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Building a Legacy - University Sustainability
MORE THAN 80% OF THE CURRENT STUDENT BASE of UWC is dependent on financial support such as bursaries, grants and family networks to cover study expenses. These sources have all been constrained in recent years by poor economic growth and recently exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Given these pressures, the sustainability of the university requires significant and consistent support in the form of government subsidies, infrastructure grants, corporate sponsorship and donations, and a range of philanthropic support from donor agencies, alumni, friends of the institution and even staff. Without this support, the cost of a university education would rise far beyond the means of most South Africans to access. The university has initiated several ongoing campaigns to raise the funds required to safeguard our proud legacy and continue our mission.
Access To Success
The Access to Success campaign began in 2016 with a collaboration between UWC and the SABC and a successful radiothon appeal to individual small donors. The focus of the campaign was (and still is) on assisting financially needy students. In successive years, students were trained to conduct phonathons targeting UWC alumni and the campaign was broadened to include a staff appeal, since many staff members are also UWC alumni. Access to Success also inspired other campaigns, such as the #NoStudentWillBeLeftBehind campaign in 2020, which provided 6 000 laptops and data to students during the COVID-19 pandemic when the university had to close the campus and incorporate online learning for students to access from home. Funds are also raised for this campaign through the annual UWC Golf Days in Johannesburg and Cape Town.
The primary aim of the Fund is to provide comprehensive bursaries to academically deserving students from disadvantaged backgrounds to enable them to study at UWC. The Fund was established in 2012 in memory of the late
Professor Jakes Gerwel who, during his term as Rector of the University of the Western Cape, consistently championed access to higher education for disadvantaged students and broadened access to UWC.
Legacy Fund
Working towards the institution’s 100th anniversary in 2060, the UWC Legacy Fund aims to raise R1 billion to fund infrastructure development and growth into the future. Our short-term target is to raise R200 million by 2033. UWC’s rich legacy is shared by more than 60 000 alumni across the globe. Despite historically challenging societal pressures, we were always able to provide our students with a solid educational foundation from which to launch their careers and aspirations.
The Legacy Fund is conceived as an opportunity for our alumni, supporters and stakeholders to pay it forward by contributing to the development of teaching, learning and research infrastructure for the generations to come. As a structured endowment fund, the Legacy Fund accepts donations (taxdeductible) of any size, which will be invested wisely to ensure capital growth. In this way, even a small donation will add and grow value over time.

Make a Donation
The university recognises and appreciates the generosity of individuals, businesses and organisations that invest in our students, programmes and services to help the university fulfil its ethos and mission.
Many innovative sponsorship options are available to donors, including public-private partnerships in the development of university infrastructure and sustainability, research collaboration, training and development, capacity building and skills development.
Prospective donors wishing to find out more about the above projects are invited to contact the UWC Donor Relations Office at Tel: +27 21 959 2627 or
Ms Vera Adams, Fundraising and Donor Relations Manager
E-mail: vadams@uwc.ac.za
All donations to UWC are tax-deductible in accordance with Section 18A of the Income Tax Act, Act 58 of 1962.
If you’d like to support UWC by making an online donation, please visit our website: http://uwc.devman.co.za/Devman/web/giving
Account Name: University of the Western Cape
Name of Bank: ABSA Bank
Branch Code: 560810
Account No: 4050893930
Reference: Name of Donor
Branch: Epping
Swift Code: ABSAZAJJ
Please email proof of payment to esadien@uwc.ac.za. Should you have any questions or queries regarding donation options, please contact Mr Essa Sadien at Tel: +27 21 959 3141 or email esadien@uwc.ac.za.