Power 單字書

Page 1

編輯大意 你有單字背了就忘的經驗嗎? 你有單字背不起來的煩惱嗎? 《Power 單字素養力》幫你解決困擾!

本書特色 《Power 單字素養力》不同於其他的英文單字書,以多元、 輕鬆、活潑的方式幫助你學習。本書結合生活中「食」、「衣」、 「住」、「行」、「育」、「樂」、「生活」的主題,使你能 從情境中學習最常使用的英文;此外,本書結合 108 新課綱的 精神,融入素養的題材,使你能隨時隨地將英文運用在生活中, 同時建立英文帶著走的能力! 《Power 單字素養力》所使用的單字皆為統測高頻字彙, 使你準備考試時不只是單純背單字,而且更能清楚知道該字彙 的使用頻率。懂得如何運用單字,且將單字運用在生活中,必 能增進你背單字的信心。有了《Power 單字素養力》,相信你能 輕而易舉地背熟單字,培養你的英文高實力!




Unit 本書使用說明

食 Unit 1 美食街開幕

(一 Part 1 ) 各回以生活情境分類,結合新課綱素養導向。 主題情境 Unit Part 1


Unit 1 美食街開幕

美食街開幕 CarrieCenter Chen Shopping

News Feed Messenger

August 2 at 13:30 PM

News Feed

Check1 in on Facebook and upload2 a picture to get free ice cream.



mom house Thai Yummy Restaurant 20% off on specific4 lunch specials.5

Let’s Italy

Julia Lin is with Brian Huang at Westfield Shopping Center


We had a wonderful time at Westfield Shopping Center 0

today. The new food court provides q many foreign w

翻譯及簡答 Marketplace 0

食 衣

August 2 at 13:30 PM

We had a wonderful time at Westfield Shopping Center Shortcuts food choices, including e Thai, American, Korean,

and Japanese. At Thai Yummy Restaurant, we ordered

mom house


Julia Lin is with Brian Huang at Westfield

Carrie Chen



coconut soup. It was so deliciousqthat I today. The newly-openedtraditional foodThaicourt provides many 樂 See More...



had three servings. We were completelyy satisfiedu with

. Next time, I would like to try the the dining experience e choices, including Thai, American, 生活 foreign w foodExplore Sushi House!



#Westfield shopping center food court grand opening Korean, and Japanese. At Thai Yummy Restaurant, #check in and get free ice cream See More...

we ordered traditional Thai coconut soup. It was so r

Unit 1 美食街開幕 Free pizza for the first ten customers. See More... delicioust that I had three servings. We were completelyy 6

dining1:主題情境 experiencei. Next time, I would satisfiedu with the Part 生 西田購物中心 美食街 隆重開幕! House! like to try the Sushi① 活 Events Seoul City Sushi House 臉書打卡並上傳照片可獲得免費冰淇淋。 Consumers can enjoy Wear any T-shirt with #Westfield shopping center food court grand opening Japanese on it and get free soup. 10% off on all purchases. See More... 折價券 1 2 #check in and get free ice cream 泰美味:特定的午餐特餐優惠八折。 1 2 義起吃:前十位顧客可獲得免費披薩。 丹尼堡:每餐附飲料喝到飽。 中國城:點餐可獲得一碗免費白飯。 每回 20 個主單字以序號 書 末 附 每 回 翻 譯, 3 首爾城:消費者可享所有消費優惠九折。 清楚標示,方便查找。 學習輕鬆不負擔。 壽司屋: 穿著任何有日文的圓領汗衫可獲得 免費湯品。 ② Julia Lin 和 Brian Huang 在西田購物中心 八月二日的下午一點半 我們今日在西田購物中心有個美好的時光。 20% off on specific4 新的美食街提供了許多異國美食的選擇,包 Free pizza for the first ten customers.6 5 含泰式、美式、 「泰美味」 o 韓式及日式。我們在 p lunch specials. 點了傳統的泰式椰子湯。那湯是如此地美味 以致於我喝了三份。我們對此次用餐經驗感 到完全地 滿意。下次我想嘗試「壽司屋」! # 西田購物中心美食街隆重開幕 # 打卡可獲得免費冰淇淋 8 2 All-you-can-drink beverage7 Order any meal and get 讚 留言 分享 Danny’s Burger

China Town

All-you-can-drink beverage7 with every meal.

Order8 any meal and get a free bowl of rice.






Check in on Facebook and upload a picture to get free ice cream.


Thai Yummy Restaurant

Danny’s Burger with every meal.

Seoul City II

Consumers9 can enjoy



Let’s Italy

China Town

a free bowl of rice.

Part 3:小試身手

1. E 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. D customers, comments There are many delicious Taiwanese snacks sold Wear any T-shirt at traditional markets.with

Ⅰ. Ⅱ. Ⅲ. Ⅳ.

Sushi House




Part 3: 櫃檯: Ⅰ . 1. A Janice: Ⅱ . 1. D

Ⅲ. canc Ⅳ . Bev Part 1: store ① 排餐


consumer [kənˋsjumɚ] n.


消費者 ④

統測 98/100/103/104

• Consumers nowadays are looking for food that is both healthy and delicious. (現今的消費者尋求同時健康又美味的食物。)

consume [kənˋsjum] v. 消耗;消費 ④ consumption [kənˋsʌmpʃən] n. 消費 ⑥

( 二 ) 學習高頻常考單字,命中統測拿高分。 wonderful [ˋwʌndɚfəl] adj. 美好的;精彩的 ②


統測 97/105/107

主單字依序標示音標、詞性、字義 參考統測出現年度, • Thank you for taking me to the concert. I had a wonderful time. 及大考級數,並提供例句中英對照。 掌握高頻常考單字。 (謝謝你帶我去演唱會。我有個美好的時光。)

provide [prəˋvaɪd] v.


提供;供給 ②

統測 97/98/101/102/103/104/105

• The pool provides free towels for swimmers to use. 補充

翻譯及簡答 [ˋfɔrɪn] adj. 外國的;外來的

樂 生 活


provide sth. for sb. = provide sb. with sth. 提供某人某物 supply 同 [səˋplaɪ] v. 供應;供給 ②

統測 99/102/104

Janice:大約六點。 櫃檯: 100/106 統測 我們六點沒有空桌。 12 補充單字重要搭配用法或文法,以及重要衍生字以學習相關字詞或同反義字。 Janice:有其他的選項嗎? 櫃檯:六點半對您來說方便嗎? • Karen can speak many foreign languages, such as Korean, Japanese, German, Janice: 可以。 Unit 1 美食街開幕 and French. (Karen 會說許多外國語言,像是韓語、日語、德語及法語。) 櫃檯:請給我您的名字及電話號 Janice:我是 Janice。我的電話號碼 Part 1:主題情境 foreigner [ˋfɔrɪnɚ] n. 外國人 ② 食食①UnitUnit1西田購物中心 1 美食街開幕 美食街開幕 櫃檯:請問您貴姓? 美食街 隆重開幕! Janice:吳。 臉書打卡並上傳照片可獲得免費冰淇淋。 Part 3 小試身手 小試身手 櫃檯:Janice,您想要坐哪呢? 折價券 食 Unit 1④ 美食街開幕 統測 99/101/102 四種多元混合題型,學習效果一試便知。 13 [ɪn`kludɪŋ] prep. 包含 Janice:我偏好靠窗的位子。 泰美味:特定的午餐特餐優惠八折。 I 字彙選填 字彙選填 櫃檯:所有靠窗的位子都位於 吸 Part 3 小試身手 義起吃:前十位顧客可獲得免費披薩。 食 Unit 1 美食街開幕 (A) includes (C) foreign (D) share (E) upload (A) specific (B) specific (B) includes (C) foreign (D) share (E) upload • My older sister is good at sports, including tennis, basketball, and football. 以接受嗎? 食 食 丹尼堡:每餐附飲料喝到飽。 I 字彙選填 Part 3 小試身手 Janice:我寧願坐在非吸菸區。 1. 3Kim’s job with 小試身手 Kim’s job isis to to ___ ___ her hertravel travelpictures picturesonto ontothe theWeb Weband andshare shareher herexperiences experiences with Part 中國城:點餐可獲得一碗免費白飯。 (我姐姐對運動很拿手,包含網球、籃球和足球。) 衣衣 readers. readers. 櫃檯:好的,您還有其他的需求 (A) specific (B) includes (C) foreign (D) share (E) upload 首爾城:消費者可享所有消費優惠九折。 I I 字彙選填 2. 字彙選填 食 2. The The price price ___ ___ tip tipand andtax; tax;you youdon’t don’tneed needtotopay payanything anythingmore. more. 統測 ② 100/103/106 [ɪnˋklud] Janice: 我計劃在用餐過後慶祝我 包括;包含 v. include 住 3. Andrew likes to watch ___ films, especially Hollywood movies. 壽司屋: 穿著任何有日文的圓領汗衫可獲得 住 3. Kim’s Andrew watch films, especially Hollywood movies. 1. joblikes is toto___ her ___ travel pictures onto share (E) the Web and share her experiences with (A)(A) specific (B) includes (C) foreign (D) upload specific (B) includes (C) foreign (D) share (E) upload 4. Many 可以帶個蛋糕嗎? 衣 4. readers. Many people people like liketo to___ ___their theirfeelings feelingswith withothers othersonontheir theirblog. blog. 食免費湯品。 1.5.Kim’s is to ___ her travelthe pictures onto Web and share her experiences with 行行 The policeman asked little boy toto give details about the hehe saw. 5. The Thejob policeman asked the little boythe give ___ details about thestranger stranger saw. 2. price and you don’t need to___ pay anything more. 櫃檯: 當然。我們很樂意協助您 1. Kim’s job ___ is totip ___ hertax; travel pictures onto the Web and share her experiences with ② Julia Lin 和 住 Brian Huang 在西田購物中心 readers. 衣 3. The Andrew likes to watch ___ films, especially Hollywood movies. readers. 99/100/104 統測 14 II 2. 字彙選擇 price ___ tip and tax; you don’t[trəˋdɪʃənḷ] need to pay anything more. adj. 傳統的 ② Janice: 非常感謝您。我真的很感 育育 八月二日的下午一點半 4. Many people like to films, ___ their feelings others on their blog. II 3. 2.Andrew The price ___ tip and tax; you don’t needwith to pay anything more. 字彙選擇 likes to watch ___ especially Hollywood movies. 櫃檯:這是我的榮幸。讓我重複 住 行 4.5. Many people like hairstyle to theirthe feelings with others on their blog. 3. Andrew likes to___ watch ___ films, especially Hollywood movies. The policeman asked little boy to give ___ details aboutman. the stranger he我們今日在西田購物中心有個美好的時光。 saw. 1. John’s new made him look like a ___ different Many girls are asking 1. John’s new hairstyle made him look likeabout a ___ stranger different man. Many girls are asking 5.4.The policeman asked to feelings give ___ details he saw. 樂樂 Many likethe tolittle ___boy their with othersthe on their blog. for hispeople 這星期六晚上六點半預訂 • Taiwanese opera is one of Taiwan’s traditional arts. for his phone phone number numbernow. now. 新開幕的美食街提供了許多異國美食的選擇, 行 育 5. The policeman asked the little boy to give ___C details about the stranger he saw. II 字彙選擇 barely roughly completely A B D traditionally II 字彙選擇 A barely B roughly C completely D traditionally 是 Janice 吳。我必須提醒 生 包含泰式、美式、韓式及日式。我們在「泰 2. John’s My boss wasn’t very made ___ with our work. He asked us to doman. it again. 生 new hairstyle him look like aHe ___ different Many girls are asking (歌仔戲是臺灣傳統藝術之一。) 1.1. new hairstyle made look like our a ___work. different man. Many areitasking 2.John’s My boss wasn’t veryhim ___ with asked us girls to do again. II 字彙選擇 育 樂 活 消預訂,請在兩天前事先 wonderful specific satisfied grand A B C D 美味」點了傳統的泰式椰子湯。那湯是如此 forfor hishis phone number now. now.specific 活 phone number wonderful A B C satisfied D grand 1. John’s new hairstyle maderoughly him chances look liketoa speak ___ completely different man. Many girls are asking barely roughly 3.AA This course ___Bstudents fluently on stage. C completely D traditionally Janice:非常感謝您。 barely B with D traditionally 3. This coursevery ______students with chances to C speak fluently on stage. 地美味以致於我喝了三份。我們對此次用餐 樂 2. Myfor boss wasn’t with ouruploads work. He asked us toC do includes it again. his phone number now. provides shares 生 A B D 2. My boss wasn’t very ___ with our work. He C asked usgrand to do it again.D shares provides uploads includes 櫃檯:謝謝您的來電。 A B wonderful specific satisfied AA B C D completely 經驗感到完全地 滿意。下次我想嘗試「壽司 B roughly C drinks any sweet ___; he only water.D traditionally 4. Mybarely father doesn’t drink


( 三 ) 每回現學現測,以小試身手驗收學習成果。 including


wonderful specific satisfied A 3.4.This course ___ doesn’t students withB chances to speak___; fluentlyC on stage. only water. D grand any our sweet drinks My father 生 2. My boss wasn’t verydrink ___ work. Hehe asked us to do it again. D coupons sauces beverages A Bwith C grains provides uploads 3. AThis course ___Bstudents with chances to speak on stage. D coupons C includes D shares 活 sauces beverages grains A B C fluently wonderful specific satisfied A B Cwater. D grand My teacher has a lot of teaching ___; therefore, she knows how to increase students’ any sweet ___; he drinks only 4.5.My father doesn’t drink provides uploads C includes D shares 5.AA My teacher hasstudents a lotB ofwith teaching ___; therefore, shecoupons knows 3. This course ___ chances to speak fluently stage. how to increase students’ sauces B beverages C grains D on learning motivation. 4. My fathermotivation. doesn’t drink any sweet ___; he drinks only water. learning provides includes 5. MyA teacher has a lot of teaching ___; therefore, sheC knows how to increase students’ B uploads D shares coupon comment customer experience A sauces B beverages C grains D coupons A C D motivation. anycomment sweet ___; he drinks water. 4.learning My father doesn’t drinkB customer A coupon B Conly D experience 5. AMy teacher has B a lot ofbeverages teaching C ___; therefore, knows how to increase students’ coupon comment customer D experience sauces A B C grainsshe D coupons III 引導式翻譯 learning motivation.

屋」! # 西田購物中心美食街隆重開幕 書末附每回簡答, # 打卡可獲得免費冰淇淋 立即驗收答案。 讚 留言 分享

5. My teacher has a lot of teaching ___; therefore, she knows how to increase students’ III 填充

III 填充

coupon A C customer 這位經理請顧客寫下他們對我們服務的評論。 learning motivation. B comment

Part 3:小試身手 D experience

這位經理請顧客寫下他們對我們服務的評論。 這位經理請顧客寫下他們對我們服務的評論。 The manager rs to write downCtheir c ts on D ourexperience service. coupon asked c B comment customer A The manager askedasked c their cdown ts on our The manager crs to writersdown to write their c service. ts on our service.

Ⅰ. 1. E 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A Ⅱ. 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. D Ⅲ. customers, comments The manager asked c rs to write down their c ts on our service. delicious Taiwanese snacks / sold / many / There are / at traditional markets. The manager asked c snacksrs /tosold write down /their c are / at ts on our service. delicious Taiwanese / many There traditional markets. Ⅳ. There are many delicious Taiwanese snacks sold IV 句子重組 at traditional markets. IV 句子重組

Part 3:小試身手 Ⅰ. Ⅱ. Ⅲ. Ⅳ.

1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. E 4 A 5. C 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. cancel, reservation Beverages and snacks are availa stores around Taiwan.

III 引導式翻譯

III 句子重組 引導式翻譯 IV IV 這位經理請顧客寫下他們對我們服務的評論。

句子重組 IV 句子重組 delicious Taiwanese snacks / sold / many / There are / at traditional markets. 這位經理請顧客寫下他們對我們服務的評論。

Unit 3 餐廳點

▲ ▲


delicious Taiwanese snacks / sold / many / There are / at traditional markets. delicious Taiwanese snacks / sold / many / There are / at traditional markets.



Unit 2 餐廳訂位


6 Part 1:主題情境 6

Part 1:主題情境 ① 排餐廚房 菜單 牛排餐 III 主 菜:紐約牛排 副餐:洋蔥菇麵


Unit 1



Unit 5



Unit 2



Unit 6



Unit 3



Unit 7



Unit 4



Unit 8



Unit 9




Unit 10



Unit 14



Unit 11



Unit 15



Unit 12



Unit 16



Unit 13



Unit 17



Unit 18



Unit 19



Unit 20



Unit 27



Unit 21

英文選修課(一) 110

Unit 28



Unit 22

英文選修課(二) 115

Unit 29



Unit 23



Unit 30



Unit 24



Unit 31



Unit 25



Unit 32



Unit 26



Unit 33



Unit 34



生活 Unit 35



Unit 38



Unit 36



Unit 39



Unit 37



Unit 40



翻譯及簡答 216 索引 232 V

略語表 縮寫




noun 名詞


verb 動詞


adjective 形容詞


adverb 副詞


preposition 介系詞


conjunction 連接詞


verb root 原形動詞


gerund 動名詞


somebody 某人


something 某事/物

Unit Part 1




Check1 in on Facebook and upload2 a picture to get free ice cream.

Coupon3 Thai Yummy Restaurant 20% off on specific4 lunch specials.5

Let’s Italy Free pizza for the first ten customers.6

Danny’s Burger

China Town

All-you-can-drink beverage7 with every meal.

Order8 any meal and get a free bowl of rice.

Seoul City

Sushi House

Consumers9 can enjoy 10% off on all purchases.

Wear any T-shirt with Japanese on it and get free soup.


Carrie Chen

Julia Lin is with Brian Huang at Westfield Shopping Center

News Feed Messenger Marketplace Shortcuts mom house See More...

Explore Events See More...

August 2 at 13:30 PM

We had a wonderful0 time at Westfield Shopping Center today. The new food court provides q many foreign w food choices, including e Thai, American, Korean, and Japanese. At Thai Yummy Restaurant, we ordered traditionalr Thai coconut soup. It was so delicioust that I had three servings. We were completelyy satisfiedu with the dining experiencei. Next time, I would like to try the Sushi House! #Westfield shopping center food court grand opening #check in and get free ice cream




Part 2 1

Unit 1 美食街開幕


check [tʃɛk] v.

打勾;檢查;核對 ①

統測 101/102/103/107

• If you check in on Facebook and write down your comments, you can get a free cup of coffee. (如果你在臉書打卡並寫下你的評論,你可獲得一杯免費的咖啡。) 統測 105/107 check [tʃɛk] n. 檢查;支票;核對 ① 補充 check in 打卡;登記;報到 check out 退房 2

upload [ʌpˋlod] v.

上傳 ④

食 衣

統測 102/103/107

• Many teenagers often upload their pictures onto the Web instead of printing them out. (許多青少年常將他們的照片上傳到網路上而非列印出來。) 統測 99/102 download 反 [ˋdaʊn͵lod] v. 下載 ④ 3

coupon [ˋkupɑn] n.

折價券 ⑤

行 育

統測 99

• With this coupon, you can get a large iced black tea for free. (有了此折價券,你可免費獲得大杯冰紅茶。)


specific [spɪˋsɪfɪk] adj.

特定的;明確的 ③

生 活

統測 97/100

• Frank and Claire are both busy with work, so they only meet on specific days of the month. (Frank 跟 Claire 兩人工作都很忙,所以他們只在一個月中的特定日子見面。) 5

special [ˋspɛʃəl] n.


• The lunch specials are served Monday through Friday, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. (午餐特餐於星期一至五的上午十一點到下午兩點供應。)

special [ˋspɛʃəl] adj. 特別的 ①

統測 97/99/100/101/103/106

customer [ˋkʌstəmɚ] n.

統測 98/99/102/104/105/106

顧客 ②

• The customer didn’t pay for her lunch and secretly walked out of the restaurant. (那位顧客沒有付她的午餐錢就悄悄地走出餐廳。)


beverage [ˋbɛvərɪdʒ] n.

飲料 ⑥

統測 105

• Convenience stores in Taiwan provide all kinds of beverages, including soda, tea, and juice. (臺灣的便利商店提供各式各樣的飲料,包括汽水、茶及果汁。) 統測 99/102/105 drink 同 [drɪŋk] n. 飲料 ① 3


order [ˋɔrdɚ] v.

點餐;訂購;命令 ①

統測 97/99/100/101/102/103/104/105/106/107

• Here is the menu. Feel free to let me know when you are ready to order. (這是菜單。當你準備點餐時,請隨時讓我知道。)


consumer [kənˋsjumɚ] n.

消費者 ④

統測 98/100/103/104

• Consumers nowadays are looking for food that is both healthy and delicious. (現今的消費者尋求同時健康又美味的食物。)

consume [kənˋsjum] v. 消耗;消費 ④ consumption [kənˋsʌmpʃən] n. 消費 ⑥ 10

wonderful [ˋwʌndɚfəl] adj. 美好的;精彩的 ②

統測 97/105/107

• Thank you for taking me to the concert. I had a wonderful time. (謝謝你帶我去演唱會。我有個美好的時光。)


provide [prəˋvaɪd] v.

提供;供給 ②

統測 97/98/101/102/103/104/105

• The pool provides free towels for swimmers to use. (這個泳池提供免費的毛巾給泳客使用。)

provide sth. for sb. = provide sb. with sth. 提供某人某物 supply 同 [səˋplaɪ] v. 供應;供給 ② 補充


foreign [ˋfɔrɪn] adj.

外國的;外來的 ①

統測 99/102/104

統測 100/106

• Karen can speak many foreign languages, such as Korean, Japanese, German, and French. (Karen 會說許多外國語言,像是韓語、日語、德語及法語。) foreigner [ˋfɔrɪnɚ] n. 外國人 ② 13

including [ɪn`kludɪŋ] prep.

包含 ④

統測 99/101/102

• My older sister is good at sports, including tennis, basketball, and football. (我姐姐對運動很拿手,包含網球、籃球和足球。)

include [ɪnˋklud] v. 包括;包含 ② 14

traditional [trəˋdɪʃənḷ] adj.

傳統的 ②

• Taiwanese opera is one of Taiwan’s traditional arts. (歌仔戲是臺灣傳統藝術之一。)


統測 100/103/106

統測 99/100/104


delicious [dɪˋlɪʃəs] adj.

Unit 1 美食街開幕

美味的 ②

統測 98/100

• This TV show introduces many delicious dishes in Tainan night markets. (這個電視節目介紹了許多臺南夜市的美食。)

tasty 同 [ˋtestɪ] adj. 美味的 ② yummy 同 [ˋjʌmɪ] adj. 美味的 ① 16

completely [kəmˋplitlɪ] adv.


統測 102/103

• Sam was so busy that he completely forgot his girlfriend’s birthday. (Sam 如此地忙碌以致於他完全地忘了他女友的生日。)

v. 完成 ② complete complete [kəmˋplit] adj. 完整的;全部的 ② completion [kəmˋpliʃən] n. 完成;實現 [kəmˋplit]


satisfied [ˋsætɪs͵faɪd] adj.

住 統測 99/103/106

行 育


• My parents are very satisfied with my school grades. They even bought a gift for me. (我父母對我的學校成績非常滿意。他們甚至為我買了一個禮物。) 補充 sb. be satisfied with sth. 某人對某事感到滿意 sth. be satisfying to sb. 某事令某人滿意 satisfaction [͵sætɪsˋfækʃən] n. 滿意;滿足 ④ satisfy [ˋsætɪs͵faɪ] v. 使滿意;滿足 ② 18

experience [ɪkˋspɪrɪəns] n.

經驗 ②

樂 生 活

統測 98/100/102/104/105

• This job requires at least two years of working experience. (這個工作需要至少兩年的工作經驗。)

experience [ɪkˋspɪrɪəns] v. 經歷;體驗 ② 19

comment [ˋkɑmɛnt] v.

統測 101

評論;註釋 ④

• The teacher commented that I had a great performance.(老師評論我的表演很棒。) comment [ˋkɑmɛnt] n. 評論;意見 ④ 補充 no comment 不予置評 20

share [ʃɛr] v.

分享 ②

統測 99/100/103

• Beth loves her little sister very much. She always shares everything with her. (Beth 非常疼愛她的小妹。她總是與她分享所有事。) 補充

share sth. with sb. 與某人分享某事 5

Part 3 I


字彙選填 (A) specific (B) includes (C) foreign (D) share (E) upload 1. Kim’s job is to ___ her travel pictures onto the Web and share her experiences with readers. 2. The price ___ tip and tax; you don’t need to pay anything more. 3. Andrew likes to watch ___ films, especially Hollywood movies. 4. Many people like to ___ their feelings with others on their blog. 5. The policeman asked the little boy to give ___ details about the stranger he saw.

II 字彙選擇

1. John’s new hairstyle made him look like a ___ different man. Many girls are asking for his phone number now. A barely B roughly C completely D traditionally 2. My boss wasn’t very ___ with our work. He asked us to do it again. A wonderful B specific C satisfied D grand 3. This course ___ students with chances to speak fluently on stage. A provides B uploads C includes D shares 4. My father doesn’t drink any sweet ___; he drinks only water. A sauces B beverages C grains D coupons 5. My teacher has a lot of teaching ___; therefore, she knows how to increase students’ learning motivation. A coupon B comment C customer D experience III 填充

這位經理請顧客寫下他們對我們服務的評論。 The manager asked c rs to write down their c

ts on our service.

IV 句子重組

delicious Taiwanese snacks / sold / many / There are / at traditional markets. ▲


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