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What’s new on Career Xplora
by Natalie Thomas
THERE HAVE BEEN A NUMBER OF UPDATES TO CAREER XPLORA THIS YEAR. The platform which is powered by Symplicity CSM has allowed university career services across the world to seamlessly continue providing our service to students and alumni while working remotely. We are excited to share some of the cool updates that will enhance your navigation of the portal.
Happening now
Employer Directory has a new simpler look and feel. The redesign of the Employer Directory makes it easier to fi nd the overview, jobs, events and contacts of your favourite employers with the separate tabs all visible on their page. The Job Board has received several changes to the job search fi lters.
“Jobs I Qualify For (all)” has been renamed to “Jobs Matching My Profi le” “Jobs I Qualify For (screening only)” now displays as “Jobs I Qualify For” Updated the system setting options for “Limit the “Show Me” Job Filter Options”
Additional Job Carousels provide a personalised experience for you, this can be found on the student interface homepage. These carousels are based on your selected majors as well as your activity within Career Xplora. A maximum of two carousels show at one time on the homepage.
The following carousels are available to show on the homepage in this order of priority:
Because you applied to ì Other students with your major ì ì Jobs you recently viewed or expressed interest in Jobs from employers you are following ì Recently posted ì Expiring soon ì Single Events List was created to make it easier for you to fi nd events being off ered by your campus careers service, the existing three events tabs have been combined into one tab. After logging in, you now have a simplifi ed navigation to access the Campus Careers Service Events tab found on the left side toolbar. Events are listed in chronological order with it sectioned out by ‘happening now’, ‘happening this month’ and ‘later’. You are still able to fi lter if you are looking for Career Fairs, Workshops or Information Sessions separately, as well as ‘when’ and by your indicated ‘attendance’.
Symplicity Jobs & Careers Mobile App v2.0 with Virtual Career Fair now enables you to participate in a campus virtual career fair via your smartphone. You can either log on the mobile app as the main way to participate in a virtual career fair, or it can serve as a great backup should something happen with your computer and/or WiFi during a virtual career fair.
My Document Library is BIGGER and can now display more content types, such as videos and articles. The enhanced list view is more appealing and contains more information about the resource. We can now upload recordings of our Job Search Skills workshops.
Coming in 2022
With Enhanced Resume Builder you can generate your CV from your Career Xplora profi le. Profi le data can easily be ported from your profi le into the enhanced Resume Builder module. New template sections/types have been created specifi cally for: Personal Statement, Projects Skills, Organisations & Activities, and Honours & Awards.
Pathways is a tool to provide you with guided job search preparation. We will create discipline-specifi c pathways for students over the next few months and launch it to the campus community. Pathways will allow you to set and track goals for each year, ensuring that you complete the necessary activities during your academic career to develop into a well-rounded graduate. These include exploring and participating in co-curricular activities off ered by your university; fi nding vacation or part-time work; participating in Careers Service events; setting up your Career Xplora account; and using the tools to prepare for your job search. You will have a completion meter to guide you.
The Professional Network (ProNet) module is designed to support networking opportunities. The professional network will consist of a collection of mentors and mentees. You, as a mentee, may access the mentor list by selecting Networking, from the left-side menu bar. Within the mentor list, you may search the list, mark a mentor as a favourite, view the mentor’s information and express interest in chatting with a mentor.
Career Xplora enhances our University’s brand, the effi ciency and quality of our services, and increases student confi dence in their job search.