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Lesson 5

Lesson 5

The Life of a Plastic Bag

Part 1:隨堂測驗 一、文意字彙:20% convenience 1. I’d like to have a talk with you at your c time?

e. When’s the best

environment 2. It is believed that a happy family provides a loving e children. plastic

t for the

3. That homeless man is so poor that he carries his belongings in a p c bag.


4. If you c healthier.


5. The police have taken the unknown s scientists there can determine what it is.


6. Stephanie made her way across the c friend was standing.


7. This company plans to invest a huge amount of money in the production of computer p ts.


8. P s materials should always be kept in a locked cabinet, so that children can’t touch them.


9. O sly the boss didn’t like Helen’s ideas, for he walked out of the meeting room a few minutes later.


10. It is useless to e y other people for their success and good fortune without actually making more of an effort yourself.

e enough fruits and vegetables, you’ll become e to the lab so that ded room to where her


二、詞類變化:10% recycle

1. We should know that fewer trees will be cut down if we (recycling) more paper.


2. Steve wondered whether it would be Ann’s door late at night.


3. After the job interview, Joe was would be hired as an engineer.

(eagerly) to know if he


4. This river contains a high level of get sick if you drink its water.

(harm) chemicals. You’ll

(properly) to knock at

surroundings 5. When you live in a foreign country, you have to spend a lot of time getting used to your new (surround).

三、句型練習:20% (A) 用 “…N(,) + where/when + S + V….” 句型來合併以下句子。 1. The young man misses his childhood. He didn’t have so many worries then. (3%) The young man misses his childhood, when he didn’t have so many worries. 2. Sometimes I really want to hide in a place. People don’t know me there. (3%) Sometimes I really want to hide in a place where people don’t know me. 3. The park attracts thousands of visitors in the spring. All the flowers are blooming in the spring. (4%) The park attracts thousands of visitors in the spring, when all the flowers are blooming. (B) 用分詞構句來改寫以下句子。 1. Jason looked out the window and enjoyed the beautiful view. (3%) Jason looked out the window, enjoying the beautiful view. 2. The boy got on the school bus, and he carried some books under his arm. (3%) The boy got on the school bus, carrying some books under his arm. 3. The little girl went into the theater, and she was accompanied by her mother. (4%) The little girl went into the theater, accompanied by her mother.

四、翻譯:15%(1.~3.一格 1 分;4.、5.一題 3 分) 1. 婦人警告她兒子如果他繼續偷東西,最後會坐牢的。 end The woman warned her son that he would he continued to steal. 2


in prison if

Lesson 5 2. 在這個高科技的世界裡,我們幾乎忘了過去在網路出現之前是如何找尋資料的。 In this high-tech world, we’ve almost forgotten how we searched for information in the came along . past before the Internet 3. 我沒辦法自己拿這些重的盒子。你能幫我嗎? I can’t carry these heavy boxes Would you do me a favor?





4. 越來越多人厭倦住在都市裡,且想著有一天搬到鄉下去。 More and more people are tired of living in the city, and are thinking of moving out to the country one day. 5. 因為 Jeff 太早到派對,他必須獨自在那裡等一會兒直到其他人抵達。 As/Because Jeff got to the party too early, he had to wait there alone for a while until the others arrived.

五、綜合測驗:20% Do you throw your food waste in the garbage? If you are someone 1. cares about the environment, you should think about composting(堆肥). If you have space outside your home, just create a pile of dirt and throw your food waste onto it. If your property is smaller and your compost would have to be right 2. your home, use a closed bin. If you live in an apartment, don’t worry! You can buy special warm compost bins that can stay inside your home. The best part is that they’re not 3. smelly! 4. experts, a good trick is to compost as much brown material (dead leaves, wood, etc.) as green material (food, grass, etc.). If you follow this rule, you 5. get high-quality soil. Also, if your pile is very big, you’ll need to mix it from time to time 6. the oxygen flowing through it. 7. , remember that meat and dairy products can’t be composted. They’ll 8. your pile smelly and will attract animals. Sooner than you think, you will have dark, rich soil that’s great for plants. Spread it in your garden, or add it to your potted plants. If you don’t have any, you 9. share it with someone who does. Composting is a practice 10. can really improve our environment. You should definitely consider giving it a try. ( A ) 1. (A) who

(B) whom

(C) whose

(D) he

( D ) 2. (A) from

(B) between

(C) above

(D) next to

( C ) 3. (A) such

(B) much

(C) that

(D) alot

( D ) 4. (A) Except for

(B) Rather than

(C) As to

(D) According to

( D ) 5. (A) did

(B) had

(C) don’t

(D) are going to 3

( C ) 6. (A) keep

(B) keeping

(C) to keep

(D) kept

( A ) 7. (A) Finally

(B) Suddenly

(C) Fortunately

(D) Miraculously

( A ) 8. (A) make

(B) cause

(C) have

(D) allow

( B ) 9. (A) should

(B) could

(C) would

(D) might

( B )10. (A) how

(B) that

(C) what

(D) at which

六、閱讀測驗:15% It’s time to say no to plastic straws. Plastic is not good for the Earth because it takes many years to break down into smaller pieces. Single-use items are things that we use only once and then throw away, like garbage bags, plastic cups, and takeout boxes. Single-use plastic straws are creating a big problem in our world today. They can’t be recycled because they are too light. This means these straws do not get separated from other garbage at recycling dumps, and they even begin to fill up these dumps. As they gradually break down, they separate into very small plastic pieces called microplastics. These microplastics are eaten by birds and sea animals; they stay in their stomachs and can even cause them to die. Microplastics are also eaten by us when we eat the animals that have eaten them, and this can hurt our health. The best way to fix this problem is to stop using single-use plastic straws. When you get a drink, don’t use a straw, or bring your own reusable straw. Little steps can make a big difference in saving our world! ( A )1. What is the main message of this passage? (A) Stop using plastic straws before it is too late. (B) Using plastic is really good for the environment. (C) Plastic straws help birds and sea creatures to grow. (D) Plastic straws make many things more convenient for us. ( A )2. which of the following are not single-use items? (A) Steel chopsticks. (C) Garbage bags.

(B) Plastic cups. (D) Takeout boxes.

( D )3. According to the passage, which is NOT true about plastic straws? (A) They will fill up our dumps. (B) They can’t be recycled at all. (C) They can cause animals to die. (D) They may improve our health. 4

Lesson 5

Part 2:瞄準大考 一、常考重點提醒 字彙


































come along


on one’s own


Sentence Pattern I


for a while


Sentence Pattern II


end up


二、歷屆相關大考試題 ( D )1. After delivering a very powerful speech, the award winner was by a group of fans asking for her signature. 【107 學測】(題號 9) (A) deposited (B) reserved (C) vanished (D) surrounded ( B )2. John’s clock is not functioning not set to go off. (A) tenderly (B) properly During such breaks, the mind turns inward, subtle meanings and connections. ( C )3. (A) if (B) but

. The alarm rings even when it’s 【106 學測】(題號 1)

(C) solidly 3.

(D) favorably

it can subconsciously puzzle over 【107 學測】(題號 19)

(C) where

(D) which

(A) as well as (B) beings (C) drawings (D) in any way (E) kept an eye on (F) like (G) others (H) originated (I) since (J) harm A lot of ancient civilizations, 4. the Egyptians, Hindus, Greeks, and Mayans, have left writings and 5. which indicate contacts with superior beings “from the stars.” Many believe that the aliens are here to help us, while others hold that the aliens 【93學測】(題號37-39) intend us 6. . 4.






7. 拍攝這些電影的地點成為熱門的觀光景點。

【101 學測】(中譯英題號 2)

The spots where these films were shot have become popular tourist attractions. 5

Part 3:情境式閱讀 Strategy: Identifying Certain Information (Number and Others) Josephine just read an infographic and tell Napoleon what she learned.

Josephine: Napoleon, I’ve just read something about global warming. Napoleon: Oh? What’s that? Josephine: The article said livestock is the number 1 greenhouse gas producer. Napoleon: Really? I thought it would be our means of transportation, like cars and airplanes. Josephine: 49% of all greenhouse gases come from other sources, including transportation. Our greenhouse gases include methane , 37% of which comes from cows. Napoleon: Oh my God! And I love milk and cheese so much! Josephine: If you consume 1/4 of the total amount of milk one cow produces each day, you are consuming what the cow emitted 125 liters methane in producing. Guess by how much you could reduce your carbon footprint in one year if you stopped consuming meat and dairy products? Napoleon: I know, I could reduce it by 1.5 tons. 6

Lesson 5

The Life of a Plastic Bag

【素養閱讀題組】 編碼 054581



There was a wonderful discussion in Class 101 last weekend. The following table shows some comments from the students. Read them carefully and answer the questions below the table.

Topic: Should Plastic Bags Be Banned? Kate’s comments: Zoe’s comments: We have used almost 10% of oil, one of People should be able to choose what they the most precious resources on earth, to make want. If plastic bags are convenient, why not? plastic bags. Debby’s comments: Jamie’s comments: Of course! I know plastic bags can be Once I thought I saw a jellyfish when I recycled, but people tend to be forgetful.

went to the beach. But it was actually a plastic bag! The ocean is being destroyed!

Sam’s comments: Eric’s comments: The reality is, we depend on plastic bags Do not forget paper is made from trees. To every day in our lives. They are hard to be protect trees, using a limited number of plastic replaced.

bags is okay.

1. According to the table, why did Eric mention paper to support his point of view? (A) Using a limited number of plastic bags will help to plant more trees. (B) Trees are never used up while plastic bags don’t break down. (C) Planting trees is helpful to our environment. (D) Banning plastic bags is likely to increase the use of paper. 2. In Kate’s comments, what does “one of the most precious resources” refer to? (A) Plastic.

(B) Earth.

(C) Oil.

(D) Bags.

3. Check () in the following table to clarify the students’ opinions toward banning plastic bags. Should Plastic Bags Be Banned? □ Yes □ No Kate Zoe

□ Yes

□ No


□ Yes

□ No


□ Yes

□ No


□ Yes

□ No


□ Yes

□ No





1. D

2. C

3. Kate (); Zoe (); Debby (); Jamie (); Sam (); Eric ()


此題組需運用 skimming 與 inference 的閱讀策略,並判斷六位同學對於禁塑的看法。

1. 根據文意,Eric 認為用紙來替代塑膠亦不盡環保。 2. 此處的“one of the most precious resources”指的是前面提到的 oil。 3. 閱讀完所有同學的評論後,可從文中推敲各自的意見。




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