Winter 2018 connection

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aster onnection

STATE OF THE CITY ADDRESS On January 11, 2018 Mayor Marcus E. Knight gave the annual State of the City Address “2017 A Year of Community Building� at the luncheon hosted by the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce. The Mayor discussed various monumental areas of growth that were accomplished in 2017. Civic engagement has increased throughout the city. The city completed their tenth year of Civic Leadership Academy. Both Civic Leadership Academy and Public Safety Academy have continually inspired alumni members to run for various elected positions while learning first hand from various departments and observing opportunities for involvement. Local volunteers such as Certified Emergency Response Team (CERT), which was founded after the 2012 tornado tragedy in Lancaster, helped in Hurricane Harvey relief. Additional volunteers such as the LEEP program have assisted in providing additional support to the overload of code violations as well.

Mayor Marcus E. Knight

State of the City continued on page 3 Mayor Pro Tem Clyde C. Hairston

District 5

Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Nina Morris

Carol Strain-Burk

Stanley Jaglowski

Marco Mejia

Spencer W. Hervey, Jr.

District 6

District 1

District 2

District 3

District 4 1

Table of Contents:

Have you registered for the free community challenge that runs through March 4th? IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO REGISTER! All you need is an email address to register at https://itstimetexas. org/communitychallenge/. Then simply record your healthy eating and water consumption in the IT’s Time Texas app. The city earns points for each registered participant, healthy selfies of you eating and drinking healthy, and healthy activities or exercise. For more information on the challenge contact


Page State of the City Address 1&3 It’s Time Texas Community Challenge 2 New Lancaster ISD Superintendent of Schools 3 Upcoming Events 4 Local and State Election Information 5 Weather Tips and Stormwater 6 New City Ordinances 7 LEEP/Boards and Commissions 8 Residential Solid Waste 9 Bulk Trash Schedule 10 Simple Recycling 11 Facility Rentals 12-14 Recreation Center 15 Aquatics 16 Youth Programs 17 Youth/Teen Sports/Recreation 18 Adult Programs 19 Adult Fitness 20 Adult Athletics/Volunteers 21 Lancaster Veterans Memorial Library 22 Family and Adult Library Programs 23 Senior Life Center 24 Senior Activities/Classes/Programs 25-27 City Wide Trash Off/Important Numbers 28



ABOUT THE LANCASTER CONNECTION: The Lancaster Connection is distributed throughout the City of Lancaster four times a year. This free newsletter is available for you to be aware of the latest events in your city, plan for free events and for you and your family or friends, find the nearest park and its amenities, and even register for affordable and rewarding classes and groups. Should you have any questions or recommendations for future newsletters, feel free to contact us at communityrelations@ or 972-2181300.

State of the City Address continued Overall safety has improved. The Police Department received designation as a “Recongnized Law Enforcement Agency” from the Texas Police Chiefs Association. City staff and council has taken a renewed look on our health initiative partnering with the businesses, schools, and residents for the It’s Time Texas challenge. While the city received 3rd place in 2017, we are pushing for 1st place in this year’s Community Health Challenge that runs January through March. We also received a Playful City USA designation and through the work of countless volunteers constructed a new playground for community members to enjoy. The council also enacted a new Smoke Free City ordinance. Infrastructure and development has exploded across the city. Key improvements include Beltline Road new street lights before approaching I-35 and street improvements on Lancaster Hutchins Road. Plans are also underway for improvements to Pleasant Run Road. Development has skyrocketed and the city has closed over 4 million square feet in new development. Developers include Copeland, Principal Real Estate Investors, Huntington Industrial Partners and more. The city has received several honors and distinctions. The City Council was announced as the 2017 City Council of the Year at the annual Texas City Management Association (TCMA) Annual Conference. The City‘s Finance Department has received the Transparency Award in various areas and the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting (CAFR). The Mayor finally announced while he may not be running for re-election, he remains optimistic about Lancaster’s future, growth, and legacy.

Lancaster ISD names Elijah Granger Superintendent of Schools On December 18, 2017 Lancaster ISD Board of Trustees voted to name Elijah Granger, the interim superintendent, as the Lone Finalist for Lancaster ISD Superintendent of Schools. During his work as the interim, Mr. Granger remained focused on ensuring the implementation of the district’s vision with fidelity. On Monday, January 8, 2018 the Lancaster ISD School Board of Trustees named Elijah Granger as Lancaster ISD Superintendent of Schools. Congratulations to Mr. Granger!

January 20 22 25

City Wide Trash Off City Council Meeting Future City Competition

1501 N. Dallas Avenue Council Chambers UTA Arlington


Upcoming Events

February 1 7 9 12 14 15 16 22 26

PID Advisory Board Meeting Visitors Center Black History Program Senior Life Center Parent/Child Valentine Dance Recreation Center City Council Meeting City Hall Valentines Day Valentines Day Social Senior Life Center Dive In Movie Aquatics Center Buzzed Art Night Visitors Center Public Safety Academy begins (class 1) Public Safety Building City Council Meeting City Hall


1 Public Safety Academy (class 2) 8 Public Safety Academy (class 3) 5-8 LISD State Testing Days 9 City Employee In Service Training Day - city offices closed 12 City Council Meeting 12-15 LISD Spring Break 12-16 Spring Break Camp 15 Public Safety Academy (class 4) 15 Dive In Movie 17 St. Patrick’s Day 17 Easter Egg Hunt 17-18 Overnight Campout 22 Public Safety Academy (class 5) 24 City wide Trash Off (household hazardous waste collection) 26 City Council Meeting 29 Public Safety Academy (class 6) 30 Good Friday Holiday - city offices closed

Public Safety Building Public Safety Building City Hall Recreation Center Public Safety Academy Aquatics Center Community Park Bear Creek Nature Park Public Safety Building 1501 N Dallas Avenue City Hall Public Safety Building

April 1 Easter Sunday April Fools Day 5 Public Safety Academy (class 7) 9 City Council Meeting 10-13 LISD State Testing Days 12 Public Safety Academy (class 8) 19 Public Safety Academy (class 9) 20 Dive In Movie 20 Flashback Friday Music in the Park 21 Earth Day Celebration 22 Earth Day 23 City Council Meeting 26 Annual Volunteer Recognition 27 Flashback Friday Music in the Park 4 LANCASTER CONNECTION WINTER 2018

Public Safety Building City Hall Public Safety Building Public Safety Building Aquatics Center Amphitheater Bear Creek Nature Park City Hall Recreation Center Amphitheater

Local and State Election Information State Elections (Primary, Primary Run Off, Uniform) February 5, 2018 - Last day to register to vote for Primary Election February 20, 2018 - First day of Early Voting March 2, 2018 - Last day of Early Voting March 6, 2018 - Primary Election Day April 23, 2018 - Last day to register to vote for Primary Run Off Election May 14, 2018 - First day of Early Voting May 18, 2018 - Last day of Early Voting May 22, 2018 - Primary Run Off Election Day October 9, 2018 - Last day to register to vote for Uniform Election October 22, 2018 - First day of Early Voting November 2, 2018 - Last day of Early Voting November 6, 2018 - Uniform Election Day voter/2018-important-election-dates.shtml

Important Local Election dates to remember: Wednesday, January 17th Friday, February 16th

Tuesday, February 20th Wednesday, February 21st

Friday, February 23rd

Thursday, April 5th

May 5th Local Election Early Voting Schedule Lancaster Veterans Memorial Library at 1600 Veterans Memorial Parkway and other Dallas County branch locations on the dates and times below: Monday, April 23, 2018 through Friday, April 27, 2018, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday, April 28, 2018, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday, April 29, 2018, 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Monday, April 30, 2018 through Tuesday, May 1, 2018, 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. During the early voting period, registered voters may vote at any Dallas County early voting location. A complete list of Dallas County early voting locations is available at

Monday, April 23rd Tuesday, April 24th

Tuesday, May 1st Saturday, May 5th

First day to file for a place on the ballot and for filing declaration of write-in candidacy. Last day for filing application for place on ballot (must be received by 5:00 p.m. at City Secretary’s Office). Last day for write-in Candidate to declare candidacy. Last day for a ballot candidate to withdraw (withdrawal request must be received by 5:00 p.m. at City Secretary’s Office). Last day for write-in Candidate to withdraw (withdrawal request must be received by 5:00 p.m. at City Secretary’s Office). Due date for filing first report of campaign contributions and expenditures by opposed candidates by 5:00 p.m. (at the City Secretary’s Office) or midnight if filed electronically. Last day for submitting voter registration application to Dallas County in time to vote at the election. First day for Early Voting by Personal Appearance. Last day to apply for ballot by mail (received at City Secretary’s Office, not postmarked) Last day of Early voting by personal appearance. ELECTION DAY. Polls are open 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Voting by sick or disabled voters at main early voting place, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., where electronic voting systems are used at precinct polling place.


Weather Tips and Stormwater Winter is certainly here, and with it comes road salts, piles of snow. Just like rain, snowmelt can carry pollutants into storm drains and streams. Think of all the black snow that accumulates along roadways; once it melts, that dirty water, full of petroleum products and other contaminants, finds its way to a stream, where it can harm wildlife and pollute our drinking water resources. Do your part this winter season to protect our streams from unnecessary stormwater pollution? Following these tips can help keep our water clean and protect the environment: Dispose of shoveled snow in vegetated areas; never dump it into streets or streams. The more water can be absorbed by plants or sink into the ground, the less water will run off, carrying pollutants into streams.

Use safe and effective alternatives to salt for ice, and follow the application rate on the label. Instead of focusing on melting the snow on your driveway or sidewalks, use sand to help gain traction. Or, use a salt-free de-icer. Use natural and non-toxic alternatives to chemical pesticides, and reduce indoor and outdoor chemical use. Boric acid is a low-toxicity mineral that is highly effective over time, and bait boxes are another great alternative.



New City Ordinances

Mandatory Microchip Ordinance

Lancaster Smoke-Free Ordinance

The Lancaster City Council recently approved a citywide mandatory microchipping ordinance requiring all cats and dogs, 4 months and older, to be microchipped. The ordinance aims to reduce the number of loose dogs within the city limits.

Lancaster City Council recently approved a comprehensive citywide smoke-free Ordinance No. 2017-06-22 making all workplaces in the city smoke-free, including all bars and restaurants. The new ordinance went into effect Monday, June 26, 2017.

The new ordinance also reduces the existing microchip fee of $25.00 to $15.00 per animal. Microchip services are provided on a first come first served basis at the Lancaster Animal Shelter, located at 690 E. Main St., Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Microchips greatly increase the chance pets will be reunited with their owner if they are lost or stolen. According to the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, only about 22% of lost dogs that entered the animal shelters were reunited with their families, but the returnto-owner rate for microchipped dogs was over 52% (a 136% increase).

Second hand smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals, including hundreds that are toxic and at least 69 that are known to cause cancer. Exposure to secondhand smoke kills over 40,000 nonsmokers in the United States every year. The Surgeon General has found that secondhand smoke causes lung cancer, heart disease, serious respiratory illnesses, low birth weight in babies, and sudden infant death syndrome. Nonsmokers who are exposed to high levels of tobacco smoke on the job double their risk of developing lung cancer and lung and heart disease. The scientific evidence is clear – there is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke. For questions, please call 972-218-1300.

The new ordinance will go into effect Monday, February 19, 2018. For questions, please call 972-218-1210.


LEEP Program/Boards & Commissions The City of Lancaster Code Compliance Division is seeking volunteers to join the Lancaster Eyes and Ears Program (LEEP). The LEEP Program will primarily perform duties in the field identifying code violations for code officers to perform further investigation. Essential duties and responsibilities:


Patrol assigned areas to identify code violations such as: Excessive accumulation of trash and debris; Parking of vehicles, boats, trailers on unimproved surfaces; High grass and overgrown weeds/vegetation; Junk vehicles; Illegal dumping and litter; and Illegal placement of signs.

Volunteers are requested to volunteer a minimum of 4 hours per week. Work schedules are flexible based on your availability but are limited to daytime hours. Volunteers must possess a Texas class “C” driver’s license, successfully complete a background check and drug test, reside in the City of Lancaster.

To join, contact the City of Lancaster Code Compliance Division at 972-218-1200 or email at

Do you have a specialized knowledge, an ability to plan for the future, or an enthusiastic interest in improving the quality of life right in your own community: The City of Lancaster needs people who have a strong interest in the community to serve on one of the City’s many boards and commissions. • Youth Advisory Committee • Property Standards & Appeals Boards • Lancaster Economic Development Corporation (4A) • Parks & Recreation Advisory Board • Lancaster Recreational Development Corporation (4B)

• • • • • • • •

Library Advisory Board Historic Landmark Preservation Committee Airport Advisory Board Planning and Zoning Commission Animal Shelter Advisory Committee Museum Advisory Board Zoning Board of Adjustment Civil Service Commission Submit your application today!



Have Questions? Please contact the City Secretary’s office at 972-218-1310, or via email at:

• Bagged leaves • Refrigerators/Freezers (must be tagged certifying removal of refrigerant) PROHIBITED • Commercial construction and remodeling debris (call CWD for estimate) • Household hazardous waste (paint, motor oil, pool chemicals, etc.) • Tires, batteries • Propane tanks

Residential Solid Waste REGULAR picked up ONCE a week. All trash Regular Trash isTRASH pickedisup ONCE a week. All trash mustmust be be secured in bags within GRAY cart. secured in bags within youryour GRAY cart.

RECYCLING is picked up ONCE a week trash pickup. Recycling is picked up ONCE a week withwith trash pickup. Everything withBLUE the BLUE cart must be recyclablematerials. materials. Everything with the cart must be recyclable

If at any not within thethe above If time at anyyou timedo you docomply not comply within above mentioned mentioned guidelines, your address will be documented as NO UP for for that guidelines, your address will be documented as NO PICK PICK UP week’sthat collection. week’s collection.


We provide

If you are physically unable to roll your cart or take your recycling

cart to your pickup location, help is available.

to identify your bulk service week. On odd months, residents may drop off up to 12 cubic yards at the CWD transfer station at the following address:

BULK2010 TRASH or heavy California Crossing Dallas, Texas 75220 trash is picked up EVERY OTHER MONTH on even A copy of your current months (February, water bill is required. April, will June, Charges apply to August, October, volumes in excess of 12 December). cubic yards. Please refer to map on the following All brush and bulk page to find your materials must be set service area and the out and ready for pick chart up to by identify your 7:00 a.m. the bulk service week. Monday of your collection week.

On odd months, residents may drop off up to 12 cubic yards at the CWD transfer station at the following address:

Disabled individuals may qualify for a manual trash collection by submitting a manual available at City Hall cart along If you are physically collection unable to rollform your cart or take your recycling to your pick up location, help is available. 2010 California with a Doctor’s note stating your need for special assistance. This Crossing Disabled individuals may qualify for athe manual trash a manual collection form available at special assistance program allows driver tocollection get outby ofsubmitting the Dallas, TX 75220 City Hall and along pickup with a Doctor’s note stating your need for your specialproperty assistance. This special assistance program waste truck the trash/recycling cart from allows the driver to get out of the waste truck and pick up the trash/recycling cart from your property without it without it being placed by the curb. being placed by the curb.

For more information or questions please call 972-218-1324. For more information or questions please call 972-218-1324.

Curb side brush/bulky waste collection: ACCEPTABLE • Washing machines/Dryers • Water heaters • Kitchen appliances • Yard tools • Furniture • Bundled carpet in 4 ft. lengths • Bagged leaves • Refrigerators/Freezers (must be tagged certifying removal of refrigerant)

PROHIBITED • Commercial construction and remodeling debris (call CWD for estimate) • Household hazardous waste (paint, motor oil, pool chemicals, etc.) • Tires, batteries • Propane tanks

A copy of your current water bill is required. Charges will apply to volumes in excess of 12 cubic yards. All brush and bulk materials must be set out and ready for pick up by 7:00 a.m. the Monday of your collection week.


Even Months of the Year

Bulk Trash Pickup - Bi Monthly

Do you need to schedule a special bulk pickup? What is the minimum fee for a special bulk pickup? There is a $65.00 minimum fee on every special bulk pickup; price may increase depending on the size of the bulk/brush. The charge is added to you next water bill. Special bulk pick up requests are needed in writing from the account holder. Please send this request to with a subject title “Special Pickup�.

What if the bulk is on a vacant lot? Vacant lots generally do not have active water accounts with the City. If your brush/bulk is on your vacant lot we cannot take payment. You will need to contact CWD customer service at 972-392-9300 and you will be able to pay CWD directly for the special brush/bulk pickup service. 10


Simple Recycling Each year, over 21 billion pounds of clothing go into U.S. landfills - in an effort to combat this growing problem, the City of Lancaster has partnered with Simple Recycling to offer curb-side pick-up of clothing, shoes and small household items. Simple Recycling is a for-profit recycler committed to offering residents the easiest way to keep usable materials from the landfill. The program is free of charge and simple to use.

Simple Step 1: Place clothing, shoes and home goods into the orange bags provided by Simple Recycling.

Simple Step 2: Place your bags at the curb on your

regular collection day by 7:30 a.m. Simple Recycling materials should be placed beside residents recycling container. DO NOT PLACE SIMPLE RECYCLING BAGS INSIDE OR ON TOP OF TRASH OR RECYCLING CONTAINERS.

Simple Step 3: A Simple Recycling truck will collect the

bags and recycle the items for reuse. Additionally, Simple Recycling will leave behind additional replacement bags for future use upon collection.

Please note, only items placed inside the bags will be collected. Simple Recycling will not pick up anything left outside of the bag.

The following items will be accepted at the curb by Simple Recycling: • Men, women and children’s clothing • Coats and Jackets • Jewelry • Shoes • Purses • Hats • Toys • Pictures • Mirrors • Blankets • Drapes/Curtains • Pillows • Sleeping Bags • Small Furniture

• Small Appliances, such as toasters, microwaves and coffee makers • Irons • Radios • Lamps • Hair dryers • Tools • Silverware • Dishes • Pots/Pans • Glasses • Backpacks

All of the materials collected are graded and sorted locally based on quality and condition. The top quality materials will be resold to local thrift outlets, mid-grade is exported to international markets and “unusable” items are processed for raw materials. Additional bags can be made available by visiting, calling 866835-5068 or emailing 11

Facility Rentals Visitors Center and State Auxiliary Museum 103 N. Dallas Avenue Lancaster, TX 75146 972-218-3790 The vintage characteristics and historic dĂŠcor of this wonderful facility will compliment your event and create an ambiance of long lasting memories. Rent this venue for your next business meeting, conference, art showcase, photo shoot or private social gathering.

Heritage Park Gazebo 250 N. Dallas Avenue Lancaster, TX 75146 (972) 218-3700 Resident Non Resident Deposit $75 $100 Fees $75 $100

Helen Giddings Amphitheater 1700 Veterans Memorial Parkway Lancaster, TX 75146 972-218-3700 Resident Non Resident Deposit $150 $150 FEES 4 hour rental $200 $325 6 hour rental $275 $400 Each additional hour after 6 hours $50 $75 12


Facility Rentals


Bear Creek Park

Meadowcreek Park

1000 Bear Creek Road Lancaster, TX 75134 (972) 218-3700 • Butterfly Garden • Climbing Rock • Equestrian Trail

901 Meadowcreek Drive Lancaster, TX 75146 (972) 218-3700

City Park

Rocky Crest Pavilion 698 E. Main Street Lancaster, TX 75146 (972) 218-3700 • Backstop • Baseball Field • Basketball Court

Pavilion 1

211 W. Beltline Road Lancaster, TX 75146 (972) 218-3700 • Baseball Field • Basketball Court • Concession Stand

Pavilion 2

211 W. Beltline Road Lancaster, TX 75146 (972) 218-3700 • Baseball Field • Basketball Court • Concession Stand

Community Park 200 N. Dallas Avenue Lancaster, TX 75146 (972) 218-3700 • Amphitheater • Backstop • Baseball Field

J.A. Dewberry Park 2975 Green Drive Lancaster, TX 75134 (972) 218-3700 • Basketball Court • Grill • Large Open Space

Kids Square Park & Pavilion 1990 W. Beltline Road Lancaster, TX 75146 (972) 218-3700 • Playground • Stage • Grill • Pavilion • Restrooms

Park Pavilions

Resident Non-Resident Deposit $100 $100 Fees $75 (4 hours) $100 (4 hours)


Facility Rentals There is over 6500 sq. feet of space for rent for your enjoyment. You can plan special event for you and your guest to remember for days and years to come. Not only do we offer meeting rooms, a banquet hall set up for rent we also offer parks, pavilions, fields, gymnasium and a 165,000 gallon pool that includes zero depth entry, lazy river, two story water slide and lap lanes. For more information call 972-218-3700 or visit the Recreation Center during hours of operation.

Grand Hall Banquet Facility

Senior Life Center

1700 Veterans Memorial Parkway (972) 218-3700 Deposit $250 Set-up $50 Kitchen $30/hr. 1,100 sq. ft. 7- 60” Rounds 1-6’ Tables 56 Chairs 2,200 sq. ft. 4- 60” Rounds 2-6’ Tables 112 Chairs 3,300 sq. ft. 24- 60” Rounds 3-6’ Tables 192 Chairs

240 Veterans Memorial Parkway (972) 218-3700

Resident Rate

NonResident Rate





Deposit $250 Set-up $50 Kitchen $30/hr. 4 hour rental 6 hour rental

Resident Rate $400 $600

Non-Resident Rate $500 $750

Gymnasium $100/hr.


Four (4) hour minimum if outside hours of operation. Resident/Non-Resident Deposit


Half Gym Fees

Resident Non-Resident $50/hour $65/hour

Community House 100 N. Henry Street (972) 218-3700

Full Gym Fees

Resident Non-Resident $75/hour $90/hour

Full Gym-Tournament (allows gate fees/

concessions) Resident Non-Resident $100/hour $125/hour Deposit $150

Resident Rate $200 $300

4 hour rental 6 hour rental 14 LANCASTER CONNECTION

Non-Resident Rate $225 $325


For more information call 972-2183700 or visit the Recreation Center during hours of operation.

Lancaster Recreation Center Fitness Atrium Our state of the art equipment will help anyone looking to reach potential fitness goals. The facility is surrounded by windows with scenic views to inspire you during your workout. Multiple televisions and our locker rooms make it easy to fit in a workout before or after work.

Fitness Atrium Equipment Hours of Operation: Monday -Thursday 6 a.m.-9 p.m. Friday 6 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. • Indoor Walking Track Gymnasium with two full basketball courts and bleacher seating • Indoor Aquatic Center • Grand Hall with catering kitchen • Mirrored Aerobic Room • Game room • Classroom • Conference room

• Elliptical • Exercise Bikes • Free Weights • Treadmills

• Weight machines and more! • WellBeats Virtual Fitness

Fitness Atrium Orientation/Assessments

Athletic Fields

Receive a free atrium orientation and physical Assessment with a Fitness Atrium monthly or annual pass. The orientation will teach you how to get the full benefits of the fitness equipment in order to reach your optimum level of fitness. The assessment consists of BMI, strength, flexibility, blood pressure, fat count, and weight. See the front desk for more details.

All Fields

Daily Pass Monthly Pass Annual Pass

Each field has two (2) hours minimum, lights are an additional fee of $15.00 per hour. Resident/Non-Resident Deposit $100

Resident Non-Resident $25/hour $35/hour Cedardale Park – Baseball/Softball City Park – Softball Royce Clayton Ball Park – Baseball Community Park – Football/Soccer

Resident $5 $20 $160

Non-Resident $5 $25 $200

Monday-Thursday, 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.; Friday, 6:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Saturday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.




Water Aerobics Have you ever noticed how challenging it is to walk through a swimming pool? The resistance provided by water makes it a great course for all fitness levels. It is low impact yet increases stamina and strength. Monday/Wednesday/Friday Saturday Monday-Thursday Monday-Thursday

$30/Monthly or $7/Drop-in $7/Drop-in $40/Monthly or $7/Drop-in Fitness Swim Membership

9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.

Lifeguard Certification (Age 15+) Learn basic lifesaving techniques and get certified as an American Red Cross Lifeguard. Includes CPR/First Aid/AED. Great for those seeking part-time summer jobs; or to fulfill requirements for those who work as lifeguards at Texas pools. Advance registration and swim skills are required. Please inquire at the front desk for future classes. $85 per class.

Dive In Movie (All ages) It’s time to dive in to the pool! Every third Thursday, enjoy a feature film while relaxing in the water. All movies are free (with current Recreation Center ID card). Third Thursdays 7:30 p.m.

Swim Lessons




All Learn-to-Swim classes provide instruction to swimmers of all ages and help them develop swimming and water safety skills in a positive learning environment. Each session includes four 45 minute classes over a two week period. Visit the city website at for more information on the pre-requisites for each class level.

Parent & Tot (6-48 months): Parents learn water safety and infants develop comfort in the water. Parents must enter the water for all classes. Monday/Wednesday

5:30 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.


Youth (4-12 years): Learn basic strokes, floating, breathing, treading water and diving skills. Skill

Levels are divided into three different skills levels: Level I for New Beginners, Level II, for those with Basic Skills and Level III for Intermediate Swimmers. Tuesday/Thursday Tuesday/Thursday

5:30 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. Level I, II, III 6:30 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. Level I, II, III

$30/Session $30/Session

Semi-Private (13+ years): This course is designed to assist teens and adults with learning basic and advanced swim techniques. Each instructor is paired with only three students, allowing more for individual instruction. Monday/Wednesday 5:30 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. $50/Session 16 LANCASTER CONNECTION WINTER 2018

s r .

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Youth Programs Youth Advisory Committee (YAC)

S.A.F.E. After School Program

The Lancaster City Council created the Youth Advisory Council for the purpose of seeking input of its youth on municipal government issues, serving in an advisory nature to evaluate relevant issues. The mission of YAC is to provide youth with opportunities to volunteer and take the initiative on projects that will promote a positive change. These young service leaders help to develop and execute key initiatives, serve as ambassadors and take an active part in helping to build a more viable community. Get involved! Meetings are scheduled the first Monday of every month at 6:00 p.m. For more information contact 972-218-3700.

Open to Grades K-8 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Monday-Friday $85.00/monthly for first student, $70/Monthly for each additional student. Open to students grades K-8. First come first serve basis with limited enrollment. Register at the City of Lancaster Recreation Center 1700 Veterans Memorial Parkway 972-218-3700

Music for all Occasions This class will teach students the proper techniques of piano and keyboard. Music for all occasions also provides complete orientation to the keyboard for beginning pianists. There is a $30 one time registration fee. Tuesday Saturday (2nd and 4th)

6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 3:45 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Ages 4-Adult Ages 50-Up

$48/Monthly $15/Monthly

Karate Youth Karate age 5-15, Martial arts are a great way to build self-confidence and character in children. Karate and self-defense techniques are for all skill levels. Lancaster, Texas 75134 Tuesday/Thursday Tuesday/Thursday

5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Ages 5-15 Ages 5-15

Dancing From the Soul

$40/Monthly $40/Monthly

You will dance from the soul in this field collegiate style dance conditioning class where your child will learn Ballet, Jazz and Hip-Hop class. Monday 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Wednesday 6:00 p.m.. - 7:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Ages 4-18 Ages 4-18 Ages 4-18

$40/Monthly $40/Monthly $40/Monthly

Tutu’s & Taps Tots love to dance! Introduce your child to ballet, rap rhythms and games to improve their coordination and confidence. Tuesday

5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Ages 4-Adult



Youth/Teen Sports/Recreation Volunteers . . . Coaches Needed Teen Open Gym (Ages 8-16) Volunteer coaches and referees for baseball, basketball, and soccer are needed for athletic programming. Complete volunteer applications at the front desk of the Lancaster Recreation Center. For more information call 972-218-3700.

Monday Night Baseball (Ages 5-14)

6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Monday-Thursday 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Monday Night Baseball is a great program that allows all interested Lancaster youth the opportunity to learn the game of baseball. MNB is free to the public and welcomes all ages and talent levels. Join us, year round, at Royce Clayton Field (Community Park). FREE. Contact: Monday

Start a pick-up game of basketball with friends or just come work on your shot. Open gym is available only during open gym times listed below. Recreation ID card is required.


Jr. Mavs Fundamental Basketball Program Organized developmental basketball program designed to increase fundamental understanding of the game of basketball, while preparing players for competitive play. Registration includes uniform use. Rolling enrollment. Monday/Wednesday $35/Monthly (Ages 5 – 13)

5:30 p.m.

Kick Start Soccer Program provides learning through group play and skill building, different from traditional play. Focus is on understanding the game of soccer as players gradually compete. Monday/Wednesday

5:30 p.m.


Lancaster Tiger Sharks The Lancaster Tiger Sharks is a yearly swim team. Swimmers are trained in all competitive strokes and develop endurance and strength. The swim team is a great way to increase fitness, learn valuable skills and make new friends. The Lancaster Tiger Sharks compete locally, regionally, and statewide in the Texas Amateur Athletic Federation (TAAF). New swimmers are welcome. Rolling enrollment. Tuesday/Thursday Ages 6 - adult

6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.



The Volleyball program will introduce a strong foundation of the sport while developing fundamental skills and promoting self-confidence, team cooperation and sportsmanship. This is a great opportunity for youth to play a great game in a fun environment. Thursday 7:15 p.m. - 8:15 p.m. Girls Volleyball Program (Ages 7-14) (New) 18



B p o m

Adult Programs Sewing for Kids and Adults This class teaches you how to operate Sewing and Serger machines. You will also be able to sketch and illustrate designs. This class reinforces focus on knit fabrics. You will learn how to make your favorite shirts, skirts and jeans!!! Monday/Thursday Monday/Thursday

6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.


Ages 7-17 Ages 18-Up

This is a line dance exercise which provides a fun and unique way to help you get in shape. You will learn the latest line dances while enjoying a fun and fulfilling cardio aerobic workout. Saturday (2nd and 4th) 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. $14/Monthly, $8 drop-in

$40/Monthly $40/Monthly

Want to be an instructor? Do you have a special talent or skill that you’d like to share with others? Whether you teach children, adults or seniors, we would love to hear from you. For more information on how to become a contract instructor, call 972-218-3700 or visit the Recreation Center.

Power Hour Walking Fitness Body Pump - Self Pace Program for Adults Body Pump is a conditioning and weight training, self-paced program using stationary weight equipment and a variety of exercises for each weight station. Free with Fitness Atrium membership. Monday - Friday

8:00 a.m.

Walking program will help improve physical and mental health of those who walk. It will increase weight loss and improve fitness. Walking at a minimum of 30 minutes a day can improve your health greatly. Free with Recreation ID card or $5.00 drop-in without a Recreation ID card. Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. & 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. 19

Adult Fitness WELLBEATS on Demand Fitness You will be engaging in exercise programs led by virtual qualified instructors. It’s Fitness on request, a comprehensive group fitness solution that combines pre-recordings of several different classes with live class management software. Free with Annual fitness atrium membership or $5 Drop-in. Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Cycling This class is designed specifically for those who are new to spinning utilizing interval training. This means you will sit and stand during the ride. You will alternate between light tension with faster pedaling, which simulates riding on a flat ground, with slower pedaling and higher tension, which simulates riding uphill. Interval training burns fat and builds muscles. Recreation ID card is Tuesday/Thursday 6:30 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. $20/monthly, $8 drop-in. required.

Camp Gladiator Camp Gladiator is a go at your own pace workout designed for men and woment of all ages and abilities. Each workout is different and each week they focus on something different: endurance training, functional movements, interval training, and metabolic conditioning. Camps are four weeks, and each workout session is one hour. Mondays & Wednesdays (beginning in March) Camp A: 4:15 a.m. - 5:15 a.m. Camp B: 6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. Camp C: 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

Early Bird Fitness Swim and Atrium Annual Pass Members who are looking to utilize the pool and fitness atrium during the early morning hours are encouraged to try this membership. This will allow members to swim and workout during early morning open swim and fitness atrium hours until 4 p.m. $140/Annually

Combo Programs Double or triple your work-out each month, it’s worth it. Working out those muscles and strengthen those lungs each day and boost your energy. OPTION 1: Duo class, you can work-out in the fitness atrium and participate in fitness swim for the month. OPTION 2: Trio class, Spin class, fitness atrium and fitness swim for the month. Duo Class Monthly Fees Trio Class Resident $30 Non Resident $35 Resident $40 Non Resident $45 20


Adult Athletics/Volunteers Adult Co-Ed Kickball League

Bring the family out on Sunday afternoon in the park. Join us for a social engagement, friendly competition and a great experience through co-ed kickball. Also, known as soccer baseball, teams must consist of at least five men and five women. Sundays

4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Team Fee $300

Adult Open Play Basketball

Start a pick-up game of Basketball with friends or just come work on your shot. Open gym is available only during open gym times below. Monday-Thursday

6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Recreation ID Required

Adult Open Play Volleyball

Jump! Set! Spike! Open Play Volleyball is open to adults who want to meet new people and enjoy the game of volleyball. Teams will be formed on a first come first serve basis. Come on and let’s have fun. Wednesdays

Ages 18-up 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Recreation ID card required


A paddle sport created for all skill levels. The rules are simple and the game is easy for beginners to learn, but can develop into a quick, fast-paced, competitive game for experienced players. Monday/Wednesday 12:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Recreation ID Card required

Simplified Natural Living and Essential Oils

Health and wellness go hand-in hand with natural living. Join us and learn how easy it is to start incorporating essential oils into your life, naturally. Second Tuesday Fourth Saturday

6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.

$15/Monthly, $6/Drop-in $15/Monthly, $6/Drop-in

Self-Defense Class for Women

A basic course for women, ages 13 and up, on techniques for personal safety, prevention, and self-defense. Physical techniques are built around gross motor skills to escape and survive an attack, using training and repetition to prepare for possible life situations. This class does discuss those hard topics, e.g. sexual assault, date-rape drugs, etc., with the basics of the legality of selfdefense incuded. Wednesdays

6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.



Lancaster Veterans Memorial Library Programs for Children

Family Story Time: Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m. and Saturday at 1:00 p.m. for all ages - stories, songs, and a take-home craft project. The first Wednesday of each month is bilingual story time, in Spanish and English.

Toddler Time: Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. for ages 0-4 years - stories, songs, activities and fun!

New Financial Literacy:

Neighbohood Credit Union will provide information on various financial topics such as bank accounts, savings accounts and investment opportunities. This class will be available quarterly the first Saturday of the month starting in February.

Teen Programs Teen Club: for ages 11-18, meets the first and third Thursdays of each month from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. for movies, games, crafts, anime and fun!

Family Game Night: will be held the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m.

Family Craft Night: will be held the third Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m.

Family Movie Night: will be held on the

second Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. 22


What is Future City?

Future City starts with a question—how can we make the world a better place? To answer it, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students imagine, research, design, and build cities of the future that showcase their solution to a citywide sustainability issue. The 2017-2018 theme is The Age-Friendly City. Teams will identify an age-related challenge that exists in today's urban environments and engineer two innovative solutions that allow their future city's senior citizens to be as active and independent as they want to be. Participants complete five deliverables: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A virtual city design (using SimCity); 1,500-word city essay; scale model; project plan, and presentation to judges at Regional Competitions January 25th.

Regional winners represent their region at the Finals in Washington, DC in February. After completing Future City, student participants are not only prepared to be citizens of today’s complex and technical world, but also poised to become the drivers of tomorrow.

Family & Adult Library Programs Lancaster Veterans Memorial Parkway 1600 Veterans Memorial Parkway

Library Hours

Monday - Thursday 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Friday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Family Craft Night

The third Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Supplies are provided, a variety of take-home craft projects will be offered for all ages and skill levels.

Programs for All Ages Hook, Yarn, & Needle: held on Tuesdays

at 2 p.m. This is an introductory class on the fundamentals of knitting and crocheting.

Juggling Class: held the third Saturday of

each month at 2:30 p.m. Open to all skill levels and all ages.

Programs for Adults Poetry Nights: every fourth Thursday at

6:30 p.m. Create poetry with the black-out method. Share your original poems or your favorites written by others.

Tome Talkers: enjoy talking about your favorite books with others on the Third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Computer Classes for adults: learn

beginning level for keyboarding, searching the Internet, using Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Held on a rotating basis on Wednesdays and Fridays at 10:30 a.m.

Book-a-Librarian One-on-One Tech Help: sessions are available by appointment at least 72 hours in advance. Are you unable to make it to a computer class? Schedule your own private session!: Learn beginning level for keyboarding, searching the Internet, using Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Held on a rotating basis on Wednesdays and Fridays at 10:30 a.m.

Genealogical Research Assistance:

Available on Monday nights (except third Mondays) from 6 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.


Senior Life Center The Lancaster Senior LIFE Center is a full service activity center open to adults 50 years and up. DAILY ACTIVITIES Coffee Served Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Fitness Room Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 240 Veterans Memorial Parkway 972-218-3780 Hours of Operation Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Annual Membership Dues Lancaster Resident $3 Non-Resident $5

Available Resources... The Senior Source 3910 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, TX 75219 (214) 823-5700

Dallas County

Older Adult Services Program 2377 North Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, Texas 75207 214-819-1848

Dallas Area Agency on Aging

1341 W. Mockingbird Ln., Suite 1000 W, Dallas, TX 75247 (214) 871-5065 24


Ammenities: • Banquet and Dining Hall with Full Kitchen, and full size stage. • Nintendo Wii Consoles for fun, fitness and entertainment. • Classroom for Computer Education and Training. • Fitness Room and Croquet Course. • Arts and Craft Rooms for Sewing, Knitting, Crochet, Quilting, and Creative Card Making. • Bid Whiz, Spades, Chess, Chicken Foot, and Dominoes. • Reading Lounge with large selection of books. • Well-stocked game room with billiards, poker tables and shuffle board. • DAAA and other educational and informative presentations from community liaisons.

Congregate Meal Program Monday – Friday Noon to 1 p.m. This daily lunch program ensures a nutritious meal for senior participants ages 60 years of age and older. It is FREE and Senior Participants do not have to be a member of the Lancaster Senior LIFE Center. Senior participants, who are not members of the Senior LIFE Center, ages 50-59, can purchase the nutritious meal for an additional fee. Sponsored in part by the Dallas Area Agency on Aging “DAAA” and the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services.

Senior Activities, Classes, and Programs Creative Card Making

BINGO $1.00 per BINGO card.

Learn to create unique, fun and personalized greeting cards. All supplies are provided. $1.00 per personalized card.

Second & Fourth Fridays

1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Karaoke “On the Fly”


Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Weekly

Conversation, Coffee and Coloring

Who doesn’t love to color? Especially outside of the lines! Join seniors for competitive coloring contests and prizes. Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Weekly

Computer Education and Training Enjoy computer access and learn different software, programs, and navigation on the Internet. Create Facebook pages and enjoy other forms of social media. Enjoy the music and amusing antics of Karoke. 3rd Friday 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Monthly

Line Dancing Line Dancing with Flavor! Seniors with sequences of steps showcase line dancing and swing dancing. Learn the basic steps. Third Wednesday 1:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Monthly

Tuesday/Thursday 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Weekly

Groom and Glamour Lounge Who doesn’t like looking good? Groom and Glamour Days are back! Senior participants (men and women), you owe it to yourself to be pampered. Must sign up early at the Senior LIFE Center. Available seating is limited. 1st and 3rd Wednesday 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Monthly


Senior Activities, Classes, and Programs Vision 2 This majestic group of singing senior participants meets regularly and performs occasionally at special events throughout the City of Lancaster. Enjoy the majestic sound of singing seniors throughout the week during Congregate Meal Program. Wednesday

1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.


Knitting and Crochet Come and enjoy the lively company of a tightly knit group of senior participants, designing items through knitting and crochet. Class is open to all (beginners, intermediates and advanced members). Tuesday/Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Every day in essence, is our birthday, but we designate one day each month to celebrate the lifetime and legacies of our senior members with recognition, cupcakes, ice cream, and fun. It is what we do best. “Adding Living to Life!” 11:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


PuzzleRama Everyone loves games. PuzzleRama is a wonderful way to exercise your ingenuity and your wealth of knowledge, as only seniors know how. We have a variety of puzzles. Increase your “inductive reasoning aptitude” and discover logic in the palm of your hands. PuzzleRama exercises the mind, body and soul, by challenging you to pick up the pieces and solve the problem. Monday 26

1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.


Sit in on a comprehensive and effective presentation that is designed to provide you with valuable information, tools and resources to make more informed and healthy food choices. One Nutrition Education Session is required on an annual basis for Congregate Meal Program participants. 2nd Monday 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Monthly


Lifetime of Legacies

1st Thursday

Nutrition Education


Senior Water Fitness and Exercise A fantastic class for all water fitness levels, with a focus on balance, and more flexibility for stressed joints. A very comfortable workout! Transportation will be provided from the Senior LIFE Center to the Lancaster Recreation Center. Third Wednesday of the Month 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Senior Activities, Classes, and Programs Reading is FUN

Men’s Power Hour

Reading is an essential to the livelihood of all individuals, so much so that it is the most popular program at the Senior LIFE Center. Money is fundamental, wisdom is powerful, and knowledge is an advantage. Nothing, however, compares to the written word on paper. Engaging, energizing, informative and empowering, re-develop your love of reading.

Men Only! This is a powerful hour of empowerment. Come join in fellowship with others to discuss and engage in conversations specifically important to men. This very popular class is open to men of all ages and distinctions. Strength is mighty. One’s mind is mightier. Lively and spirited discussions in relation to the male population of older Americans regarding maturity, love, companionship, relationships, parenting, politics, etc. Empower your mind through conversations with men of all ages, races and nationalities.

Tuesday/Thursday 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Weekly

Monday/Wednesday 10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Weekly

Sewing and Quilting Bring your own materials and enjoy conversation, assistance with technique, and the company of fellow craftsmen. A quilting horse and sewing machine is provided. Participants regularly create items to be donated to area hospitals and care facilities. Tuesday/Thursday 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Weekly

Senior Walking Club We hold the hearts of our senior members in the palms of our hands. Get healthy and fit through walking and low impact exercise. Participants meet at the Senior LIFE Center and are transported to the Lancaster Recreation Center. Monday/Wednesday

10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.


Seniors in Motion Low Impact chair exercises modified for seniors that targets the upper body muscles. Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday

11:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.



City of Lancaster P. O. Box 940 Lancaster, TX 75146


PRSRT STD US. Postage LANCASTER, TX Permit No. 4

The City of Lancaster welcomes residents to participate in the upcoming Trash-Off event on Saturday, March 24, 2018 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at 1501 N. Dallas Ave. The Trash-Off event is a great opportunity for Lancaster residents to clean their home, garage, and yard of bulk trash, recyclables, scrap metal, brush, and electronic waste (i.e. computers, kitchen appliances, televisions, etc.) at no additional cost. On-site donations also available. Lancaster residents only with proof residency.

Volunteer opportunities available by calling 972-218-1300. Important Numbers: Animal Services Building Inspections/Code Compliance City Career Opportunities City Hall Country View Golf Course Dallas County Health Dept (immunizations) Dallas County Tax Office Development Services Driver’s License Office Economic Development Facility Rentals Fire (Non-Emergency)

972-218-1200 972-218-1200 972-218-1794 972-218-1300 972-227-0995 214-819-1800 214-653-7811 972-218-1200 469-272-9301 972-218-1314 972-218-3706 972-218-2600

Lancaster Regional Airport 972-227-5721 Library 972-227-1080 LISD Administration 972-218-1400 Municipal Court 972-218-1334 Parks Operations 972-218-3709 Planning & Zoning 972-218-1307 Police (Non-Emergency) 972-218-2700 Public Works 972-275-1752 Recreation Center 972-218-3700 Senior Life Center 972-218-3780 Texas State Auxiliary Museum 972-218-3790 Volunteer Opportunities 972-218-3706 Water/Sewer Repair 972-218-2324 Water/Utility Billing 972-218-1328

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