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Reading Strategy Scanning for Certain Information When you are trying to find a certain piece of information in a text, you read quickly and ignore all the other information and other details. When it is a number you are looking for, you go directly to the number and skip over all other words until you locate it. Scan the facts on the next page and complete the sentences using the following numbers.

策略命題 實戰演練




18 billion





1. By , there will be fewer fish in the ocean than plastic bags! 2. As for the types of trash in the seas around Taiwan, plastic bottles top the list, with

第一組為活動式練 習,訓練學生運用 閱讀策略解析

bottle tops at number on the list, and straws at number . 3. minutes is the average amount of time that passes before a plastic bag is thrown away. 4. On average, each Taiwanese person uses plastic bags per day, which amounts to bags per year.

第二組為閱讀理解 題,驗收學生對文 本整體理解力

5. percent of the world’s sea turtles die because of ocean trash. 6. The plastic bag is one of the worst items ever invented, according to

Time Magazine.

Reading Comprehension According to the text, which of the following statements is true? (A) The plastic bag is one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century. (B) Paper bags are better than plastic ones for they do little harm to the ocean. (C) In the future, we may be able to find more plastic bags than fish in the ocean.

108 12

Reading Strategy Scanning When you are looking for a certain fact or piece of information in a text, you can read quickly without reading every single word until you find it. Take the following text for example. Try to scan for keywords, including nouns and verbs. They can tell you which building the student should go to. On the next page is a map of Springfield High School. Five locations are labeled from A to E. Answer the following questions by scanning the descriptions of each location on the school map. 1. Kevin is working on his science report. He needs to surf the Internet and maybe borrow a few books to do some research. Where should Kevin go? 2. Fay is attending a big meeting this afternoon. All students should gather in the building before two o’clock. Where should Fay go?

Reading Comprehension

According to the text, which of the following statements is true?

(A) Students can chat with others when they borrow books.

(B) Everyone can get a seat when there is a school meeting.

(C) All classrooms and the teachers’


office are open 24 hours a day.

Lesson 1 Freshman Zit Girl



This is where you will have your classes every day. The building opens thirty minutes before classes begin and closes one hour after they end. The teachers’ office is on the fifth floor.


You can come here during breaks or lunchtime to buy drinks or snacks. There are some tables and chairs outside it for you to sit with your friends.


You will have your PE classes in this big open space when the weather is nice.


When there is an important event, such as a school meeting, competition, or speech contest, it will be held here. Students and teachers can gather on the first floor. There are enough seats for everyone.



This is the place to read and borrow books. There are

many tables inside for studying and computers to surf the Internet. Make sure to be quiet when you are here.





Reading Strategy Skimming When you skim, you don’t read word by word. You may only read the first sentence in each paragraph, the first and the last paragraph in an article, or the questions on a survey first to get a quick picture of the main idea or purpose of the passage.

Read questions 1-5 in the following survey on the next page. What is the survey mainly about?

(A) Buying a smartphone.

(B) Smartphone usage.

(C) Friends and messages.

Reading Comprehension

According to the text, which of the following statements is WRONG?

(A) The test divides test-takers into four different degrees of addiction.

(B) A smartphone addict often checks messages on his or her smartphone.

(C) The more points one gets on the test, the more often one uses his or her smartphone.

Total points: I am a(n) □ Smart user. □ Average user. □ Heavy user.


Smart user (5 – 7 points) Good for you! You don’t have a smartphone problem.

Average user (8 – 12 points) You don’t have a major smartphone problem, but you

need to keep in mind not to spend too much time on the phone.

Heavy user (13 – 15 points) You have a serious smartphone addiction*. Maybe you should break up with your smartphone!

☺Word Bank

addiction 成癮

Lesson 2 Goodbye, John


2 Are you addicted to your smartphone? Take our test to find out! 1. How often do you check your smartphone? (A) Once every 5-10 minutes. (B) Once every hour. (C) A couple of times per day.

2. When do you first check your smartphone in the morning? (A) Right after I wake up. (B) On my way to school. (C) Only when somebody calls me.

3. How do you feel when you don’t have your smartphone nearby? (A) Like part of my body is missing. (B) A little nervous. (C) I don’t really notice it.

4. How often do you take your smartphone with you into the bathroom? (A) Always. (B) Sometimes. (C) Hardly.

5. If you receive a text message while talking with a friend, what do you do? (A) Check it in the middle of our conversation. (B) Check it when there is a break in the conversation. (C) Forget about it and check it later.

Answer points: A = 3 B = 2 C = 1

Add up your points to find out what kind of smartphone user you are.


Reading Strategy Comparing and Contrasting When you compare and contrast two or more texts, you try to find out the similarities and differences between them. A Venn diagram is usually used to show how things are alike or different. Complete the following Venn diagram using information from the text on the next page.



1. I am a dog.

1. I am a and dog. 2. I usually work . 3. I help missing people.

2. I usually work at

We are


both working

3. I do many things, such


as turning on the lights, the door and the refrigerator.

Reading Comprehension


Which of the following statements about Buddy or Lassie is NOT true?

(A) Lassie and Buddy are both service dogs.

(B) Lassie stays at home most of the time to help Lisa.

(C) Buddy’s job is not easy; it is actually quite dangerous.

Lesson 4 Sniffing Out More Than Just Bones

Friends Fur Life Buddy


the Search and Rescue Dog

the Service Dog

“A search and rescue dog’s job is difficult and dangerous. I usually help find missing people after there is a typhoon or an earthquake. Once a typhoon hit my country and caused large mudslides. When I was searching through the rocks and mud, I cut my leg. It really hurt but I didn’t stop searching. Finally, I found an old lady under a big rock and she was still alive. I was really happy!”

“When I was a puppy, I learned seventy different skills to help disabled people. At the age of two, I met my owner, Lisa. Her legs were seriously hurt in a car accident, so she couldn’t walk for the rest of her life. I am always by her side to turn on the lights, bring the phone to her when there’s a phone call, and close the door for her. I can even open the refrigerator and get some food! We get along with each other very well. She is like my best friend and family member.”



Lesson 4 Sniffing Out More Than Just Bones

Listening Strategy Listening for Verbs or Phrasal Verbs A phrasal verb is a kind of content word which is made up of a verb and another word or two, usually a preposition but sometimes an adverb. One of the skills in listening is to recognize the content words which are the key words that help you to better grasp the main idea of what you hear. Step 1 : Listen and fill in each blank with an appropriate verb or phrasal verb. Step 2: Listen again and check your answers. If

you’re planning to get a pet, this event might interest you. This year, the New Taipei City Government will be 1 an “Adopt a Pet” party and everyone is invited to attend. The party will 2 at the New Taipei City Hall Plaza. It will 3 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 26. People who are 4 a new pet are especially encouraged to attend. Even if you already have a pet, you can still play with the animals and join in the fun. Entry to this party is free. For more information, 5 www. ntcpetparty.com.


Listening Comprehension According to what you have heard, decide which sentence is True (T) or False (F). 1.

The New York City Government will hold this activity. 2. Whether you have a pet or not, you can take part in the party. 3. The “Adopt a Pet” party will start in the early morning.


Lesson 9 Fighting for or against Graffiti

Listening Strategy Listening for Connectives Connectives are words and phrases we use to link or connect sentences, ideas, or sometimes connect the whole paragraph together. Grasping them will assist the listeners to understand the logical flow and relationship between sentences and paragraphs and help them to better understand the content while they listen. Step 1 : Work with a partner. Step 2: Circle a suitable connective according to what you hear. Step 3: Check your answers. Today

we’re going to learn about the great painter Pablo Picasso. He was born in Spain in October, 1881. From an early age, it was clear he had a great talent for drawing. For that reason, his father decided to start training him in painting from the time he was seven years old. After a few years of training, Picasso would go on to develop his own painting style. 1 (In fact / In contrast), experts like to break down his career into different periods. In his Blue Period, 2 (for instance / for example), his paintings made frequent use of the color blue. 3 (After that / Afterward) came his Rose Period, during which his works were filled with reds and pinks. 4 (Later still / Next), Picasso began what is called his Cubist Period, during which his paintings were filled with square shapes. It is very clear that Picasso was a very talented artist.

Listening Comprehension Listen and choose the correct answer.


Which period does this painting of Picasso belong to?

(A) Blue Period. (B) Rose Period. (C) Cubist Period.



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