Welcome to the third edition of Signals, the university’s new research magazine.
This edition has a special astronomy focus that was put together with the assistance of SARChI Chair, Prof Roy Maartens. Along with his colleagues, the section provides a broad overview of the fascinating research that is being done in this field.
Other articles include an essay by Dr Frederic Isingizwe on the intersection between food security and big data while Prof Ciraj Rassool reflects on Sikhalel’ u-OR:
A Praise Poem for Oliver Tambo, the powerful epic poem by Mongane Wally Serote and Dr Lwando Scott explores Inxeba, the film that dealt with male circumcision.
I hope you will all find something worthwhile reading in this edition.
Please send your feedback and suggestions to: signals@uwc.ac.za
Prof José Frantz
DVC: Research and Innovation