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Goodbye, John Guidelines for Writing a Dear John/Jane Letter

A Dear John/Jane letter is hard to write. The person you write to will feel hurt, so you’d better try to cause as little pain as possible. Meanwhile, you don’t want the reader to misinterpret it and to think you are saying you hope to have a chance to mend the relationship. Here are some do’s and don’ts when you write a Dear John/Dear Jane letter. 1. Start the letter by expressing thanks for what you have learned from your boyfriend/girlfriend and for the wonderful times you have spent together. 2. Mention some good points about this person and/or some positive things he or she has brought to you. 3. Always avoid criticism. Don’t write anything harsh or blame this person. Even when talking about his or her bad points, express them in a positive way. 4. Be firm and leave no doubt that you want to end the relationship. 5. Give one clear explanation of why you want to end the relationship and make it about you, not about the other person. 6. Ask for his or her understanding. Reread the article “Goodbye, John” to check () whether each guideline is followed and point out the evidence in the article. 

Guideline 1

Guideline 2

Guideline 3

Guideline 4

Guideline 5

Guideline 6

Work with a classmate or in a group. Share what you find out. Use the following hints to express your ideas. In Paragraph 5 of the article, it says “ Please don’t take any of this personally. You’re truly wonderful and I’ll miss you terribly ,” so I think Sally makes it about herself, not about the smartphone (the content of the guideline).


Peter wants to break up with his girlfriend Becky. Go to the website: https://ltn.tw/a3PJPWN Choose your answers to help Peter finish his Dear Jane letter below, and print it out. Be sure to make the content reasonable and consistent. After finishing the letter, once again check whether it follows the six guidelines. List the phrases or sentences in the letter that support your idea. □ Guideline 1 : □ Guideline 2 : □ Guideline 3 : □ Guideline 4 : □ Guideline 5 : □ Guideline 6 :

A Dear John/Jane Letter to Me You find a Dear John/Jane letter on your desk one day after you return home from school. It is from something that you have (your teddy bear, a piece of furniture, your savings, your bicycle, etc.). What does the letter say? Write this letter in 50 words and make sure you follow the guidelines given in Task 1. ★ This Dear John/Jane letter is from my Dear





How should you respond if you receive a Dear John/Jane letter? Here are some suggestions. 1. Take some time to calm down before writing your response. 2. In your letter, share your emotions clearly and honestly. 3. Say something positive to express your thanks and show your warmth instead of begging for forgiveness or begging to be reunited. 4. Sometimes it is just not necessary to give any response. Now, you are far away from home studying in a university. One day you receive a Dear Jane letter from your boyfriend back home. It reads: Dear Mary, This is very hard for me, but I have to tell you that I want to break up with you. Since you haven’t been home for several months, I feel so lonely. I need someone to be with me. Actually, I cheated on you twice. I am very sorry about this. Please send back your pictures of me. I hope you can find someone better. Sincerely, David

Keep these suggestions in mind, and try to think of another way and write something within 30 words as a response to David. Dear David,



Here is an example of how you might respond to David’s letter. First you collect a lot of pictures of your male college friends, their brothers, and their friends. Then, you send back these pictures, and your pictures of David, with a note. Dear David, I am very sorry but I don’t quite remember who you are. Please pick out the pictures of you from among these and send the others back to me. Goodbye, Mary


1. 了解分手信的書寫和回應的原則,以達到語氣堅定但又能有同理心的表達目的;雖然 真實生活中學生較少選擇寫分手信的方式,但其表達與回應的原則與技巧,皆適用於 書寫或口語表達。 2. 能發揮想像力於創意寫作。

B1 符號運用與溝通表達 C2 人際關係與團隊合作

Guidelines for Writing a Dear John/Jane Letter A

先讓學生了解寫分手信的原則,檢視課文內容是否符合這些原則,並從課文中找出符 合的句子或段落。此時可以是 individual work 或 group work。


從課文的檢視結果中,挑選一處符合原則的文句,與其他同學分享。學生除了寫下自 己的答案之外,再用口說方式與他人分享想法。


考量到高一學生的英文能力要自行產出一封分手信較為困難,因此讓學生利用網頁資 源,挑選合適的字句後完成一封分手信,完成後須再次檢視內容是否符合分手信的原 則。

A Dear John/Jane Letter to Me A

由於 Task 2 較為進階,因此請學生應用 Task 1 所學,發揮想像力於創意寫作,教師 須提醒學生寫作時要符合分手信的原則。


進一步讓學生了解分手信的回應原則;此外,提供一封幽默的回應信作為範本,教師 可以再請學生發揮創意,想出其他不失幽默亦能理性得體的回應。



The Life of a Plastic Bag

A Documentary on How to Promote a Plastic Ban Please produce a five-minute documentary that includes the perspectives of a plastic bag, humans, animals, or the earth. The documentary will be put online to discourage the use of plastic bags. To help the viewers understand the documentary, you should provide both English and Chinese subtitles.

From Reading to Project Those Sad Plastic Bags… In the last paragraph, the plastic bag feels sorry about his life and hopes his next life will be better. What aspects of his life is he not happy about? He hates to be misused by humans, and he doesn’t want to and damage the environment .

float around, kill fish,

Look up some information on the website (https://ltn.tw/be9QiTh) to gain a better understanding of the plastic ban in Taiwan. Do you think such policies will help solve his problem and make his life happier? Why or why not? Try to remember how many plastic bags you used yesterday. Where did they go? Were there any other choices besides using them? What would those other choices have been? Share your answers with your group. As you can see, even though we have had a plastic ban(禁令)for years, some people are still not aware of the impact(衝擊)plastic is having, and while some know that excessive (過度的)plastic waste is a serious problem, they still have not been actively supporting the plastic ban. Plastic waste has really become a serious problem. Let’s look at this more closely.


The Project: Step by Step Project Name: Promote the Plastic Ban with Your Own Documentary In this project, first you are going to look more deeply into the problem of plastic waste by analyzing(分析)it using the systems thinking iceberg(冰山)model. Then, you will shoot a five-minute documentary based on your analysis to help our EPA(行政院環保署)promote the plastic ban. The Systems Thinking Iceberg model is a tool to help us find the factors behind a complicated and difficult issue(問題). Most of the time a given issue arises(出現)due to more than one factor. The iceberg model allows us to explore a more complete picture of these different factors, as we can see in the picture below.


1. Read & Learn: Events An event may be a particular action, phenomenon(現象), or issue. Most people tend to deal with events in the most obvious and convenient ways, without digging into the real causes behind them. However, this approach may be useless. For example, a student, John, has gotten a cold just before his monthly exam. What he will probably do is see a doctor and take some medicine, which would be the normal reaction to this event. But it may not prevent him from getting more colds in the future.

Work as a group of 3 or 4 throughout the project. Choose one of the following scenarios(狀 況). Later you will have to do the relevant research and speak in your documentary film from the perspective that you choose. The scenario you choose will be the event. (1) I enjoy seafood a lot. It is estimated(估計)that a person like me eats up to 11,000 tiny pieces of plastic every year. Experts say that those small pieces of plastic stay in our body, and the smoke from plastic waste we burn can severely(嚴重地)poison our bodies. Plastic waste has also greatly damaged our ecosystems. However, even though I’ve stopped eating seafood, I still find it hard to stop using plastic items in my daily life. These have become something indispensable(不可或缺的)in our lives today. It seems that the “plastic invasion”(入侵)has already long since been out of control. I doubt whether there is any way to stop it. (2) I am a plastic bag. Soon after I was produced in a factory, I was brought to a convenience store and then taken home by a student. After the student finished the breakfast he’d bought in the store, I was dropped into a trash can. Then I was collected by a garbage truck and later dumped and buried in a landfill. One day a few years later after a heavy rain, I was washed down into the ocean and I have been floating here for years. I feel very sorry about my life because it seems to have been “useful” and “meaningful” for only twelve minutes. Is it possible that my life can end up in some way other than as shreds(碎片)of plastic in the sea, or being swallowed by hungry marine animals(海洋動物)? (3) Seagulls(海鷗)are supposed to fly high in the sky; however, this is not the case for me. I have been suffering from a severe stomachache for days and I can’t eat or sleep. I have been lying on the beach helplessly and in great pain. My mother said that I shouldn’t have mistaken some shreds of a plastic bag for my favorite food, silverfish. I’ve heard about the same thing happening to fish, turtles, dolphins, whales, and even some of my relatives, but I


never thought it would happen to me. Regret fills my heart and my eyelids(眼皮)are drooping(下垂)from the pain. I know I am going to depart(離開)this life soon. (4) “Help! Is there anybody who can come to help me?” The many pieces and bits of plastic covering my body are suffocating(使……窒息)me. Although human beings call me Mother Earth, they never really cherish(珍惜)me. Tens of millions of plastic items are being dumped into my body every day. All the circulatory systems(循環系統)—water, air, and land— in my body are being influenced by this and breaking down. I now have a severe fever, and the dirty air from the petrochemical plants(石化廠)that produce these plastic items is one of the main reasons. I don’t know how much longer I can sustain(維持生存) humans.

2. Read & Learn: Patterns of Behavior To define an issue or a phenomenon precisely, we have to know how long it has lasted. Does it appear or occur repeatedly over time? Is there anything that could affect it, causing it to become worse or better? To have a better understanding of the issue, we have to collect as much data as possible. In John’s case, he may find that for the past year since he entered senior high school, he has caught a cold every time the monthly exam was approaching—this has become a pattern for him.

Think about the scenario you chose. To find patterns in it, try to collect data to see how long it has lasted and to determine whether it seems to be getting worse or better. How would you compare this with the problem of excessive plastic waste floating in our oceans? According to the statistics(統計資料), is that situation getting worse or better?

3. Read & Learn: Structure of the System Structures are composed of(由……組成)cause-and-effect relationships. After we learn about the pattern of a given issue or problem, we can try to understand the factors that are causing or affecting it. Keep in mind the fact that most complicated issues are triggered(引起)by different complex factors. When the issue occurs, or gets worse


or better, there must be factors that are driving it to do so. When you find those factors, remember to keep asking yourself the following five questions: When did it occur? Where did it occur? What caused it? Who made it? How was it made? In this way, you may find that there are still some other factors to consider.

Think of the scenario you chose. To find the structure of the system, start by asking yourself the 5-W questions (What? Why? Who? When? Where?) in order to dig more deeply into the situation you find in the pattern, and then find the factors that are causing the patterns of and the relationships between those factors. You may be surprised to learn that the actual factors contributing to this issue can be subtle(細微的)ones.

4. Read & Learn: Mental Model Our beliefs drive our behavior. We shape the world with our beliefs and assumptions (假設). If we don’t figure out the beliefs that drive our behavior, we can’t find the proper treatment(適當的處置)for the issue. In other words, we will have to analyze (分析)people’s beliefs and assumptions and try to figure out how to change them if we want to stop a behavior or solve an issue effectively. For example, maybe in John’s heart he believes that he can absorb(吸收)the information he needs to in a short time, or maybe deep in his mind he doesn’t approve of the importance of academic (學業的)grades. Therefore, if he really wants to avoid always getting a cold just before the monthly exam, he has to change his mental model instead of seeing a doctor repeatedly.

Think about the scenario you chose. Try to find the mental model that drives such a structure or such factors. This can be like a revelation(暴露)of human nature. When you are sure what kind of mental model drives the behavior, think of ways to deal with the mental model. Understanding other people’s way of thinking by putting yourself in their shoes is a good way to arouse empathy(同理心)as well as sympathy(同情心). Once the mental model is changed, everything else will change, too.


Present your systems thinking analysis of the problem in a five-minute documentary. The goal of the film is to propose some ways to deal with the mental model, and meanwhile to promote our government’s plastic ban so that people will continue to reduce their use of plastic products. (1) It should be more of a documentary than just a film, so you must shoot real-life scenes rather than act them out. You may also interview some people in your documentary. (2) Every member of the group should take part in the script-writing and voicing the film. (3) You need to use at least twelve of the vocabulary words and phrases and both of the sentence patterns you learned in this lesson. ... N (,) + where/when S + V

S + V..., V-ing/p.p.....

(4) The content should include:  An Introduction: Introduce the problem of plastic waste to the audience.  Analysis & Treatment: Present your systems thinking analysis (using real-life examples, interviews, statistics, some other countries’ cases, relevant researched information, etc.), and propose feasible(可行的)ways that we can use to deal with the mental model to promote our plastic ban. Suggested patterns: According to..., there is/are... + V-ing/p.p. The research of … indicates that S+V.... It is easy/difficult for people to.... ...is the most subtle but most important factor that influences people’s behavior. The following is the evidence. S + V because S + V.... From the above, we can learn that S + V.... In order to help with this problem, we can....  Conclusion: Summarize the main points and look into the future. (5) You have to give your film both English and Chinese subtitles(字幕). Make sure that your English subtitles are consistent(一致的)with your Chinese subtitles. Both should express the same meaning. (6) To stimulate(激勵)your film’s audience and to encourage them to take action, remember to really convey(傳達)your passion in the documentary.

Show your documentary. Get reviews and feedback from the viewers.


Rubrics for Peer and Teacher Assessment A perceptive thinker

Systems thinking

A good thinker

A normal thinker

 Most of the data was clear when it came to explaining the Patterns of Behavior.

 Some of the data was clear when it came to explaining the Patterns of Behavior.

 The data offered was too vague(不 明確的)to explain the Patterns of Behavior.

 Dug into the issues and revealed most of the cause-andeffect relationships.

 Dug into the issues and revealed some of the cause-andeffect relationships.

 Dug into the issues and revealed few of the cause-and-effect relationships.

 Perceived(理解) the mental model logically.

 Perceived the mental model not so logically.

 Did not perceive the mental model in any particular way.

 Proposed a feasible way for dealing with the mental model.

 The proposed way would be hard to put into practice.

 Did not propose any ways to deal with the mental model.

A persuasive speaker

A good speaker

A normal speaker

 All of the words or phrases were expressed correctly and clearly.

 Most of the words or phrases were expressed correctly and clearly.

 The two sentence patterns were Documentary always used correctly and properly.  Conveyed lots of passion and emotions that resonated(使…… 共鳴)with us.

 There were many mispronunciations and misspellings.

 The two sentence  The two sentence patterns were mostly patterns were only used correctly and sometimes used properly. correctly and properly.  Conveyed some passion and emotions that resonated with us.

 Did not convey passion and emotions that resonated with us.


Self-Reflection • 請認真撰寫學習歷程反思,記錄個人的成長,讓學習的腳步更穩健。可用中文或英文 作答。 What was the most challenging part for you? What were some of the problems that you met? Were they solved? A. ProblemSolving (問題解決)

How effectively did your group work? What did you learn about working in a group from this project? B. Collaboration (團隊合作)

In what area(s) do you feel you’ve improved the most? C. English Language (英文能力)

In what area(s) do you feel you’ve improved the most? D. Presentation Skills (表達技巧)

Is there anything else you would like to share with the teacher? Did anything very interesting happen during the process? E. Anecdotes (花絮記趣)


此 project 的設計,是希望除了對應原本就符合英文科本質的新課綱核心素養 B1「符號運 用與溝通表達」之外,還能融入 A2「系統思考與解決問題」的核心素養。由於塑膠垃圾 問題是由許多系統環環相扣,且由許多因果關係相互連結影響,十分適合運用系統思考。 此處僅介紹系統思考中的冰山模型作為入門練習,讓學生能對問題有更深入的探討,而不 僅止於行為表象的描述。此外,rubrics 與 self-reflection 的設計,是希望藉由質性的回饋 以及反思的過程,培養其後設思考的能力(同樣包含在 A2「系統思考與解決問題」的核 心素養中) 。

B1 符號運用與溝通表達 A2 系統思考與解決問題

1. 學生須上網查詢相關資料,以便先對 plastic ban 有大致上的了解,在 From Reading to Acting 所提供的英文網站僅供參考,學生亦可自行搜尋其他網站資料。而對於英文閱 讀感到較吃力的同學,教師亦可參考其他網站或行政院環保署的限塑政策說明: https://ltn.tw/FqIDjOs。 2. 每組學生選擇不同的視角出發,教師須安排讓每個視角都有被分配討論。蒐集相關資 料並閱讀整理是極為重要的一個步驟,將會影響後續的討論,因此教師須在此時多引 導,讓學生討論出想要找哪些方面的資料(例如:人類視角可以找塑膠垃圾對人類的 健康與生活的危害的資料;塑膠袋視角可以找塑膠的製造生產與消費的相關資料;海 鳥視角的資料可以是塑膠垃圾對動物的危害;地球視角可以是塑膠垃圾為地球環境的 整體影響等等。)這些資料可以是官方統計數字、研究報告、新聞報導、專家學者意 見等,以做為繼續往下深究的基礎。 3. 希望透過資料的蒐集與討論,學生能試著發掘出問題背後的心智模式(例如:當下對 便利性的短暫需求勝過對環保的理性、認為有丟進垃圾桶或有做回收就沒問題、或是 覺得只要不吃海鮮對人類也沒有很大影響等等。)如此便能發現政策規定並不能改變 心智模式,而心智模式不改變,行為便很難有所改變。此外更進一步讓學生針對所發 掘的心智模式提出因應之道,找出也許比現行政策更有效的解決方式。 4. 影片以 documentary 稱之,是希望學生拍攝生活中的真實畫面或訪談生活周遭人物。 若有其難度,教師亦可調整為由學生所選定的視角來說故事。影片的目的是希望學生 在影片中呈現自己所討論出來針對心智模式的因應之道,同時也回到政策規定層面做


宣導。 5. 若因教學設備、學生拍影片的能力、教學時間安排等條件有所限制,教師可將最後的 報告改為以 PPT 簡報呈現,不一定要拍短片。 6. 對於語言運用的要求,教師可自行依學生程度增刪或修改。 7. 有關系統思考,坊間有許多書籍,網路也有不少資料。在此僅列幾本參考書籍如下: (1) 邱昭良(譯)(2016)。系統思考:克服盲點、面對複雜性、見樹又見林的整體思 考 (Thinking in Systems: A Primer, Donella H. Meadows, 2016 原著)。台北:經濟新 潮社。 (2) 陳穎堅、王少玲(譯)(2017)。系統思考:對系統意識的培養 (Systems One, Draper L. Kauffman, Jr.原著)。香港:喝采文庫。 (3) Anderson, Virginia & Johnson, Lauren (1997). Systems Thinking Basics: From Concepts to Causal Loops. MA: Leverage Networks, 2017.


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