulu-Natal), (84), 67-84.

14 Raymond, R. E. (2021). Student persistence among foreign students at a faith-based higher education institution in the Western Cape.

15 Salie, M., & Moletsane, M. (2021). Exploring the Promotion of Cultural Diversity through Mother Tongue Education in the Foundation Phase. International Journal of Studies in Psychology, 1(1), 37-48.

16 Sigonyela, S. M. (2021). Investigating grade 6 teachers’ experiences of english first additional language systemic literacy evaluations in the Western Cape.

17 Williams, G. (2021). Access, barriers to participation and success among mature students at a University in the Western Cape.

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Research Institute for Post School Studies

Theory & Practice

Research Department of Educational Studies

Engagement Institute for Post School Studies

Research School of Science and Mathematics EducationTheory & Practice

Research Department of Language Education

Research Institute for PostSchool Studies Engagement

Research Institute for Post School Studies

Research Department of Educational Psychology

Research Department of Language Education Engagement

Research Institute for Post School Studies

35 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

2021 the faculty of eDucation taBle 9

1 Bloch, C., & Mbolekwa, S. (2021). Apprenticeships in meaning: Transforming opportunities for oral and written language learning in the early years. In Multilingual Learning and Language Supportive Pedagogies in Sub-Saharan Africa (pp. 101–137)

2 Esau, D. E., & Maarman, R. (2021). Re-imaging support for beginner teachers in relation to initial teacher education policy in South Africa. South African Journal of Education, 41(4).

3 Fakudze, C. (2021). The influence of local worldview presuppositions on learners’ conceptions of selected mechanics topics. South African Journal of Education, 41(2).

4 Green, L., & Collett, K. (2021). Teaching thinking in South African schools: Selected school leaders’ perceptions. South African Journal of Education, 41(2).

5 Stevens, D. D., Chetty, R., Jones, T. B., Yallew, A., & Butler-Henderson, K. (2021). Doctoral supervision and covid-19: Autoethnographies from four faculty across three continents. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 18(5).

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DePartment/ School/ centre/ inStitute/ DiviSion/ unit

Department of Language Education

Department of Educational Studies

School of Science and Mathematics Education

Department of Educational Studies

Institute of Post-School Studies (IPSS)

36Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022 the faculty of eDucation teaching & learning citationS 2021

ecent innovations, in respect of the Scholarship of Engagement in the Law Faculty, include Labour Law Online (an online tool on labour-related matters for use by community advice offices), and the Digital Platform CoOperative Project (aimed at domestic workers), initiated by the Social Law Project in Centrow.

Regarding learning and teaching, the Law Faculty is hosting a number of seminars on the role and importance in the curriculum of transformative constitutionalism, Africanisation, and decolonisation, during this year.

Concerning the integration of societal impact in Research, as well as Teaching and Learning, the Faculty, in its strategic plan, has committed itself to the values of ‘engagement and responsiveness’, which are defined as follows: ‘The learning process and the pursuit of knowledge within the Faculty will engage with and respond to local and global challenges, and will have as aim the creation of a more just, equitable and inclusive society.

37 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

2021 the faculty of law taBle 10

1 Adeniyi, O. F. (2021). Hungry for knowledge, hungry for bread: Realising the right to food of students in South African tertiary institutions.

2 Adeola, R., & Mezmur, B. D. (2021). The Protection of Internally Displaced Children in Africa: A Doctrinal Analysis of Article 23 (4) of the African Children's Charter. Journal of African Law, 65(S1), 115-129.

3 Asiimwe, E. (2021). Corruption and the judiciary: A critical study of Uganda.

4 Booley, A. (2021). The effect of the 2011 Arab uprising in the Middle East and North Africa (Mena region): Morocco's quest for constitutional reform and the 20 February Movement. Law, Democracy and Development, 25(SPE), 223-241.

5 Bouah, N., & Sloth-Nielsen, J. (2021). Towards Comprehensive Guidance for States in the African Region to respond to Children’s Rights in Emergencies, Disasters and Pandemics. The International Journal of Children's Rights, 29(2), 447-474.

6 Karungi, V. (2021). ‘Social truth’as an approach to transitional justice in gacaca courts in post-genocide Rwanda.

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38Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022
the faculty of law ScholarShiP of engagement citationS 2021 ScholarShiP of DePartment/ School/ centre/ inStitute/ DiviSion/ unit Engagement Department of criminal justice and Procedure Theory and Practice Dullar Omar Institute Application Department of Public Law and Jurisprudence Research Department of Private Law Theory and practice Department of Public Law and Jurisprudence Engagement Department of Criminal Justice and Procedure

7 Mashego, K. A. (2021). Examining the link between economic development and the enforcement of socio-economic rights in Africa: A case study of South Africa and Nigeria.

8 Masumba, W. D. (2021). The investigation and prosecution of corruption in Uganda.

9 Moolla, M. (2021). The imperative to implement Muslim personal law in South Africa.

10 Mwambene. L & Mgidlana, R. H. (2021). Should South Africa criminalise Ukuthwala leading to forced marriages and child marriages? Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal (PELJ), 24(1), 1-27.

11 Mwambene, L., Dubin, A., & Lawson, D. (2021). Engendering access to justice for development in Sub-Saharan Africa: a study of policy, programming and implementation. Law, Democracy and Development, 25(SPE), 1-19.

12 Nanima, R. (2020). Adjudication of Corporal Punishment and the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 16.2: An evaluation of the Kenyan Experience.

13 Nanima, R. D. (2021). The right to education of the refugee girl affected by armed conflict in Kenya: insights from the jurisprudence of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child. Law, Democracy and Development, 25(SPE), 119-145.

14 Newton, K. M. (2021). Sexual and gender-based violence in international refugee law-examining whether women are effectively protected.

15 Rentzsch, V. (2021). Human trafficking 2.0 the impact of new technologies.

16 Thabo, V. (2021). An assessment of the constitutionality of the directions and regulations issued to local government during the Covid-19 state of disaster.

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Research Department of Private Law

Research Department of criminal justice and Procedure

Application Criminal Justice and Procedure

Application Department of Private Law

Engagement Department of Private Law

Research Department of Criminal Justice and Procedure

Engagement Department of Criminal Justice and Procedure

Research Department of Criminal Justice and Procedure

Engagement Department of criminal justice and Procedure

Research Department of Mercantile and Labour Law

39 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

17 Thomas, B. K. (2021). The importance of documentation for the protection of unaccompanied and separated migrant children and the realisation of access to socio-economic rights: An assessment of the participation and roles of stakeholders.

18 Tiberindwa, Z. (2021). The hidden truth: A critical examination of Uganda’s transitional justice legal and policy reforms on truth-seeking.

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Theory and Practice

40Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022
Research Dullar Omar Institute Research Department of Criminal Justice and Procedure Engagement

or the Faculty of Sciences, the Scholarship of Engagement (SoE) encompasses the need to drive academically relevant research, in line with the university’s mission, focussing on community and societal needs, resulting in mutually beneficial outcomes. The Faculty is continuously finding ways to integrate relevant community issues across teaching, research, and community engagement. Two of our best known examples of SoE are:

1. In the Department of Computer Sciences, a team, led by Prof. Bill Tucker and others, is working with rural communities on the Zenzeleni project, which has reimagined how telephone and internet services could be provided to rural communities by the inhabitants themselves. The project resulted in communities taking responsibility for their own telecommunications needs, at vastly reduced costs.

2. Prof. Jeremy Klaasen, from the Department of Medical Biosciences, working with South African first nations in a beneficiation sharing agreement, has developed the Indigenous Botanical Adjuvant Technology (iBATECH) project. Working with small-scale farmers, this biofertiliser has been observed to contain antimicrobial properties, which could improve the overall health, as well as the yield of food crops and plants.

41 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022



1 Adeola, A. T., Coetzee, R., & van Huyssteen, M. (2021). Service learning in pharmacy: Implementation of tuberculosisscreening by second-year pharmacy studentsin primary health care facilitiesin Cape Town, South Africa. FIP.

2 Bazirete, O., Nzayirambaho, M., Umubyeyi, A., Karangwa, I., & Evans, M. (2021). Investigating and modelling risk factors for primary postpartum haemorrhage among childbearing Women in the Northern Province of Rwanda: A Case Control Study.

3 Dhanraj, K. (2021). Perceptions of the Pharmaceutical Industry and Regulators in South Africa towards Registration Harmonisation in the Southern African Development Community (SADC)

4 Egieyeh, S., Egieyeh, E., Malan, S., Christofells, A., & Fielding, B. (2021). Computational drug repurposing strategy predicted peptide-based drugs that can potentially inhibit the interaction of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein with its target (humanACE2). Plos one, 16(1), e0245258.

5 Henney, A. J., & Chininthorn, P. (2021, March). A mobile survey for collecting data from Deaf people who use sign language for communication. In 2021 Conference on Information Communications Technology and Society (ICTAS) (pp. 79-84). IEEE.

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Research Department of Statistics and Population Studies

Research School of Pharmacy

Research Department of Computer Science

42Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022
the faculty of
Science ScholarShiP of engagement citationS 2021
the faculty of natural Science taBle
ScholarShiP of DEPARTMENT/ SCHOOL/ CENTRE/ INSTITUTE/ DIVISION/ UNIT Research School of Pharmacy Research School of Pharmacy South African National Bioinformatics Institute

6 Heyns, J., Van Huyssteen, M., & Bheekie, A. (2021). The effectiveness of using text and pictograms on oral rehydration, dry-mixture sachet labels.

African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine, 13(1), 1-11.

7 Losper, J. (2021). Exploring the factors influencing the sustainability of mobile clinics for the delivery of the expanded programme on immunisation to the rural areas of the Northern Cape.

8 McCartney, J., Egieyeh, S., Ebrahim, N., Braaf, E., & Beukes, D. (2021). Innovations in Pharmacy Education during the Pandemic: Using Learning Science to support laboratory-based practical skills. SA Pharmaceutical Journal, 88(4), 31-33.

9 Matereke, T. L. (2021). A comparative evaluation of 3d and spatiotemporal deep learning techniques for crime classification and prediction.

10 Mateyisi, N. (2021). A digital platform for Social innovation Through digital Storytelling.

11 May, S., E. Isafiade, O., & O. Ajayi, O. (2021, September). Hybridizing Extremely Randomized Trees with Bootstrap Aggregation for Crime Prediction. In 2021 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (pp. 536-541).

12 Mitchell, V. (2021). Un/thinking with Thread/s: Needling Through Boundaries Related to COVID-19 and Medical Training. Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies/Imaginations: revue d’études interculturelles de l’image, 12(2), 267-296.

13 Mukoma, C. (2021). Exploration of the training/educational background and the roles of regulatory affairs associates/officers in selected South African based pharmaceutical companies in Gauteng province.

14 Nzama, S. M. (2021). Developing a citizen science framework for water resources Protection to facilitate operationalization of resource Directed measures at catchment level, South Africa.

15 Padayachee, V. (2021). Awareness regarding non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug-related side effects in Johannesburg, South Africa.

If the hyperlink do not open input the link into google.

Research School of Pharmacy

Research School of Pharmacy Integration

Engagement School of Pharmacy

Research Department of Computer Science

Research Department of Computer Science

Research Department of Computer Science

Research School of Pharmacy


Research School of Pharmacy

Research Department of Earth Sciences Integration

Research School of Pharmacy

43 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

16 Rey-Moreno, C., Bloom, P., Diga, K., Jensen, M., Ramos, K. V., Brock, N., ... & Belur27, S. B. 3 Funding Bottom up Connectivity: Approaches and Challenges of Community Networks to Sustain Themselves. Community Networks: Towards Sustainable Funding Models, 53.

17 Pillay, S., Mulubwa, M., & Viljoen, M. (2021). Parental reporting of adverse drug reactions in South Africa: An online survey. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine, 13(1), 2880.

18 Sharma, J. R., Mabhida, S. E., Myers, B., Apalata, T., Nicol, E., Benjeddou, M., ... & Johnson, R. (2021). Prevalence of hypertension and its associated risk factors in a rural black population of Mthatha town, South Africa.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(3), 1215.

19 Square, L., van der Heyde, V., & Smith, D. (2021). Quantifying and Incentivizing Exploration of Reputable Sources for Argument Formation in an Online Discussion Forum. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 19(3), pp209-219.

20 Tati, G. (2021). Resisting to spatial exclusion and fighting for economic inclusion: African immigrant traders in the public commercial spaces of the City of Cape Town, South Africa. Espace populations sociétés. Space populations societies, (2021/2-3).

21 Fisher, R., Baselet, B., Vermeesen, R., Moreels, M., Baatout, S., Rahiman, F., ... & Vandevoorde, C. (2021). Immunological Changes During Space Travel: A Ground-Based Evaluation of the Impact of Neutron Dose Rate on Plasma Cytokine Levels in Human Whole Blood Cultures (vol 8, 568124, 2020). Frontiers In Physics, 9

22 Tovide, A. E. S. (2021). A mobile design of an emergency service system for deaf people.

23 Viljoen, M., Coetzee, R., Hoffman, N., McCartney, J., Upton, E., & van Huyssteen, M. (2021). Reflection on remote teaching and learning of a final-year BPharm clinical training module during a pandemic. African Journal of Health Professions Education, 13(3), 203-204.

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Engagement Computer Science Department

Research School of Pharmacy

Theory and Practice

Research Department of Biotechnology

Engagement Department of Physics and Astronomy

Integration Department of Statistics and Population Studies

Engagement Department of Medical Bioscience

Theory & Practice Department of Computer Science

Research School of Pharmacy


44Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022

2021 the faculty of natural Science taBle 12

1 Adeola, A. T., Coetzee, R., van Huyssteen, M., & Bheekie, A. (2021). Service learning in pharmacy: Implementation of tuberculosis screening by second-year pharmacy students in primary health care facilities in Cape Town, South Africa. Pharmacy Education, 21(1), 203–215.

2 Cranfield, D., Tick, A., Venter, I. M., Blignaut, R. J., & Renaud, K. (2021). Higher education students’ perceptions of online learning during COVID-19—a comparative study. Education Sciences,11(8).

3 Egieyeh, E., van Huyssteen, M., Coetzee, R., & Bheekie, A. (2021). Evaluating pharmacy students’ knowledge and skills in reproductive, maternal, new-born and child health care at a South African university. BMC Medical Education, 21(1).

4 Marshall, D., & Conana, H. (2021). Multimodality and New Materialism in Science Learning: Exploring Insights from an Introductory Physics Lesson. Education as Change, 25

5 Patron, E., Linder, C., & Wikman, S. (2021). Qualitatively different ways of unpacking visual representations when teaching intermolecular forces in upper secondary school. Science Education, 105(6), 1173–1201.

If the hyperlink do not open input the link into google.

DePartment/ School/ centre/ inStitute/ DiviSion/ unit

School of Pharmacy

Department of Computer Science

School of Pharmacy

Department of Physics

Department of Physics

45 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022
the faculty of natural Science teaching & learning citationS 2021
46Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022
47 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022
48Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022
SuPPort unit, DiviSionS & centerS ScholarShiP of engagement citationS 2021
2021 SuPPorting unitS taBle 13 ScholarShiP
of DePartment/
School/ centre/ inStitute/ DiviSion/ unit community engagement unit 1 Daniels, P.S. & September-Brown, P. (2021) Case Study Manual for Substance Abuse Workers. Bellville: UWC Community Engagement Unit. ISBN NO: ISBN: 978-0-86808-771-9 No link available, but hard copy in UWC Library
Engagement Community Engagement Unit
genDer equity unit 1 Hames, M., & Lewis, D. (2021). “We Eat Sushi Now”: Targeting Hungry Students at South African Universities. Gender Questions, 9(1), 17-pages.
Engagement Gender Equity Unit
If the hyperlink do not open input the link into google.

African Union. (2016). Continental education strategy for Africa (2016–2025). CESA 16–25.

Alsaadi, F. M. (2018). Knowledge Sharing Among Academics in Higher Education Institutions in Saudi Arabia. (Publication No. 13423257) [Doctoral dissertation, Nova South-eastern University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Database.

Annansingh, F., Howell, K. E., Liu, S., & Nunes, M. B. (2018). Academics’ perception of knowledge sharing in higher education. International Journal of Educational Management, 36(6), 1001-1015.

Bhusry, M. & Ranjan, J. (2011). Implementing knowledge management in higher educational institutions in India: A conceptual framework. Liceo International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 29– No.1, September

Bowden, J., Hart, G., King, B., Trigwell, K., & Watts, O. (2000). Generic capabilities of ATN university graduates. Canberra: Australian Government Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs.

Brouwer, J., & Jansen, E. (2019). Beyond grades: developing knowledge sharing in learning communities as a graduate attribute. Higher Education Research & Development, 38(2), 219-234.

Castaneda, D. I., & Cuellar, S. (2020). Knowledge sharing and innovation: A systematic review. Knowledge and Process Management, 27(3), 159-173. 10.1002/kpm.1637

Cortez, E. M., Britz, J., & Mullins, P. (2011). Applying knowledge management strategies to economic development in sub-Saharan Africa. Inkanyiso: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(2), 140-147.

Dhamdhere, S. N. (2015). Importance of knowledge management in the higher educational institutes. Turkish Online Journal of Distance

Education, 16(1), 162-183.

Gamlath, S., & Wilson, T. (2022). Dimensions of student-to-student knowledge sharing in universities. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 20(4), 542-556.

Heisig, P., Suraj, O. A., Kianto, A., Kemboi, C., Arrau, G. P., & Easa, N. F. (2016). Knowledge management and business performance: global experts’ views on future research needs. Journal of Knowledge Management, 20(6), 1169-1198. JKM-12-2015-0521

Hill, J. (May, 23. 2022). The Importance of Knowledge Management in Higher Education. Bloomsfire.

Kremer, H., Villamor, I., & Aguinis, H. (2019). Innovation leadership: Best-practice recommendations for promoting employee creativity, voice, and knowledge sharing. Business Horizons, 62(1), 65-74.

Maiga, Z. B. (2017). Knowledge sharing among academics in selected universities in Tanzania. [Doctoral dissertation, University of Kwa-Zulu Natal]. Doctoral Degrees and Information Studies.

Ngoc-Tan, N., & Gregar, A. (2018). Impacts of knowledge management on innovations in higher education institutions: An empirical evidence from Vietnam. Economics and Sociology, 11(3), 301-320.

Rahimi, E., Rostami, N. A., Shad, F. S., & Vafaei, V. (2017). The importance of knowledge management on innovation. Applied mathematics in engineering, management and technology, 5(1), 68-73.

Sohail, M. S., & Daud, S. (2009). Knowledge sharing in higher education institutions: Perspectives from Malaysia. Vine. 39(2), (125-142). 03055720910988841

49 Scholarship of Engagement Report I 2022
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