1435/ 2014
مضى عامًا على إنشاء مجلة دليل اإلبداع ...في سرعة البرق ...إبداعًا تلوا إبداع... خمسة أعداد ،حرصنا على إنتقاء محتواها خلف الكواليس لنشر صفحات حاضنة لطاقات المجتمع اإلبداعي وأعدادًا مثيرة و تعليمية في نفس الوقت .بدأنا شهر سبتمبر الماضي ً بحثا عن المبدعين في مجتمعنا و هانحن اآلن نحتفل بمئات منهم .احتفا ًِ ال بما أنجزته المجلة وما قطعته من أشواط. مرت المجلة بمراحل عديدة من التغيرات ،فقد كان هدفنا نشر مجلة سهلة القراءة و مثيرة المحتوى ،وطبقنا ذلك عبر األعداد المختلفة بتصاميمها المبتكرة ومحتواها الجديد .فقد حققنا ذلك بنشر محتوى عن الفن و اإلبداع بشتى مجاالته وشتى اهتماماته من المقاالت التوضيحية والمقابالت والتقارير ،و كانت المثابرة شعار رحلتنا. وكم أنا ممتنة شخصيًا لكوني رئيسة التحرير لمجلة دليل اإلبداع .فلم يتقاضى فريقي جائزة مادية لجهدهم بل جائزة فخر وامتنان بجهدنا كفريق واحد وفرحة ُقرّ ائنا والتزام لجاننا وأعضائنا في رفع مستوى المجلة .شكرًا جميع أعضاء فريق مجلة دليل اإلبداع على ما بذلوه من جهد مستمر. دليل اإلبداع لعام ١٤٣٥هـ هو حصيلة الجهد المبذول خالل السنة الماضية وجميع الفنانين والمبدعين الذين شاركونا بأعمالهم خالل السنة الماضية في كل عدد . فشكرًا لكل من شاركنا بأعماله ووقته ولتكن هذه المجلة من أفضل دالئل اإلبداع السعودي .فال تبخلوا علينا بتعليقاتكم وانتقاداتكم البناءة لنستمر في خطى النجاح واإلبداع .شكرًا لكل من منحنا اهتمامه و آرائه حتى أصبحنا “ما يترقبه كل مبدع”. ولي الشرف بأن أكون رئيسة تحرير مجلتكم.
كلمة التحرير EDITOR’S LETTER A year sometimes seems like a long period of time, and other times it seems to go by so quickly. A year passed, and it was a year ago that 90D magazine took its positions with the intention of bringing the best content possible to the creative community. I’d like to think that we made great strides this past year in creating an enjoyable, interesting, and educational creative magazines. We’ve covered a lot of interesting and significant issues over the past year. Last September, we reported everywhere that we need CREATIVES. And here we are celebrating the 2014 90D directory with hundreds of them. There have been a lot of changes to the magazine itself. One of our biggest drives was that we wanted to create a magazine that was fun to read, that people would look at and avail by. The most major change we made as a bimonthly magazine, of course, was altering the theme and style of the magazine each issue to give it a brighter and more fun appearance. We have also changed the content slightly. We’re not missing any big events related to creativity, but we now have expanded coverage of arts and entertainment (you may have noticed more tutorials, articles, and creative reviews in recent issues). Of course, we are always striving to do the best we can do. I have enjoyed being the Chief Editor of 90D. The team and I have had more than our fair share of long weekends and fifteen-hour days. Our reward is not money, but instead it is pride in our work, the feeling we get when we see someone talk about 90D and get excited about its contents, the involvement in not just the magazine but all of 90D’s activities as a whole, getting to know various administrators and committees that are trying to make 90D better every day. I would especially like to thank the team of 90D for being there when work had to get done, for showing enthusiasm, and for enjoying their work and experiences. This is the 90D 2014 Directory, that contains all creatives who joined us throughout the year in all issues. Thank you 90D creatives for making 90D your second home. I’m more than confident that we will continue to produce a strong, respectable magazine for 90D project. Give us all the comments and constructive criticism you can, because in order for us to become even better, it needs your suggestions. I would also like to thank the countless people who have helped make each issue possible, people who talked to us, gave us ideas and information, and guided us along the path to a newsworthy story. It has been a pleasure being your Editor in-Chief.
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