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UWC in the Global Landscape - Broadening Our Horizons

UWC HAS FOSTERED long-standing research, learning and teaching, and community engagement collaborations with institutions in Africa and has formalised many research collaborations, service learning agreements, scholarships, mobility scholarships and research agreements with higher education institutions globally.

Collaborators In Africa

Ardhi University and the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (Tanzania); Eduardo Mondlane University and the Ministry of Health (Mozambique); Frantz Fanon University (Somalia); Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, the University of Eldoret and the University of Nairobi (Kenya); the National Centre for Petroleum Research and Development (Nigeria); the National University of Rwanda (Rwanda); University of Namibia (Namibia); the University of Science and Technology – Omdurman (Sudan); and Woldia University (Ethiopia).

Global Collaborations

North America

Ottawa University and the University of Toronto Jackman Humanities Institute (Canada); Albany State University,

University of North Georgia, Emory University, Howard University, Washington, DC, Columbia University, University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES), Indiana University, University of Virginia, University of Kentucky, Marquette University, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, University of Missouri System (Columbia, Kansas City, Rolla, St. Louis), University of Minnesota Interdisciplinary Centre for the Study of Global Change, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Winston-Salem State University, Northwestern University and West Virginia University.

South America

EST Colleges, State University of Feira de Santana, Federal University of Espirito Santo and the University of Sao Paulo Faculty of Humanities (Brazil); and the University of Chile.


University of Antwerp, Ghent University, Howest University and Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium); National Institute for Demographic Studies and the University of Paris-Seine (France); Humboldt University of Berlin, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences and Ruhr University Bochum (Germany); University of Bergen, Norwegian School of Sports Sciences, University of Oslo, University of South-Eastern Norway, VID Specialized University and Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (Norway); West University of Timişoara (Romania); Leiden University, Utrecht University and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Netherlands); Coventry University and University of Leeds (United Kingdom); Trinity College Dublin (Ireland); Universita degli Studi di Napoli

L’Orientale (Italy); University of Cyprus; Copenhagen University (Denmark); Jyvaskyla University (Finland); University of Basel and University of Bern (Switzerland); University of Madeira (Portugal); and Moscow State University (Russia).


Zhejiang Normal University (China), SYLFF (Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund) (Japan); University of Malaya (Malaysia); Christ University (India); and Ahmad Dahlan University (Indonesia).

Middle East

Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute (Iran).

Strategic Partnerships

Ghent University

UWC has enjoyed a strategic institutional partnership with Ghent University (UGent) for 18 years. UGent ranks as a global top 100 university and is one of the major universities in Belgium. UWC offers a joint PhD with UGent in the Arts and Humanities.

Vrije Universiteit Brussels

UWC’s relationship with the Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB) has seen many collaborations in research, innovation, teaching and learning. Along with staff and student exchange programmes, the institutions collaborate to build online international learning programmes. UWC, VUB, UGent and the Universities of Antwerp and Leuven engaged in a successful 10-year cooperation programme called ‘The Dynamics of Building a Better Society.’

Tri-Continental Partnership

The Tri-Continental Partnership is a strategic relationship between UWC, the University of Missouri System (UM) and Ghent University (UGent) that began with the Memorandum of Agreement signed in 2013 at UWC. The partnership has initiated many joint research and scholarly engagements over the years in fields such as linguistics, plant sciences and public health, astronomy, neurosciences, law, humanities and urban planning, and psychology.

University of Missouri System

The partnership between UWC and UM began in 1986 with the University of Missouri South African Education Programme (UMSAEP), and originally aimed to aid South Africans disadvantaged by the apartheid system. The partnership continues to advance mutual understanding between the institutions’ faculties and foster cooperative teaching, research and service projects.


The Southern African-Nordic Centre (SANORD) was founded to further academic cooperation between Southern Africa and the Nordic region and to strengthen the capacity of member institutions to address local and global challenges of innovation and development. The founding universities were UWC, the University of Malawi, the University of Namibia, Aarhus University (Denmark), University of Bergen (Norway), University of Turku (Finland) and Uppsala University (Sweden). The Centre is based at UWC.


The South Africa Sweden University Forum (SASUF) involves researchers, teachers, students and university management representatives from 40 partner universities in the two countries. SASUF encourages collaboration in six thematic areas: Climate change, natural resources, and sustainability; Education for a sustainable society; Social transformation through change; Health; Sustainable urbanisation, travel, and tourism in the 21st Century; and Digital technologies, big data, and cybersecurity.

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