Go Beyond WEI AN LIN 2020-2021
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1995 年 02 月 14 日
林 洧 安| WEI-AN, LIN Information 1995.02.14
台中市西屯區西安街 130 巷 10 號 2 樓 16 室 東海大學|建築研究所|進階建築設計組
Contact (+886)903-986-901
Board Game
東海大學・建築研究所・進階建築設計組 畢業
參加 ・ 高雄市都發局主持「大學生根」社區營造方案
2019 2016
參加 ・「非洲馬拉威未來學校國際競圖」 ・ 青春設計節創意設計競賽-場地設計組 ・ 陳耀如老師指導之專題 「新地域主義建築設計方法之研究」 實習 ・ 張鶴齡建築師事務所 計畫助理 ・ 陳耀如老師主持之計畫 「建築與室內設計競圖及職場實務專業技能學程」 2021
Comprehension Curiosity Responsibility Determination Self-Motivated
參加 ・ Lunawood competition ・ Biomimicry Global Design Challenge 入圍 ・ Biomimicry Global Design Challenge Finals
Table of Contents 7 Marstopia
Mars exhibition in National museum of natural science
8 Green tunnel transport for zero-emissions The TungHai campus standards for urban design
9 Woodland Bay
LUNAWOOD Urban Challenge 2021
Biomimicry Global Design Challenge
11 Science Park Planning Design Graduation Thesis Design
12 Pavilion with Fluidity use Natural pattern Exhibition of Cracks
Mars exhibition in National museum of natural science
Advisor:Kaowei Eleazar-Godfrey Chiu Co-author:Che-Wei,Chang/Hao-Chung,Tien/Wei-An,Lin Gui-Ling,Zhuang/Jovanca Anabel
Motif on Mars
Origin of Wisdom
Star trek to Mars
Unknown Mars adventure
Secret code in nature
Climate extremes on Mar
Green tunnel transport for zero-emissions The TungHai campus standards for urban design
Advisor:Kaowei Eleazar-Godfrey Chiu Co-author:Che-Wei,Chang/Hao-Chung,Tien/Wei-An,Lin Gui-Ling,Zhuang/Jovanca Anabel
Site analysis(four dimention)
City wide・Local area・Street and Site・Public realm
Site Analysis Mapping
Public space x Green belt x Building
Public space x Green belt x Building
Public space x Green belt x Building
Pedestrian access x Transportation
Public space x Pedestrian access x Green belt
Boundaries x Transportation x Pedestrian access
Pedestrian access x Green belt
Boundaries x Transportation x Green belt
Significent Issue Issue:Anthropocene
Total Carbon Dioxide Emission(tCO2/year) <2 2-5
10-20 20-50 >50
Issue:Public space
Issue:Pedestrian route
Significant issue
Acacia forest precinct
Donda creek precinct
Yuenong Intersection Precinct
Teacher dormitory precinct
Comprehensive spatial connection precinct
Acacia forest precinct
It is also the forest with the most trees. Not only is the landscape beautiful, but it is also the best place to purify the air. It is also the best opportunity in terms of location. You can quickly move to the outside business district and campus
Donda creek precinct
Located in the center of campus, night market, and industrial area, but lacks connection with the surroundings. Dongda Creek and its surrounding natural landscape are also obscured by the massive library, becoming a neglected corner of the campus.
Yuenong Intersection Precinct
The intersection is the first point that people pass through but lack of meaningful landmark so people easily forget the area. The visual corridor to Luce Chapel is also blocked by trees. Surrounded by mix-used areas and place where students gather, but there is a lack of street furniture and adequate civic space. There is also no direct link to Oberlin Hall.
Comprehensive spatial connection precinct
Close to many major areas on the campus, but they cannot effectively link each other’s behaviors, and the waterways beside them cut off the north-south connection, people can't easily to go to each other side, even the building of sewage treatment system is not matched in the campus
Teacher dormitory precinct
With Tunghai Road as the main route, the surrounding commercial facilities only have dairy shop, and it's close to the primary and secondary schools
Structuarl plan
Acacia forest precinct
Donda creek precinct
Yuenong Intersection Precinct
Teacher dormitory precinct
Comprehensive spatial connection precinct
Acacia forest precinct
At the highest point of Tunghai University, The current situation is an isolated island forest, neither internally nor externall friendly, Acacia should be a good opportunity to connect with the outside.
Donda creek precinct
The library has become a key factor leading to Dongda creek. The use of new citizen spaces and arch bridges enables Dongda creek to connect with open spaces such as Wenli Avenue and Acacia Forest. In addition, the use of the UAV system enables citizens to get closer to the stream, increasing the utilization rate of Dongdaxi.
Yuenong Intersection Precinct
The intersection is the first point that people pass through and have potential to create a landmark so people can remember the place. Surrounded by mixed-used area, the intersection have opportunities to create adequate civic space. A visual corridor to Luce Chapel can be created. There is a chance to regenerate Oberlin Hall by creating new links.
Comprehensive spatial connection precinct
Close to many major areas on the campus, but they cannot effectively link each other’s behaviors, and the waterways beside them cut off the north-south connection, people can't easily to go to each other side, even the building of sewage treatment system is not matched in the campus
Teacher dormitory precinct
Entering the campus through many turning points increases the traffic congestion of campus and reduces the willingness of people to enter the campus.
Design concept : After the teacher’s dormitory area was built in 1955, the high school, elementary school, and second teaching area were gradually expanded from the east. The expansion led to an increase in the number of people living and commuting inside, but the convenience of transportation isn't improve. Both inside and outside have to rely on a large number of vehicles, and the road scale is small and tortuous, which also makes it easy to cause traffic jams during peak hours.
設計概念: 教師宿舍區於 1955 年興建,並由東面逐漸擴張了高中、小學、 及第二教學區。 擴建規劃導致內部居住及通勤人數增加,但內外 交通便利性並未提高。 進出皆需依賴車輛而道路尺度小且曲折, 也容易造成尖峰時段內外壅塞的情形。
Achieve SDGs Regenerative 2070 Future city automatic system and artificial intelligence control system
Control systems
Reduce carbon emission
Sustainable envirnoment
Climate change Reduce carbon emissions to achieve a sustainable environment
Opportunity I n c re a s e t h e u t i l i z a t i o n r a t e o f convenience facilities and the surrounding environment
Site situation 1
5 1 3 4 2 4
6 5 7
結合運輸系統提升便利性及安全性,增加歷史的價值, 且透過改善運輸形式達成減碳對環境的影響。
School area
Teacher dormitory area
Worker dormitory area
Dairy shop
Police office
Husbandry area
Tunghai lake
Second teaching area
Significant issue: Transportant
•The internal roads are not accessibility,the users can’t easily know direction. •Without transport system to link outside.
•External pollution emissions from industrial area. •The internal transportation system is not enough to connect to the outside. Lead to a lot of driving and increase carbon emissions.
•The street furniture and amenity are insufficient,the only facilities are located in the dairy shop.
•Insufficient lighting. •The main road is car-dominated,not friendly to pedestrian use.
•There are historical districts that have been listed as cultural landscapes.
Master plan
Design concept & Design strategy Strategy plan
Internal route
Traffic analysis
Green space connection
Master plan
D A/Main gate stop B/Tunghai road stop C/School stop D/Teacher dormitory stop E/Dairy shop F/Puji river stop G/Tree house stop H/Second gate stop
Design concept (Detail) Design concept : Station Cacti : Temperature difference, Multifunction:Transportation+Sport
Design concept:Maglev of carriage and Tunnel function Flower/Magnetic force/Solar energy/Elevator
Design concept : Maglev of carriage and Tunnel function Electromagnetic induction Inductive charging
A-A' Section
Design concept : Road function Skin epidermis cell Self-luminous
Woodland Bay
LUNAWOOD Urban Challenge 2021
Advisor:Kaowei Eleazar-Godfrey Chiu Co-author:Che-Wei,Chang/Hao-Chung,Tien/Wei-An,Lin Gui-Ling,Zhuang/Jovanca Anabel
1944-1945 U.S. military drawing Kaohsiung port
The west coast of Taiwan is good at land-building power due to the coral reefs at the southeastern tip and a part of the Kuroshio current.Dominating the natural changes of the ports. Kaohsiung Port is adjacent tothe Gaoping River.Affected by the land-making effect caused by its entrainment of mud and sand, it form a a 12km-long embankment-like sandbar,a narrow natural lagoon. The water area is vast, forming an excellent harbor topography; while the Shoushan Mountain at the port was originally connected to the Qihou Mountain at its southern end, but was cut and separated to form a natural port, There are many reefs in between.
Carbon X Population
Transportation X Population History X Transportation
S o i l l i q u e f a c t i o n X Viewpoint X Topography Population
Transportation x Sea level History X Public green space Carbon X Sea level rising rise
Carbon X Public green space
Viewpoint X Transportation
Carbon X Public green space Public green space X Sea Transportation X Public History X Train track level rise green space
Carbon X Sea level rising
Site analysis
Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n X S o i l History X Arterial car route liquefaction
History X Viewpoint
P u b l i c g r e e n s p a c e X Viewpoint x Precinct Precinct
Transportation x Precinct
Transportation X Train track History x Topography
Topography x Geology
P u b l i c g r e e n s p a c e X Viewpoint X Public green Population space
Population x Sea level rise
Carbon X Viewpoint
Carbon X Arterial car route
Carbon X Transportation
Site analysis
Site situation
It's not shaded and walking is uncomfortable.
The ground texture use concrete isn't friendly for envirnoment.
Improper placement of green space
Lost vision connection with the cathedral.
LRT disconnects the public space on both sides
LRT is close to housing, noise affects quality of life,
Design concept
The area is close to the seaport and popular music center, but because of the noise of transportation and the covered soundproof wall, the connection between the residents and nature is isolated. By transforming the sound characteristics, we will use the grating soundproof wall made of Lunawood to improve visual penetrate and create light and shadow effects, and reconnect people and local space.
Significant issue
A 玫瑰聖母大教堂 B 國軍英雄館
光榮碼頭 苓雅寮鐵橋 漢神百貨 大義公園 高雄女子高級中學
"Lingzai" refers to fishing nets. This area is rich in fishery because of the coastal waters and has a fishing culture. However, after the development, there is no attempt to connect with the coastal geological culture.
The Glory Wharf was formerly a military wharf, but now it has lost its local identity meaning.
The CBD business district has not been connected by the erection of LRT.
Too many traffic nodes are in this area, but none of them are connected.
The ecology is not well preserved and protected during the development process.
Lost the residents’ memories of the Rose Cathedral. Lost the historical memory of the sea and the wharf, and the perception of life in light and shadow.
Issue map Hamasing Railway Cultural Park Relevance to Yancheng District (Cultural and Creative Park) is cut by railway Dengshan Road There is no pedestrian route directly to the original shrine site
Love River Estuary The salinity of seawater c h a n g e s g re a t l y, b u t t h e ecology of the estuary is not taken seriously
Gushan Old Street District • Increase in vacancy rate → lack of maintenance of historic streetscapes and buildings • Lack of public parks and green belts → Lack of quality of life • No green belt on the port side to Shoushan → the role with Shoushan is forgotten • MRT station and Gushan Ferry Station lack line of sight and green belt connection No. 1 Ship Canal Landscape Bridge The appearance and material of the bridge lack spatial context and coherence Pier 17 The intersection of river and sea water → lack of ecological parks and safety measures in the face of rising sea levels The North Side of the Peninsula Obstruct the drainage speed of the Love River → easy to invert and cause flooding pollute the surrounding soil The East Side of the Peninsula Poor water circulation → pollutants accumulate and pollute the surrounding soil Processing Export Zone • The main source of carbon emissions in Kaohsiung Port • No green corridor → lack of carbon absorption capacity • No public space → lack of rest quality for workers • No public transportation + dense transportation network → rely on private cars • Factory and freight use → Lack of walking safety at night • The artificial peninsula cuts off the connection with the surrounding geological context, and reduces the flood storage capacity of the port area. • Located in a mixed area of seawater and freshwater → has the potential to become an ecological habitat No. 5 Ship Canal Lack of north-south coastal green corridor trails → Lack of stopping points and visiting paths Excellent landscape axis, but lack of east-west green belts, public spaces, and stop points on both sides of the canal Once the transportation channel of the Shijia Industrial Zone → the historical track has been forgotten Facing Export Processing Zone → Ecological Impact No public green space → make the residents of the residential area lose the quality of life The submerged area where the sea level rises and the high risk area of soil liquefaction
Haibin Road Located on the important axis of Wufu 4th Road-Haibin Road-Yixin 2nd Road
Glory Pier • High risk areas for flooding and soil liquefaction • Air pollution quality warning zone, which affects the viewing and distance • Public trails and LRT tracks are too close to private houses → noise pollution and privacy • Links to important shopping areas and highdensity areas have not been strengthened • Lack of interaction with nearby public spaces and parks • The axis and sight of the church (historical site) are blocked by the elevated LRT track
Lingya District Mixed-use area → high-density populated area and night market commercial area An Unused Block Does not reflect surrounding facilities, which reducing the continuity of surrounding space Shin Kong Pier • High risk areas for flooding and soil liquefaction • Air pollution quality warning zone, which affects the viewing and distance • The sight is facing the export processing zone with the highest carbon emissions → need to improve carbon absorption capacity • A transitional area connecting the residential area in the north and the software industrial area in the south • The intersection of Kaohsiung Port Travel Center, Municipal Library, and Software Park • Lack of coastal green corridor trails → has the potential to extend the green belt to the south Unused Spaces The space gap cuts the shopping mall area on the north and the shopping mall area on the south.
Siwei-Lingnanqian Intersection Important node which connects to the green corridor, E-Sports Stadium, Kaohsiung Port Travel Center, but lack directivity and stop-over points
Taipower’s Southern Power Plant T h e c a r b o n e m i s s i o n s o f Ta i p o w e r ’s southern power plant affect the air quality of surrounding residential areas and shopping malls
Structuarl plan Hamasing Railway Culture Park Precinct The historical iron bridge left by the Japanese, which reconnects the historical development axis of the Gushan District and the Yancheng District and become an important historical corridor.
Gushan Ring Precinct Reunites the residents’ memories of the old streets and heritages, and strengthens the historical axis between the mountain and the sea.
Hamasing Pier Ring Precinct Create a space and stop-over point where citizens meet, and also provides tourists with clear directions and introductions to travel.
Cultural and Creative Park Precinct With the theme of maintaining the ecology of the estuary, combined with the surrounding creative zone, and strengthen the context between the Pier-2 Art Zone, the Ocean Music Center and the estuary.
Mangrove Restoration Precinct Mangroves are used as the core of Asia's New Bay Area to absorb carbon dioxide from the entire region. It also has water penetration to reduce turbulence and rebound in the estuary waters, and effectively balance the salinity and carbonates of seawater.
Soil Liquefaction Prevention Park Precinct The important transition zone between many major constructions, not only providing space for citizens to rest and softening the conflicts between constructions, but also arouse citizens' attention to soil liquefaction.
Glory Pier Precinct To deal with the important monument axis and the visual axis cut off by the elevated track, the Glory Pier needs more virtual space and axis to strengthen the continuity and reconnect with the surrounding district.
Evergreen Shopping Precinct Setting up elderly-friendly shopping streets at the nodes of hospitals and green corridors can encourage mixed use and raise citizens’ awareness of an aging population
International Marine Ecological Park Precinct Located at the end of Siwei green corridor, the travel center and the high-risk area of seawater intrusion, the ability to encourage leisure activities and flood storage is an issue that needs to be taken seriously.
Software Plaza Precinct The intersection of residential area, software industrial area, shopping center area, and Kaohsiung Exhibition Hall, which integrates complete living functions, providing a space for engineers and citizens to rest and meet. No.5 Ship Canal Green Corridor Precinct Provide space for rest in residential areas and connect the historical relationship between Shijia Industrial Zone to arouse residents' attention to the carbon emissions of power plants.
Ocean Regulating Wetland Park Precinct Filter the accumulated pollutants in the port area and play an important role in carbon sequestration. When the sea level rises, it can absorb the impact from the ocean, so that humans and ecology can coexist.
Strategies plan Lost place spirit and historical axis The historical axis of Notre Dame is disconnected by the LRT, and at the same time the spirit of the place is lost. The seaside where you can strongly feel the light and shadow changes, but you can not feel it. Visual penetration The LRT track obstructs visual penetration, preventing residents from enjoying the sea and being blocked by a cover when riding.
Carbon・soil liquefaction area This area will be the first to face temperature rise and soil liquefaction, and the cooling of pedestrians must be considered when walking. LRT noise pollution Because the noise pollution is the most obvious in the neighborhood of residential buildings, a way to reduce noise should be found. Population density With the highest population density, more green belts should be considered in the future.
Green belt The connectivity of the green belt is disconnected by the sea. Where there is no green belt, there are only many floor tiles design, which is not good for pedestrians.
Transportation node Visual enjoyment should also be included in the design of the station and the track route.
Trail along the track pedestrian Set up friendly pedestrian walks near the bridge body, place street furniture or tree shade The interfaces on both sides of the track The interfaces on both sides of the track are not continuous, and the LRT obviously disconnects the two sides, causing overcrowding.
Precinct boundary The boundary of the partition can be processed through a series of visual processing, so that people can enjoy the view of the seaside in the process of LRT
Master plan Design response The vision originally blocked by the light rail soundproof wall panels, through changing and transforming the sound form as a imaginary grating soundproof wall, allows the vision to penetrate and installs street furniture created in the form of landscape, so that pedestrians and passengers can have more here. More social behaviors, and the establishment of a comfortable public space that integrates with the natural environment, makes the place attractive and promotes the possibility of activities happening here
History area Light and shadow effects can be used in the design of LRT to echo the history.
Carbon・soil liquefaction area In the future, the LRT structure will also have the opportunity t o re d u c e t h e c i t y ' s c a r b o n emissions.
The culture belt Use cultural axis to design and re-examine the relationship between human activity space and nature
Population density Redesign the vacant space to simply bring the people in the high-density residential area to the other side of . Resident and transportation Carefully handle every interface relationship of different designs without creating strange spaces.
Pedestrian space In the empty space under the bridge, there is a chance to be redesigned
LRT noise pollution Through the design, the visual field penetration and sound insulation are considered together.
Transportation node How the entire soundproof enclosure extends to the route node and can accommodate pedestrian activities.
A-A' Section
B-B' Section
Biomimicry Global Design Challenge
Advisor:Kaowei Eleazar-Godfrey Chiu Co-author:Che-Wei,Chang/Hao-Chung,Tien/Wei-An,Lin Gui-Ling,Zhuang/Jovanca Anabel
Biomimicry Design Process Biomimicry design method
Biomimicry Design Spiral The Biomimicry Design Spiral provides the basic elements of the design process, as well as the six most important steps that should be taken when seeking a biomimicry solution to a design challenge. The six steps is 1. Define function and context 2. Biologize the challenge 3. Discover biological models 4. Abstract strategies 5. Emulate strategies 6. Evaluate fitness
Biomimicry DesignLens Life has evolved over 3.8 billion years, The principles of life has integrating and optimizing these strategies can create conditions that are conducive to life. We can use these principles of sustainability as our criteria for evaluating problems, and the wisdom that nature has evolved over the years is used as our design indicator.
Sustainable Development Goals
Figures1.10 The 17 Goals_The United Nations adopted Sustainable Development goals in 2015 as an indicator for global. By achieving zero hunger, eradicating poverty, building inclusive and safe cities, and achieving the goals of conservation and a sustainable environment. To construct urban design, we also imagine how to achieve sustainability targets and use it as the criteria for design evaluation, committed to creating a sustainable future city and a living environment that can survive in the Anthropocene.
Global Local Site
Distribution of world population and flood disasters
Target 11.5 : By 2030, significantly reduce the number of deaths and the number of people affected by water-related disasters, with a focus on protecting the poor and people in vulnerable situations.
Number of deaths caused by flooding
Percentage of occurrences of natural disasters
The sustainability of the city is related to the prevention and control of floods. Make cities and human settlements safe, resilient and sustainable. Worldwide Issue: Flood
How many people are affected by the flood every year around the world?
The World Resources Institute found that 147 million people will be hit by floods from rivers and coasts annually by the end of the decade, compared with 72 million people just 10 years ago.
Why it is important to deal with flood issue?
Standing flood waters can also spread infectious diseases, contain chemical hazards, and cause injuries. Each year, flooding causes more deaths than any other hazard related to thunderstorms.
River Overflow:
Approximately 21 million people worldwide are affected by river floods each year on average. That number could increase to 54 million in 2030 due to climate change.
Global Local Site
Occurrences of natural disasters in Taiwan
Target 13.1:
Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries.
Beishi Stream
Nanshi Stream
<307 ≧ 307 ≧ 1227 ≧ 2762 ≧ 4910
Population and flooded areas
Stream and flooded areas
Statistics of annual rainfall in Taiwan
Taichung Shalu District Forest Reserve
Industrual zone
Residential area
Flooded potential
Agricultural land
Operating conditions Lens :
• Due to the drastic climate change, the rainfall in Taiwan is gradually increasing in wet years • The 2nd most populous city – Taichung has serious flooding problems • Floods in Shalu District mainly came from the overflowing of Nanshi and Beishi Stream. • Upstream development and stream cementation have increased the incidence of flooding
Global Local Site
Local ecology destruction
Target 15.5 :
Take urgent and significant action to reduce the degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity.
Cemented River Prevent Flood
Taichung Shalu District Flooded areas
Waterfront area Cemented Stream Upper Stream
Withstand Flood Ecolant-Net
Stream and flooded areas
Diagram of river erosion
Original Nanshi Stream
Cemented Nanshi Stream
Results of the cemented flood control project: • Cause damage to stream ecology
• Reduce residents' access to the stream • The community pays less attention to stream conservation. The overflowing problem of Nanshi Stream : • Insufficient space in the stream basin • Erosion of stream embankments • Insufficient water permeability of stream bed
Impact : • Destruction of stream ecology • Reduce residents' access to water • The community pays less attention to
Coexist with the stream
stream conservation
Insufficient water permeability
Define Context: Sustainable cities & Communities
Stream overflow Stream cementation
Stream bank erosion Insufficient watershed space
Improve the ability to withstand floods
Efficent & sustainable stream facilites
Life's Principle
• Adapt to changing conditions • Intergrate development with growth • Be resource efficient
Taichung Shalu District
Ethos – Social Ecological Networks
Nature area
Ethos – Social Ecological Networks :
• The cementation of Nanshi Stream caused the destruction of stream ecology and lost the continuity with the ecology of Dadu Mountain. • The interaction between the communities has become more frequent with the development, but gradually loses the connection with Nanshi Stream. • The vertical dike also reduces the chance for residents to get close to the stream, and loses the attention and awareness of stream conservation.
Identify function
Bio strategy
Use Biomimicry taxonomy to define functions and species' behaviors
Biological Mechanism Fish scale
Distribute liquid The shape of scales causes water flow to streak across fish skin, reducing turbulence and minimizing drag. So as a fish swims, it has alternating bands of “low flow” behind the scale peaks and “high flow” behind the valleys.
Phylum Porifera Filter silt
Relying on the flow of seawater to get food and oxygen is like a water filter in the seabed. There are many small holes on the body wall, and the other end has large holes to filter the seawater out.
Great hammerhead shark Manage turbulence
Surfaces covered with shark skin, as well as synthetic replicas, experience faster swimming speeds (and presumably decreased drag) compared to surfaces with denticles removed. The shark scales’ ability to bristle in excess of 30-50˚ angles when the body bends may change the nature of fluid flow.
Filter liquid Water flow over the secondary lamellae is countercurrent to capillary blood flow, resulting in extremely efficient oxygen extraction. Gills also function in monovalent ion regulation and nitrogenous waste excretion.
Harpagophytum Increase attachment
The sturdy woody seed pods point outwards from the center with curled arms, and on the curled arms are smaller hooks that allow the fruit to attach to any part of the animal that comes in contact with it.
Heart valve
Prevent water backflow When the heart contracts, blood will be pumped from the left and right ventricles through the aorta and pulmonary artery to the body and lungs. When the blood is pumped out, the tricuspid and mitral valves at the bottom of the left and right atria (or auricles) will close to prevent The blood flows back to the atrium.
Design process Study model
10000 9989 7778 6667 5556 4444 3333 2222 1111 0
Parameter: Turbulence 50 %,0.05m Flow velocity 8m/s
Existing river flow test
Design concept Manage flow direction
One way flow
Support water pressure
Filter water down into the ground
Strengthen plant adhesion
Filter silt for plant Manage turbulence
In order to improve the adaptability of cemented stream to floods, we redesigned the stream bank facilities and reconnected the interaction between nature and residents. Ecolant-net can allow sedimentation and encourage the growth of aquatic plants. During heavy rains, Ecolant-net can concentrate the erosion force in the concave area to balance erosion and siltation. The convex area grabs plants and soil, and introduces part of the water into the groundwater layer, increasing the space for underground flow, making the stream more adaptable to floods, in order to achieve the goal of coexisting with floods.
Design process
Design testing and detail 10000 9989 7778 6667 5556 4444 3333 2222 1111 0
Design river flow test (Velocity)
Responds to life's principle & SDGs
Parameter: Turbulence 50 %,0.05m Flow velocity 8m/s
Design river flow test
Design river flow test (Pressure)
Design respone to Life's principle Threat
Climbing plants Adapt to Charging Conditions Purify water and filter sediment
Waterfront stair
Integrate Development with Growth Be Resource Efficient (Material and Energy)
Combine with other units and manage turbulence Material:rubber Purpose:use different angles to match the terrain
Fix the rock plate and have the function of water delivery
Design prototype achieve life's principle
Design prototype(Detail)
• After installing Ecolant-net, Nanshi Stream can have a more friendly waterfront, and can also preserve the original spring and laundry culture by supplementing groundwater. • Excessive water seeps into the ground during floods. After the flood, the water absorbed by the groundwater can pass through the river bed and return to the river surface again to achieve the ability to adapt to the flood. • In the future, residents can easily approach the water's edge, observe ecology, interact with nature, and gain emotion and consensus to protect streams.
Science Park Planning Design Graduation Thesis Design
Advisor:Kaowei Eleazar-Godfrey Chiu Co-author:Che-Wei,Chang/Hao-Chung,Tien/Wei-An,Lin Gui-Ling,Zhuang/Jovanca Anabel
• Issue: 1. Anthpocene 2. Existing Science Parks in Taiwan 3. Site analysis of Kaohsiung 4. Site analysis of Ciaotou District 5. Planning Science Parks in Ciaotou District - Integrate problems with life’s principle and sustainable development goals 11 • Define context • Identify function
Life Creates Conditions 2.Discovering Conducive To life
• Design strategy - Site analysis and significant issue - Structure plan and objective - Master plan and design response • Biological model • Abstract Biological strategic
• Design concept • Design rendering
• Design response to Life’s principles
Project issue 1 Anthropocene
1880-2020 Global temperature record Tracking global temperature trends provides a critical indicator of the impact of human activities—specifically, greenhouse gas emissions.
Annual Greenhouse gas index Carbon dioxide accounts for the highest proportion of
Earth’s average temperature has risen more greenhouse gases, and the large amount of carbon dioxide than 1.2 degrees since 19th century. emissions also cause the temperature to rise day by day. Global greenhouse gas emission by sector
The largest cases are transportation and industrial energy, and industrial processes produce wastewater and chemical waste. Carbon dioxide is currently the largest contributor to radiative forcing.
The increase in greenhouse gases has gradually increased the global temperature The orange label is related to the development of the Science Park.
Project issue 1 Anthropocene
Relationship between VPD、temperature and blade conductivity Plants react to higher VPD by closing their stomata in order to prevent water loss.Decreased rates of vegetation growth will substantially reduce the ability of plants to absorb atmospheric CO2.
The effect of VPD on gas exchange in wild-type and isophytin-insensitive plants Plants use CO2 during photosynthesis, as humans more CO2, plants have grown at an increasingly rapid rate Deficit between the amount of water vapour in the air and the level at which water pressure in the air becomes saturated is growing ever larger as the climate changes.
1982-1998 Carbon dioxide fertilization effect increased greening | 1995-2015 Water shortage caused VPD to increase and greening rate decreased Global warming is driving changes to water vapour levels, affecting the rate of plant photosynthesis.In the future, the ability of plants to absorb the CO2 emitted by humans may be “substantially" reduced.
Project issue 1
Existing Science Parks in Taiwan
Bischofia javanica 茄苳 Alstonia scholaris 黑板樹 Bombax ceiba 木棉樹 Ceiba speciosa 美人樹 Koelreuteria elegans 台灣欒樹 Delonix regia 鳳凰木 Millettia pinnata 水黃皮 Lagerstroemia speciosa 大花紫薇 Cinnamomum camphora 樟樹
High greenhouse gas emission Some of the greenhouse gases that cause warming are closely related to the industries in the science park, and the global warming potential of these gases, also quite high.
Inappropriate green belt planning selection of tree species the statistics on the absorption rate of pollutant gases:Nitrogen oxides and Hydrogen fluoride by tree species. It can be seen that the selection of tree species in the Science Park does not choose tree species with better adsorption capacity, and cause the environment worse
Project issue 1 Existing Science Parks in Taiwan High transportation Demond, Road no human scale The science parks are no clear regulations on the facilities, planting types, and configuration methods in the green space. Instead, increasing the scale of the road section has been the main consideration to facilitate transportation, the connection of biological habitat also increases the threat of road kills.
Hsinchu Science Park Taichung Science Park Tainan Science Park Ciaotou Science Park
Biology destroys The cutting of buildings and road networks has resulted in the fragmentation of green space, the reduction of mutual ties, the disappearance of species habitats, and the destruction of biodiversity. The internal parks and green spaces pay attention to visual beauty and form featureless development.
In d u s trial area 376.51 233.2 553.4 187.94
R es id en t area 19.74 2.6 8.58 44.27
Green s p ace 99.6 123.05 298.93 29.87
To tal 686 465.94 1043.15 358.35
Compare residents area and industrial area in science parks The functional considerations of the Science Park are based on production, and there is no good plan for the environment and quality of life. The planning proportion: Hsinchu Science Park_78:4 Taichung Science Park_65:1 Tainan Science Park_64:1 Ciaotou Science Park_72:17
Project issue 1
Site analysis of Kaohsiung
Pollution in Kaohsiung Kaohsiung is located on the southwest side of Taiwan. In winter, it is on the leeward side of the Central Mountains. The wind speed is weak and the diffusion conditions are not good, which is easy to accumulate pollutants.
Kaohsiung 2016 Greenhouse Gas Emission Ratios by Sector • Industrial Energy_43.86 • Industrial process_38.77 • Residents, economic and agriculture, forestry, fishing, and husbandry_9.17 • Transportation energy_7.29 • Waste_0.8 • Agriculture_0.09
Project issue 1 Site analysis of CiaoTou district & Planning of CiaoTou Science Park
Carbon emission
Impact to environment
Green belt connect with human
Planning of road dimensions and landuse
The air quality is worse in areas with more population. Northside: has a lot of green space and cycling paths. Southside: A lot of transportation, but no green space and cycling paths are provided.
There is only one cycling path and public t r a n s p o r t a t i o n p a s s i n g t h ro u g h t h e Science Park. In the future, it will lead to the possibility of internal and external movement only relying on vehicles.
Large populations don’t provide enough green space. Heritage settlement also doesn’t provide sufficient green space and public facilities.
Ta k e i n d u s t r i a l l a n d a s t h e m a i n development use, but add residential areas at the edge, but still widen the distance between work and life.
The pollution is relatively obvious.
At the southeast corner of the science park area, there is a high potential for soil liquefaction, and there is also a large area of medium soil liquefaction potential inside the science park.
The organic farmland in the park will be removed, the internal green space is low connected, and industrial area is also used as the main development purpose.
Integrate problems
Life’s principle and Sustainable Development Goals 11
Evolve to Survive
Adapt to Charging Conditions
Road no High Green and transportation blue belt poor human scale, low use demand connectivity efficiency
Be Locally Attuned and Responsive
The original ecology hasn’t been preserved. Develop to re-planned
Integrate Development with Growth
Internal function poor, no housing provided
Define context
Development of Science Parks
1. High transportation demand for cargo 2. Low amenities cause car dominates 3. Green and blue belt low connectivity 4. Road no human scale Reduce pedestrians to use 5. Remove original ecological and will be re-planned
High greenhouse gas emission
1. Increase temperature 2. Increase air quality index 3. Increase Vapour-pressure deficit 4. Reduce photosynthesis, cause high carbon emission
Human survival is threatened
Significant issue Dianbao river detention ponds park
Agongdian River
Dianbao River Ciaotou elementary school
Dali Drainage Fish farm
High population area
Factory area
Kaohsiung Ciaotou sugar factory University heritage
Science park entrance
Taiwan sugar South Gunshui office heritage
• Transportation
No provide public transportation let car dominates will cause carbon emissions increases
• Environment
Preservation of natural landscape and greenhouse gases produced by industrial activities
• History
Low connectivity between historical districts and surroundings
• Community
Form a boundary without neighbor relations reduce stimulate to change for adapt
• Ecology
Large-scale development will cause ecological habitat fragmentation
Farm land Organic farm
Gunshuiping mud volcano
Identify function
Bio strategy
Flow chart Active/Passive
High transportation demand
Automatic transport net work
Pelican Owl Spiders net Desert rhubarb Lemon leaves
Rock ant Mycorrhizal fungi
High carbon emissions
Green and blue belt poor connectivity
Green and blue belt corridors
Elephant nose fish
Western honeybee
Sacred datura
Elephant nose fish
Italian ryegrass
Biological model
Biological strategies Pelican
Cribellate spiders net
30 million years
145 million years
Reduce downwash feathers
Transport liquid net
Reduce vortex
Gather water
1-Transportation elevator systems 2-Hydraulic Generator 3-Coffee percolator
1-Distributed agricultural drip irrigation system 2-Polluted gas filter splitter 3-Automatic transport track
35 million years
30 million years
Liquid-absorbing feather
Filtering impurities membrane
Initiative absorb water
Filter Impurity
1-Automatic adsorption air packaging bubble paper 2-Dust attachment
Elephant fish
60 million years
1-Wastewater filters system 2-Agricultural drip irrigation system
Italian ryegrass
1 million years
Receptor cells to filter signals Detect and filter signal 1-Detective parking system
Stores poison leaf Store toxic
1-Poison storage tank
Structuarl plan
Objectives • Transportation UAVs are used to transport goods and automated systems to improve internal and external functions and reduce carbon pollution caused by users through a large number of vehicles entering and exiting. • Environment Through the process of transportation, UAVs can adsorb carbon molecules along the way, and place them in the carbon storage tanks in the input soil, increasing the richness of the soil structure. • Community Breaking the boundaries of the science park, the internal and external transportation system reconnects the development of the science park and the community, and also enhances the transmission of internal and external functions • Ecology The green corridors are used to re-sew the ecological habitats cut by the road sections, and also connect the external hydrological system, improve biodiversity, and increase comfortable open spaces for residents to use.
Water drip irrigation system Resident area
Green corridor Ecological corridor Blue belt
Factory area
Design strategic At present, the scheduled land of the Qiaotou Science Park is not damaged by pollution and is still used as agricultural land, but the carbon emission pollution is bound to increase after the industry settles in the future. The carbon molecules are stored in the land after unmanned vehicles absorb carbon and store the carbon in the carbon tower. The land structure at the bridgehead continues the local agricultural industry and symbiosis with the high-tech industry inside the park.
Public transportation High-tech transport node Ecological farm park Carbon capture tower
Planning cycling path Existing cycling path High-tech transport route
Carbon tower absorb gas.
Carbon tower combine w i t h U AV s a n d s t o r e carbon into the ground.
Transportatiom system combine with factory and automatic detect and gather good to outsite.
UAVs filter gas and use gas to improve internal fight power.
Connect green and blue belt,and public space for local civic.
Master plan
Highway landscape node
Mud Volcano Landscape Park
Hehe Plaza
10 Filtration Park
13 Riverside Forest Park
Agricultural drip irrigation area
Shopping Street
Main carbon adsorption tower
11 Fish bay trail
14 Water Bay Park
Vertical farm
Residential carbon transmission tower
Community park
12 Agriculture Education Work Area 15 Farmland tourist cycling path
Agriculture Education Zone Provide neighboring educational institutions to experience production and harvest crops, so as to understand food sources, improve food choices, and promote the development of healthy eating habits. Adjacent to the vertical farm tower, the vertical greenhouse is planted inside, and the sky corridor is set up to overlook the scenery of Ciaotou Town.
Design Concept Design rendering & Detail Shopping street
UAVs: Bernoulli's principle uses the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the central angle to allow air to be introduced naturally, and the carbon molecules are stored in the upper layer of the intermediate body through the internal gas filtration system, and the air molecules are transferred by the transmission tube of the aircraft. The air is moved to the outer ring and discharged, thereby increasing the lift of the aircraft.
Transportation system and mud volcano landscape park
Transport ball: The outside of the cargo is wrapped with bubble paper to prevent collisions to form a transport sphere. This concept is based on the water absorption of the sandgrouse belly feathers. When air is in contact, the surface structure is in contact with air molecules, and the gas is continuously supplemented and adsorbed, and finally the magnetic attraction is used to transport the goods to the main external trunk roads.
Main carbon adsorption tower
This is the most populous area in this area and is a hot spot for carbon emissions at the bridgehead. The original urban design has only one green space in this area, and the scale of installation is not enough to provide residents in the area. Set up carbon adsorption towers, use unmanned vehicles designed by bionics for transportation and effectively reduce carbon emissions.
North farmland
The central water filter takes the larvacean membrane as the idea, and introduces the Daliao drainage on the north side. After filtering, it provides internal organic farmland irrigation and can meet the needs of the factory's people's livelihood. The pen show suction belt connected to the north side of the park, and the design and connection of river channels increase the chances of residents and nature to reconnect, and can also improve the internal environmental quality and machinery.
Landscape concept
Science park landscape Hehe Plaza Connecting the community park on the west side and the science park on the east side, it can also provide recreational space for users on the east side, strolling along the green corridors, providing better commuting paths for employees living nearby, and the meandering river bank is covered with a large number of plants. It can reduce the erosion of rivers on the land, connect the blue and green belts, increase biodiversity, and provide a good growth environment for plants and plants. In an environment of climate change, it can continue to provide users with a comfortable and close green space.
National highway node landscape Use a diamond matrix to plan the landscape configuration, consider the location of the processing plant on the east side and adjacent nodes, set up a carbon adsorption tower to reduce carbon emissions and reduce the impact of pollution on the environment, and the farmland on the south side is near the transition period, using carbon storage towers The ability to transfer carbon into the land can strengthen the soil structure in the area.
Filter Park Filter the water quality of Dianbao Creek at Ciaotou, and provide the food and agriculture education area on the west side. Use a hydrophilic plaza to provide an open space for residents to gather and hold events.
Design response Evaluation with Life’s principles
• Link the relationship between the Science Park and the surrounding communities and break the boundary of the park • Reshape and plan the river environment, and reconnect the local residents to the natural environment • The green corridor connects the public space to achieve a 15-minute walk in the city. • The form of the highway structure is changed to enhance the visual and function • Water filtration facilities connect rivers and agricultural land to reduce energy consumption for water filtration and irrigation • The park increases the human scale and ecological habitat to improve the quality of internal life and maintain ecological diversity • The carbon storage tower absorbs and set carbon into ground to enhance the land structure and increase the land nutrient • Add cycling path and connect public spaces and Science Park to reduce vehicle carbon emissions • Connecting vertical farms and organic farmland, ponds and a new type of transportation system, feedback to local residents and increasing its educational significance.
• Integrate development with growth:Transform the import and export transportation system of the Science Park, reduce the demand for vehicles in and out, reduce the expansion of roads, reduce carbon emissions, redesign the human scale and provide a comfortable walking system. • Evolve to survive:With the trend of science and technology, UAV vehicles designed with bionic thinking provide regional transportation, while adsorbing carbon molecules in the area, reducing pollution in the area, and providing a transportation system that rewards the local area. • Adapt to changing conditions:A new type of green belt space, combined with local development, provides residents with a sustainable green living space. • B e L o c a l l y a t t u n e d a n d re s p o n s i v e: U s e t h e characteristics of the volcanic mud in the area to provide a new type of science park that filters and integrates to achieve a symbiotic pattern
Design response to life's principle
Science Park Planning Design Graduation Thesis Design
Advisor:Kaowei Eleazar-Godfrey Chiu Co-author:Che-Wei,Chang/Hao-Chung,Tien/Wei-An,Lin Gui-Ling,Zhuang/Jovanca Anabel
Cracks are linear openings that form in materials to relieve stress. When an elastic material stretches or shrinks uniformly, it eventually reaches its breaking strength and then fails suddenly in all directions, creating cracks with 120 degree joints, so three cracks meet at a node. Conversely, when an inelastic material fails, straight cracks form to relieve the stress. Further stress in the same direction would then simply open the existing cracks; stress at right angles can create new cracks, at 90 degrees to the old ones. Thus the pattern of cracks indicates whether the material is elastic or not. In a tough fibrous material like oak tree bark, cracks form to relieve stress as usual. 裂紋是材料中形成的線性開口以減輕應力。 當彈性材料均勻拉伸或收縮時,它最終會達到其斷裂強度,然後在各個方向失效,產生 120 度接頭的裂縫,因此三 個裂縫在一個節點上相遇。 相反,當非彈性材料失效時,會形成直裂紋以減輕應力。 相同方向上的進一步應力只會打開現有的裂縫;直角應力會產生新裂縫,與舊裂縫成 90 度。
Landscape concept Shaped
Design response Design process
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