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MALIBU LIFE & STYLE Founder, Editor in Chief

CECE S. WOODS Executive Editor

STEVE WOODS Managing Editor

ADDISON ALTENDORF Features Photographer

DANA FINEMAN Advisory Director

RANDY OLSON Dir. of Public Relations BIRUNGI IVES

Sustainable Living Editor



CAROL HOYT Senior Contributing Editors





Contributing Writers




Senior Literary Editor

Entertainment Editor


Beauty Editor Conscious Living Editor

MATT DIAMOND Fashion Editor



We are the music makers, And we are the dreamer of dreams, Wandering by lone sea-breakers, And sitting by desolate streams; World-losers and world-forsakers, On whom the pale moon gleams: Yet we are the movers and shakers Of the world for ever, it seems.


-Arthur O’ Shaughnessy, “Ode,” 1874

Hair and Make-up EMILY RAE

Food Editors


ROB TAYLOR Lifestyle Editor


photo by adam guy




“not familiar, radical, not mainstream”;

on+the+fringe EDITOR’S LETTER Malibu

Steve & Cece Woods at 90265 Magazine office in the Malibu Design Center.

is most definitely NOT a mainstream beach community. This town is filled with interesting people who have pushed boundaries both personally and professionally.

So you would think the cover choice for the “On the Fringe” issue would be a no brainer right? Well it was, then it wasn’t. What caused me to rethink the story on Skylar Peak? There is definitely an “On the Fringe” vibe to this powerful young man, who at times was referred to as “Malibu’s Golden Boy”. But it was, in fact, the polarizing Kennedy like presence to Peak that came through when photographer Dana Fineman and I sat down to review the photos. The “part surfer, part politician” cover look ( put together exclusively by Peak ) was so reminiscent of a classic Rolling Stone cover that there was only one possible choice for the story of this renegade, Malibu native - GO GLOSSY and nothing less. “Adversity, hardship and challenges can make a good man better” is how executive editor Steve Woods optmistically views his faith in the newly appointed mayor. With that said, 90265 Magazine gives our unwavering support to Skylar Peak as leader of our beautiful town. The “On the Fringe” theme continues in Indonesia with resident waterman Tyler Vanderlip exploring the beauty of Bali’s secret spots through the eyes of his photographer and travel companion, Bummy. If that seems too far away, escape closer to home as locals Matt Diamond and Brad Stanley captured king size waves in the surf feature, “Malibu Dreaming’ - some of the biggest sets seen in recent history. Malibu tastemaker Barrie Livingstone begins his tenure as lifestyle editor by bringing together a creative collective for a soiree at local landmark, Malibu Rocky Oaks Winery. We dined on delicacies prepared by Czech celeb chef Roman Hadrbolec, sipped wonderful wine and celebrated the beauty of life lived well. Editors Claudia and Rob Taylor headed to Revelstoke B.C., a stellar “On the Fringe” assignment to capture behind the scenes of the SWATCH FREE RIDE TOUR by THE NORTH FACE, the extreme skiing and snowboarding event featured in “REVEL YELL - HELI YEAH!” Claudia got a first hand account of how Rob worked with the skilled professionals at this event, also expanding their boundries as skiers ( Revelstoke is not for crybabies! ) bringing the Spring Ski story home to our Malibu community. We are looking forward to compiling more stories from mountains here in the U.S. and abroad for 90265 magazine and our soon to be released MTN - Mountains Life & Style magazine, releasing in fall 2014. The “On the Fringe” action continues with the sexy SUPERCHARGED Range Rover, mixing it up with the new Mixologist at local hotspot The Sunset Restaurant, rock n roll with Bu based Butch Walker and so much more as 90265 magazine continues to be the unconventional and truly authentic representation of the Malibu Lifestlye, branding who we really ARE, not who people want us to BE.

Cece S. Woods Founder/Editor in Chief 90265 Magazine

Cover photo of Skylar Peak by Dana Fineman instagram: @danafineman


Island Adventures









“90265 Andy
















An Artist’s Memorial: Mickey Sills by D. Joseph Bortoli

On a beautiful Sunday in March, hundreds came together at Surfrider’s First Point to pay their respects to one of my favorite people, a person I had the pleasure of calling my friend, Mickey Sills. He was a quirky, mid 50’s So Cal fashion genius I had known for more than 15 years. An amazing family man, mentor, inspiration, surfer, friend. Mickey was a dreamer and design illuminary with a knack for crossing Americana with great style.

After working for mega brands like TRUE RELIGION, GUESS and LUCKY BRAND, Mickey and his team were in the process of putting the final touches on a line called MICKEY’S SELF STORAGE, A Men’s Contemporary Underwear & Casual Sportswear Collection. Very soon, MICKEY’S SELF STORAGE will be released in his memory and part of the proceeds will be donated in his name to CANCER PREVENTION and RESEARCH. Mickey was of the most generous and giving to those around him... NMWH “ No Matter What Happens “ was the family motto... His life was that of a man who lived every minute to its fullest without ever losing site of what was behind his drive, mainly his love for his family. He is survived by wife Kimberly and 3 children, Zackary, Bennette & Jack.

Malibu Dreaming

Photos by Bradford Stanley & Matt Diamond

Cole Franz

Ryan Skvarla

Kalani Robb

Andrew Jacobson

Ryan Addison





Once referred to as “Malibu’s Golden Boy”, second generation Malibuite Skylar Peak has hit the pinnacle of local politics by becoming the youngest mayor in Malibu history. The road to this powerful position was hardly paved in gold. In fact, his golden boy aura was quickly tarnished when two separate incidents he was involved in landed him in front of the District Attorney while serving as a member of the City Council. These high profile problems left his turn to serve as mayor in limbo. Peak rebounded and regained the respect of his peers resulting in his takeover of our town’s highest leadership position. Peak was sworn in on March 24, 2014. There is an unmistakable Kennedy like charisma to Skylar Peak which lead him to early political prominence. He possesses a diplomatic bone with the ability to listen to varied perspectives in our community. So, while everyone deserves a clean slate, some must come with a caution sign. Can the power of Peak keep Malibu’s youngest mayor in the right direction? If so, success will surely not elude him. - CW

From ROGUE... Peak at a City Council meeting in 2012.

To READY... Peak (at his swearing in with his mother Denise) looks ready to take on the challenges as Malibu’s youngest mayor.




“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” - Abraham Lincoln



Skylar Peak

By Jackie Robbins Photos by Dana Fineman Surf photos by Dave Collyer

THE COMING OF THE MAYOR, A LONG AND WINDING ROAD. Who is this young and handsome solid Malibu guy, Mr. Skylar Peak? He’s a kid that grew up in Malibu, a youth that connected with the ocean and became a worshiper of the surf. His loving family raised him and his two siblings, but so did we, after all they say it takes a village, right? So now “our own” has stepped forward to give back to his community and that alone elicits admiration. It’s been hard to grow up in front of an audience but somehow he found the grace to face the music and seems to have matured well. Sky and I chatted about several subjects that he wanted to talk about with you, our readers, and here is what was said…

SURFING JR : I know surfing is in your blood, Sky. A family tradition, a way of life for residents of the “Bu. You are an avid surfer, I have so much respect for that…you go out work for waves, get the amazing high off riding them, that leads to personal health and fitness, a deep respect for Nature, self-fulfillment and so much more. As a city council member how does your influence as a true lifelong waterman effect the future of all Malibuites in the struggles that the City has today in maintaining it’s rural character and protecting it’s Oceans from abuse? SP : I would say being grounded and having the roots here and having the experience with the historical aspects of our City but also appreciating the ruralness leads me more towards making decisions that will keep it that way and preserve it that way for the future. Now that can be in regards to development or as far as the tourism footprint expanding as more and more people come to Malibu. In regards to the Ocean, since I’ve been on the City Council we haven’t had to deal with as many water quality issues as some Council members have in the past but I think that collectively we do a very good job of mitigating any negative effects on the Ocean. Obviously that’s near and dear to my heart and I think that our community has been a leader in doing things to protect the Santa Monica Bay compared to some of the other neighboring communities, communities that I don’t think have been historically aware of what’s going on in the local watershed. Our watershed is very large, the watershed for the Malibu Lagoon is about 120 square miles, that’s massive. That’s really big and anything that goes onto a street or down a storm drain here in L.A. (the greater Los Angeles Area) is going to end up in the Ocean. Those things need to be addressed and filters put in place, and I think it’s great that Santa Monica is using the Hyperion Plant now to treat some storm water and I think that eventually with the TMDL’s (total maximum daily loads) that the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and others have put forth that will be what happens in Malibu and everywhere else. Possibly not all through the Hyperion facility but different filtration systems and other things, which I think is really awesome.



JR : Winning an election in a big way such as you accomplished a few years ago, when you ran for and won a city council member seat was fairly astonishing and remarkable to me. Many people in the City love Skylar Peak! And yet there are those that love to hate you too. You volunteered for a job and you try to do your best based on your strengths and capabilities, so noble by anyone’s standards. Yet the publicity that you’ve received at times has thrashed and rolled you! This is what we commonly call being a “Celebrity” in America. How does it feel to be one? Does it get in the way of doing your job? SP : I didn’t know how much scrutiny a person would come under when I signed up for this job. But I think you’ve got to take everything with a grain of salt. You quickly realize that, let’s say you have a 100 friends, now 40 of them are not so stoked on a decision that you made. So I think that you have to manage that with public relations skills, mine are OK but they are not the best. I’m not proud of some of the things I’ve done but I also think in the past year I improved my personal environment so that I won’t have any more hiccups along the way.

FAMILY JR : Family means almost everything to most people. It’s clear to me from everything you’ve said in public and from personally watching you grow up in Malibu that you are this kind of a person. Malibu is really a “family” oriented City and place to live. How does Skylar Peak stand up for families in Malibu politics? SP : Well I think that you have to make decisions that help Malibu remain to be a great place to raise a family. I feel that for me family is very important. Unfortunately I lost my Father at an early age and that was a bummer. It kind JR : You have two friends and fellow


of came out out of nowhere. so it really made me appreciate the others that I still had in my life. I have a Grandmother that lives here in town and my Mom and my Sisters. I don’t get to spend as much time with family as I would like but when I do it’s really great to be in a small town where people do know each other. I also have a lot of friends here that I consider part of my extended family and I’m very lucky to have that. I think that if you grow up in a small town and you stick around hopefully and inevitably that is going to happen. This has been a great resource for me when I’ve had a tough time with different things in life, being able to talk to those friends and family that are very close. Now in regards to politics and making decisions that are family oriented for our community I think when you make those decisions the main thing to have in mind is that Malibu needs to be a place that is very kid friendly. Malibu is based around a community of families, there are not a lot of single people that live here, there are a handful of Pepperdine students but aside from that it doesn’t have the same demographics as other places in Los Angeles or near the beach. Our population is a little bit older, I think the median age is around 58, so there are not as many young families as you might think. But then we’ve seen a bit of an increase there and that’s great. But I think it’s hard for some people that haven’t grown up in a rural area, not necessarily that they don’t appreciate it, but just maybe that they think there should be more amenities here that aren’t. Then once someone spends a lot of time out here they realize that not having those amenities might work to their advantage. And that is what makes Malibu…Malibu.

FRIENDS surfers that are running for City Council again. First time around you got elected and they didn’t. In a dream world where all three of you sat on council together do you think you could have a block of influence that would positively impact our City? And what might that impact look and feel like in your opinion? SP : I think that the impact of Andy, Hamish and myself would probably lead towards some things that are probably a little more forward thinking. I think that Hamish would really bring a lot to the table in regards to dealing with rehabs, the kind of thing that has become a hot topic here. He has experience in working with them so I think that if you take someone who can go out there and talk to the people that are operating them, he may have a better advantage than the others or myself that now sit on the City Council. I feel that Andy has a very strong knowledge of and history with our community. While sometimes he can come off as being a little bit harsh, maybe a little bit more of an extremist, I think that when you get to know him and talk with him about different things you would find that he is very knowledgeable and he is not that way. He is just very passionate. I respect people for their passion, and I think sometimes a person might need to learn how to tone it down and I think that he would.

I think that some of the things that we would be able to do would be to hopefully acquire more parkland for the City. I think we could probably have an easier job of getting a skate park done, not that it’s a real hard thing right now but that would tend to have more focus with support. Also with both Andy and Hamish being artists, the Arts Commission would really benefit. I also think that Andy would really represent the Cross Creek area a little bit better than anyone else on the Council right now, having been someone that grew up in the Colony and that area. That would be important as far as the balance goes, because right now you have 4 people who are essentially from the west side and one person from the opposite part of town. So that might help.



JR : In conclusion, you are slated to become, by popular vote, the youngest Mayor in the City of Malibu’s short history this year. I feel proud to see you arrive in one solid piece at this juncture… to me you are one of Malibu’s young and bright stars. What do you want people to know about your future as Mayor that might bolster their confidence in their support for Skylar Peak? SP : I would really like to welcome criticism and opinions of people in our community and that they feel I am a very approachable person who is willing to sit down and talk with them. I invite them to the City Council meetings, send me e-mails or letters and contact myself or the other City Council members on different issues or things that they are curious about or want information on. Often times in our City, because it’s a little bit spread out, maybe people don’t know the different avenues to ask the questions and don’t understand why some things get done the way that they do. When folks then step in an environment where it’s open they can’t ask those questions, they realize that myself and even the other Council members are very approachable and reasonable and willing to talk about and tackle whatever the issues are. As Mayor I hope to continue to be a leader and a role model for the youth in our community and a steward of our environment. I also would like to emphasize some of the public safety improvements as far as people being keen to brush clearance and emergency preparedness. Hopefully we will be working with Cal Trans and having the bike lane, Busch West, become a reality on PCH, with maybe some increased signage on the highway geared towards bicyclists and drivers sharing the road.

Skylar Peak with Rabbi Levi Cunin

On New Years Eve I jumped on a plane to meet Tyler in Bali in search of Dogtooth tuna. 24hrs of travel later and an ocean away I stepped off the plane and our adventure began. The fish proved to be elusive and the trip lead us elsewhere in search of friends, surf and sights unseen. A few days after my arrival the rainy season took a break and we enjoyed sizable clean surf at Uluwatu for a few days. One evening I spotted a 7 ft tuna just outside the lineup. I suppose, just to let us know that the fish we came half way across the world for did indeed exist. We watched into dusk as the sea monsters hunted needle fish, breaking the surface and making there presence known. The Gili islands drew us in by stories from our new friends and a full moon party that tempted our nocturnal wanderings. There is something about Indonesia that inevitably lends itself to existential thought. You feel very much alive and a part of life on the beaches and in its jungles. The local people are as amazing as the landscape and the ocean moves like no where I have ever been. While Indonesia runs East to West the tides shift from North to South and the channels between the islands flow like rivers (visible from 40,000ft elevation on my flight in). The diving was treacherous and without the aid of a boat we surely would have been swept out to sea. The spearfishing is a whole different story and although Tyler got some sizable Wahoo and Giant Trevally we still have unfinished business with the dogtooth tuna and plan to return in June / July to hunt the mysterious pelagic fish.

-left to right + top to bottom: Nusa Penida Pineapple Jungle - Buta spearing - Algae Farm Hut - Blue Lagoon Rock Jump - Anton’s Nikos reef rash - Nusa Lembongan Temple -

Tyler : Lombok

Nusa Penida coral Gili dive boat

Air Bali rice fields - Tyler secret point rock jump

- Uluwatu

- Photos by Tyler: Rice Farmers, Buta ceiling, Rice Fields Lombok, Fish Market Balii

feet in sand series - Anton in Gili Island

-Wahoo skin - Gili outrigger




With in the air and summer just around the corner, its time to make sure our skin is in tiptop condition! Whether you’re fighting pimples or crows feet or just feeling plain old dehydration, don’t worry there is a solution, Tired of spending lots of money on products that you are not sure whether they are good for your skin type? Look no further, Malibu is home to some of the best esthetician’s in the world. Here are three that will be able to help you with every skincare need.


3828 Cross Creek Rd Malibu (310) 405 7779 (Ask for Jazmin or Kelly) Their signature facial is the Electro-stim lifting facial with Oxygen ($195) This non-invasive” Facelift” utilizes world-renowned European technology to help stimulate and re-educate facial muscles so they behave more youthfully. A visibly more firm, toned and contoured appearance is unveiled after one treatment. Therapeutic-grade hyperbaric oxygen is combined with this facial to infuse powerful antioxidants to help stimulate the regeneration of new cells and improve collagen.


(Christine Birtsas) (949)981 7546 The Age Revitalizing Golden Facial is a must have for anyone seeking pure high performance organic skincare. The treatment is ($150) -50 minutes or ($185) -80 minutes it includes hands and feet. The Isun Age Revitalizing golden facial is the ultimate, high performance luxury organic facial that is regenerating, oxygenating, calming and moisture balancing treat for the skin. It starts with deep cleansing the skin and goes to an aromatherapy haven were you senses will be indulged in every way, with ingredients such as honey and goji berries from Tibet that have been blessed by monks, this facial is sure to leave you rejuvenated in every way.


22741 Pacific Coast Highway Malibu (310) 456 1458 (Ask for Jaclyn, Lisa or Sharin) This luxurious spa offers an array of treatments. Their Hydra facial resurfacing treatment is the go to for a quick skin fix. Starting at $200. It thoroughly cares for you skin in every way. It provides cleansing, exfoliation, extractions and hydration; it also includes Vortex-Fusion of antioxidants, peptides and Hyaluronic acid. This non-invasive facial will leave your skin hydrated, plumb and ready for spring.

CURE’s Concierge Wellness Center offers you the most unique health and wellness program available. We address every aspect of your health inside and out. Everything under one roof, conveniently located in the heart of Malibu. We are dedicated to providing you advanced treatments in state of the art facilities. Call today and experience Malibu’s CURE for yourself.

310.456.1458 22741 Pacific Coast Hwy, Suite 200, Malibu, CA 90265

Corie Tappin L.Ac, Dipl. O.M. Board-Certified Physician of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture. 23440 Civic Center Way Suite 101 Malibu, CA 90265 310-709-2536

THE CONTINUED DISCOVERY OF THE CALIFORNIA DREAM. Born in 1964 when the youthful American spirit was at its pinnacle, SeaVees is the story of Authentic California.


FASHION on+the+fringe


Photos by Lucas Passmore

The most fashionable of all music festivals is on the horizon...

What defines rock chic style suitable for making the rounds on

the fairgrounds?

Start off your weekend in distressed denim, sexy studs and festival fringe...

Beat the heat in a sweet

70’s style

denim jumper and honeycomb highlights.

Get this ON THE FRINGE look information on our website:




Artful Accessories by designer Taiana Geifer

Raven Steals the Sun Shoot: Photographs by Jeff Elstone Headdresses by Selina Elkuch Scarves by Taiana Design, Brown Scarf with Feathers: Photo by The Dreslyn,

Janette Mallory is the go-to interior designer for traditional meets contemporary eclectic design. Since launching her eponymous interior design firm in 1993, Janette’s effortless aesthetic has made her the best kept secret of the interior design world. “Good design is an intersection of architecture, art, psychology and beauty.” And indeed, Janette pays tribute to those disciplines in her design aesthetic – whether it’s a celebrity residence, a vacation home or a beachfront restaurant. Additionally, deeply influenced by her father’s several decades’ long construction business, Janette’s interior design services typically extend to the exterior space including hardscape, softscape and outdoor construction. After earning her interior design degree from UCLA, Janette traveled Europe extensively immersing herself in the study of architecture and European art. Thus began her love affair with structural wonders and treasured artifacts that vastly enhanced her foundation in design theory – a distinctive trait that separates her from other designers. In fact, it’s this curiosity and fascination that has driven her avid curation of antiques and vintage pieces prompting Janette to be a regularly featured vendor on One Kings Lane. Furthermore, Janette’s versatile sense of style and discerning eye for beauty has manifested into a stylistically diverse portfolio of projects – a testament to her appreciation for different aesthetics and customized approach to each client’s requirements. “My focus is never on the style; I let the client dictate that. Rather, my approach is to ensure my clients receive a space that evokes warmth and comfort through fine craftsmanship and well-curated furnishings and art that complement the space’s architecture.” It’s precisely that type of attitude that keeps clients coming back for more. Throughout her distinguished 19 years in the interior design field, Janette’s work has been featured in Fox 11’s Good Day LA, Lucky magazine, and local magazines such as Calabasas, 805 and Westlake, just to name a few. A California native, Janette resides in Malibu, CA with her son and their Jack Russell, Nash.

Janette Mallory Expert Local Malibu Design 310 457.5777

Eco friendly opulence in the entry at GREY CAPE.



At the end of a continent lies a tranquil and beautiful retreat. Where the body is healed, the soul is revived, the senses are awakened and the spirit soars to new heights. A place where sun, sea, sky and earth join as one to form a tropical oasis like no other. At the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja Peninsula, Los Cabos combines a starkly beautiful desert landscape with one of the richest marine environments encompassing the Sea of Cortez. The Sea of Cortez is an underwater wonderland, teeming with diverse sea life. The desert is a mosaic of color and texture with forests of saguaro cactus, sand dunes and stunning rock formations. Los Cabos is Mexico’s leading upscale tourist destination. The magical charm and ideal weather of Mexico’s west coast have long been a magnet for those seeking the perfect vacation and a respite from colder climates It is a subtropical desert climate, offering a blissful 350 days of sunshine a year with warm temperatures, low humidity and cool breezes year round. Villa Grey Cape is an eco-friendly property located on the gorgeous Shipwrecks Beach on the East Cape of the Baja Peninsula that looks majestically out at the Sea of Cortez. The Villa sits alone on a beautiful sand dune and has unspoiled vistas in all directions. Given the serenity and isolation of the home, it is easy to forget that you are only 10 miles away from the quaint, authentic Mexican town of San Jose del Cabo, and only 30 miles away from the hustle and bustle of vibrant downtown Cabo San Lucas. For more information contact

Greycape’s minimal luxury interiors were designed by Malibu Design Center.

All inteior resources can be found at Malibu Design Center. 310-317-9922

Capitivating Cabo San Lucas views at Greycape.



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HOME 90265 Design and Build Everything from the ground up. Design & Build, offered by Malibu Design Center is a complete process in designing, building or remodeling your new home. The concept integrates all aspects of the project, from architect to builder to designer, controlled from one source allowing for more organization and accountability. Design & Build streamlines project delivery through a single contract between the owner and the design-build team, keeping your project on schedule and on budget. As direct importers, distributors and manufacturers of the most exclusive materials and design elements available, Malibu Design Center has created a "one stop shop" experience taking you from initial concept to final construction with move in ready design. - CW 310.317.9922

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Mastella Vov Tub



Malibu tastemaker Barrie Livingstone takes us high atop our local wine country to sip wine and savor the sensational cooking of private chef to the celebs, Roman Hadrbolec. Photos by Dana Fineman

On a cool


Audrey Ruth and Barrie Livingstone

evening,a small group of Malibuites gathered at the exclusive mountain top retreat, Malibu Rocky Oaks...

Famed for its stunning natural beauty, dramatic gob smacking views and sought after for its delicious and as Howard Leight, Jr Malibu Rocky Oaks, CEO and owner tells us “nutritious” wine. Wine with nutrition! Who knew? You see, long before the first vineyards were cultivated in Jerusalem and eons before the Chumash Indians held court in Paradise Cove, there was a violent cooling of our planet. Volcanoes spewed lava, the earths plates collided over millions of years and pushed the ocean floor upwards to form the Santa Monica Mountain Range. The western portion of this range is known as the Conejo Volcanic Region where Malibu Rocky Oaks now sits. Back to nutrition. The well-established vines many 11 years old have thick, gnarled trunks that clutch to the steep slopes of the vineyard and are under constant stress. Sundrenched by day from root to tip as they are vertically planted and at night are chilled by ocean air that rushes upwards around them due to the 2,100 foot elevation and location in the Kanan Pass. Vines apparently thrive on stress (much like us) and draw the rich mineral and volcanic deposits from earth into the grapes. The result is an earthy, delicious-ness that has helped make MRO an award winning vineyard and gives the wine its added nutrition. This vital information given, we are now back at our fab event that was hosted by Howard Leight, Jr, Cece Woods the incredible super power behind 90265 magazine, myself and Sotheby’s International Realty’s own Audrey Ruth and our dear friend Celebrity Czec Chef, Roman Hadrbolec. No sooner had the first guests arrived our host with the most arrived in his Agusta helicopter James Bond style and landed perfectly in the center of the only stone clad helipad of its nature that I have ever seen. Now that’s a good way to kick off a fete. The evening’s guests included the stunning Larry Abbott & Kim Devane of Divine Imaging, Malibu. Purveyors to the entire Federal Government no less. When Starbucks can’t get oatmeal containers on a global level sweetie darling, it just means that Kim and Larry are just getting those cups to our troops, who are infinitely more at need of them than us common street eating coffee carriers. Many of us know and love them as our Malibu road residents whom also happen to own the Old Malibu Courthouse building. Thanks to their friendship with Herb Alpert, Malibu now has its first important and pricey piece of public art in the form of Herb’s incredibly beautiful bronze totem sculpture named “freedom” that can be seem on the corner of the property along PCH and Rambla Vista. Recent arrivals to our fair shores, Lisa and Heiner Lippman also graced us with their presence. Lisa is a ballerina who attended the prestigious Bolshoi Ballet academy in Moscow. Then at the Deutsche Oper in Berlin she combined ballet with her love of techno music then came to New York

Glorious views from Malibu Rocky Oaks Vineyards.

Custom ironwork reflect a passion for winemaking.

Celebrity Chef Roman Hadrbolec

and studied at the David Howard School and also the Steps to Broadway. She is opening her dance studio Dance and Shape Company in the new Trancas Market this summer, where the classes are going to be an amazingly fun and unique way to exercise, she will do one on one and also small groups of all ages. Get ready for that hard lean body baby and then you can really” take another selfie”. Cece, Steve and I had caught up with Roman to arrange this evening in the ever so chic lobby at The Parker Hotel, Palm Springs over delicious cocktails and nibbles whilst we were in there attending the Modernism Show. Roman is in America several times a year cooking for a bevy of celebrity and gazillionaire industrialist clients. He is jetted to Palm Springs for the annual stay of Mrs. Hoover (yes her late husband invented the thing). They met during one of his special engagements cooking on Seabourn Cruises years ago and now he is her personal chef for Thanksgiving and Christmas in Chicago and for a month in the desert. For a Czech based chef Roman has a remarkable roster of Malibu’s most world renowned residents including: Marvin, John and Jordan Davis, Mark Hughs (Herbalife), Cher, Lou and Paige Adler, Jack Nicholson, Paul Newman, Warren Beatty, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tony Pritzker who simply adored the fine Austrian delicacies that Roman would conjure up for them. Whilst at home in the Czech Republic he is a regular guest chef on television and has several cook books out. He also has his own rather unique line of spices that are a must have for any Czech recipes,featuring a

blend of: Smoked Paprika, Garlic, Thyme and special secret spices that we couldn’t get out of him. We were very lucky that he managed to snitch a night off at the Hoover residence to cook for our special soiree. The menu he designed was a light array of typically Czech dishes that when paired with the MRO wine selections of Sryah, Merlot and Chardonnay were spectacular.

Flying high

CEO of Malibu Rocky Oaks, Howard Leight arrives in style.

The menu and recipes are available at Follow Chef Roman Hadrbolec: facebook: chef_roman twitter: chefroman instagram: chef_roman email:

Good friends and baking star husband & husband team Gilbert and Paul Delegnes of The Bread Basket Cake Company, Camarillo arrived with their too die for truffles that are served at both the Oscars and the Emmys. Last year they started to infuse the truffles with good friend Mikael Antolin’s Premium Casis from Dijon, France. This year they teamed up with Tequila and produce truffles that can literally bring a tear to your eye. Wow, what a great evening had by all. Celebrating the best that our beloved Malibu has to offer. On the way home Roman and I dropped off a few truffles at Bui Sushi to my girls Brittany and Tiffany behind the bar on the way home and poor delicious Brandon at the door had none. Follow Barrie Livingstone instagram: @barrieinla

“Celebrating the


of what our beloved

MALIBU has to offer.”

-Barrie Livingstone


Last year, the


was reborn.

With new parents Tata from India, they have not only continued the tradition but stepped forward in all qualities they have been known to represent such as off-road capabilities and luxury. Starting with an all-aluminum monocoque body Range Rover succeeded in shedding off a whopping 700lbs. That would make them an outright champion if they were a contestant in the NBC TV show The Biggest Loser. Not only the chassis but the doors, fenders and hood are all aluminum and is an integrated unibody construction that helps the Range Rover get about 15mpg overall (13mpg city, 19mpg highway). The exterior styling is still classic Range Rover but has been modernized with a flashier grill and turn signals leading away from the headlights into the fender. At the rear, a similar treatment to the taillights sets it apart from the previous model. The engine heat exhaust vanes on the side are now more flush than open and the front and rear overhangs are adjusted to take on more steep angles. Moreover, the new Range Rover is able to wade water up to 35.4 inches and has a maximum of 11.63 inch ground clearance. There are three levels of ride height, low for passenger access and garage roof clearance, normal for comfortable cruising and off-road, all controlled by a switch on the console. The 21� alloy wheels take a commanding presence as it fills the wheel wells. At night, the approach lamps shaped in the marque name illuminates any puddles or doggie mess you may not want to step into. As you open the doors, the scent of fine leather aroma greets your nostrils and the overall cabin has moved up a notch in execution, detail, fit and finish and choice of materials. The front seats are multi-functional with lumbar support, heating and cooling including massaging. Range Rovers have had the most comfortable seats for a long time and this one is no exception. The window switches that are located high up on the sill do take time to get used to if you’re not a previous Range Rover owner. The center console integrates a 12.3 inch screen info-tainment system that leads down to the 4 zone individual climate control for the front occupants. This leads to the console between the front seats where the gear selector knob that smoothly appears when the engine Start button is depressed just like in the Jaguar XJ. Behind that is the Terrain Response 2 selector knob that is the fun button of this vehicle. Further back under the center armrest resides the optional cooler box that can store and cool your drinks. The front seat headrests house touch screen panels for the rear passengers with wireless headphones all connected to a Meridian 825W, 19 speaker surround sound system. Driving the Range Rover is a breeze because of the aforementioned Terrain Response 2




System which incorporates the Adaptive Dynamics and the Dynamic Response. Just leave it in Auto mode and the system will do all the work for you to figure out what would be the best setup for conditions varying from Rock Climbing, Sand, Snow, Ice, steep incline and plain cruising on paved roads. The 5.0 liter V-8 engine produces 510 hp with 461 ft lbs torque and is mated to an 8-speed automatic electronic gearbox with full time four wheel drive, 2 speed electronic transfer box with electronic center differential and four wheel electronic traction control. What this means is that you don’t have to do anything and just let the ECU decide everything for you unless you want to go rock climbing in which case it will tell you on the monitor what to do manually. On paved surfaces the ride is supple and comfortable and if need be in the Sport mode, the Range Rover tightens up and the suspension becomes a tad firmer and overall feel of the road a little bit more sensitive. With Dynamic Response and Adaptive Dynamics, Electronic Traction Control, Dynamic Stability Control, Roll Stability Control and Cornering Brake Control you are in command of the road. The supercharged engine is quiet and powerful enough so highway on-ramps, over taking and plain spirited driving is a joy.

Of course the Range Rover is at home off road and the permanent four wheel drive with the Terrain Response 2 System with Electronic Cross Linked Air Suspension with variable ride height and Hill Descent Control makes everything easy. We found our off-road excursion to be drama free and a breeze like we have come accustomed with Range Rovers. At our favorite horse ranch in Malibu we found no less than 6 Range Rovers of various model years and the new 2014 fit right in there with the rest of the pack. In addition to the Supercharged, there is now a limited edition extended wheelbase model called Range Rover Autobiography Black which is even more luxurious and feature laden. In the Tao-Te-Ching, Lao Tzu wrote that the citizens of a great nation will never notice why they’re so happy or why the nation is run so smoothly because the Great Leader just quietly goes about doing his work leading the nation. Like the Great Leader, the Terrain Response 2 quietly go about doing their job so you can drive the 2014 Range Rover Supercharged anywhere in any condition and you will arrive at your destination in an impeccable manner in First Class comfort and not notice what went on outside the cabin. Upon exiting the vehicle, do be careful of the puddles or other hazards. For more information, visit: 90265 Malibu Life and Style Summary: 2014 Range Rover Supercharged Overall: 10 Range Rovers are the king of SUVs period Driving Impression: 9.5 On or off the Road, The Range Rover Supercharged with the Terrain Response 2 System rules Comfort: 10 One of the best front seats to plant your rear end in with multi adjustable heated, cooled and massaging climate seats, elegant and luxurious Handling: 9 For an SUV quite adequate and reassuring in Sport mode. And of course off road handling is a 10. Info-tainment System: 7 Many layers of screens and commands that require time to input and could be much simpler. The optional Meridian sound system is outstanding Luggage Capacity: 8 Not as cavernous as one would expect but when the rear seats are folded the capacity increases to 71.7 cu ft Maliu Bling Factor: 8 Different from the previous model but still luxurious and traditional looking which we expected of Range Rover to retain.


The Sunset Restaurant brings Mixology to Malibu By Franco Simplicio

When I started in the restaurant business, nearly 30 years ago, the “buzz”was that we started using “fresh ingredients” for everything. We were a new wave of restaurateurs and found it unacceptable to continue as they had in the past using “frozen”, “dried” or “canned” ingredients. Everything had to be fresh. Now I see the same thing happening with the new wave of “cocktail mixologists” or as I call them the “modern bartenders”. They find it sacrilegious to use a “purchased mix” or a “canned juice” or “processed sugar” - a mass produced, pre made anything. I discovered my new mixologist at The Sunset, Jeremy Simpson on a few visits to Bestia Restaurant in downtown LA (one of my new favorites spots!), makes all of the juices fresh in the morning. Jeremy has created a new drink menu for us that has required us to restructure the whole bar and get a whole new set of spirits. Most of them are relatively unknown and small production companies. Jeremy spent over 2 months training my whole bar staff so that the new drinks would be consistent, regardless of who is behind the bar. This also applies to the classics and all the other mixed drinks that we make. We are very excited about our advance into what I believe is the future of cocktail crafting. Obviously, this is the same evolution that we saw in restaurant food 30 some years ago.

FOLLOW THE SUNSET: instagram @thesunsetmalibu Twitter @thesunsetmalibu

HE TAKES MIXING COCKTAILS SERIOUSLY: Jeremy has done his research on cocktails, some of the recipes he uses are over 200 years old. His passion involves looking for unusual ingredients and using artisanal liquor companies to create a truly unique mixology experience.

The Old Fashioned

Artisanal Liquors

Jeremy in action: MIXING IT UP! Try the new “House Cocktails” , some of which are “Farmer’s Market Mai Tai”, “Surfrider Julep”, “St Croix Rum Fix”, “Hemingway Daquiri”, or my personal favorite “Singapore Sling”

Photos by Dana Fineman


6800 Westward Beach Rd., Malibu, CA 90265 310-589-1007

on the fringe

MR CHOW 3835 Cross Creek Rd Malibu, CA 90265


Mr. Chow

at the Malibu Country Mart

(310) 456-7600

Legendary restaurateur MR CHOW opened his latest outpost in Malibu in 2012, bringing gourmet, traditional Beijing style cuisine to the Country Mart. MR CHOW’s Original Recipes and the signature dishes are created by some of the most respected Chinese chefs in the world. On the menu: World renowned MR CHOW Noodles and Ma Mignon, Chicken Satay, Beijing Duck. Spectacular: The famous nightly handmade noodle show is presented in every location since the opening of London in 1968. “In China, a meal is a social event meant to be experienced with others.” We couldn’t agree more. Get your CHOW on!


By Matt Diamond photos by Noah Abrams

The American songwriter’s

craft is a coveted one, mastered by few. From the pioneers of Folk, Rhythm and Blues to Rock & Roll, there are a select number of songwriters that excel at this mastery ; that qualify for acceptance into the “club”. A hypothetical yet rarified club who’s members are not voted in but rather have met the standards for inclusion by the quality of the hits they have created. Songs that seamlessly capture the emotions of every day experiences. Emotions and experiences so easily recognizable, so effortlessly absorbed by the listener.Ladies and Gentlemen, We give you Butch Walker. At first glance one might think Musician. Yes it is a dead giveaway. Maybe its the patented flannel shirt with the rolled up sleeves that let his ink covered arms soak up the California sun and breath in the Malibu beach air. Butch resembles a edgier modern day Buddy Holly with the musicality and hits to back up the reference. Humble and soft spoken with his black framed clear lensed glasses butch can be seen on his vintage Triumph T-100 motorcycle on his way from Malibu to Venice to work in the studio on his own material as well as producing and writing music for some of the more commercially recognized projects he has worked on including Weezer, Fall Out Boy, The Donnas,The All American Rejects, Pete Yorn, Hot Hot Heat, Avril Lavine, Pink and many more. Originally from Cartersville Georgia Butch worked his way up the ranks honing his skills playing with several rock bands before eventually taking his project Byte The Bullet to Los Angeles to sign a deal with Richard Branson’s Virgin Records. Within the year the band changed their name to SouthGang and went on to cut two albums as well becoming one of the first bands to tour China. Like many musicians Butch has changed lineups that have evolved into the next project. Butch went on to form Floyd’s Funk as well as The Marvelous 3. Butch then began a solo career, releasing the albums Left of Self-Centered, Letters and The Rise and Fall of Butch Walker and the Let’s-Go-Out-Tonites. He played over 200 live shows across both the U.S. and Japan, and he released his first DVD, Live at Budokan. At the end of 2005 he was named as Rolling Stone’s producer of the year. Butch played a series of sold-out live shows with just acoustic guitar and vocals accompanied at various times by Pink, actor Jeremy Piven, Jim Bianco, the Chapin Sisters and doctor Stephen Patt on steel guitar. Out of the shows came a cover of Taylor Swift’s single “You Belong with Me” on banjolin, which was later recorded as a video and audio version in his studio. Butch began work on his next album and ultimately released I Liked It Better When You Had No Heart under the band name Butch Walker & the Black Widows. Recording sessions were held at RubyRed Productions in Santa Monica, California. Support of the record included touring with Train, a headlining tour of the US, and opening for Pink in Europe on her Stadium Festival Tour. Butch released his second album with the Black Widows entitled The Spade as well as releasing his first book, an autobiography entitled Drinking with Strangers: Music Lessons from a Teenage Bullet Belt. We can go on and on regarding Butch’s accolades. He has written many great songs and albums and will continue to perfect and evolve his chosen art of songwriting and performing. Malibu plays home to many of the most highly regarded in the industry and this southern boy from Cartersville Georgia is doing a great job representing the South in Malibu. Look for Butch as he will be performing April 3 in Los Angeles at The El Rey Theatre.

Butch Walker1_Noah Abrams.tif



Follow Butch Walker instagram: @butchwalker twitter: @butchwalker For Tour Dates:










The severe drought this year created ski conditions that caused enthusiasts to look beyond our California comfort zone. Short plane flights to Utah, Idaho, Colorado and Wyoming were good options- but we took notice of an off the radar location- REVELSTOKE, in beautiful British Columbia, and decided to get our passports out and head north (the great white). Revelstoke Mountain Resort boasts North America’s greatest vertical drop at 5,620 ft. Just a 2.5 hour plane ride from LAX. Funny, but the plane travels up the coast and turns directly north at the Malibu Pier- then continues straight on into Canada, landing at the most laid back airport- Kelowna. Our trip happened to coincide the SWATCH FREERIDE WORLD TOUR- an exhibition of some of the most daring athletes pushing the envelope in the alpine ski world. We had an inside view of the production company producing the event- Mountain Sports International- so our coverage here is three fold: The Town, the Mountain and the Competition.

The town of Revelstoke dates back to the 1880’s, as a waypoint for the Trans/Canadian railroad. The REVELSTOKE Mountain resort was opened during the 2007/8 winter and sits in a temperate inland rainforest between the Monashees and Selkirk Mountain ranges.

on+the+fringe Revvy, as its known to locals, is considered the Heli-ski Capital of the world, because of the quality of snow and amount of terrain. Located 300 miles inland from the Pacific Coastal Range, the 30 plus feet of annual snowfall has a very low moisture content which is why the powder skiing experience is so great. 90% of the world heli ski operations are based out of Revelstoke. The resort village is incredibly convenient and compact. Once you arrive, no car is needed. Our base camp was the modern and well appointed Sutton Place Hotel, multi-- bedroom condos with full kitchens. Sutton offers impeccable service and is just a short hop to the gondola,or the Mac Tavern gastropub, or the impressive pan-Asian menu served at the Rockford. The resort also offers 3,121 acres of fall line skiing, high alpine bowls, 13 areas of tree gladed terrain and many groomed runs. Revelstoke Mountain Resort is also the only location world-wide to offer lift, cat, heli and backcountry skiing from a single village base. The mighty Columbia river runs through the valley below. The setting is majestic and breathtaking. Looking out over the couloirs and the meandering river from the lunch deck at the Revelation Lodge is dreamy. Overall- the average level of skiing at Revelstoke exceeds that of their southern neighbors. The mountain commands respect, and is not for cry-babies. Canadians are made of tough stuff and are used to pulling their skis off and trekking up snow paths to get the best launch into a snobowl. The on-piste groomed runs were screamers- to be honest- if we were skiing that fast at Mammoth they would have pulled our passes in a heartbeat, but the general public skis at a highly controlled but noticeably faster pace. This is a huge mountain serviced by only one gondola and two lifts, but still provides access to far more terrain that you’ll find at Heavenly, Snowbird or Mammoth.

FUN CROWD Canadian ski areas seem to draw members of the Commonwealth. If Queen Elizabeth is on your money, you’re welcome here. Australian, Kiwi and British accents abound, and other countries of the EU are well represented as well. An don’t forget the fanaticism for hockey and curling which is on every TV in the bars and restaurants. Curling is mezmerising!


The town of Revelstoke is a 5 minute shuttle ride away, peppered with Victorian charm, quality dining options and zesty nightlife. Two of our favorites: Gourmet dinner at Woolsey Creek Tavern,locally sourced, organic and imaginative cuisine. The atmosphere is funky and comfortable, and the food presentation is seriously first rate.

Twisted Sister

will satisfy the Vegans and Juicers- Imaginative pressed juices, and an array of Stews and Soups of the day- plus raw “baked� sweets. Blues bands, Hip Hop, Dub and Karaoke bars can be found all over town. Revvy rocks!



Choosing your heli experience is easy- what you want to look for is terrain access, certified ACMG (Association of Canadian Mountain Guide) staff and a good safety record. Price varies widely from $800 for a one day single seat, to many thousands for multi day groups. The 2 favorite aircraft are The Bell 205 which carries up to 11 guests with a guide, and the Eurocopter A Star which carries 4 skiers and a guide. From our research, SELKIRK-TANGIERS offers the best of all three. Contact Ashley Tait, for expert and personal concierge service.

on+the+fringe Aside from ferrying private parties to some of the lightest and best powder skiing around, these helicopters also work with filmmakers and production companies like Sherpa’s Cinema (see issue no. 4), Teton Gravity Research and Brain Farm to capture stunning action sequences using nose mounted gyro stabilized Cineflex camera systems. During 90265’s stay one assignment for these rotary wing aircraft was supporting the 5th stop on the Swatch Freeride World Tour by The North Face.The Swatch Freeride World Tour by the North Face is an annually toured series of events in which the best freeskiers and snowboard freeriders compete for individual event wins, as well as the overall title of World Champion in their respective genders and disciplines. The events take place on what’s commonly referred to as “backcountry”, “big mountain” or “extreme” terrain - essentially ungroomed powder snow on dangerously steep, mountainous slopes. The 2014 season started in Europe for 3 stops, then made it’s way to North America with an event in Snowbird Utah and then to BC followed up by the season finals in Verbier Switzerland. The event’s CO owner and organizer is a group out of Salt Lake City, Moun-

tain Sports International.

MSI is the brainchild of Adam Comey and Dave Swanwick, ski racers and powder hounds who met in the early 90’s in Crested Butte Colorado. They founded the private company in 1997, to develop and produce action/adventure sports events and programming in North America. MSI launched MSI Live in 2009, to provide live HD webcast production, content management, encoding, and satellite uplink & delivery and are leaders in web traffic and media analytics. As Adam, a CT native explained, he was preparing for his LSAT testing when the snow began to fall. Watching the flakes pile up he made a life changing decision to move west to the Rocky Mountains and leave law school behind. Adam followed his passion and the rest is history. The logistics involved in mounting these events are staggering. The start gates for the Freeride runs are perched on the summit of some of the steepest and most extreme mountain peaks on the planet. To access the starts of these runs, the athletes are required to hike 100’s of meters along narrow ridge lines and wind swept couloirs. The television and webcast production equipment is flown in using cargo nets slung below helicopters and powered by generators. Cameras use long lenses on tripods connected by 1000’s of feet of fiber optic cable. For start, finish and aerial cameras, radio frequency wireless connections are established which allow the production team to provide cohesive coverage of each run. With this broadcast quality approach to production, MSI is able to beam the events live, around the world using a high powered on site satellite uplink. The live streaming allows freeride fans to watch the events from start to finish with the same quality of coverage enjoyed by viewers of traditional broadcast networks. Live announcers, instant replay, animated graphics with scoring, results and standings are all part of the production. Check out http://www.freerideworldtour. com/ for current news and results.

Each Freeride World Tour contest has two sets of judges – one for skiing and one for snowboarding – including three judges and one head judge. Judging is based on overall impression, which takes into account the athlete’s line, fluidity, control, jumps and crashes. This split criteria mentality is key to determining the best overall impression of the run. Riders are scored on a scale with 100 possible scores and judges are trained to use the full scale when evaluating runs. Prior to the competition, judges check the competition faces themselves and analyze possible lines and snow conditions while imagining what could be a very difficult or a safe line on the face. To encapsulate what the judges are looking for, MSI event director Bryan Barlow explains it this way, “the best run is what we consider “a movie line” a smooth, fluid run that includes critical line choice, big jumps and aerial tricks with stomped landings. The same level of performance you would see in a high end ski movie like Sherpa’s Cinemas “Into the Mind.”

All in all, Revelstoke BC and the rugged, snow blessed Selkirks and Monashee ranges are a required trip for all aggressive skiing powder hounds. The Canadian people are notoriously friendly and welcoming and the food and fun is world class. And don’t forget the non-stop Curling and Hockey action filling the television screens in all the bars and restaurants which add to the whole Great White North experience. Book your non-stop United flight from LA to Kelowna and be ready for the ride of your life.




By Louis Lenard

June 14, 2001, 2:47am

Silence. In the black of this summer night, there are no streetlights in the neighborhood of Malibu West. It’s been yet another episode of drug-induced living and I’m now at the dead-end of the cul-de-sac that’s nestled up against the field behind the Trancas shopping center. Sitting alone in my red 1986 BMW 325is, sunroof open, I scribble copious notes with fervor on to the page of my notepad with the absolute confidence that this time it will be different. This time I actually will create a smash hit song from the notes I’ve written down. As I inhale 2 more lines of cocaine with gusto through the makeshift 100 dollar bill straw, the familiar taste of bitter chemicals hits the back of my throat and my heart pounds with the force of 3. I eek out a constricted “Whoa” from my mouth, just as I see in the distance, about ¼ mile away, the glow from a pair of headlights approaching from around the corner. The headlights turn off. “Fuck”. I jump from the car and run like Usain Bolt up into the hills away from the cops in pursuit. With their guns and infrared flashlights drawn, police dogs and helicopter in tow, it seems I cannot get far enough away as the barking dogs in the distance flush me from my first makeshift hideout and I retreat further into the dark of night. As I franticly scramble back and forth for what felt like an hour, through an open field neighboring a new housing development, I see in the distance, a host of infrared lights beaming at me from all sides. In a mixture of pure despair and exhaustion, I finally throw my hands up and surrender. But the cops never come for me, so I say, “Fuck it” and hide until sunrise under what I later realize to be a poison oak bush. “Cocaine Psychosis”, my friend said matter of factly, after I’d shared this story at a meeting early on in my recovery. “What? That shit was REAL!!!” “No it wasn’t.” My jaw dropped. These days I can laugh wholeheartedly at this departure, as my life has long since transformed into something far beyond my wildest dreams as I embrace reality in all its colors with open arms and open eyes, Yeah. Follow Sleeping Monk Instagram: @sleepingmonks Twitter: @sleepingmonks

Emergency Hotline: 310-458-WILD(9453)

Join California Wildlife Center for our annual Open House on Sunday April 27, 2014, from Noon to 4p. See our Baby Care Unit and Hospital; View our new Elephant Seal Rehabilitaion Facility; Kid’s activities; educational animals; Q&A with Staff RSVP for address to:

on the fringe



Electriclove, is a unique luxury accessory collection made up of lavish hand made pieces that translates the art of style into beauty and power. Founded in New York by partners Hitomi Matarese and Charlie Walker; their creative union and spiritual foundation united to give birth to electriclove. Both Hitomi & Charlie have a long storied past in the world of fashion, music & the sublime. Electriclove was nurtured out of their reverence for the natural world, their need to preserve the secrets of their ancestors and the pure necessity for continued artistic & creative expression. Electriclove is an inspired journey into the mystic world of darkness & light. With much grace, skill, intuition and meticulous craftsmanship Hitomi & Charlie handpick each element based on both aesthetic quality and energy frequency. At the heart of all of electriclove’s one of kind pieces lies the belief & sanctity of liberation. Each imaginative object, no matter its function, is organically designed using natural earth elements (crystals, leather, wood and feathers) to magnify the magic intrinsic in all of us. Sade Lythcott


COUPS Conscious Living


raising her



tell her tails ( pun intended ) of


conscious+living on the fringe

When I moved to Malibu

10 years ago, if you had told me then that I would have had a flock of chickens, I would have told you, you were nuts. But here I am! If you tell to anyone east of Topanga Canyon that you have chickens, they look at you like you have three heads! They cannot comprehend why... I’m a vegetarian but will eat my chickens eggs. I see nothing wrong eating an egg that came from a happy hen, which naturally lays an egg daily. Actually, they lay every 27 hours and if it is close to sundown, forget it, she waits until the morning. Every morning, I’m excited to see who laid an egg and can pretty much tell who’s laying by the color of the egg. My chickens lay blue, brown and white eggs. I thought that the color of the egg had something to do with the chicken’s environment but it doesn’t, its color comes from what breed it is. My chickens are named after Screen Sirens of the past…Marilyn, Rita, Carmen, Lena, Elizabeth, Greta, Bridgette, Loretta and Dot Marie Jones (ok, Dot isn’t from the past, she’s my friend from GLEE but she is very proud to be represented in my flock!) Every morning I get up, make an espresso and go have coffee with my chicks. I love my hens. They are so sweet and cluck back at me when I’m with them. I worry if they are getting enough poultry grit, chickens have no teeth so to grind up their food, they need little rocks that act as teeth. If they are eating the oyster shell, so the shells of their eggs are hard. I make sure they have Organic, soy free, Non-GMO scratch and feed, Organic, soy-free layer pellets and their favorite dried worms. Having chickens is also like having your own compost system. They eat all kitchen scraps. So whatever is left over from dinner is breakfast for the girls in the morning.

“Why don’t you show your kids the difference between store bought eggs and farm fresh ones?”

When invited over for dinners or even meetings, I bring a ceramic egg crate and fresh eggs. I recently brought some to a meeting and the man looked at the eggs and then at me and said, “Random…. my kids will just throw them.” I said, “Why don’t you show your kids the difference between store bought eggs and farm fresh ones? Take two bowls, open the market ones in the first bowl and the ones from my hens in the other. Check out the differences, how bright yellow the fresh ones are and how large the yolks are.” This is certainly not a money saving project, I laughingly say, my hens should be laying golden eggs! My boyfriend, Aaron and my son, Austin, built me one of my coops as a Christmas present. I couldn’t think of a better one gift! I have four connected coop’s now and 9 chickens. Because of where I live and a certain English cream retriever named, Buddha, I can’t free range my chickens, so I call them limited range chickens but they have quite the house. I think it’s important for our kids to learn about animals and how to care for them. Aaron and I have 15 animals, so we are up early feeding our brood. I remember when my grandmother, my Bubba, was alive. We would dream together of the ranch we would have one day and all the animals we would have. Hmmm, I guess I’m just missing a cow! I don’t call my ranch, Greenacres for nothing!

Follow Tracey on... Twitter @traceybregman instagram @tbreg


VINTAGE GROCERS “HOME GROWN” By Carol Hoyt Well, in case you haven’t heard, we have a new market in Malibu. I don’t know about you but in my circle of friends, we couldn’t wait to check it out as soon at it opened! Maybe we need more life. Any way, the new Trancas Market Center is beautifully built and the Vintage Grocers is a welcome addition. One of the things I find most impressive about the market is their obvious incorporation of local products. But of course, the most exciting part for me is the wine and spirits section. As well as featuring some of the finer wines from around the world they too will prominently feature wines from the Malibu Coast. Daryn Berman, Wine and Spirits Category Manager, wants his section of the store to be reminiscent of a local wine shop, approachable but with a “ hugely, high quality selection of wines and spirits”. Daryn has an extensive back round of over 20 years of wine buying, some may remember him from the days of Cooke’s Market. He ran their wine shop here in Malibu as well as The Appelations inside of Cooke’s in El Segundo, he was selected as having one “the best eclectic wine selection in the South Bay”. He has always prided himself in showing off local talent. Interesting enough, back in the days of Cooke’s Market, he had really only three local wines to choose from, Semler, Rosenthal, and Michael McCarty’s. Now he is fortunate enough to be carrying up to 20 local wines. Not just the originals from Cooke’s, but the new kids on the block, namely Malibu Sanity, Malibu Soltice and of course yours truly, Hoyt. It is amazing how the wine community has grown here and notably, most of these local wines carry high scores and medals.Vintage Grocer’s plans to bring in local vintners for sample wine tasting. Won’t that will make grocery shopping more fun! They even hope to have food and wine pairing events in the store, as well as local restaurants. Vintage Grocers 30745 Pacific Coast Highway Malibu, California 90265 (310) 457-2828 Today 7:00 am - 10:00 pm


tip of the month: Have an inexpensive bottle of red wine, and people you need to impress? Take the bottle and quickly decant into a decanter - I mean really tip it over and flush it into the decanter, it will turn that 2 buck chuck into a wine enthusiasts dream!

100% Organic Cold Pressed Green Juice with Lemon


POINT DUME VILLAGE 29169 HEATHERCLIFF RD STE. 110 MALIBU, CA 90265 310.457.6161 photo by John Paul


The End is here: Montauk Surf Cover Feature: surfer & filmmaker Mikey DeTemple and his stylish fiance Lisa Myers

Montauk Brewing Co.

MONTAUK’S LIFEBLOOD: Fishing Montauk Mex : La sensational ceviche


Rock & Revolution Media, the publishers of

90265 MALIBU LIFE & STYLE MAGAZINE Brings you the best of the Hamptons.

Premier Issue releases Summer 2014

making+of+the+issue on

the fringe

MIX IT UP - Jeremy is the new mixologist at The Sunset

Revel Yell - the Taylors hit the SWATCH FREE RIDE Tour -not for crybabies!!

Deliciousness by @chef_roman

Rob & Claudia Taylor on assignment in Revelstoke, B.C.

Bring it on BILLABONG!

A beautiful sunset overlooking Westward Beach

The Agusta on approach at Malibu Rocky Oaks. MEMORY LANE - Baby Naomi and “Uncle Steve� once upon a time... Naomi married the love of her life Adrian on March 22, 2014.

@claudbomb in Revelstoke

Editor Danny Bralver walking his daughter Naomi down the aisle ( Naomi as a baby with uncle Steve > ).



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