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Breaking Cultural Barriers for New Potentiality This year, YOUNG ART TAIPEI reaches its 4th anniversary. Surviving the rapid economic changes, YAT has become a major art event in the Asian art market – especially with the support from both the domestic and the overseas exhibitors. Established in 2009, YAT is the very first hotel art fair in Asian featuring young contemporary artists under the age of 45. Its success depends on the effort of the four initiators and the professional teamwork. Our mission statement is to create an international art scene and to develop a well-functioning art market in Taiwan. Every year, we are willing to take new challenges as improvement. Such a belief is shared by the all the members of YAT. Throughout its four-year history, YAT has made great effort to create a communicational platform for the contemporary art in Taiwan, while the contemporary art collectors in Taiwan have become our biggest support. We not only break cultural barriers but also make YAT as one of the most featured art fairs in Asia. Therefore, I want to give thanks to the galleries whose participation have greatly encouraged us, the organizations such as the Council for Cultural Affairs and the Taipei Department of Cultural Affairs which have been supporting us, the enterprises which have been providing various kinds of assistance. With your continuous support, we will definitely establish a greater stage for YAT. The 2012 YOUNG ART TAIPEI will take place at Sheraton Taipei Hotel for the very first time. Featuring the ideas of youth, energy, and delicacy, YAT also presents you with art-related activities such as “YOUNG ART AWARD,” the Internet award “ONE VOTE ONE VOICE,” and the tour exhibition in Southern Taiwan “The Age of Unrest.” Moreover, collaborating with Eslite Bookstore, the 2012 YOUNG ART TAIPEI particularly invites three graffiti artists – BOUNCE, COLASA, and MR.OGAY – to make artworks at Eslite Bookstore HsinYi, Eslite Bookstore DunNan, and Eslite Bookstore TianMu ChungCheng, echoing the annual theme “The Age of Unrest.” Through a series of art exhibits, we hope to encourage the public to reexamine their life experiences! In the end, I wish to show my gratitude again to the enterprises, scholars, professionals, media partners, and friends, who have been supporting us since four years ago. We sincerely believe that one day YAT will definitely become one of the most significant and the most unique art fairs in Asia!

Chairman of YOUNG ART TAIPEI 2012 Benson Chen


打破疆域限制 匯聚交 流 新 契 機

Young Ar t Taipei今年已邁入第四屆,在經濟快速變遷的環境下,能成為亞洲藝術市場重要 的新指標是國內外展商熱情支持的成果! YAT為亞洲區第一個聚焦於45歲以下年輕藝術家的當代藝術飯店型博覽會。YAT成立於2009 年的YAT,由四位創辦人共同努力籌劃與工作團隊專業的執行,YAT秉持著與國際接軌及擴 大並健全台灣當代藝術市場為宗旨,達成每年創新的挑戰,這都是我們共同所追求的目標。 在前幾屆的努力下,匯聚了台灣藏家對當代藝術的支持,讓藝術產業與收藏的範疇在無疆域 限制中,共創交流新契機,同時也奠定YAT為亞洲區中最具有特色的博覽會,在此我要感謝 畫廊界們各位先進指教,文建會、文化局等單位的支持,以及來自各大企業的贊助幫忙,讓 我們共同經營再將YAT繼續發光發熱。 2012 YOUNG ART TAIPEI首度於喜來登大飯店登場,主打年輕、活力、精緻的目標,在 新銳藝術展出的同時舉辦周邊活動,新潮賞、ONE VOTE, ONE VOICE 網路人氣獎、南部 主題年度巡展 ─ 「失控的年代」為主題,及與誠品首度攜手合作在台北三大據點誠品信義 店、敦南店、忠誠店,邀請三位塗鴉藝術家BOUNCE、COL ASA、MR.OGAY於誠品現場創 作,同樣以失控的年代為主軸呼應YAT年度主題,喚起民眾對於既有生活環境的重新檢視及 思考! 再次感謝各界的企業、專家、媒體、學者、朋友們共同支持YOUNG ART TAIPEI,衷心的期 盼YAT在我們努力不懈的經營下,一定會日益茁壯,成為亞洲區代表最有特色活力的博覽會!

YOUNG ART TAIPEI 2012 執行主席 陳世彬


YOUNG ART TAIPEI 2012 Information 資訊 FAIR CHAIRMAN 執行主席 B en son CHEN 陳世彬

PRIVATE PREVIEW 藏家特別預展 2012 年 5 月 11 日 ( 五 ) 2 pm - 8 pm

FAIR SUPERVISORS 執行監督 Emi l y YEN 顏瑜 Frank C. LIU 劉忠河 R i ck WANG 王瑞棋 R i ch ard CHANG 張學孔

GENERAL VIEWING 展覽時間 2012 年 5 月 12 日 ( 六 ) 12 pm – 8 pm 2012 年 5 月 13 日 ( 日 ) 12 pm – 8 pm

JUDGES OF YOUNG ART AWARD 新潮賞評審 An d rew CHEW 邱再興先 生 An n i e IVANOVA 安妮、伊 娃 諾 娃 D avi d TAN 譚精忠先生 Ji n WU 伍勁先生 Mi chael WANG 王定乾先 生 JUDGES OF EXHIBITOR 展商評審 C hi n g-Wen CHANG 張 晴 文 Frank C. LIU 劉忠河 K evi n Daw- Ming LEE 李 道 明 X i ao-Tong SUN 孫曉彤 CONSULTANT 顧問 Ji mmy LU 陸潔民

VENUE 地點 台北喜來登大飯店九樓 Sheraton Taipei Hotel, 9 Floor

ART FORUMS 大會論壇 TOPIC 講題 I. 澳洲當代藝術不同型式的創作與發展方向 Current trends and Art Making Styles in Contemporary Australian Art SPEAKER 講者 / 安 妮 、伊娃諾娃 An n ie I VAN O VA I I . 中 國當 代 新 銳 藝 術 的 崛 起 市 場 與 面 臨 問 題 The Growing Market and Facing Problem of Emerging Artists in Mainland China S P E A KE R 講 者 / 伍 勁 G in W U

YOUNG ART TAIPEI 2012 TEAM 執行團隊 COMMITTEE 執行委員會 Syl vi e T IAO 刁玟君 N i na L IN 林孟璇 Stevi L IU 劉貞伶 PROJECT EXECUTORS 執行人員 Pau l H su- Pu LIU 劉旭圃 Jul i an , Chia- Hsiu HUN G 洪佳秀 Val en CHENG 鄭恂恂 V i ol et TSAI 蔡宇薇 Emi l y YUEH 樂欣怡 ASSISTANTS 執行助理 Su san SU 蘇柔方


台北市忠孝東路四段 295 號 3 樓 332 室 Rm.332, 3F., No.295, Sec. 4, ZhongXiao E. Rd., Da-an Dist.,Taipei, Taiwan 10694 T +886-2-8772-6017 F +886-2-8772-6027 info@youngarttaipei.com | www.youngarttaipei.com


ORGANIZERS 主辦單位 Taiwan Contemporary Art Link 台 灣 當 代 藝 術 連 線 Rong Ren Foundation for Arts and Culture 榮 仁 文 化 藝 術 基 金 會 GUILDING ORGANIZATIONS 指導單位 Council for Cultural Affairs, Taiwan (CCA) Cultural Affairs Bureau of Taipei City Government ASSOCIATED ORGANIZATIONS 協辦單位 SHERATON TAIPEI HOTEL 台 北 喜 來 登 大 飯 店 Asia Cultural Creation Ecnomics Trade Gerneral Institute 亞 太 文 創 經 貿 總 會 SPONSORS 贊助單位 佶信洋行 P178









































AKI Gallery 也趣藝廊


008 - 009

AMIC / spectrum gallery


010 - 013



014 - 015

Art Data Bank/ Katsumi Yamato


016 - 017



018 - 019



020 - 021



022 - 023



024 - 025



026 - 027



028 - 029

BOSS art gallery 東家畫廊


030 - 031



032 - 033

Cloud Gallery 青雲畫廊


034 - 035

Dialogue Space Gallery 對畫空間畫廊


036 - 039



040 - 043

Dynasty Art Gallery 朝代畫廊


044 - 045

Elsa Art Gallery 雲清藝術中心


046 - 047



048 - 049

FUMA Contemporary Tokyo 文京藝術


050 - 051



052 - 053

Galerie Grand Siècle 新苑藝術


054 - 055



056 - 057

Gallery Q


058 - 059



060 - 061

Gallery YUKI-SIS


062 - 063

gallery UG


064 - 065

Han Art Agency 涵藝術經紀公司


066 - 067

H-art Beat


068 - 069

hi Art Store hi小店


070 - 073

Hidari Zingaro Taipei

Taipei, Tokyo

074 - 075



076 - 077

Gallery Name 畫廊名 | City 城市 | Page 頁碼




078 - 079

Imavision Gallery 晴山藝術中心


080 - 081



082 - 083

Julia Gallery 雅逸藝術中心


084 - 085



086 - 087


Seoul, Heyri, Tokyo

088 - 089

Ke-Yuan Gallery 科元藝術中心


090 - 091

Lee Gallery 黎畫廊


092 - 093

Licence Art Gallery 東門美術館


094 - 095

Linda Gallery 林大藝術中心

Singapore, Jakarta, Beijing

096 - 097

LIPEN ART Galerie 麗品藝術


098 - 099



100 - 101

Ohshima Fine Art


102 - 103

PiaoPiao Gallery 一票人票畫空間


104 - 105

Saihodo Gallery 彩鳳堂画廊


106 - 107

Sharaku Gallery 寫樂畫廊


108 - 109

Show gallery 小畫廊


110 - 111

Span art gallery


112 - 113

Stage 候台 BACK


114 - 115



116 - 117

Star Gallery 藝星藝術中心


118 - 119

The Quan Artists Agency 有寬藝術經紀有限公司


120 - 121

Triumph Art Space 藝、凱旋藝術空間


122 - 123

To Be Art Agency 如是藝創


124 - 125

Vanguard Gallery


126 - 127

Vintage Gallery 維嘉畫廊


128 - 129

William Art Salon 威廉藝術沙龍


130 - 131

Yumiko Chiba Associates Viewing Room Shinjuku Tokyo

132 - 133

Luminance Art Space 光之藝廊


134 - 135


136 - 143


AKI Gallery 也趣藝廊 1 0 3 - 69 141, M in T su W. rd ., Tai pei , TAIWAN 1 0 3 6 9 台 北市民族西路 141 號 T 8 8 6 . 2.2599.1171 F 886.2.2599.1061 E ak i. ta iwa n@a k igal l ery.com.t w | aki g al l e r y @gma i l . co m W www.ga ller y a k i.com D i r ecto r 負 責 人 R ic k WA NG 王瑞棋 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 L iang - Y in W AN G 王 亮尹 | Hsuan YU 于軒 |Chao-LiangSHEN沈昭良 Ya ng - T z u ng FA NG 范揚宗 | Yu-Pei LIAN 連瑜佩 | I - Ch e n KU O 郭 奕 臣 Chien-Chiang HUA 華建強 | Pei-Hang HUANG 黃沛涵 | Chan-Peng LO 羅展鵬 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 L iang - Y in W A NG 王亮尹 | Yu-Pei LIAN 連瑜佩 | Ch e n - Da o LE E 李 承 道 C hi-H o ng K U O 郭志宏 | Yi -Han WU 吳逸寒 | Yan g- T s un g F AN 范 揚 宗

Y u - P ei LIAN 連瑜佩 | T h e G e k k ot a 守 宮 C la y Po rcel ai n 黏土、 瓷 | 3 9 x3 5 x3 0 c m | 2 0 1 1



AMIC / spectrum gallery S O 2 F 1-6-2 K a wa r aya-machi Chuo-ku Osaka- s h i Os a k a J a pa n 5 4 2 - 0 0 6 6 T 81. 6 .6710.4648 E a m i c c 376@a m ic . co.jp W w w w .a m ic .c o .j p

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 Kazari KANEMITSU 金光文 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 S im o n FALOM IR | Mat t hew FASONE | Masaya H a n e i s h i K e nto H IGASH IN O | Teruhi ko INUKAI | Shi mpe i KAWAI Yo shita k a NA KA M URA | Dai ki NISHIMURA | Ke n zo NI S H I MU R A K y u n g-hwa N OH | Yumi OHTA | Francoi s Perro d i n S o S HIM AD A E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 S im o n FALOM IR | Mat t hew FASONE | Kent o HI G AS H I NO Te r u hik o INU KA I | Shi mpei KAWAI | Yoshi t aka NAKAMU R A Yu m i O H T A | So SHIMADA

Y u m i OH T A | BA NZ AI Acrylic & oil pastel on paper mounted on wood panel | 73x103cm | 2009



K e n to H IGASH IN O | Awaked One Sumi ink and mineral pigment on washi paper | 21x30cm | 2011


S imo n FALOM IR | Bon AppĂŠtit Porcelain | 10x7x6cm (each) | 2012


ART BRUNCH 373 X i a n Xia Ro a d, Shang hai 200336, PR CHIN A 上 海 市 长宁区 仙霞路 373 200336 T 8 6 . 182.2194.7007 | 82.10.2564.1249 E a r tm ic ho i@gma il .com W w w w.a r t-b r unc h.com

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 W oo -Seo k CH OI 崔佑硕 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 J i-Y oung KIM 金志英 | Zoo BAE 裵 周 | Ji -Bi n IM 任 智 嬪 J o ng -H o o n BAE K 白宗勳 | Feel SONG 松泌 | Ju- R i I M 林 珠 悧 H y u n -H ee LE E 李賢熙 | Seung Beom SON | ART NOM E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 J i-Y oung KIM 金志英 | Zoo BAE 裵 周 | Ji -Bi n IM 任 智 嬪 Jong-Hoon BAEK 白宗勳 | Feel SONG 松泌 | Seung Beom SON ARTNOM

Z oo B AE | The Golden Mane Dragon Oil on canvas | 100x50cm | 2012



Art Data Bank/ Katsumi Yamato 7 - 10-8 Ginz a Chuo ku Tokyo #104-0061 1 0 4 - 0061 東 京都中央区 銀座 7-10-8 T 81. 3 .3574.6771 F 81. 3 .3572.6655 E y ama to @a r tda tabank.co.jp W www.a r tda ta b a n k.co.jp D i r ecto r 負 責 人 Katsumi YAMATO 大和克巳 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 K e ik o M IGIT A 右田啓子 | Asuka IRIE 入江明日香 | R e mi U CH I B OR I 内 堀 伶 美 Tatsuro ONISHI 大西達朗 | Makoto MORIMURA 森村誠 | Daigo YOKOYAMA 横山第悟 To r u TOH IGU CH I 東 樋口徹 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 K e ik o M IGIT A 右田啓子 | Asuka IRIE 入江明日香 | R e mi U CH I B OR I 内 堀 伶 美 Tatsuro ONISHI 大西達朗 | Makoto MORIMURA 森村誠 | Daigo YOKOYAMA 横山第悟

K e ik o M IGIT A 右田啓子 | The resident who put on a KABUTO KABUTO を被った住人 Acrylic Gouache on panel paper Foil | 73x60cm | 2012



ART LEXÏNG 4 5 0 0 Bisc y a ne b lvd sui t e 300 Mi ami , FL 33137 T ( +1) 305.299.9732 E le x in g@a r tlex ing.com W w w w .a r tlexing.c om

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 Lexing ZHANG 张乐醒 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Xiao-Jin WANG 王笑今 | Quentin |SHIH 时晓凡 | Cheng-Dong |GUO 郭成东 Tia n-M ing ZH E NG 郑田明 | Hong -Xi ng YE 叶红 杏 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Xiao-Jin WANG 王笑今 | Quentin |SHIH 时晓凡 | Cheng-Dong |GUO 郭成东 Tia n-M ing ZH E NG 郑田明

X iao -J in W AN G 王 笑今 | Young l ad y wai t i ng i n a mi n t d r e s s 我 心 如 薄 荷 Oil on canva 油画 | 120x90 cm | 2012


ARTHIS FINE ART 金禧美術 N O . 6 , LAN E 13,W U -CHUAN W.4ST. TAICHUNG 40 3 T AI WAN 4 0 3 台 中市五權西四街 13 巷 6 號 T 886.4.2376.2968 F 886.4.2360.5895 E R iver lu 50@y a ho o.com.t w

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 C hing-H si LU 盧進禧 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Cheng-Kuo HSIA 夏承國 | Chin-Neng HUANG 黃志能 | Ming-Chung HUANG 黃明鍾 >> Ming-Yay WEN 翁明崖 | Bo-Wei HUANG 黃柏維 | Chien-Ying TSENG 曾建穎 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 B o-W ei H U AN G 黃 柏維 | Chi en-Yi ng TSENG 曾建穎 | Mi n - Y u H U NG 洪 民 裕 Ming - C hin T U N G 董明晉

C hie n-Y ing T SE NG 曾建穎 | Surface phenomen a 表 面 現 象 Ink on paper, gouache, mineral pigment 雲肌麻紙、膠彩、墨、礦物顏料 | 90x180cm | 2011



ART SCOPE 緣投畫廊 1 F , N o.187,Siwei Rd, Tai pei Tai wan 臺 北 市 大安區四維路 187 號 1 樓 T 886.2.2784.5178 F 886.2.2784.5185 E a r tsc o p .y u @m sa . hi net .net

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 J ac k F .S. Y U 游 福生 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 C ha i-C hun C H E N 陳在汮 | Li -Jen CHANG 張麗真 | H e i d i Y I P 葉 海 地 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 He id i YIP 葉 海地

He id i YIP 葉 海地 | Cal l i ng from t he Ful l Moon 滿 月 的 招 喚 A c r y lic, m iner a l p ai nt on canvas 壓克力顏料融和礦 物 彩 、 畫 布 | 4 0 x 2 8 cm | 2 0 1 1



Blijven T 81. 9 04733.8649 F 81. 3 .3542.6479 E t a k asu sa k ie@gm ai l .com W www.b lij ven.inf o

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 S ak ie T AK A SU Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 To hr u M A T SU SH IT A 松下徹 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Msaomi KATO 加藤正臣 | Yuri KEZUKA 毛塚友梨 | Mamiko MASUMURA 増村真実子 T o hr u M AT SU SH IT A 松下徹 | Teppei MIYAKE 三宅哲 平

Tohru MATSUSHITA | Blue fall Print | 70x70cm | 2012



B GALLERY 3- 32- 6, Shi n j uku, Shi n j uk u, T ok yo, 1 6 0 -0 0 2 2 , J a p a n 160- 00 22 東京都新宿 区新 宿 3 -3 2 -6 T 81.3. 5368. 7309 F 81.3 . 5368. 7327

E k .s ei n o suke@gmai l .c om | f uj i k i .yosuk e @b e a m s . jp W www . beams. co . j p /b -ga l l e r y

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 Yo su k e FU J IK I 藤 木洋介 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Ryo OHWADA| | Mitsuko NAGONE| | Ayaco NAKAMURA| H a y ato OD A | Y o shi yuki HATA| | Tomoaki MAKI NO| A tsu shi O K A DA | | Haji mu TOH E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Ryo OHWADA| | Mitsuko NAGONE| | Ayaco NAKAMURA| H a y ato OD A | Y o shi yuki HATA| | Tomoaki MA KI NO| A tsu shi O K A DA

Ryo OHWADA | BANKNOTES “Haiti” Lambda print | 30x60cm | 2009



B-gallery Nishi- Ikebukuro , To shi m a -k u, T ok yo 2 -3 1 -6 . J a p a n 日 本 171-0021 東京都豊 島 区 西 池 袋 2 -3 1 -6 T 81.3. 3989. 8608 | 8 1 .0 9 0 .8 8 0 5 .3 9 7 3 F 81.3. 3989. 8608 E em ai l @ Bgal l ery. i n f o W www . Bgal l ery. i nfo

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 Kenji ISHIKAWA 石川健次 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 R it su k o T A KE D A 武 田律子 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Ritsuko TAKEDA 武田律子 | Kiyomi IRIE 入江清美 | Rino FURUGORI 古郡梨乃 Kaori SUGAI 菅井香織 | Harumu SAKURABA 櫻庭明夢 | Marimu SAKURABA 櫻庭萬里夢 Meimu SAKURABA 櫻庭芽生夢 | Aato FUWA 不破亜亜都 | Nao SAKAMOTO 坂本菜緒 Hoshiko SANO 佐野干子 | Shiho SASAKI 佐々木しほ | Takuya KINOSHITA 木下拓也 Jun KITAZUME 北爪潤 | Kei UMEMURA 梅村圭 | Michiko SAMIZO 三溝美知子 Hiroya YASUKOCHI 安河内裕也 | Kiyoshi HASEGAWA 長谷川清 | Tsuyoshi URYU 瓜生剛 Mariko HARUTA 春田真理子 | Hirotoshi KURITA 栗田広敏 | Nao UCHIMURA 内村直生 Satoshi HARUKI 春木聡 | Kazuki SAKAI 酒井一樹

Ritsuko TAKEDA | 「在」2010-32 Existentiality, Work 2010-32 Silkscreen, ink on paper | 80×100 (cm) | 2010



BOSS art gallery 東家畫廊 No.180 , Ch ao zho u St , T a i p e i C i t y 1 0 6 4 9 , T a i w a n 10649 台 北市大安區潮州 街 1 8 0 號 T 886.2. 2391. 7123 F 886. 2. 2391. 7142 E bos s@bo ssartgal l e r y.c om W www . Bo ssArtGal l e r y.c om

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 K u o -Chuen C H AN G 張國權 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Ta n K AN 甘 丹 | Li-l i ng LIN 林麗玲 | Hua-chi h PU 卜 華 志 C hr istia n C H AM BE NOIT 常易 | Hung -yang TAI 戴 宏 洋 | R a e CH OU 周 瑞 萍 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 R ae CH O U 周 瑞萍

R ae CH O U 周 瑞萍 | Li t t l e Pri nce (Ian) 小王子 ( 哥哥 ) A c r y lic o n c a nva s | 45.5x38cm | 2011


CAVES GALLERY 敦煌畫廊 N o. 1 8 , La ne 70, Sec. 2, Si nsheng S. Rd ., Tai pei Ci ty 1 0 6 , T a i w a n 1 0 6 台 北市新生南路 2 段 70 巷 18 號 T 886.2.2396.7030 F 886.2.2396.7032 E a r ts100@m s68.hin et .net W www.a r ts100.c o m D i r ecto r 負 責 人 L i- P in g H U NG 洪 莉萍 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Chi-Yi TSENG 曾己議 | Xavier WEI 魏禎宏 | Chiang-Po HUNG 洪江波 Kuang-Chun PENG 彭光均 | ling YI 伊 靈 | Shi-Wei WU 吳士偉 Shi-Hou CHEN 陳士侯 | LIU Feng-Hua / Yong LIU 劉楓華 / 劉勇 | Liang-Yuen LYU 呂良遠 Yong-He ZHONG 鍾永和 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 X avie r W E I 魏禎宏 | Chiang-Po HUNG 洪江波 | Chi-Yi TSENG 曾己議 H o ng - Chin SH E N 沈 宏錦

X avie r W E I 魏禎宏 | 浴室系列 The Bat h Seri es 090 5 O il on Ca nva s 油 畫 | 18x14 cm | 2009



Cloud Gallery 青雲畫廊 N o. 4 6 9 , M ingshui Rd, Tai pei 104, Tai wan 1 0 4 台 北市中山區明水路 469 號 1 樓 T 886.2.2533.2839 F 886.2.8501.2302 E c loudga ller y 1@g mai l .com W www.c lo u d-ga llery.org D i r ecto r 負 責 人 C lou d LE E 李青雲 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Ren-Jye WANG 王仁傑 | Weng-Chiang LIN 林文強 | Yi-Ping ZENG 曾意平 Jin-Lieng CHANG 張金蓮 | Yu-Fan CHAN 詹喻帆 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Y u - Fa n C H AN 詹 喻帆 | Yi -Pi ng ZENG 曾意平

Y u - Fa n C H AN 詹 喻帆 | Greenhouse 1 溫室 1 O il p ainting 油 畫 | 9 1x116.5cm | 2012



Dialogue Space Gallery 對畫空間畫廊 6-97#, 22 International Art Plaza, No.32 Baiziwan Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022, CHINA 北 京 市 朝陽 區百子灣路 32 號二十二號院街藝術區 6-97 # ( 今 日 美 術 館 南 側 )1 0 0 0 2 2 T 86. 1 0.5876.9392 F 86. 1 0.5876.0226 E d ialo gu esp a c e@g mai l .com W www.dia lo guespace.com D i r ecto r 負 責 人 A m y Y . LI 李 穎 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 We i GU AN 关 伟 | J i-Kai LI 李继开 | Peng Lü 吕鹏 D a n MA 马丹 | Y a n- Li ng MA 马嬿泠 | Marc Des gr a n d ch a mps 马 克 · 帝 格 朗 尚 X ia o -Fa n RU 茹小凡 | Fan YU 于凡 | Qi -Kai ZHAN G 张 琪 凯 X ia ng - Lin ZH OU 周向林

E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 J i-K ai LI 李 继开 | D an MA 马丹 | Fan YU 于凡

J i-K ai LI 李 继开 | Ro ck i n t he d ark ni g ht 暗夜与石头 Acrylic on canvas 布面丙烯 | 80x100cm | 2011



D an MA 马丹 | Field und er t he sunshi ne 阳 光下, 田 野 Oil on canvas 布面油画 | 100x80cm | 2011


Fa n Y U 于 凡 | Pony No.2 小马 二 号 Spray paint on copper 铜喷漆 | 38x38x6cm | 2011


DER-HORNG ART GALLERY 德鴻畫廊 No.1 Chung-Shan Rd, West Central District,Tainan city70043,Taiwan 台 南 市 中西區中山路 1 號 T 886.6.227.1125 | 886.6.221.1603 F 886.6.2111795 E inf o@der ho r ng.c om W www.der ho r ng.com D i r ecto r 負 責 人 B e n so n CH E N 陳 世彬 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 B ou nc e | T sen W A NG 王蔘 | Wei -Ho WANG 王為河 Yu ng - C hieh W U 吳 詠潔 | Shu-Kai LIN 林書楷 | Yi - Kua n LI N 林 宜 寬 Yi HU NG 洪易 | W a n- Li ng CHEN 陳宛伶 | Mr.OGA Y 黑 雞 先 生 Ye n-Y u LU 盧 嬿宇 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 B ou nc e | LIBE N 力 本 | Tsen WANG 王蔘 | Teng -Yu WANG 王 登 鈺 B u lle t a 林尹尹 | Y u n g -Chi eh WU 吳詠潔 | Chu-I L E E 李 珠 漪 S h u -K ai LIN 林書楷 | Yi -Kuan LIN 林宜寬 | Wen-Sh e n g CH E N 陳 穩 升 K ik i Z HAN G 張 佳琪 | Wi l d monkey 野猴子 | Mr.OG AY 黑 雞 先 生 J am e s H U AN G 黃 家蔚 | Chi a-Li n TSAI 蔡佳琳 | Ch i h - Li a n g H S I AO 蕭 至 良 Ye n-Y u LU 盧 嬿宇 | Tat i ana GOLOVIZNINA 譚雅

B O U N CE | P er f ec t Worl d ? A c r y lic o n Ca nva s 壓克力 | 128.5x121.5cm | 20 1 1



Yu ng - C hieh W U 吳 詠潔 | uncivilized-2 野蠻的力 -2 Mix e d media 複 合媒材 | 120x120 cm | 2011


L ib en 力本 | M oebi us Band 人類最後一段歷史 C o mp u ter Gr a phi cs 電腦繪圖 | 94.1x47cm | 2 0 1 1


Dynasty Art Gallery 朝代畫廊 N o. 4 1 , Lo Li Ro a d, Tai pei , 106, Tai wan 1 0 6 台 北 市樂利路 41 號 T 886.2.2377.0838 F 886.2.2377.4030 E d y ar t@ms46.hinet .net W www.dy na sty a r t.com D i r ecto r 負 責 人 F r a nk C. LIU 劉 忠河 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Chyi LUH 陸琦 | Dan JIN 金 丹 | Jen-Xin GUAN 管建新 Hang-Tung CHANG 張漢東 | Li-An CHEN 陳立安 | Yu-Ching LIN & Hsing-Yu WEI 林餘慶 & 魏杏諭 Chung-Wei SHAW 邵忠偉 | Ten-Long CHEN 陳天龍 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Li-An CHEN 陳立安 | Yu-Ching LIN & Hsing-Yu WEI 林餘慶 & 魏杏諭 | Wan-Tzu LIN 查理宛豬 ( 林宛姿 ) R u i-Z h o ng P E N G 彭 瑞忠

L i- A n C H E N 陳立安 | Ent ang l ed and Tend er Lov e 繾 綣 A c r y lic o n sta inless 不鏽鋼烤漆 | 43x28x62 cm | 2 0 0 8



Elsa Art Gallery 雲清藝術中心 3F., No. 1-1, Tianmu E. Rd., Shihlin district, Taipei City 11153, Taiwan 1 1 1 5 3 台 北市士林區天母東路 1-1 號 3F T 886.2.2876.0386 F 886.2.2874.0385 E y s t_elsa a r t@y a hoo.com | el saart g al l ery@ ya h o o . co m. tw W w w w.elsa a r t.c o m.t w D i r ecto r 負 責 人 C ha d T E N G 鄧 志國 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 K u e n-P o H U AN G 黃 坤伯 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 I ku m i NA KA DA 中田郁美 | Tomohi ro TAKAGI 高木 智 廣 | Mi k i KOB AY AS H I 小 林 美 樹

I ku m i NA KA DA 中 田郁美 | Forci ng a smi l e 強制微 笑 O il and p enc il o n paper 紙面油彩、 鉛筆 | 60.6x9 1 cm | 2 0 1 1



FISH ART CENTER 秋刀魚藝術中心 N o. 1 3 7 , J ihu Rd., J h ong shan Di st ri ct , Tai pei City 1 0 4 , T a i w a n 1 0 4 台 北市基湖路 137 號 T 886.2.2532.3800 F 886.2-8502.5886 E f is h.a 88@m sa .hinet .net W www.f isha r t.c o m.t w D i r ecto r 負 責 人 Y. J L I AO 廖苑如 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Ming - C hun H U A NG 黃敏俊 | Yi ng CHEN 陳穎 | Ch i a - H un g LI N 林 家 弘 Po -R e n H U AN G 黃 柏仁 | Fa TAO 陶發 | Tsung -Fa n Li n 林 宗 範 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Ming-Chun HUANG 黃敏俊 | Chia-Hung LIN 林家弘 | Po-Ren HUANG 黃柏仁 T su ng - Fa n Lin 林 宗範

C hia -H u ng LIN 林 家弘 | Wi sh 期盼 O il on c a nva s 油彩、畫布 | 162x97cm | 2012



FUMA Contemporary Tokyo 文京藝術 9F, Nagasaki Bldg., 1-3-9 Irifune, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0042 JAPAN T 81. 3 .6280.3717 F 81. 3 .6280.3717 E b u n k y o .a r t-f u ma@ al mond .ocn.ne.jp W www.b u nk y o -a r t .co.jp

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 A ke m i FU M A 夫馬明美 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Yayoi KUSAMA 草間彌生 | Kei HIRAGA 平賀敬 | Yoshitomo NARA 奈良美智 Yoshitoshi KANEMAKI 金巻芳俊 | Yaeko SUZUKI 鈴木弥栄子 | Keiryu ASAKURA 朝倉景龍 Shiori EDA 枝史織 | Daisuke KATO 加藤大介 | Hisako MATSUMOTO 松元久子 Kei SAITO 斉藤桂 | Yasushi YAMAUCHI 山内康嗣 | UMBA うんば Kaori SASAKI 佐々木かおり | Sachiyo AOYAMA 青山幸代 | Mayuko MATSUMOTO 松本真由子 Rie MIYAUCHI 宮内理恵 | Azusa YASUDA 安田梓 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Ryota NISHIOKA 西岡良太 | Miki KOBAYASHI 小林美樹 | Sayaka TODA 戸田沙也加 Erika TADA 多田えり佳 | Maria MURAYAMA 村山まりあ | Hirokazu ICHII 一井弘和 Yuichi HIRAKO 平子雄一 | Carl RANDALL カールランダル

Ryota Nishioka 西岡良太 | MERCY STREET Acrylic on paper mounted on panel | 51.5 x 36.4 cm | 2004


GALLERY BARRY KELDOULIS 2 8 5 Y ou ng Str eet, Wat erl oo, Syd ney, 2017, Aus tr a l i a T 61. 2 .8399.1240 E g aller y @gb k .c o m.au W www.gb k .c o m .au

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 B ar r y K E LDO U LIS Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 G or d o n BE N NE T T | Sean CORDEIRO & Cl ai re H E ALY | De br a DAWE S R ic ha r d DU NN | J o nat han JONES | Ji t i sh KALLAT D e b or a h K E LLY | Fiona LOWRY | Jess MACNEI L Hite sh NA T ALW A LA | Joan ROSS | Grant STEV E NS D a nie l T E M P LE M A N E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 D a r a GILL | Fio na LOWRY | Jess MACNEIL G ra nt ST E V E N S | Dani el TEMPLEMAN

Jess MACNEIL | Revolution Digital video | 8 min 23 sec | 2011



Galerie Grand Siècle 新苑藝術 1F,No.17,Alley 51,Lane 12,Sec.3, Bade Rd.,Taipei 10559,Taiwan 台 北 市 八德路三段 12 巷 51 弄 17 號 1 樓 T 886.2.2578.5630 F 886.2.2578.8659 E x in y ua nga ller y @g mai l .com.t w W www.c ha ngsga ll ery.com.t w D i r ecto r 負 責 人 Richa r d H K C H A N G 張學孔 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Yu ng - H sien C H E N 陳永賢 | Jao-Hui FANG 方皎輝 | G a n G U 古 干 X in L I 李晰 | Bei-C hen SHIAU 蕭北辰 | Wei -Hao T S E NG 曾 偉 豪 K e -P in g W A NG 王克平 | Jun-Ji eh WANG 王俊傑 | H a o - Ka n g KE NG 耿 晧 剛 Yi-L a n LIU 柳依蘭 | Pey-Chwen LIN 林珮淳 | Chi n - Ch un g DI N 丁 建 中 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Ha o -Ka ng K E N G 耿 晧剛 | Pi n-Hua CHEN 陳斌華 | T i n g- T i n g CH E N 鄭 亭 亭

Ha o -Ka ng K E N G 耿 晧剛 | Tropi cal Scene 熱帶風 景 A c r y lic o n c a nva s | 145x80 cm | 2011



GALLERY KOGURE 小暮画廊 2 - 14-9 Ka nda -j inb o cho, Chi yod a-ku, 101-0051 T o k y o , J a pa n 日 本 1 0 1-0051 東 京都千代田区 神田神保町 2-14-19 T 81. 3 .5215.2877 F 81. 3 .5215.7444 E inf o@ga ller y k o gure.com W www.ga ller y k o gure.com D i r ecto r 負 責 人 H i r o s hi K ogu r e 小 暮 洋 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 A k io OH M ORI 大 森暁生 | At suko GOTO 後藤温子 | Ats us h i S U WA 諏 訪 敦 Fu c o UE DA 上 田風子 | Hi d enori YAMAGUCHI 山口英 紀 | I k k o F U KU Y AMA 福 山 一 光 Kazuyuki TAKISHITA 瀧下和之 | Keita TATSUGUCHI 龍口経太 | Kenichiro ISHIGURO 石黒賢一郎 M a i MIY AK E | M a sa haru FUJISHIRO 藤城正晴 | R y o S H I OT ANI 塩 谷 亮 Takahiro HIRABAYASHI 平林貴宏 | Takahiro SANDA 三田尚弘 | Takahiro YAMAMOTO 山本隆博 T a k ato Y A M A M O T O 山本タカト | Tomohi d e IKEYA 池 谷 友 秀 | S h i ge k i H AY AS H I 林 茂 樹 Y u ji MORIGU C H I 森口裕二 | Yuko SOI 草井裕子 | Y ur i e WAT ANAB E 渡 邉 ゆ り え E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Kenichiro ISHIGURO 石黒賢一郎 | Masaharu FUJISHIRO 藤城正晴 | Takahiro HIRABAYASHI 平林貴宏 T a k ato Y A M A M O T O 山本タカト

Ta k ahir o H IRA BA Y ASHI 平林貴宏 | Pot al aka Mix e d media | 60.5x50 cm | 2012



Gallery Q 3F-1-14-12 Ginz a C huo-ku Tokyo Japan 東 京 都 中央区 銀座 1-14-12-3F T 81. 3 .3535.2524 F 81. 3 .3535.2524 E c o nta c t@ga ller yq.i nfo W www.ga ller y q .info D i r ecto r 負 責 人 Y u z o UE D A 上 田雄三 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 I nsik Q U AC 郭仁植 | Hee YANG 梁 煕 | Tet suya I S H I DA 石 田 徹 也 Sayaka SUZUKI 鈴木紗也香 | Satoko ASAHI 朝日聡子 | Nao KANEKO 金子奈央 N o z omu U CH ID A 内 田望 | Masaru NAGAI 永井優 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 A sa hi Sa to k o 朝日聡 子 | Kaneko Nao 金子奈央 | U ch i d a No zo mu 内 田 望 N a g ai M a sa r u 永井優

Uchida NOZOMU | Diver Iron brass, glass | 40x15x12cm | 2011



GALLERY TSUBAKI 椿畫廊 1 F , 3 - 3-10,K y o b a shi,Chuoh-ku,Tokyo,104-0031, J AP AN 東 京 都 中央区京橋 3-3-10 第一下村ビル 1F T 81. 3 .3281.7808 E g t sub a k i@y b 3.so - net .ne.jp W www.ga ller y -tsubaki .jp

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 Hir o y a T SU BAK IH A RA 椿原弘也 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Ma y u ka Y AM AM OT O | Naoko KADOKURA | C h i k a H AT T OR I A s a G O | Na o Y O KOTA | Nat suko KITAMURA Yu j i M O RIGU C H I E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Ma y u ka Y AM AM OT O | Naoko KADOKURA | C h i k a H AT T OR I Yu j i M O RIGU C H I | Sohee KIM | Yuri ka ROPPONG I A y a k a SH INJ Y O | Kana YOSHIDA | Dong jo LEE E m iko M AK INO

Yuji MORIGUCHI | Kiss Acrylic,pencil on gesso, mounted on canvas | 50x50cm | 2010



Gallery YUKI-SIS 1F Tokyo Plastic Kaikan,Yanagibashi,Taito-ku,Tokyo 111-0052,JAPAN 1 1 1 - 0052 東京都台東区 柳橋 2-22-13 東京プラスチッ ク 会 館 1 F T 81. 3 .5809.3665 E g aller y .y u k isis@gmai l .com

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 YU K I T E RA SH IM A 寺 嶋由起 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 K a tsu to shi Y U A SA 湯浅 克俊 | Hi roshi MORI 森洋史 | Ky o k o S H I NDO 新 藤 杏 子 F u m iko KIKU CH I 菊池史子 | Kohei KAWASAKI 川崎 広 平 | Mo n i k a Ch l e be k E liz ab eth Ler o y | Dai suke TSUCHIGAHATA 土ヶ端 大 介 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 K a tsu to shi Y U A SA 湯 浅克俊 | Hi roshi MORI 森洋史 | Ky o k o S H I NDO 新 藤 杏 子 F u m iko KIKU CH I 菊池史子 | Kohei KAWASAKI 川崎 広 平 | Mo n i k a Ch e l be k E liz ab eth Ler o y | Ayumi IKEDA 池田鮎美 | Dai s uk e T S U CH I G AH AT A 土 ヶ 端 大 介 S e iji K U M A GAI 熊 谷聖司

Monika Chlebek | Lost prestige 丟失的名聲 Oil on canvas | 41x37cm | 2011



galler​y UG 銀座企画 1F Yamada Building 1-14-11 Higashikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Japan T 81. 3 .5823.7655 F 81. 3 .5823.7656 E g inz a -k ik a k u@u n i g l avas.com W w w w.ga ller y -u g.com

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 E iic hir o SA SAK I 佐 々木 荣一朗 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Kunihiko NOHARA 野原邦彦 | Mai MURAKAMI ムラカミ マイ | Atsuo TAKAHASHI 高橋篤生 Gekko NUMATA 沼田月光 | Mikako TAKAHASHI 高橋美賀子 | Kentaro MATSUKUMA 松隈健太朗 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Kunihiko NOHARA 野原邦彦 | Mai MURAKAMI ムラカミ マイ | Atsuo TAKAHASHI 高橋篤生 Gekko NUMATA 沼田月光 | Mikako TAKAHASHI 高橋美賀子 | Kentaro MATSUKUMA 松隈健太朗 K az u ko N E ISH I 根石和子 | Mi sako MAEGAKI 前垣美沙子 | Tomoko WADA 和田朋子

Kunihiko NOHARA | The forest of the rainbow Zelkova wood | 45.5x37.5x12.5cm , 60x21x17cm | 2011



Han Art Agency 涵藝術經紀公司 4 F . , N o.703, H u a p ing Rd ., Anpi ng Di st ., Tai nan Ci ty 7 0 8 , T a i w a n 台 南 市 安平區華平路 703 號 4 樓 T 886.6.2955.161 F 886.6.2953.345 E H a nAr tSp a c e@gmai l .com W www.ha na r tsp a ce.com D i r ecto r 負 責 人 Me tr a LIN 林喧涵 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Volodymyr Neskoromnyi 弗拉基米爾 ‧ 涅斯柯羅姆內伊 | Bryan McFarlane 布萊恩 ‧ 馬克法蘭 Roman Nogin 羅曼 ‧ 諾金 | Natasha Perekhodenko 娜塔莎 ‧ 別列克霍琴柯 Y asu k o H a y a shi 林 靖子 | Usa 田中宇佐 | Long CE N 岑 龍 A le x ander Ser dy uk 亞歷克山大 ‧ 謝爾都烏克 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 R o m an No gin 羅 曼 ‧ 諾金 | Nat asha Perekhod e n k o 娜 塔 莎 ‧ 別 列 克 霍 琴 柯 Y asu k o H a y a shi 林 靖子 | Usa 田中宇佐 | Al exand e r S e r d y uk 亞 歷 克 山 大 ‧ 謝 爾 都 烏 克

A le x a nder Ser dy u k 亞歷克山大 ‧ 謝爾都烏克 | Dre a m 夢 O il on Ca nva s 油 畫、畫布 | 102x76 cm | 2010



H-art Beat 1 - 6-6 Ku ga y a m a , Sug i nami -ku, Tokyo 168-0082 J a pa n 1 6 8 - 0082 東 京都杉並區久我山 1-6-6 T 81. 3 .3331.7884 F 81. 3 .3331.7884 E m asa r u_nishiy a ma@ hart beat .co.jp W www.ha r tb ea t.c o.jp D i r ecto r 負 責 人 Ma sa r u NISH IY AM A 西山勝 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Masayuki TSUBOTA 坪田昌之 | Ryuma IMAI 今井龍滿 | Takeshi MITA 三田健志 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Masayuki TSUBOTA 坪田昌之 | Ryuma IMAI 今井龍滿 | Takeshi MITA 三田健志

Masayuki TSUBOTA 坪田昌之 | The wall of self (YT-518) 亚 Gesso, powdered mineral pigments, glue on basswood, tin foil | 91x76x7cm (Including the panel) | 2012



hi Art Store hi 小店 hi art store, 798 East St., 2#Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 北 京 市朝阳区酒仙桥 2 号 七九八艺术区 798 东 街 hi 小店 T 86. 1 0.5978.9418 F 86. 1 0.5978.9418 E in f o@hia r tsto r e.com W w w w.hia r tsto r e.com D i r ecto r 負 責 人 M a g g ie W A NG 王珏 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Xin-ran LIANG 梁欣然 | Cheng-xiao MENG 孟程霄 | Xian-yang MENG 孟宪旸 W e i S I 司 玮 | H ua YAO 姚 华 | Ji ang ZHENG 郑 江 J ia n ZH A I 翟建 | T ing -yu ZHANG 张 婷玉 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Xin-ran LIANG 梁欣然 | Cheng-xiao MENG 孟程霄 | Xian-yang MENG 孟宪旸 H u a YAO 姚华 | J iang ZHENG 郑 江

Xian-yang MENG 孟 宪 旸 | Forest No.1 丛 林 No.1 亚 Oil on Canvas 布面油画 | 100x70cm | 2012



Hua YAO 姚华 | David and Goliath 大衛與歌利亞 Oil on Canvas 布面油画 | 75x95cm | 2011


Jiang ZHENG 郑江 | Tin Barrel 鐵皮桶亚 Temper on Canvas 布面坦培拉 | 60x50cm | 2011


Hidari Zingaro Taipei N o . 4 , La ne 17, C hifeng St ., Dat ong Di st ., Tai pe i Ci ty 1 0 3 5 2 , T a i w a n 10352 台 灣台北市大同區赤峰街 17 巷 4 號 T 886.2.2559.9260 F 886.2.2559.9260 E h z t inf o @a b iga r t.com

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 M ing - Y u CH IA NG 江明玉 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 L in, M ing-H sueh 林明雪 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Lin, Ming-Hsueh 林明雪 | Yu, Harrison 庾哈利 | Lee, Tzu-Ling 李姿玲 | Wang, Ching 王 寶 慶 | T u , J u lie 凃 尹宣 | Sue Sue 蘇夢雯



HO HO ARTS 鶴軒藝術 No.6,Sec.2,Chung-kang Rd.,Taichung,(Evergreen Laurel Hotel,1F Shopping Arcade) 桂 冠店 / 台中市中港路二 段 6 號 No.90,Sec. 2, Hui -l ai R d .,T a i c h un g 歌 劇院店 / 台中市西屯區 惠 來 路 二 段 9 0 號 T 886.4. 2313. 2224 F 886. 4. 2312. 1318 E hoho. arts@ msa. h i n e t .n e t W www . ho ho arts. co m

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 R o y C H E N 陳鶴 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 C h e ng-H siung CH E N 陳正雄 | Ser-Uang HUANG 黃 石 元 | An - Ko w DU AN 段 安 國 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 M a sa shi ISH IGAI 石 谷雅詩 | Hi roko MASUMOTO 增 本 寬 子 | Y umi Y AMAS AKI 山 崎 有 美

Ma sa shi ISH IGAI 石 谷雅詩 | 柔和的傍晚 M ine r a l P a inting 膠彩 | 53x46 cm | 2011



hpgrp GALLERY TOKYO B 1F, 5-1-15 J ingum ae, Shi buya-ku, Tokyo 150-0 0 0 1 , J AP AN 150-0001 東京都渋 谷区神宮前 5-1-15-B1F T 81. 3 .3797.1507 F 81. 3 .6805.0840 E ar t@hp gr p .c o m W h ttp ://hp gr p ga ll ery.com DIRECTOR 負責人 K e n ta r o T O T SU KA 戶塚憲太郎 REPRESENTED ARTISTS 代理藝術家 Kanako OHYA 大矢加奈子 | Miki KUBOTA 窪田美樹 | Hisaharu MOTODA 元田久治 D aisu k e NA GAO K A 永岡大輔 | Tamaki SHINDO 進 藤 環 | T AKA Yoshiro TAKEUCHI 竹内義郎 | Kazuhiro ITO 伊藤一洋 | Etsuko TANIGUCHI 谷口悦子 J u n YOSH ID A 吉 田潤 | Yoi KAWAKUBO 川久保ジョ イ | J un KI T AZ U ME 北 爪 潤 R y oo no E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Maria MURAYAMA 村山まりあ | Jun YOSHIDA 吉田潤 | Etsuko TANIGUCHI 谷口悦子 T A K A | Ric h

Maria MURAYAMA 村山まりあ | Fukan suru Monotachi 俯瞰する者たち亚 Ceramic | 28x24x13mm | 2011



Imavision Gallery 晴山藝術中心 1 3 F , 2 2 4 sec 4 Chung Hsi ao E RD Tai pei Tai wan 台 北 市 忠 孝東路四段 224 號 13 樓 T 886.2.2773.5155 F 886.2.2773.5156 E im aa r ts@m s13.hin et .net W www.im a visio n.com.t w D i r ecto r 負 責 人 E r ic C HE N 陳仁壽 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Chich-Wen WANG 王志文 | Yeou-Xin WU 吳宥鋅 | Yi-Sheng KAO 高義勝 Yu-Chia SUN 孫玉佳 | Chi-Hang LIN 林志航 | Kai-Chic CHEN 陳凱智 Cheng-Wei CHOU 周政緯 | Ming-Chin TUNG 董明晉 | Chien-Ching YEN 嚴靖傑 Ching-Che LING 林經哲 | Han-Ching LEE 李瀚卿 | Pei–Yi CHEN 陳珮怡 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 C h ic h -W en W A NG 王志文 | Yeou-Xi n WU 吳宥鋅 | Y i - S h e n g KAO 高 義 勝 Y u - C h ia SU N 孫玉佳 | Chi -Hang LIN 林志航 | Kai - Ch i c CH E N 陳 凱 智 C h e ng-W ei C H OU 周政緯 | Mi ng -Chi n TUNG 董明 晉 | Ch i e n - Ch i n g Y E N 嚴 靖 傑 C h ing-Che LIN G 林 經哲 | Han-Chi ng LEE 李瀚卿 | Pei–Yi CHEN 陳珮怡

Pe i-Y i C H E N 陳珮怡 | Mi d ni g ht 靜夜思 G lu e o n silk 膠 彩、絹 | 50x50 cm | 2012



J. P. ART CENTER 琢璞藝術中心 8 F , N o.63, W u Fu 3r d Road , Kaohsi ung , Tai wan 高 雄 市 前金區五福三路 63 號 8 樓 T 886.7.215.0010 F 886.7.271.8974 E y anghb p a @m s28.hi net .net W www.j p a r t.tw D i r ecto r 負 責 人 Ho n-B o n Y A NG 楊宏博 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Hu S HI 石 虎 | Fei SH AO 邵飛 | Chun-t ao LU 陸春濤 F a ng N AN 南 方 | J u an HE 賀娟 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 J u an HE 賀娟

J u an HE 賀娟 | Fa ntast i cal st ory 奇幻記 Mix e d media o n c anvas 綜合媒材、畫布 | 140x1 2 0 cm | 2 0 1 2



Julia Gallery 雅逸藝術中心 N o. 8 , La ne 50, Sec . 2, Zhong cheng Rd ., Tai pei Ci ty , T a i w a n 台 北 市 忠誠路二段 50 巷 8 號 T 886.2.2832.1330 | 886.2.2832.1340 F 886.2.2832.1350 E j u liaga l@m s34.hin et .net W www.j u lia ga ller y .com.t w D i r ecto r 負 責 人 J u lia CH U 朱 恬恬 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Ha o -Chun W ON G 王皓諄 | Yu-Chi ao LEE 李雨樵 | Mi n g- Y i CH OU 周 明 誼 C he ng-Che LIN 林 正哲 | Hao-Pai LIN 林浩白 | Sun LI N 林 順 雄 C ha u -T su ng H U 胡朝聰 | Shun-Chi n CHEN 陳舜芝 | I - F e n g CH E N 陳 逸 鋒 C a n-L in H SU 許 璨麟 | Jeong -Di h YANG 楊炯杕 | P o - Ch un Y ANG 楊 博 鈞 C hin LE I 雷 琴 | J en-Song PAN 潘仁松 | Ho-Chun g KU 顧 何 忠 K u n WAN G 王 琨 | C hi en-Kwang SUN 孫見光 | Ch un g- We i S U N 孫 宗 慰 Z h o ng Z H U A NG 莊重 | Fang YEH 葉放 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 H a o -Chun W ON G 王皓諄 | Yu-Chi ao LEE 李雨樵 | Mi n g- Y i CH OU 周 明 誼 H a o -P a i LIN 林浩白 | Chau-Tsung HU 胡朝聰 | Sh a o - Ch e H U NG 洪 紹 哲 I -Fe ng C H E N 陳逸鋒

Ha o -P a i LIN 林浩白 | Dayspri ng 晨光 O il Pa inting 油畫 | 5 3x41cm | 2012



KAWATA GALLERY 川田画廊 102-1-13-22 Tnakacho, Higashinadaku, Kobe City, Hyogo 658-0081, JAPAN 日 本 6 5 8-0081 神戶市東灘區田中町 1-13-22-102 T 81. 7 8.451.1154 F 81. 7 8.451.1155 E k awa ta @ever .o cn.ne.jp W http ://k a wa ta -gal l ery.com DIRECTOR 負責人 Ya su shi K A W A T A 川田泰 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Tsuyoshi SUZUKI 鈴木強 | Todoroki TOMOHIRO 轟友宏 | Tsukamoto TOMOYA 塚本智也 Ta k am ur a SOJ IRO 高村総 二郎

Tomoya TSUKAMOTO | Portrait 亚 Acrylic | 65.2x53.0cm | 2012



KEUMSAN GALLERY B-103 ssangyong namsan platinum, 87 hoehyeon-dong 2-ga, jung-gu, Seoul 100-052, Korea heyri art valley g-28, 1652-140 beopheung-li, tanhyeon-myeon, paju-city, Gyeonggi-do, 413-700, Korea T 82. 2 .3789.6317 F 82. 2 .741.6319 E k e u msa n@emp a l. com W w w w .k eum sa n.o rg DIRECTOR 負責人 D a l-S eu ng H W A NG 黃達性 REPRESENTED ARTISTS 代理藝術家 Wo o -Ri K O | Na m-Si n KWAK | Dae-Soo KIM | Ke un - J o o n g KI M M y u n g-So o k K IM | Bong -Tae KIM | Sung -Nam KI M | J o n g- H a k KI M J in-H e e KIM | K y ung -Sun PARK | Seo-Bo PARK | S e un g- H o o n P AR K A h-R e um P A RK | E un-Sun PARK | Hyun-Joo PAR K | H y o - J e o n g P AR K M i-R y ung BARN | Soon-Shi l BAIK | Yong -Sun SU H | J e o n g- H e e S E O C h u l-J o o SU K | Y o ung -Rok SUNG | Suk-Chi n OH | S o o k - H w a n OH Z i- W on W A NG | Ga-Hyung LEE | Seo-Mi LEE | Y e - Le e n LE E U f an LE E | J a e-H y o LEE | Jong -Bi n LEE | Ji -Yeo n LE E W on-Y o u ng J A NG | Gi l -Young JUNG | Sang -G o n CH U NG | T a e - S ub CH U NG M ink i ZIO | Y o u ng-Pyo JO | Young -Don CHOI | J un g- S o o k CH OI J e o ng-Y u n CH OI | Jemma HAN | Moon-Hee H U R | Ke i ji U E MAT S U N o b u ko W A T AN ABE | Takuma UEMATU | Tomomi Y OS H I Z AWA | Oi w a OS CAR N o e AO K I | Y u k i ONODERA | Kei zaburo OKAMU R A | T o e k o T AT S U NO N o d a TE T SU Y A | Y a yoi KUSAMA | Nobuyoshi A R AKI | Ka zumi NAKAMU R A T a tsu mi ORIM O T O | Weng FEN | Li ang BINBIN | J i - Da CH U N Y u FA N | W a ng-A i YING | Di l eep Sharma | Bu r k h a r d H e l d E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 E g e ne KO O | Y u k i MATSUEDA | Kyung -Sun PAR K | S o - Y o un g CH OI J in-A LE E | W ei-H ui HSU 徐薇蕙

E g e ne KO O | Spoiled Goddess 亚 Oil on canvas | 145.5x97 cm | 2011



Ke-Yuan Gallery 科元藝術中心 3F., No.126-8, Zhongshan Rd., Qingshui Dist., Taichung City 436, Taiwan 台 中 市 清水區中山路 126 之 8 號 3 .4 樓 T 886.4.2622.9706 F 886.4.2622.0713 E k y sf @m s38.hinet.net W w w w .k ey u a n.c o m.t w D i r ecto r 負 責 人 Hsiu -Fen C H E N 陳秀分 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Z e n-P i ng LIA O 廖震平 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Tsu e n-J en D U AN 段 存真 | Ya-Ti ng JAN 詹雅婷 | Y i n g- Ch i h CH E N 陳 瑩 芝 Ming - J in DU NG 董明晉 | Yi -Tza WU 吳易澤 | Wan - Y u J E NG 鄭 琬 渝

Ying - Chih CH E N 陳瑩芝 | 自由系列 9 鉛 筆 、 炭筆、炭精筆、墨汁 | 55x80cm | 2010



Lee Gallery 黎畫廊 No.10,Lane175,Sec.1,Da-an Rd. Da-an District,Taipei10691,Taiwan 1 0 6 9 1 台 北市大安路一段 175 巷 10 號 T 886.2.2325.6688 F 886.2.2703.5168 E a r t@leega ller y .tw W www.leega ller y .t w D i r ecto r 負 責 人 H o m e r LE E 黎 耀之 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 C h ie n-Chung LI 李 建中 | Mei -Hui LEE 李美慧 | Sh i h - Ch i a n g Y E H 葉 世 強 C h a u r -Sen P AN 潘 朝森 | Kuo-Cheng LIU 劉國正 | B a o - Li n g LI N 林 葆 靈 Z h a o -T ing C H E N 陳兆廷 | Yun-Jou LIU 劉芸柔 | Zh i - H a n g Y E 葉 誌 航 T ing - Y en Y U 余廷彥 | Yi -Chi n HUANG 黃羿欽 | Ch i h - H a o Lo 駱 志 豪 B ing J A N 詹邠 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 B a o -L ing LIN 林 葆靈 | Zhao-Ti ng CHEN 陳兆廷 | Yun - J o u LI U 劉 芸 柔 Z h i-H a ng Y E 葉誌航 | Ti ng -Yen YU 余廷彥 | Yi -Ch i n H U ANG 黃 羿 欽 C h ih-H a o LO 駱志豪 | Bi ng JAN 詹邠 | Shu-Chi J U 朱 書 麒 J e -R o ng LIU 劉 哲榮 | Chi h-Rung LIU 呂之蓉

Yun-Jou LIU 劉芸柔 | Hidden mirror image - Release from pain 隱性鏡像 - 從痛苦中釋放 O il on c a nva s 油 彩畫布 | 91× 72cm | 2011



Licence Art Gallery 東門美術館 1F., No . 203, Sec. 1, Fuc i a n R d ., We st C e n t r a l D i st r ic t , T a in a n Cit y 7 0 0 , T a iwa n 台 南市府前路一段 203 號 1 樓 No.66-2, Sec. 1, Yan g m i n g R d ., S h i h l i n D i st r i c t , T a ip e i Cit y 1 1 1 , T a iwa n 台 北市陽明路一段 66-2 號 T 886.6. 213. 1897 | 8 8 6 .2 .2 8 6 1 .5 4 2 4 F 886.6. 213. 2878 E d on g. men@msa. hi n e t .n e t W www . l i art. co m. tw

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 L ai-C h eng C H O 卓來成 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Ming - D y e Y A NG 楊明迭 | Bu-Zi 卜茲 | Tzu-Kuey H S U 許 自 貴 K u e n-Lin LE E 李 昆霖 | Wen-Chi CHEN 陳文祺 | W E LL CH E N 陳 威 宏 Y in g - Do ng Z E N G 曾 英棟 | Chi a-Chu CHANG 張 家 駒 | H ua n g- ti LI N 林 煌 迪 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 C h ie n Da -M ing C H EN 陳建大明 | Wen-Zi WU 吳玟 諮 | S h u- P e i T U NG 董 淑 佩 T ing - W en LAI 賴亭玟

Chien Da-Ming CHEN 陳建大明 | O-2011001 Arathant is not only Arahant Series O il on Ca nva s | 200x90cm | 2011



Linda Gallery 林大艺术中心 797 Street B Zone,798 Art Zone No.2 Jiu Xian Qiao Road,Chao Yang District, Beijing 北 京 市 朝阳区酒仙桥路 2 号 798 艺术区 B 區 797 街 T 86. 1 0.5978.9565 F 86. 1 0.5978.9278 E b e ijng@linda ga llery.com W w w w.linda ga ller y.com D i r ecto r 負 責 人 L ind a M A 马美玲 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 J in G U O 郭 晋 | Shu o JIANG 蒋朔 | Shao-Xi ang WU 吴少 湘 H o ng XIA O 肖红 | Song XUE 薛松 | Yong -Qi ng YE 叶 永 青 B ia o ZH ON G 钟飙 | Li u CHEN 陈流 | Shu-Zhong CH E N 陈树中 X in-L i D E N G 邓新 黎 | Ji k-Ai LI 李 继开 | Fan YU 于 凡 K u n -K un Z A NG 臧坤坤 | Hi -Dayat SP 喜大业 | Aw i k i B o o ny a va nishk ul REARNGSAK | Rasji d ASTARI E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 L iu C HE N 陈流 | Xin- Li DENG 邓新黎 | Heng XU 许亨 J in G U O 郭 晋 | K un-Kun ZANG 臧坤坤 | Fan YU 于 凡 S hu o J IA NG 蒋朔 | Shu-Zhong CHEN 陈树中 | Yo n g- Qi n g Y E 叶 永 青

Xin-Li DENG 邓新黎 | Immortal Nostalgia : Tree Fairy 神仙眷之树仙 Acrylic on canvas 布面丙烯 | 200x200cm | 2011



LIPEN ART Galerie 麗品藝術 1F& 5F, No . 12, Lan e 3 2 9 , S e c 1 , D un -H ua S out h R d . T P E 台 北市敦化南路一段 329 巷 1 2 號 內 棟 1 F &5 F T 886.2. 2707. 2255 | 8 8 6 .2 .2 7 0 4 .1 1 8 8 E lipen art@ yaho o . co m .t w W www . l i penart. co m.t w

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 L ina L EE 李 麗娜 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 S hih-C hia o LI 李石樵 | De-Ji nn SHIY 席德進 | Col a KI NG 可 樂 王 | Ch i h - We i H U S 許 智 瑋 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Cola KING 可樂王 | Chih-Wei HUS 許智瑋 | Yan-Zhen WU 吳衍震 | Wen-Cheng LEE 李文政

K I N G Co la 可 樂王 | Li g ht t he st ars for you 為妳點 亮 滿 天 的 星 星 A c ry lic p a int o n c anvas 壓克力顏料、畫布 | 55x4 6 cm | 2 0 1 2



NINE GALLERY 나인갤러리 # 37-5 Gungdo ng, Dong g u Gwang ju Korea 50 1 - 0 4 0 T 82. 6 2.232.2328 | (+1)305.915.9134 F 82. 4 30.4328 E n ine9000@ha nm ai l .net W www.ninega ller y.co.kr

DIRECTOR 負責人 Y A N G Seung Cha n REPRESENTED ARTISTS 代理藝術家 G o h G eun-H o 고근호 | Lee Yeong -Il | 이영일 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 G o h G eun-H o 고근호 | Ki m Gyeong -Ja 김경자 | Le e Le e - Na m 이 이 남 L e e S ang-Y o ng 이상용 | Choi Young -Wook 최영 욱 | Le e Y e o n g- I l | 이 영 일 L o C h ia o Ling | 羅喬綾

Goh Geun-Ho | Hero-Darth Vader 亚 Steel | 50x30x95cm | 2011



Ohshima Fine Art 3-7-3F,Nishi-gokenchou,Shinjyuku-ku,Tokyo,JAPAN 162-0812 T 81. 3 .3235.2271 F 81. 3 .3235.2271 E inf o@o hshima f ineart .com W www.o hshima f ineart .com

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 Yo shiy uk i O H SH IM A 大島義之 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 K o j i E NO K U RA | Ka tsunori MIYAGI | Yuko MOR I To m omi KO IZU M I | Emi HARUKUSA | Yusaku FUJ I WAR A K o u ta KU M A GAI | Shi npei SASADA | Yasuhi ro S AKU R AI A i H O RI | K eik o OIKAWA | Mayumi SHIMODA Misa F U N AI | Y o i K AWAKUBO | Ran ONUMA S ae k o KU W A NA | Runa KOSOGAWA E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 K a tsu no r i M IY AGI | Yuko MORI | Tomomi KOIZU MI E m i H A RU K U SA | Y usaku FUJIWARA | Yasuhi ro S AKU R AI K e ik o O IKA W A | M ayumi SHIMODA | Mi sa FUNAI Yo i K A W A KU BO | Saeko KUWANA | Runa KOSOG AWA

Yuko MORI | Mistral Acrylic, oil on canvas, panel | 112x145cm | 2011



PiaoPiao Gallery 一票人票畫空間 N o. 4 4 , Y o ngKa ng St ., Da’an Di st ., Tai pei Ci t y 1 0 6 , T a i w a n 1 0 6 台 北市永康街 44 號 T 8 8 6 . 2.2393.7505 E pia o p ia o .a r t@gmai l .com W p iao p ia o .a r t@gmai l .com

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 K ang - Lu ng P E N G 彭康隆 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 C h i-H sing LE E 李吉祥 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 H a u -S hiua n FU 傅浩軒 | Chang -Yu HSU 許常郁 | Y un g- Ch un S H I N 時 永 駿

C hi- H si n g LEE 李吉祥 | O ut si d e t h e Wi n d ow 窗 外 O il on Can vas 油彩、畫 布 | 9 1 x7 2 .5 c m | 2 0 1 2



Saihodo Gallery 彩鳳堂画廊 3F/Iwatsuki Bldg. III, 6-7-7, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061, JAPAN 1 0 4 - 0061 東京都中央区 銀座6丁目7番地7号 第3 岩 月 大 厦 3 楼 T 81. 3 .3575.0960 F 81. 3 .3575.0961 E s a iho do @m b a .nift y.ne.jp W ho m ep a ge2.nif ty.com/ sai hod o/ D i r ecto r 負 責 人 To shio H O N J O 本庄俊男 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 To shiy uk i E N OK I 榎 俊幸 | Koji INAGAKI 稲垣孝二 | T s uy o s h i I S OE 磯 江 毅 R y o z o KA T O 加藤良造 | Ki mi o KAWAGUCHI 川口起 美 雄 | Ak i r a MI Z U NO 水 野 暁 R y o S HIOT A NI 塩 谷亮 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Shiori CHIBA 千葉史織 | Koichi HAYASHIDA 林田康一 | Jun'ichi ISHIDA 石田淳一 A kie KAN NO 菅野秋惠 | Ri na KOTANI 小谷里奈 | Ak i r a MI Z U NO 水 野 暁 Daisuke SHIMOHIRA 下平大輔 | Atsuko TAKUMA 詫摩敦子 | Atsushi WAKAO 若尾篤志 Masashi ITO 伊藤隆史 | Hisashi NANAUMI 七海壽

Atsuko TAKUMA 詫摩敦子 | Become up to Sand 到変成沙 Water-based ink pen and acrylic on paper 水性筆、圧克力和紙 | 29.7x21cm | 2011



Sharaku Gallery 寫樂画廊 1 - 7-27, Kib o ga o k a , Chi kusaku Nag oya 464-001 6 J AP AN 日 本 4 6 4-0016 愛 知県 名古屋市千種区 希望ケ丘 1-7-2 7 T 81. 5 2.752.1818 F 81. 5 2.752.1818 E 3@3v3.j p W www.3v3.j p D i r ecto r 負 責 人 Yu g o MAT SU M U RA 松村有吾 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Ta k aha r u Y AM ASH ITA 山下孝治 | Aki ra OYA 大矢亮 | Ma sa ha r u K A T O 加藤正春 | Sayaka KATO 加藤清 香 | S h ino NA KA Y AM A 中山志野 | Akane KAIZUKA 貝 塚 茜 F a n-H su a n H SU 徐凡軒 | Hi kari YAMAKAWA 山川 光 里 Tsu k asa IM A E DA 今枝つかさ

Ma s a s h i I S H I G AI 石 谷 雅 詩 I k um F U KAO 深 尾 育 美 | S a y a k a T E Z U KA 手 塚 華 | H a r uk a NI Z E KI 新 関 陽 香

E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Ta k aha r u Y AM ASH ITA 山下孝治 | Aki ra OYA 大矢亮 | Ma s a s h i I S H I G AI 石 谷 雅 詩 Ma sa ha r u K A T A 加藤正春 | Sayaka KATO 加藤清 香 | I k um F U KAO 深 尾 育 美 S h ino NA KA Y AM A 中山志野 | Akane KAIZUKA 貝 塚 茜 | S a y a k a T E Z U KA 手 塚 華 F a n-S ua n H SU 徐 凡軒 | Hi kari YAMAKAWA 山川光 里 | H a r uk a NI Z E KI 新 関 陽 香 Tsu k asa IM A E DA 今枝つかさ

T su k asa IM AE D A 今 枝つかさ | Dualism 二元論 Japanese Style Painting 日本畫(膠彩畫)| 194x130.3cm x2 | 2012



Show gallery 小畫廊 1 F . , N o.166, Shiz ho ng 1st Rd ., Ci anji n Di st ., Kao h s i un g Ci ty 8 0 1 , T a i w a n 8 0 1 高 雄市前金區市中一路 166 號 T 886.7.215.0798 F 886.7.215.0911 E 166@sho wga ller y.com.t w W w w w.sho wga llery166.bl og spot .com D i r ecto r 負 責 人 G u an-Y u H O U 侯 冠宇 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 芭 梅 菈 ‧ 埃米亞 P a mel a HEVIA | 鍾舜文 Shun-Wen CH U NG | 王 午 Wu WANG 黃 柏 勳 Bo -Xun H U A NG

P a m ela Hevi a 芭梅菈 ‧ 埃 米 亞 | J um p i n g i n t h e m iddle o f t h e n ig h t 半 夜 跳 Woodcut on Chinese brocade (Edition:1/1) 木刻、中國錦緞 ( 版數 :1/1) | 120x145cm | 2010



Span art gallery 2 - 18 G inz a ,2-c ho me,Chuou-ku,Tokyo,Japan 日 本 國 東京都中央区 銀座 2-2-18 T 81. 3 .5524.3060 | 81.80.3178.7276 F 81. 3 .5524.3103 E inf o@sp a n-a r t.c o.jp W www.sp a n-a r t.c o.jp D i r ecto r 負 責 人 S h ina ma T AN E M U RA 種村品麻 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 A kir a UNO | M a r u o SUEHIRO | Takat o YAMAM OT O Yu j i M O RIGU C H I | Ayaka SHINJO | Yuko FUKAS E E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Yu k o F U KA SE | T a ts ufumi NIWA | Ayaka SHINJO K a y a YAGU RAY A | Keni chi KOYAMA | Tama A kik o IJ IC H I | M isa ki KIHARA

Akyka SHINJO | A flower with dead and alive Color on silm, leaf | 17.5x13.5cm | 2012



stage 候台 BACK 50 Mo ga nsha n Lu , Bui l d i ng 6, 5t h Fl oor, Shang h a i 2 0 0 0 6 0 , Ch i n a 中 国 上 海莫 干山路 50 号 6 号楼 5 层 T 86. 2 1.6276.9932 | 86.1502.100.504 E s u sa nne@sta ge-back.org W www.sta ge-b a c k.org

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 S u s a nne J unk er 蘇 雲筱 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 A n d y Gu hl | Ba r b ara Anna Husar | Chri s Gi l l 李 云 飞 
 F r a nc a Ba r tho lo m ä i | Gord on Chand l er | Kri s ti a n v o n H o r n s l e th 
 L a u r e nt Fr iq u et | Mal eonn 马良 | Rol f A. Kl uen te r 
 S u sa nne J unk er | Terence Ll oren | Xi ao-Wen T ANG 唐 潇 雯 
 T ho m as P a lm e | T h omas Rusch E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 HU ZI 胡子 | Xia o -W en TANG 唐潇 雯 | Chris Gill 李云 飞 Susanne Junker 蘇雲筱

X ia o -W en T AN G 唐 潇雯 | Uncle, Grandpa and Tiger 《舅舅,姥爺,老虎》 silk, ink 丝绸、墨 | 100cmx76cm | 2011


STAYREAL Gallery 2 F . , N o.502, Fux ing N. Rd ., Tai pei Ci t y 105, Tai w a n 台 北 市 復興北路 502 號 2 樓 T 886.2.8712.0101 # 304 F 886.2.8712.0911 E i. an@ista y r ea l.c om W www.ista y r ea l.c om D i r ecto r 負 責 人 Po -L ia ng CH E N 陳柏良 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 N o2g oo d 不二良 | Wen-wen 紋妏 | Ashin 阿信 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Wen-wen 紋妏 | Tomoe HAYAMA | Yu-Song WANG 王毓淞

Tomoe HAYAMA | Rise 勃興 Decal on Acrylic Painted Wooden Board | 80x53cm | 2012



Star Gallery 藝星藝術中心 8F., No . 27 Lane 383, X i n g sh a n R d ., N e i h u D i st ., T aipe i 1 1 4 , T a iwa n 台 北市內湖區行善路 383 巷 2 7 號 8 樓 1F., No . 15, Ln. 128, X i n h u 1 st R d ., N e i h u D i st .,T a i p e i 1 1 4 , T a iwa n 台 北市內湖區新湖一路 1 2 8 巷 1 5 號 1 樓 A 0 1 6 T 886.2. 2795. 2028 | 8 8 6 .2 .2 7 9 3 .9 2 0 9 F 886.2. 2795. 2050 E Shell ey@stargal l er y.t w W www . stargal l ery. tw

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 S h e lle y W A NG 王 雪沼 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Livio SEGUSO 李維歐 ‧ 瑟古索 | Juan RIPOLLES 皇 ‧ 雷普耶 | Dino ROSIN 迪諾 ‧ 羅辛 Shan-Shan SHENG 盛姍姍 | Dean-E MEI 梅丁衍 | Feng-Zhong BAI 白丰中 Ching-Chung LEE 李重重 | Earth-Stone CHU 周于棟 | I-Shan YU 游依珊 Sylvie Barbier 王希薇 | Sheng-Hung SHIU 許聖泓 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 I - S ha n Y U 游依珊 | Sheng -Hung SHI 許聖泓 | Syl v i e B a r bi e r 王 希 薇 C o nnie W E N 溫 晨暄 | Gl ori a TAO 陶偉平 | The MV C Co l l e cti v e

I - S ha n Y U 游依珊 | Fant asy 2011-17-01 囈想 2011 - 1 7 - 0 1 A c r y lic o il p a int p en on canvas 壓克力、油彩、 墨 | 3 0 x 4 0 cm | 2 0 1 1



The Quan Artists Agency 有寬藝術經紀有限公司 No.252, Shude St., Daya Dist., Taichung City 428, Taiwan 台 中 市 大雅區樹德街 252 號 T 886.4.2568.2728 F 886.4.2568.2728 E q u ana r t@gm a il.com W www.q ua na r t.c om.t w D i r ecto r 負 責 人 Pe te r LIU 劉士楷 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Ya o -C hung LIU 劉耀中 | I-Li n LU 盧依琳

Ya o -C hung LIU 劉耀中 | 再見 壓 克 力 顏料、畫布 | 15 0x150cm | 2011



Triumph Art Space 艺·凯旋艺术空间 A05, 798 Art Zone, No.2, JiuXiangQiao Road, Chao-Yang D is tr ic t, Beij ing, C HINA 中 國 北 京市朝阳区酒仙桥 路 2 号 798 艺术区 2 号院 A-05 T 86. 1 0.5762.3012 F 86. 1 0.5762.3013 E in f o@tr iu mp ha r t.com.cn W www.tr iu mp ha r t. com.cn D i r ecto r 負 責 人 L an-Fa ng LI 李蘭芳 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 F a ng D ING 丁方 | Di fei JIA 贾涤非 | Dehai PAN 潘 德 海 G ang H U AN G 黄钢 | Gang ZHAO 赵刚 | Mi ao LV 吕 淼 Yi S UN 孙轶 | Ka i Z HANG 张凯 | Ti anyi LI 李天易 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Mia o LV 吕淼 | Y i SUN 孙轶 | Kai ZHANG 张凯 | Tianmu ZHANG 张 天幕 Tia ny i LI 李 天易

Mia o LV 吕淼 | 大时代 The Bi g Ti me Laser Cutting on Acrylic Boards & Car Paint 鐳射切割 、汽車烤漆 | 110x110cm | 2011



To Be Art Agency 如是藝創 4F., No.29, Ln. 326, Yongji Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan (R.O.C.) 台 北 市 永 吉路 326 巷 29 號 4 樓 T 886.2.2766.8347 F 886.2.2766.8347 E to b ea r ta genc y @ g mai l .com W www.to b ea r ta gency.bl og spot .com D i r ecto r 負 責 人 Mu r c y J en 簡 潔 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Hsiao-Hua WANG 王曉華 | Evelyn RAN 冉綾珮 | Zan-Lun HUANG 黃贊倫 G y a lten LIU 劉 瑞瑗 | Mi zu LIN 林亮妤 | Aer LU 呂志 文 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Hsiao-Hua WANG 王曉華 | Zan-Lun HUANG 黃贊倫 | Evelyn RAN 冉綾珮 A e r L U 呂志文 | Y u-Li ng LAI 頼 玉玲 | Chi en-Fang H U ANG 黃 建 芳 Mr . R e d 紅膠囊 | E f en LIN 林怡芬

Hsia o -H ua W A NG 王曉華 | Unt ol d A c r y lic c o lo r s o n p aper 壓克力顏料、紙 | 114x14 0 cm | 2 0 1 1


Vanguard Gallery R 2 0 4 , b ldg. 4A, 50 Mog anshan Road , Shang ha i 2 0 0 0 6 0 , CH I NA 中 國 2 0 0060 上海市莫干山路 50 号 4 号楼 A 座 204 T 86. 2 1.5252.2551 | 86.21.6299.3523 F 86. 2 1.5252.2551 E va ngu a r dg@gm ai l .com W www.va ngu a r dgal l ery.com D i r ecto r 負 責 人 L is e L I 李力 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 A ki L UM I 阿 琦路迷 | Yong -Wei CHEN 陈勇 为 | Xi a o - Wu G AO 高 孝 午 Ming - Y a n GAO 高铭研 | Fei LIU 刘 非 | Hyo-Jun NAM 南 孝 俊 Y u ki ON OD E RA 奥诺 黛拉 . 有机 | Wen-Ti ng OU 欧 文 婷 | J i e R ONG 荣 洁 C h a ng SU 苏畅 | Di- Xi n TANG 唐狄鑫 | Xi n WANG 王 欣 J ia ng XIA O 肖江 | Di XU 许敌 | Li ng -Han YE 叶凌瀚 L e - H u a ZH AN G 张乐华 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 F e i L I AO 廖斐 | Fei LIU 刘非 | Chang SU 苏畅 J iang XIAO 肖江 | Li ng -Han YE 叶凌瀚

Ling-Han YE 叶凌瀚 | Horse 马

Watercolor 水彩 | 50x60cm | 2011



Vintage Gallery 維嘉畫廊 I F . , 2 8 5 , Sec . 2, T iding Bl vd ., Nei hu Di st ., Tai pe i 1 1 4 , T a i w a n 內 湖 區 堤 頂大道二段 285 號一樓 T 886.2.8797.5106 F 886.2.8797.5107 E vinta gega ller y .tpe@ g mai l .com

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 E r ic H U AN G 黃 琪晃 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Wo u -K i ZA O 趙無極 | Teh-Chun CHU 朱德群 | Wal a s s e T I NG 丁 雄 泉 Yu X I ONG 熊宇 | Si PENG 彭斯 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 S ar a h T SE 謝敏行 | Li sa SUN 孫立沙 | Xi ao xi ao S U N 孫 小 筱 A n g ie W U 吳亦之 | Mi ng -Tung FENG 馮珉彤 | Jun Ke n Y E H 葉 仁 焜

L is a S UN 孫立沙 | Dr eam Seri es 10 夢系列 10 O il on c a nva s 油 畫畫布 | 107x90cm | 2012


William Art Salon 威廉藝術沙龍 No.356 , Sec. 2, Ti di n g B l v d .,T a i p e i ,T a i w a n 台 北市堤頂大道二段 356 號 T 886.2. 8502. 5570 F 886. 2. 8502. 5571 E william_art88@yah oo.c om .t w W www . wi l l i amartspa c e .c om

D i r ecto r 負 責 人 Willia m C H E N 陳威霖 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 X i D U 杜溪 | Xin CH EN 陳欣 | Si an Hua TAN 談献 華 E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 X i D U 杜溪 | Xin CH EN 陳欣 | Si an Hua TAN 談献 華

L in g ZH ON G 鍾凌 | Ni g ht Ceremony 夜饗 A c r y lic o n c a nva s 壓克力畫布 | 70x70cm | 201 2



Yumiko Chiba Associates Viewing Room Shinjuku 4 - 32 - 6 #206, Park Grace Shinjuku building, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo. Japan 160–0023 T 81. 3 .6276.6731 F 81. 3 .6276.6738 E inf o@y c a sso c ia tes.co.jp | chi ba@ ycassoci a te s . co . jp W www.y c a sso c ia tes.co.jp

D i r ecto r 負責人 Yumiko CHIBA 千葉由美子 Rep r e s ented A r ti s t s 代 理 藝 術 家 Jiro TAKAMATSU 高松次郎 | Takuma UEMATSU 植松琢麿 | Shinji OGAWA 小川信治 Ryudai TAKANO 鷹野隆大 | Makiko TANAKA 田中麻記子 | Motohiro TOMII 冨井大裕 Hiroko NAKAO 中尾ひろ子 | Taishi NIIMI 新美泰史 | Yuichi HIGASHIONNA 東恩納裕一 C hik ak o Y A M A SH IRO 山城知佳子 | Ai ran KANG E x hi b iting A r ti s t s 展 出 藝 術 家 Ta k u ma U E M A T SU 植松琢麿 | Makiko TANAKA 田中麻記子

Ta k u ma U E M A T SU 植松琢麿 | ceremony-g azel l e 亚 lam d a p r int | 59.4x20cm | 2004



2012 年 特別邀請展覽 Special Invited Exhibition




YAT12年度主題巡展活動 「失控的年代」國際年輕藝術家群展

YOUNG ART TAIPEI台北國際當代藝術博覽會在今年2012年特別舉辦”年度主題巡展活動”, 策畫一場國際年輕藝術家的群展,並以「失控的年代」為主題來反映當代社會的失衡狀態。此展 覽將包括有中國、日本、韓國、烏克蘭、澳洲、台灣等國,多達31位國際藝術家的作品,於博覽 會前在台南德鴻畫廊展出。我們希望藉由此國際年輕藝術家的群展,從不同國家但相同世代的藝 術家眼中看到相似卻又相異之處。透過展覽,藝術家們邀請大家關注於現下美好日子背後失控的 生活情狀,並喚起觀者對於自身生活環境的重視與思考。 <策展概述> 一種美好日子背後的失控生活情狀。 當我們以高度現代性中的知識與技術文明為籌碼,跨著無比自信的大步伐邁進21世紀,享受全球 化擴張之下帶來的更安全與富有成就的生活之際,同時要面對的,則是隱藏在共創美好生活圈背 後的風險與危機。 在現代生活下,人類原本期望以知識與科技走入一個有秩序、易控制的太平世界,但是世界卻在 我們對於現代性的追求下,另外發展出其它人為形式的新風險和各種不確定性,這些風險導向了 一種失衡、失控的生活狀態。如同紀登斯(Anthony Giddens, 1938-)所言:「這個世界不但 沒有愈來愈受我們所控制,反倒是失去控制------ 一個失去控制的世界。」 這些失控隱藏在人類為了追求美好穩定的現代生活,對於足以在未來牽動自然與人文的忽略或漠 視,或者掩埋在資本主義及全球化支配下的假象與謊言中。從新自由主義下對於勞動失控、異質 文化受到帝國文化的壟斷、貧富差距的懸殊、末日災難與生態能源的危機恐慌,各種風險與不確 定隨著全球化而迸發,愈來愈多的現象告訴我們科技與文明的進步並沒有相對地替我們帶來更可 預測以及更具確定的生活,反之,不論居住何處也不論貧富,每個人皆暴露在充滿變數且難以應 變的新風險中。 這樣的失控局面同樣是居住於台灣的我們所面臨的處境,因此,透過此展中作品對於各種議題的 關注,喚起我們對於自身生存環境的重視,並試圖對於失控的生活情狀拋出更廣泛且細微的思考。


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YAT 12 YEARLY TOUR PROJECT 「THE AGE OF UNREST」The International Young Artists Group Exhibition

This year’s YOUNG ART TAIPEI 2012 sets a special event “The Yearly Tour Project,” which invites international young artists to the exhibition “The Age of Unrest” to share the different point of views from different countries. The audiences may also find the similar emotion from these artworks created by the young artists from the same generation. This time, we invite 31 international artists who come from Australia, China, Korea, Ukraine, and Taiwan. This exhibition will be presented in Tainan Der-Hong Gallery, providing an early viewing of the artworks for the collectors before the art fair starts in Taipei. Through the exhibition, the artists invite the audiences to pay attention to the chaotic life behind the good days and to reinterpret the way and the environment we dwell in. < Curatorial Statement> In our beautiful life, there is an out-of-control living style. With the help of the knowledge and the technological civilization provided in a highly modernized world, we confidently head into the 21st Century. While we enjoy a life with more safety and better accomplishment, we still need to face the risk and crisis which are hidden within the shared expectation to create a beautiful life. Living in a modern society, human beings used to expect that knowledge and technology will lead us into a peaceful world of order which we can easily manipulate. However, throughout the process of modernization, the world has developed other man-made risks and uncertainty. Such risks lead to an unbalanced living style of disorder, as Anthony Giddens (1938-)describes it that “this world is not under our control step by step. Instead, we lose our control over it – it is a world out of control.” These disorders are either covered within human beings’ pursuit of a beautiful, stable, and modern life, or buried under the illusion and deception of a globalized capitalism. Those which might influence the nature or the humanity of the future world are thus ignored. The risks and uncertainties – such as the exploitation of neoliberalism, the weak cultures manipulated by new imperialism, the growing poverty gap, the end-of-the-world disasters, and the energy crisis – are revealed through globalization. More and more signs have told us that neither technology nor civilization can offer us a life of predictability or certainty. Instead, no matter where to live, poor or wealthy, each of us is exposed into a new risk which is too ephemeral to deal with.


「失控的年代」國際年輕藝術家群展 Kento HIGASHINO 東野研斗

東野研斗的作品是用日本傳統繪畫中採用的水墨與礦彩來繪製,同時將傳統水墨與日本畫的技法施於其創作上。然而,他 的主題卻是受到日本當代動漫的影響。其作品的獨特性為使用不同角度與觀點於作品平面上,透過此觀者可以真正感受到 作品中角色的動態感,其獨特的識別度遠超越了日本次文化和傳統藝術 Kento Higashino’s artworks are painted by sumi ink and colored by mineral pigment which has been used for traditional Japanese paintings. The technique he uses also comes from traditional sumi painting or Japanese paintings. However, his motifs are much influenced by Japanese contemporary manga or animation. The unique aspects of his artworks are several view points and perspective is being used in his paintings. The viewer can really feel the movements of his characters. His works are distinctive ,surpassing both Japanese subcultures and traditional art. Mantle Rise Sumi ink, mineral pigment on Japanese washipaper 35x64cm 2012 AMIC / Spectrum gallery (Osaka)

Kentaro MATSUKUMA 松隈健太朗

“眾神”是日本古代的精神文化的概念。它是一種原始的萬物有靈論的思維方式,一個植根於所有事物的信仰。從根本情 感上對宇宙中生命的神祕根源之奧秘,去了解這自然形成的意識和認識,這是對更接近宇宙世界生命的感覺。松偎希望將 日本人傳統精神文化的概念,透過其木頭媒材來傳達我們是宇宙的一部分,就能夠尊重宇宙中的一切事物。因此在現代它 他本能地選擇為樹木為創作媒材,希望透過它轉達日本人在傳統精神上所繼承的文化萬物有靈論(精靈崇拜),如同宮崎駿動 漫中的千尋角色,或是喜多郎的卡通怪物形象的代表。

From ancient times, Japanese believe that the god dwells in everything, even in the stone on the street. We used to refer to this culture as kami “myriads of gods”. This thought comes from “animism” which is one of primitive believe in worldwide; and it respects all things in the universe such as nature, the earth, and mystery of life because we understand that we are part of the universe. The painter wants to give a shape to those feelings as living creature, and hope to let viewer understand reality of Japanese through his works. He chooses wood for main material of his works because the wood is also one creature and it has life. He tries to put the concept of feeling our roots strongly when we have tried to harmonize and kept the balance of our existence in the universe. In addition, contemporary ghost story comics of Shigeru MIZUKI and Animations of Studio Glibly“Spirited Away”and“Princess Mononoke”have basis of animism. Anima standing on tiptoe evergreen oak, elm, copper, brass ,50×18×17cm ,2011 Gallery-UG (Japan)

KOO Egene

藉由她故事裡反映的原形故事,她的作品幫助過去與現代在此刻相遇,並使畫家與觀者藉由畫布溝通。人類的歷史一直都是 將過去的圖像重新轉化,並放入每個時代的脈絡,例如過去的傳奇與信仰都是一種圖像的轉化。因為藝術家的作品來自於童 年的記憶,這也邀請著觀眾一同想起她們自己的童年,使得畫家的畫布與觀者的記憶共通。通過在她的畫布,我們共同生活 的敘事者的心理標誌。在這個脈絡下,我們不只可以詮釋與我們生活連接共通的文化故事,藝術家也將畫的本身加入了心裡 的經驗,這個經驗是存在我們每個人童年裡的記憶。 Due to the motivation of her works based on the protocol stories, her works help the past and the present meet and help the artist and viewers communicate on canvas. Since humankind began, like archetype, the original motif has been re-utilized in the context of each era as a legend or a religious phrase that reflects true relationship between both humankind and its contemporary stage. Because the artist’s works come from the memory of her childhood, they also remind viewers to think of their childhood, for the archetype the artist brought to her canvas is common to everyone. Through those psychological emblems in her canvas, a narration of our common life. In this context, we would not only attempt to interpret the common and cultural stories that have connected with the life of the artist but also confront the psychological experience of the enclosed childhood in our own memory. Surviving on Island 1 Oil on canvas, 116.7x80.3cm, 2010 Kemsan Gallery (Seoul, Heyri, Tokyo)

Kohei KAWASAKI 川崎広平

川崎広平出生於1972年東京,並且在東京多摩美術大學雕塑藝術系獲得碩士學位。他非常熱衷於創造結構系統性的科學生 物。他在作品創作有著獨特概念: 在構圖時並不製作任何完整的草稿。他試圖透過壓克力製作鏈結的創作過程中找到美感的 呈現,並於其中發現意義。他偶爾也用電子物件來創作作品。其作品使人著迷並感受作品傳遞出的平靜感,使觀者透過欣 賞作品的美麗形式進入冥想的世界。 Kohei KAWASAKI was born in 1972, in Tokyo. He finished his master program in Fine Art sculpture course at Tama Art University in Tokyo. He has unique concept of his artistic creation process, and he is interested in creating the structural and systematic science of the creature. He does not make any draft before the creation; rather, he tries to figure out the beautiful form through the process of creating chains by acrylic material, and searching for the meaning at the same time. Sometimes, he uses electronic materials for his artworks. His works transmit a tranquil feeling to the audiences and fascinate them with the simply beautiful form, and the audience could easily slip into the meditation status when seeing this work. Untitled 無題 Acrylic,Oil,LED, 26×60×45cm, 2010 Gallery YUKI-SIS (Tokyo)

Tomohiro TAKAGI 高木智廣

高木智廣所建構超現實主義的世界,不但以深思熟慮的佈局以及精密細微的描繪,同時也承襲了歐洲現代繪畫傳統,來呈現一 個鮮活逼真的世界。<金閣人回遊式庭園>中其以描繪末世景像的方式,提出關於人類與動物之界線為何的哲學性問題。也藉 此表達了他對許多已絕種物種的弔念和同理心。在人類已犯下這些罪行時,高木試著以一個帶著苦樂參半幽默的末世景像, 提醒著我們回頭看看自己現居的世界,高木智廣繪畫中的魅力是來自以獨特主題,高超技藝,和哲學思辨所構成的罕見混合。

The surrealistic world constructed by Tomohiro Takagi is famous for its well-organized composition and the delicately-made depiction. Inheriting the tradition of European modern painting, Takagi demonstrates a world which seems so real. In the work Kinkakuman, the end-of-the-world scene offers a philosophical question about what make human beings different from animals. The artist further expresses his sympathy for the extinct species. Depicting a half-painful-half-joyful world which comes to its end because of the crime human beings have committed, Takagi attempts to invite viewers to reexamine the world we are living in. The charm of Takagi’s paintings comes from the unique theme, the skillful technique, and the philosophical speculation. 金閣人 回遊式庭園 oil on canvas, 130x90cm, 2010 Elsa Art Center (Taipei)


「THE AGE OF UNREST」 The International Young Artists Group Exhibition YU I-Shan 游依珊

游依珊在創作上,選擇了中國水墨常發揮的主題如花卉、山水,作為繪畫上該有的「空間」以及個人所強調「氛圍」 的可能理念藍本,企圖將東方美學重構成為具有時代氛圍的當代語境。其創作過程是將以塗繪與後塗繪將作品本身之 存有方式的建構解析。並將各種熟悉、陌生似曾相似的感覺攪和在一起,再經由繪畫再次反覆轉化而成,在這種游移 之間所產生的感官經驗也更加豐富開闊。將當代生活的影像經驗和網路經驗,跳越影響處理繪畫的視覺時間感和感性 分佈。其畫面表現出她的想像、思維、感性經驗,將其打散並透過不同觀眾之間的交叉閱讀的重新編譯。

Fantasy 2011-17 囈想2011-17 acrylic, oil paiting, ink on canvas, 30x40cm, 2011 Star Art Gallery (Taipei)

Yu I-Shan’s artistic practice features the themes which have been greatly used in traditional Chinese ink-wash painting. Through these elements such as flower or landscape, the artist demonstrates the ideas about the “space” or the “atmosphere” in the paintings, and attempts to reconstruct the Asian aesthetics into the contemporary scenery. Through the skill of the painterly and the post-painterly, Yu deconstructs the pre-existing composition of the artworks. She further transforms various emotions blended within – the familiar and the unfamiliar – in the paintings, opening up a new page for the perceptive experience of mobility. Connecting the visual experience and the Internet experience, the artist reconstructs the sense of time and the visual perception of the paintings, which represent her imagination, emotional experience, and speculation. The scattered elements are thus rearranged through the intertextuality among different viewers.

BAEK Jong-Hoon 白宗勳 在韓國1980年出生的白宗勳,自10年起便開始舉辦個展,11年拿到美術碩士學位後,以新人之姿以繪畫描寫它的 哲學觀。以童趣的孩童與動物的形象,透過對比趣味的畫面來敘述人生中的矛盾。在這幅畫中,其描寫人們相信 生命的方向是倚賴它們所做出的重大決定。然而,生命恐怕並沒有我們可以決定的事。無論起初人們如何希望他 們的生活如何開始,生活還是會一直持續下去。其中即使是孩子, 斑馬或是熊貓都看向各自歧異的方向,但在物理 上他們皆在安置於同一個運輸的方向。人們也可能是其中的一個或全體的角色,但無論他們選擇成為何者,仍然 被導向同一個方向。

Family 家族 Oil on canvas, 72.7x60.6cm, 2012 Art Brunch (Shanghai)

BEAK Jong-Hoon was born in 1980, in S.Korea, and started his solo exhibition from 2010. After he get his MA degree in 2011, he contined to paint by his unique philosophy. Lots of figures of child and animal are composing at his painting series, and try to tell about the ambiguity of life by the abstract and funny background. People believe that they make important decisions that lead their lives to continue. However, there might have been nothing to decide about. Life will continue anyway, no matter what people decide just like the way life began at the beginning of their lives. Inside, even though a child, a zebra and a panda are looking at different directions, all of them are physically being transported to a same direction. People could be one of those characters or could be all of them but no matter whom they chose to be, people will head to the same direction.

Natasha Perekhodenko 娜塔莎‧別列克霍琴柯

烏克蘭年輕的女畫家娜塔莎創作的油畫《漫長的歷程》給我們帶來一種全新的夢幻般的感覺,清新、純淨而透明。 同時她也採用了典型當代繪畫理性抽象的手法,與象徵抒情的手法來抒發自己的感受,看得出來她具有很純熟的繪 畫技巧,其造型既帶裝飾風格但又有強烈的繪畫感,平面又不失厚實,單純又含複雜的變化。主題看似直接但內涵 極深,屬於其特有的歐洲純真的人文特色,耐人尋味,真誠地呈現出她心中的克里米亞半島寶石般的璀璨陽光,大 海和山石,為觀眾唱出了一首委婉動人的童話詩歌。

Long Voyage 漫長的歷程 Oil on canvas, 77X100cm, 2011 Han Art Agency (Taipei)

The young female painter from Ukraine, Natasha, created this oil painting 《Long Voyage》, which brings us a brand new dreamy feeling; it is fresh, pure, and transparent. Also, she use the classic technique of modern painting, rational abstraction, and the method which symbolizes sentiment to express her own feelings. It can be found from here that her painting techniques are very skillful; its shape is not only in decorating style but also features a very strong sense of painting. It is planar, however does not lose its thickness. It is simple, however contains complicated variations. The theme looks as if it is straight and simple, however in fact deep. It shows the painter’s pure unique European cultural characteristics, which is very interesting. Moreover, it also represents the bright sunshine, the ocean and the mountains of Crimea Peninsula in her heart; it is as if it’s singing a beautiful poetic fairy song for the audience.

Pamela HEVIA 芭梅拉‧埃米亞

芭梅拉‧埃米亞(Pamela Hevia) 以獨特的布面版畫為創作方式,並且每件作品僅以單版的呈現而不另復刷;另為克服 版畫作品在尺幅限制的操作問題,她將畫面拆解成近A4大小的塊面,分別印製後再縫組成完整的畫面。2011年埃 米亞使用了帶有濃厚東方元素的中國錦緞,以往令人聯想起旗袍、唐裝等印象的亮面錦緞,在她手中有了另一種現 代新解讀,這系列以「森林」為意象出發,「森林」可能是工作、感情等任何事物的隱喻,在找尋的過程中充滿各 種通往未來的可能性。埃米亞的作品裡帶有一種溫柔的敘述聲調,從細節中展現其對材質、技巧的純熟,也從畫面 裡激盪出觀者豐沛的想像力。

Putting-down-roots 落地生根 Woodcut on Chinese brocade (edition1-1), 90x72cm, 2011 Show Gallery (Kaohsiung)

Pamela Hevia is famous for her unique engraving print on cloth. Each of her works has only one edition without being reproduced. In order to overcome the size limitation of engrave works, she divides the image into several pieces of the A4 size. After printing the images on these pieces, she weaves them together as a complete work. In the year of 2011, Hevia has used Chinese brocade, a symbol of Asian culture which often reminds us of cheongsam or Tang suit, to create a new artistic vocabulary of contemporaneity. The exhibited series feature the image of the forest, which can be regarded as the metaphor of job or relationship. Throughout the journey, the artist has searched for different possibilities toward the future. Viewers might notice the gentle tone in Hevia’s works, which reveal the artist’s skill to deal with the textures and offers a world of imagination.

KIM So-Hee 金昭希

金昭希, 一位年輕的女性藝術家, 選擇了以現代社會作為其畫作的主題,當其他年輕女畫家通常以自身角色反映來作 為創作題材時。同時,她的作品有著諷刺性描述手法,希望引起人們去反思現在社會的現狀。在”我的寵物”系 列中,人類和動物被放置在對立相反的位置,就像在畫面中人類正在被一隻狗清洗。

While most of other female young artists use themselves as the topic of their creation of art to reflect their ideas, KIM So-Hee chooses the topic that we might encounter when living in the modern society as her topic of artistic creation. Also, her works with ironic styles invite audiences’ consideration of our society. In the series of “MY PET”, human being and animal is put in the opposite position. We can notice that human is being washing by a dog in the painting.

My pet 3 Acrylic on canvas, 27x22cm, 2012 GALLERY TSUBAKI (Tokyo)


「失控的年代」國際年輕藝術家群展 TANG Xiao-Wen 唐潇雯

Somewhere In Time No.6 《片段》之六 Ink on silk, Φ34cm, 2010 Stage Back (Shanghai)

北京的畫家唐瀟雯出生於1985年,以傳統工筆技術來呈現她優美的懷舊作品。“工筆”是一種在2000年前所發展 出的傳統的水墨絹本技法,它在過去的中國美術史上也不斷的重覆出現。而畫布則是經過膠水和明礬處理的日本 製絲綢。這些塗料需要以油墨順暢的筆法與細膩的畫筆來繪出精細的線條,一片100x80公分的畫面便可能需要繪 製約莫10天。這種舊式家庭照盛行的時代,瀟雯還尚未出生,但卻能不藉任何參考便徒手繪出。這位年輕女士的 作品能如此感動人心,便是結合這種傳統技術和懷舊主題的呈現。 The Beijing based painter, Tang Xiaowen (born 1985), uses traditional Gong Bi technique for her beautiful nostalgic works. Gong Bi is a ink on silk technique that was developed 2000 years ago. Since those ancient times it appears all over the history of chinese art. The canvas is a glue and alum treated silk that is made in Japan. This coating provides the ink from “running” and makes precise lines, drawn with delicate brushes, possible. Patiently Ms. Tang works about 10 days on a 100 cm x 80 cm piece. Old family photographs of periods Ms. Tang wasn’t even born yet ser¬ve as a pattern that she draws free handed. This combination of the traditional technique and the nostalgic subjects of gone by times make the art of this young woman so touching.

YE Ling-Han 葉凌瀚

Horse 馬 Watercolor, 50×60cm, 2011 Vanguard Gallery (Shanghai)

葉淩瀚的作品則一直與過去,或者說歷史有千絲萬縷的聯繫。他採用有別於其他人的角度去記錄和想像歷史:消 失的存在。 對有形的和無形的消失的發掘和記錄讓葉淩瀚的作品透露出神秘的氣息。早期的作品中他還試圖將大 時代的背景加入作品中,用工業化的進程來襯托消失的事實;但是新的作品中他更加徹底的拋棄了那些貌似安全 的背景,而是直截了當地去關注那些消失的事物,而這種直接面對的態度反而讓隱藏起來的背景更加凸顯出來。 這次展覽中葉淩瀚將各個時期的動畫相關的繪畫以及獨立的繪畫一起展出,他力圖打亂某些已經建立起來的邏輯, 在這種最原始的狀態中需求更大的可能性。 In Ye Linghan’s pieces you may always find links to the past or the history. His way of recording and imagining history is different from others, which is about the disappearing existence. It gives his piece a taste of mystery by discovering and recording the disappearing of both tangible and intangible. While in his early pieces he was still trying to add the background of the time by which the fact of things being disappeared were set off by the process of industrialization, he chooses to give up all the “safe” background in the new piece and focuses on things disappeared, in which the direct confrontation distinguishes the hidden background. In this exhibition Ye would present us the paintings related to his animation during all his creative periods and also the independent works, by which he attempts to twist his past mindset so that a bigger possibility can be achieved in the most primitive state.

Takeshi MITA 三田健志

Scanning has (11-003) lambda print, 32x32cm, 2011 H-art-Beat (Tokyo)

出生於1979年的Takeshi Mita從他青少年時期開始,便已經開始收集影像來記錄日常生活。他在旅行中以非特定 主題拍下的相片,以及從平面收集的影像,例如從電視螢幕或是輸出相紙的方式,並以細微敏感的天性將所有信 息組合在影像中呈現出來。他所選擇的影像總是曖昧模糊,並無強烈的力度,但透過其他的影像合成或遮罩而得 到更高一層的深度。在觀看他的作品時,背景在模糊空間中成為重點,他希望透過這種方式,讓觀者以他人視角 來看到作品中的非真實空間,而非真實可接觸存的空間。 Takeshi Mita was born in Japan in 1979. Since he was teens, he has started to collect image instead of daily diary. There is no motif or specific theme on his photo during travel, and composed all information which appeared on two-dimensional sight, for example from TV or printed photos by his sensitivity nature. The images he chose don’t have the strength themselves, and always vague and be completed or deleted by other images. And then they get their profundity. When viewing his works, background exists as the focus on the vague space. And he hope to make viewers to see the space which is always beside the site but untouchable through somebody’s eyes.

Jess MacNeil 傑斯麥克尼爾的作品介於繪畫、裝置、錄像和攝影之間,經常以人類和環境之間的變化關係為作品主題。她的作品將複 雜的先驗條件和我們遭遇的微妙反應列入創作因素,全神貫注於人類在時光與場域中穿越後揮之不去的痕跡。她的繪畫 和錄像作品探索著那些無形或有形影響,並探討這些力量如何支配我們對世界的認知。作品表現出藝術家個人主觀對於 環境與人類關係互動的詮釋。麥克尼爾曾參加國際無數個展及聯展,且她的作品也被雪梨澳大利亞藝術理事會、雪黎歌 劇院,以及許多澳洲和國際機構所收藏。 The Shape of Between f 09729 unique state digital print ,44 x 72cm, 2006-07 Gallery Barry Keldoulis (Sydney)

Jess MacNeil works at the points of intersection between painting, installation, video and photography, often taking as her subject matter the dynamics of the human/environment relationship. Preoccupied with the lingering traces of human passage through time and particular places, MacNeil’s works invite consideration of the complex pre-conditions and subtle repercussions of our encounters. Her paintings and video works explore the visible and invisible influences that govern the way we perceive and inhabit the world, presenting an emphatically subjective visual translation of the amorphous ‘shape’ of our relationship to our surroundings and to one another. MacNeil has participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions internationally. Also, her work is held in public collections including the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, the Australia Council for the Arts, and the collection of the Sydney Opera House, as well as numerous Australian and international private collections.

Mitsuko NAGONE 名古根美津子

I am more than my face #37 pigment ink print, 80x80cm, 2011 B GALLERY (Tokyo)


美津子的作品總會在柔和的色系裡注入搞怪元素,畫面卻很協調,形成獨樹一幟的風格,引領風騷。 她的主題充滿 衝擊性,當超現實世界存在與否的議題依舊轟動之時,沒有人能明確地解釋,這詼諧地帶動起觀賞者並一同探索其 神祕面紗。名古根美津子相信。她認為有些時候雖然我們知道的少,卻往往可從面對面的接觸中,獲得相當正確的 判斷。為了強調自己的觀點,Nagone提供她的作品,好讓我們擺脫以往對第一印象的看法。試問,如果你能逃脫現 實、隱藏容貌並脫胎換骨,你會想成為誰呢?那麼你在與路人匆匆一瞥的過程中,又會如何展現自己呢? With a whimsical air of soft colors, balance and sometimes funky fashion, she constructs a new space for these identities to live in. Her subjects strike me as surreal still lives caught in a moment that elude practical explanation but that seem to playfully ask the viewer to uncover the mystery of who they are. Mitsuko Nagone believes that, in some ways we know less, that the act of appraisal has the very real effect of limiting the meaning of the face to face inter-action. To emphasize this point, Nagone gives us her work free from the history that we would normally read into one’s face. As if to ask, if you could step out of reality and hide your face, to be someone new, who would you be? And how would you show that to passersby in that single glance?

「THE AGE OF UNREST」 The International Young Artists Group Exhibition LO Chih-Hao 駱志豪

Prosperity 繁榮 ink on paper, 70x74cm, 2012 Lee Gallery (Taipei)

駱志豪(LO Chih-Hao)將人文寄託在綿密的毛狀筆觸,組織成球狀或坡狀,形同生活的這個世界,人們聚集著構築 了表面空間,和其他物質還有生命共同存在,其中魚在作品中是和人共存的生物代表,活在充斥著人和水的環境 中,人同樣需要魚的養分,在現實面和精神面貢獻了生存下去的豐富性;水的動和靜控制畫面的活躍,也是人和畫 面中的魚共同需要的元素,人因水而聚,魚因水而活,呈現的就是共生互相依賴的環境,從這麼多的人佔聚的空間 裡,是否可同畫中成為一片和諧的土地。 In Lo Chih-Hao’s artworks, the implicit message of humanity is hidden within the detailed fur-like strokes, either in the ball-shape or in the hill-shape – to represent the world inhabited by humans. Human beings construct their ways of living in the surface, while coexisting with other materials or creatures. Fish, in the works, thus becomes the representative creature who co-exists with human beings. Living in an environment which is filled with humans and water, the nutrition – as the realistic and the spiritual life support – feeds both human and fish. As needed by human and fish, either the tranquility or the mobility of water controls the energy of the image. Water makes people gather together while it also provides what fish needs to survive. It helps create an environment of co-existence. Living in a crowded space, can we really establish a land of peace just like the painting?

CHEN Liu 陳流

從陳流的繪畫作品中,可以看到他的繪畫趣味之新和語言融合之趣,也是屬於今天的新繪畫範疇之內。他的這一 系列繪畫都與戰爭、兵器、車輛、作戰有關。俗言道,兵者乃國之利器,但在陳流的繪畫裡這一箴言變成了草木 皆兵的兵,將壯觀、肅殺的現代武器與裝備都給戲擬化了,讓人面對時頓感幽默、輕鬆,哂然一笑。 Chen Liu’s paintings integrate this new and interesting language that can also be fun to talk about because they reflect a prominent theme and style in contemporary art today. This group of paintings is related to war, weapons, vehicles and combat-related subjects. In history, soldiers have always been a state weapon, but in Chen’s paintings they panic and take the form of grass and wood as a kind of camouflage, in an into something comical, allowing the audience to relax and analyze these pictures with humor.

Portrait 像 Oil on canvas, 80×80cm, 2009 Linda Gallery (Singapore, Jakarta,Beijing)

KHUANG Zan-Lun 黃贊倫

A020 feathers, machine elements, 70x70x50cm, 2008 To Be Art Agency(Taipei)

當造人造物成為一種微觀的基因複製學,當生化科學前進成為一種旁觀他人存在的幾何學,我們所綁縛宣稱的人 性成本卻已悄悄地隱匿於數據與科技的輕盈流竄間。不具任何重量的存在著,過程與實存彼此化約,若即若離。 黃贊倫的作品以一種低調的口吻,不激烈陳述什麼,表面皮質下的記憶輕聲低語宣示訴說著自己曾經飛翔的本質, 或人型一再替換更新,以模擬人類對完美不朽或拒或迎的消費性意志,究竟是什麼東西被續活了下來?而人類的自 觀,始終缺席。人類再也無語回應。最終,隱匿於數位與科技背後的潛在人性逐漸消逝了。 Nowadays, The Creation has drifted away into genetic profiles, biochemical evolution left the human beings existence alone. What we are proud of as living like a man has slipped away and hide behind the high speed of techno structure and Data pool. Without any reality, who we are and how we live break into pieces, become hollow and weightless, and then vanish. With no introspect of what have we done, we stay alive but not living a life. Pass actual experiences, real touches and irreplaceable moments by. The natures underneath became nothing but a display. Displays on the shows, we leave them aside and eventually erased them from our memories. In the end, nothing remains, only silence, absence and stateless.

Ryota NISHIOKA 西岡良太

西岡良太出生於1980年日本,在2004年畢業高知大學人文學院國際社會交流系後,便開始展開了在各個畫 廊的個展,同時還有著逾20多次的群展經驗與多個獎項。他以空氣噴槍繪製出幻想中的建築,它的設計從 實際建築的建構角度來看,有著令人難以置信的精密細節。此外,在它的作品中的光影組成更是令人讚嘆。 RYOTA NISHIOKA was born in Japan in 1980, and graduated from Kochi University, The International Communication Department. He started his solo exhibition in different galleries, and over 20 group exhibition and several award from 2004 till today.He draws imaginary buildings with an airbrush. Because his designs are made from the perspective of actually constructing the buildings, they are unbelievably detailed. Moreover, the composition of light and shadow in his works is breathtaking. 不可侵領域の来訪者達Ⅱ Acrylic on paper mounted on panel, 51.5x36.4cm, 2011 BUNKYO ART | FUMA Contemporary Tokyo (Tokyo)

Meimu SAKURABA 櫻庭芽生夢

出生於1982年的櫻庭芽生夢,在08年畢業於東京藝術大學視覺設計系後,以迷濛但吸引的意境吸引了觀者 的目光。此幅作品呈現了雪融時逐漸可以開始看到地面。搖曳生長的草原賜與了生命的能量。在這張照片中 以雪花和草景所描繪的是生命的能量。 1982 born in Chiba, Japan. Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts in 2008, the Department of Graphic Design. The artwork expresses the the hidden ground is appearing to people when the snow starts to melt away. The vividness of the growing grass shows the power of life. Depicted in this photograph is the power of birth represented by snow and grass. The Melting Snow works no.01 雪融 Ink jet print on glossy paper, 21×29.7cm, 2011 B-gallery(Tokyo)


「失控的年代」國際年輕藝術家群展 SHIN Yung-Chung

“日常體制”系列是延續”示範生活”系列的概念所延伸出來的作品主軸,繼續以一種平淡的生活瑣碎作為基 礎所發展出對生活的各項觀察,被當作是自身生活經驗所作出的一項宣言。無論生活所面臨的一切是否愉悅, 它們都持續在發生。甚至對陌生人的觀察都當作是一個現實裡的生活現象而被紀錄著,以一種荒謬的方式持續 紀錄著這些生活百態。而這些荒謬,到最後當作一個逃避現實的一個出口,變得非常理所當然了。

日常體制.T 下課後的尖峰時間 acrylic on canvas, 116.5x90.5cm, PiaoPaio Gallery(Taipei)

Following the artistic concept in the series “An Exemplary Life”, Shin Yung Chung further develops “The System of Everyday Life,” featuring the insipid daily triviality which encourages the artist to make observation on his surroundings. Inspired by his life experience, Shin has made a manifest that no matter it is delightful or not, our life still moves on. Even the observation on a stranger has been documented, in the absurdist way, as a phenomenon of the real life. Such an absurdity ultimately becomes a justified exit, helping us to escape from the reality.


傳統藝術出生,2005年開始以”BOUNCE”之名遊走街頭。BOUNCE創造了一隻屬於他的兔子,代表他的角 色。並且用塗鴉在這個城市裡說故事,傳達他對這城市社會的觀點,更讓城市添加了點生命、趣味性。除了塗 鴉創作外.也參與不少部電影與廣告、音樂錄影帶的分鏡腳本繪製、美術製作,同時也擔任過許多國內外品牌的 圖像設計師、代言藝術家等…。而此件展出作品以多個畫布組成,以多元豐富跳動的色彩,來呈現網路世界中 的多元的拼構。其間充斥著虛與實、批鬥與審判、失控、荒謬、正義、暴力、脆弱、謊言、無隱私、慾望、情 色、開放的一個追求無限完美與現實交錯的一個世界。

Perfect World ? Acrylic on canvas, 128.5x121.5cm, 2011 Der-Horng Art Gallery (Tainan)

Trained with the traditional art practice, the street artist has started using this name BOUNCE to make graffiti art since 2005. He creates a bunny which represents himself, through which he tells the stories across the city. His graffiti artworks not only demonstrate the artist’s perception of the city/society, but also revitalize the city with humor and energy. Not limiting himself to graffiti art, BOUNCE has participated in numerous projects such as films productions, TV commercials, the Storyboard and the art direction for music videos, while he has also worked for several famous brands – domestic or overseas –as image designer or collaborative artist. The exhibited work is constituted by several canvases. The bright and vivid colors help represent the collage of multiplicity in the Internet world – a world of falseness, truth, trial, judgment, absurdity, righteousness, violence, fragility, lies, desire, sexuality, openness, the lack of privacy, and many other elements which stay between the pursuit of perfection and the reality.

HUS Chih-Wei 許智瑋

家中經營模型店的成長背景,讓自小熱愛漫畫的許智瑋,以動漫角色作為創作主體。其結合酷愛的手繪質感和日 本機械人模型,滿足的是創作者對於漫動畫角色的認同和想像。其作品也由文建會青年藝術家作品典藏計畫與 台北市立美術館典藏。<天使的遊戲>中他嘗試將當代動漫圖像工業的元素賦予更深一層的寓意,藉由將圖像置 入一個象徵的遊戲情境中,轉譯再製古典宗教的文本,突顯出圖符(ICON)其認同與價值投射等本質的矛盾性。 並以主角與場景之間的落差進行語言的辯證,以此另類的並置結合,重新詮釋遠古的信仰傳說,轉譯形塑新世 紀的流行聖像。

Angel’s game

天使的遊戲 oil on canvas, 91x72.5cm, 2011 LIPEN Art Galerie (Taipei)

Hsu Chih-Wei has grown up in a family running the business of a model shop. Unsurprisingly, comic book has become a part of him since his childhood. Therefore, the cartoon/comic characters become the re-occurring theme in his artistic practice. Featuring the hand-made quality (Hsu’s favorite technique) and the models of the Japanese robots, Hsu’s artworks realize the artist’s imagination and the identification about these characters. His works have been included in the collection of Taipei Fine Arts Museum. In the work “The Angels’ Game,” he attempts to redefine the symbolization of the icons he has borrowed from the contemporary comic-animation industry. Placing these icons in a game-like symbolic situation, Hsu reinterprets the religious classics while pointing out the essential contradiction between the identification of the icons and the values reflected through them. The gap between the characters and the scene they are placed within creates a dialectical discussion. Through such an unusual juxtaposition, Hsu transforms the religious legends of the ancient time and canonizes the popular icons of the epoch.

Yuko FUKASE 深瀨優子

Shoes-shop-cat run on midnight mixed media on board, 53.3×45.8cm, 2011 Span Art Gallery (Tokyo)

深瀨優子認為畫作反映了她的思考方式,她藉由在框架中重複塗上油畫顏料來適應畫框,以形成我們所認的形 象。畫家習慣使用綜合媒材創作,這項作品也是使用綜合媒材。她的畫作就像是她所撰寫的故事。這篇畫作是 敘述一個夜半由貓經營的鞋子店,反覆無常的鞋店是由一隻貓在午夜開張,只要客戶能將鞋子穿上,貓就能接 受此雙鞋子的訂購,並且貓也只接受訂購,女孩將擁有全世界僅此一雙由貓製作的鞋子。如果你某一天在半夜 發現一家由貓經營的鞋店,請一定要進去,你可能剛好遇到一雙只屬於你的鞋子,以及一場精采奇幻的故事。 Yuko Fukase stated that the way she see the world is presented in this framework which she recoat it by oil pigments and fit it to our traditional image. She works with mixed media, so does this work represented. Her artworks are stories composed by her own imagination. This work presents a fable story of cats at shoes shop. The capricious shoes shop opens by cat in the midnight. The shoes are easy to put on but might turn out to being nothing. If you can wear on it, then you can order it, the cat only accept orders and the cat will tailor the shoes for the client. The shoes will be the one and only pairs in the world, making just for the girl. The story is saying that if you happen to find shoes shop running by cats open in the midnight somewhere in your life, please enter it. You may just find the shoes tailoring for you and experience a fantastic story.

LIN Yu-Ching & WEI Hsing-Yu 林餘慶&魏杏諭

LW020-Early spring theater LW020-花花舞池初春劇場 Mixed Media on Art Paper, 42x55cm, 2010, Dynasty Art Gallery (Taipei)


林餘慶和魏杏諭自從大學時代開始便共同學習創作,為一對深具默契的伴侶。多年來,一幅幅精彩漫妙的童話 科幻畫作,源源不絕地從他們手中流曳岀來。其畫面中有著他們永無止境的想像力,與令人嘖嘖稱奇的繁複情 節。 他們每件創作品之佈局,都代表著一個抽象族群的活動狀態與生活企圖。人們最先可能會被畫面的細膩描 繪所吸引,繼而再被高超的造境功夫所震懾,最後卻都會細細地品嚐出作品的故事內涵與寄託。我們很難歸納 L&W之創作屬性,可說是卡漫、也可以說是塗鴉、更可以說像是繪本。然而,唯一無法忘卻的該是,這些作品 本身散發出的獨特魅力。 The life partners Lin Yu-Ching and Wei Hsing Yu have started their artistic career as a team since college. Best known for their infinite imagination and the plot of surprising complexity, they have created numerous paintings about captivating fairytales and fascinating fairylands for all these years. Each of their works abstractly represents a group’s daily activities and the purpose of life. Viewers might be attracted by its delicate composition at the first sight. Meanwhile, they will be amazed by the exquisite visualization skill. In the end, viewers will realize the stories’ symbolic meaning and how they can be reflected on our real life. L&W’s artistic practice can hardly be defined – some call it as comic-animation, some call it as graffiti, while some call it as illustration. However, one should never forget the unique charisma expressed in the works.

「THE AGE OF UNREST」 The International Young Artists Group Exhibition ZHONG Ling 鍾凌

藝術家鍾凌 將神秘印象的貓以女性形象融合於人物創作之中~而在所描繪的貓女作品中展現出如同現代『詩』、 『賦』文學訴說著少女情懷幻想的美夢。作者鍾凌也技巧的,用貓的神秘色彩,來表現外表矜持的女性,內心蘊涵 著期待未來夢想的熱情,也帶出了有唯美夢幻的少女情懷。鍾凌覺得女孩和猫最為相似,她們都擁有可爱、柔弱、 敏感、善变的特質。她希望用猫的形象將之融入女性特質用畫面來表現而融為一體。 The artist combines the mysterious cats with the figure of a young lady, and conveys a poetic modern fantasy of a girl. Artist also expresses through her works that females and cats have similar inner characteristics. They are all soft, sensitive, emotional, and lovely. She’d like to use the figure of cats to mix the gentle side of female and makes her works balance, and it make viewer feel the fantasy and Aesthetic feeling via the express of young girl. 夜饗 acrylic on canvas, 70x70cm, 2012 William Art Salon (Taipei)

MENG Xian-Yang 孟宪旸

Rabbit Mask 兔子面具Ⅳ oil on canvas, 100×100cm, 2011 Hi Art Store (Beijing)

帶有大號兔子面具的寫實人體肖像已經成為孟宪暘作品中重要的元素。條紋衫的小孩,各個時間段上的女性身體形 象,在孟宪暘的畫面裡上演着光鮮的獨角戲。從“兔子面具”系列的單純背景,到“叢林”系列對光影和植物的運 用,自小生活在植物繁茂的西南中國的孟宪暘對於叢林的喜愛已經成為了一種潛意識。畫面的靈感在面對斑斕景象 的飄渺知覺中定格,植物的形態、光彩的變幻映射成一種對於社會的詩歌式表達。錯綜的枝葉投影出繁雜的社會關 係,帶著面具的人體上柔軟的光線愈發顯得背影人物的無助卻堅定。畫面好似一場長詩般的舞台劇,朦朧、夢幻, 古典的氣質下透露出年輕藝術家對於當下自身生存環境的認知與擔憂,以及面對複雜的社會關係時的孤獨。 Realistic human portraits with large bunny masks have already been an important elementary of Mang Xian’yang’s works. On Meng Xianyang’s paintings, those kids wearing striped shirts, women bodies of all ages, are all acting a shiny monodrama. From monochromatic background in “Bunny Mask” Series, to applying light and plants in “jungle” Series, being keen about Jungle has already been a subconscious of Meng Xian’yang, as he grows up in South China, a densely populated region on the planet. Inspiration of pictures freezes in the floating perception of the gorgeous scene. The configuration of plant and changing of lights suggest a poetic expression to society. Intricate branches and leaves suggests complex social relationships, and the soft light on the body wearing mask makes the back of the man helpless and steely. The picture looks like a long-poem-style stage play, bleary and fantastic. It has been disclosed that under this kind of classical charm, the young artist has his awareness and worries about the current living environment himself, and loneliness in the face of complex social relationships.

CHEN Pei- Yi 陳珮怡

Midnight 靜夜思 Glue on silk, 50x50cm, 2012 Imavision Gallery (Taipei)

陳珮怡出生於1984年,並畢業於於國立屏東教育大學視覺藝術教育學系與東海大學美術系研究所,曾獲得”南瀛雙年 展膠彩類 第一名”以及”桃源美展膠彩部 第一名”。其畫面表現出有豢養寵物的人都有與寵物對話的經驗,甚至會靜 靜端詳著寵物的動作和細微的表情變化,隨之臆測牠們在想些什麼。她將自己所嚮望的寧靜透過她的貓的遠方凝視保留 在畫面中,在無罣礙的時空中通過反覆的思考,慢慢強化ㄧ種思想或覺察,因而產生類似頓悟的感受。藉由可愛又帶點 詼諧的寵物貓將自己的生活縮影投射在畫面中,真切的與觀者串起一份生活經驗與情感共鳴。 Born in 1984, Chen Pei-Yi received her bachelor’s degree from the Department of Visual Arts at the National Pingtong University of Education and received her master’s degree from the Department of Fine Arts at Tunghai University. She has received the First Prize awarded by Nan Yin Art Biennale Exhibition and Taoyuan Fine Arts Exhibition in the category of Glue Color Painting. In most of her artworks, she paints about the pet-owners’ experience to talk to their pets. Sometimes pet-owners will carefully look at the pets’ behavior and their implicit facial expression, guessing what these animals are thinking about. Being a pet-owner herself, Chen depicts a peaceful life which she has been longing for as symbolized by her cat who is gazing into the distance. The repetitive speculation beyond time and space has thus been emphasized as a perception, which will ultimately lead us into a realization. In Chen’s works, the artist reflects her life experience on the paintings, while those cute and yet humorous animals share the most sincere emotions with viewers.

LIU Yao-Chung 劉耀中

From Now On 從現在開始 acrylic on canvas, Φ40cm ,2011 The Quan Artist Agency (Taichung)

出生於1981年的台灣藝術家劉耀中,畢業於東海大學美術學系碩士班,曾獲選台中20號倉庫兩屆的駐站藝術家,以及” 東海大學美術系師生美展”研究所西畫組獲得首獎,而其作品也被逢甲大學藝術中心所典藏,至今舉辦過數次個展。同時 也曾在寶藏巖國際藝術村、光之藝廊、A7958當代藝術中心、20號倉庫、URS27華山大草原、屏東美術館等地展出。此件 作品通過熟悉的唱片形式有助於意象的整合, 而唱片周圍貼上了supertramp(樂團) 的<from now on>歌詞 , 畫面形式上的 完整也具有某種舉證的效果吧!在同樣文字下的相似想像..... Born in 1981, the Taiwanese artist Liu Yao-Chung received his master’s degree from the Department of Fine Arts at Tunghai University. He has been selected as the residential artist of Stock20 in Taichung Railway Station twice, and has won the first prize of the 26th Art Exhibition held by the Department of Fine Arts at Tunghai University in the category of Western Painting. His solo exhibitions and the group exhibitions he has participated in have been held in art spaces and galleries, including Treasure Hill Artist Village, Luminance Art Space, A-7958 Gallery, the URS27 Huashan Grand Green, and Pingtung Art Gallery, while his artworks are included in the collection of the Arts Center at Feng Chia University. It use a familiar type of disc to help integrating all the significances. Around the disc he stamp the lyrics of the song”from now on” of the band “supertramp”. It is another way to show the same imagination.

HE Juan 賀娟

Mask面具 Mixed Media on canvas, 80×80cm, 2012 Jou Pu Art Center (Kaohsiung)

油畫系畢業的賀娟一直對中國畫饒有興趣,並將傳統工筆花鳥技法施於自己的創作上。她感悟於各種生物形態,植物、 飛鳥、家畜以及海生動物。其作刻畫精細,特別是毛髮、羽翅、樹瘤、菌絲一類表達,工筆匠心十分惹人注目。在繪製 過程中,賀娟一方面運用色彩暈染來襯托細處刻畫,有工寫對比之功;另一方面又採用些新材料,或形成點狀肌理,或 造成閃光效果。憑藉細密、繁複、費時、費工的裝飾性畫面,賀娟和大量快速生產的卡通平塗拉開了距離。她的創作觀 念正是以裝飾性溝通當下與傳統、娛樂與體驗、表層與深度,從而在油畫創作中有自己切進當代文化問題的入口。 HE JUAN who graduated from oil painting department has always been interested in Chinese paintings, and she has applied traditional skills of Chinese fine painting to her own creations. She gets inspired by all creatures of nature, for incidence, plants, flying birds, domestic animals and oceanic animals. Her brush is fine and delicate especially with hairs, feathers and wings, tree burls, fungus and some other things. The ingenuity and brush stroke are quite impressive. During the painting, On the one hand, He Juan usually use washed-out colors to contrast the fine part; on the other hand, she use to use new materials to come up with texture of points features or flashing effects. With decorative picture of that takes a great deal of time and works, He Juan’s talent shows itself among the mass production of general cartoon painting. Her idea of painting is to connect present and tradition, recreation and experience, surface and depth, in order to find the wedge point to cut into contemporary cultures.








Artfacts Data Series _ #42 _ Data generated: 2.25.2012

The top 10 young Asian artists: 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10.

Yang Fudong Cao Fei Runa Islam Jun Nguyen-Hatsushiba Shahzia Sikander Xu Zhen Haegue Yang Qiu Zhijie Shilpa Gupta Dinh Q. LĂŞ

The Artfacts.Net Artist Ranking is the leading research tool used by art professionals to track artist careers and analyse trends in the art market. This ranking considers exhibitions since 1996 of artists born after 1967 and reflects the artists value from the curator’s perspective; auction prices are not considered. www.artfacts.net

150 slanginternational.org






www.cansart.com.tw 156







Issue 22

September 2011 HK$ 35






Issue 23

October 2011 HK$ 35





Issue 24

November 2011 HK$ 35


Double Pipe Publishers






另一種觀看的方式, 重塑陳澄波作品時代與風格

﹂ Something

其實,陳澄波是個勇於實驗的畫家! 其實,陳澄波是個努力又多繪作的藝術家! 「祖國愛」真是《慶祝日》的中心思想? 《二重橋》背後有無特殊意涵或故事?

表現出時代的﹁ 陳澄波繪畫考 ─ /譯

日本國立京都大學博士 李淑珠 /著

李淑珠、黃雯瑜 系列 critique 元 NT. 480

陳澄波文化基金會、典藏藝術家庭 /共同出版


。 1942

在 藝 術 拍 賣 市 場 一 畫 難 求 的 盛 況、


以 外, 陳 澄 波 還 有 更 多 面 貌 與 不 同 層


灣、 日 本 間 搜 羅 畫 家 的 所 有 相 關 資 料















台北總公司 106 台北市大安區仁愛路四段376號13樓之1 13F-1, No. 376, Sec. 4, Renai Road, Taipei, Taiwan 106 Tel. +886-2-27087786 Fax. +886-2-27087796 E-mail: artitude.monthly@gmail.com(Taipei) artitude.bj@gmail.com(Beijin) 上海分公司 200050上海市長寧區宣化路28號(國際企業會館711室) Room 711, No.28 Xuanhua Rd., Changning District, Shanghai, China 200050 Tel. +86-21-32505950 Fax. +86-21-32505952 E-mail: daguan.ae@gmail.com











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YOUNG ART TAIPEI 2012 CATALOGUE 台北國際當代藝術博覽會2012畫冊 PUBLICATION 出版 TAIWAN CONTEMPORARY ART LINK 台灣當代藝術連線 PUBLISHER發行人 BENSON CHEN 陳世彬 EXECUTIVE EDITOR 責任編輯 Sylvie TIAO 刁玟君 Nina LIN 林孟璇 Violet TSAI 蔡宇薇 DESIGNER 美術設計 Stevi LIU 劉貞伶 Emily YUEH 樂欣怡 ADDRESS 地址 10694 台北市忠孝東路四段295號3樓332室 Rm.332, 3F., No.295, Sec . 4, Zhong Xiao E.Rd., Taipei, Taiwan 10694 T E L | +886-2-8772-6017 FAX | +886-2-8772-6027 www.youngar ttaipei.com www.taiwancontemporar yar t.net PRINT 印刷 | 傑崴創意設計公司 FIRST EDITION 初版一刷 | 2012年四月 April 2012 PRICE 售價 | 新台幣300元 NTD 300 ISBN | 987-986-88311-0-0 版權所有 翻印必究 COPYRIGHT © YOUNG ART TAIPEI 2012 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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