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獨創課文學習重點表 教 ╳ 學 ╳ 測 緊密扣結 GO!



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*句型標註:句型1 句型2

I am a plastic bag. When I was very young, I was sent from the factory where I was born to a convenience store. I stayed there 2for a long time, waiting eagerly to be used. 3Finally, some kids came along, bought some snacks, and 4 took me to the beach, where they 5had a picnic. When it 6was getting dark, they packed everything up and left, but they forgot one thing—me! The wind started to howl, and 7suddenly I was in the sea all on my own. I floated helplessly in the water for a while, but 8soon 9realized I wasn’t 10alone. I was surrounded by plastic cups, plates, and straws. After days of drifting, I started to envy the birds up 11above, 12who were flying so high and free. I 13could only follow the currents. Suddenly, I went down a tunnel into a chamber. “What happened?” I asked a fork 14next to me. “I think we were just swallowed by a huge fish!” he replied. 15More and more of us were swallowed 16 until it got 17quite crowded 18inside. We obviously weren’t 19that nutritious because the fish died after 20a few days. The fish’s body slowly decomposed, and 21then I was back in the ocean. 22One day, a big wave came and threw me up 23onto the shore. Then 24a few days later, some schoolchildren walked up to me, carrying bags and 25pairs of tongs. I felt a sudden pinch, and the next thing I knew, I was 26inside a big bag of trash. A teacher told the schoolchildren, “Plastic can harm people. A lot of 27the plastic products that we make end up in the ocean, where sea creatures consume them. You might think that’s okay, but when we eat seafood, the poisonous substances 28from the plastic end up inside us.” 29 According to a plastic bottle 30nearby, the humans 31are going to take us to a recycling plant. I really don’t understand them. They produce us 32to 33make their lives better, but then they misuse us and make everyone’s life worse! 34I’m tired of floating 35around, killing fish, and causing harm to the environment. I really 36hope that my future owner will use me properly in my next life. 1


句型1:Relative Clause: ...N(,) + where/when + S + V....

習作簿 All in One 三合一 隨堂卷 學習卷 進階卷

14. next to 在⋯⋯旁邊


15. 比較級 + and + 比較級 愈來愈⋯⋯

19. that (adv.) 那麼地 20. a few 一些





All in One


隨堂卷 學習卷


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28. 介系詞from引導形容詞片語修飾前方名詞 29. according to 根據

30. nearby (adv.) 在附近 31. be going to 將要

32. 不定詞表達目的

1. send sth. from A to B

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34. be tired of + V-ing 厭倦⋯⋯

5. have a picnic 野餐

學生配套與測驗卷 考點分級

27. that受格關係代名詞

26. inside (prep.) 在⋯⋯裡面

25. a pair of + 成對物件

4. take sb. to... 帶某人到⋯⋯

24. 時間長度 + later 一段時間之後

23. onto (prep.) 到⋯⋯上

22. one day 有一天

21. then (adv.) 然後

18. inside (adv.) 裡面

17. quite (adv.) 相當

3. finally (adv.) 最終(轉承語)

16. until (conj.) 直到

句型2:S + V..., V-ing/p.p..... 2. for + 時間長度

習作簿 All in One 三合一 隨堂卷 學習卷 進階卷

Teacher’s Manual

對照課文檢索 查找便利不遺漏

Teacher’s Manual

學習重點依配套難易度定位分入 方便教師依班級程度搭配運用

33. make + O. + adj.

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35. around (adv.) 到處

36. that引導名詞子句當受詞

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6. 連綴動詞get + adj.,並與進行式連用

7. suddenly 突然間

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8. soon (adv.) 很快地 9. that(被省略)引導名詞子句當受詞 10. alone (adj.) 單獨的

12. who主格關係代名詞

13. could表達過去的能力

11. above (adv.) 在上方



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