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Lesson 1 Freshman Zit Girl


Sentence Pattern I’m worried that people are wasting too much energy. I think we should take shorter showers. Also, we need to turn off the lights when we leave the room.

How Can We Save Energy?



在此語境中,演講者要表達「我擔心……」及「我確信……」;為了完整闡 述他所擔心或確信的內容,因此使用 that 引導的名詞子句。

S + V + that + S + V.... 1. 在一個完整的句子前加上 that,可將其變成名詞子句。that 引導的名詞子句,可置於表達想 法或感受的動詞後面,此類動詞有 think、know、believe、find 等。

• I think (that) Melisa is really outgoing and friendly. 2. that 引導的名詞子句,亦可置於表達情緒或感受的形容詞後面,此類形容詞有 surprised、 worried、sure、angry 等。 • Bonnie was surprised (that) I came to work late today. 3. 當兩個 that 引導的名詞子句用對等連接詞 and 連接時,第二個名詞子句的 that 不可省略。 • I know (that) Hans studied hard and that he got a very good grade on the test.


Lesson 4 Sniffing Out More Than Just Bones

Sentence Pattern Jack's Family

Jack’s uncle who is still single lives in Tokyo.(1)

Jack’s cousin, who lives in London, is five years old.(2)



在此語境中,Jack有兩個叔叔,為了要明確指出是「單身的那一位」住在東京,因此句(1)使用形容 詞子句的限定用法;而Jack只有一位堂妹,不會造成任何混淆,因此句(2)使用形容詞子句的非限定 用法,增加對堂妹的補充說明。

…N, + who(m)/which/that…. …N, + who(m)/which…. 1. 形容詞子句又稱為關係子句,由關係代名詞引導,置於被修飾的名詞後面,被修飾的名詞稱 為「先行詞」。 形容詞子句

• The bus which leaves at two o’clock goes downtown. 先行詞


2. 形容詞子句分為「限定用法」與「非限定用法」。 限定用法:當先行詞不明確時,須使用「限定」用法,來提供先行詞的必要資訊,以避免混淆。

(1) 當關係代名詞是形容詞子句的主詞時: 先行詞為「人」,關係代名詞用 who/that。 先行詞為「物」,關係代名詞用 which/that。

The girl is wearing the yellow dress. 主詞

The girl who/that is wearing the yellow dress is my girlfriend. 先行詞 關係代名詞主格


Lesson 5 The Life of a Plastic Bag

Sentence Pattern Lungteng Times Grace Miller Loses the Race Grace Miller tripped and fell to the ground, losing the 100-meter race. 在此語境中,Grace Miller 在終點線前跌倒,而後輸掉比賽,兩個事件接連發生,因此以完整句子描



S + V..., V-ing/p.p..... 1. 此句型是由對等子句簡化而成的分詞構句。當對等連接詞 and 連接的兩個子句主詞相同時, 可將表連續動作或附帶狀態的子句簡化為分詞構句。

• Grace Miller tripped and fell to the ground, losing the 100-meter race. • The singer was posing for photos outside the stadium, surrounded by hundreds of excited fans. 2. 簡化步驟如下: (1) 省略 and 及其所連接的對等子句的主詞。 (2) 將動詞改為分詞,主動用現在分詞(V-ing),被動用過去分詞(p.p.)。 (3) 若要簡化的子句為否定句,則在分詞前加上 not。 • Dave kept checking his smartphone in class, and he didn’t look at his teacher even once. → Dave

kept checking his smartphone in class, not looking at his teacher even




1. I stayed there for a long time, waiting eagerly to be used. (line 3)

Lesson 6 Built for Freedom: The Statue of Liberty

Sentence Pattern An old lady walks into a black box.

And the magic is on….

Out of the black box steps a little girl.

此語境中,最後走出來的不是原先的老太太,而是一位小女孩。為了引出並強調這個出人意表的新 訊息,因此將此訊息置於句尾,而「黑色箱子」為已知的舊訊息,連同其前方的介系詞一併放在句 首,形成地方副詞置於句首的倒裝句。

Adverbs of place + V + S. 1. 此句型為將表「地點」、「位置」或「方向」的地方副詞或地方副詞片語置於句首的倒裝句。 地方副詞或地方副詞片語後面,須先接動詞再接主詞;但當主詞為代名詞時,則不需倒裝。


• On the top shelf is a black box. • Off we go! 2. 此句型常用於引出某個新訊息(即主詞),且該訊息通常是出人意表的人或物。 • The elevator door opened, and out stepped a brown bear.

Examples 1. In front of their eyes stood the grand Statue of Liberty. (line 7) 2. In Lady Liberty’s right hand is a giant torch. (line 21) 3. From the top of Lady Liberty’s crown rise seven spikes. (line 25)

Practice A Answer the following questions using the pattern above and the words given. The first one has been done for you.

1. Q: What was right in front of Paul? (a long line of people) A: Right in front of Paul was a long line of people.


Lesson 9 Fighting for or against Graffiti

Sentence Pattern Although Kevin and Bill are twins, they have very different personalities. Kevin is outgoing and friendly, while Bill is shy and quiet.

Kevin enjoys outdoor activities, whereas Bill prefers to stay home and read.

在此語境中,要描述雙胞胎兄弟兩人個性迥異,因此使用 while 或 whereas 來表達對比。

S + V..., while/whereas S + V.... while 為連接詞,用來連接兩個語意對比的句子,可與 whereas 代換。 • Betty loves seafood, while her husband never eats fish. • While some of my friends like rock n’ roll, others prefer hip-hop.



1. Some love it, while others hate it. (line 5) 2. The gun represents violence, whereas the flower stands for peace. (line 19)

Practice Based on the following table, explain the differences between Taiwan and Japan. The first one has been done for you.


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