Dns linux and dns window vannai sat

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Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Passerelles Numeriques Cambodia Network Administration

Student : vannai.SAT Teacher: Otdom DOK nd

Submited : 2 ,November,2014


DNS linux and DNS window


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Contents I. Suse Linux: .......................................................................................................4 1. Install Bind package ..................................................................................... 4 2. Configure Domain Name .............................................................................. 7 3. Create: .......................................................................................................... 8 - Forward Lookup zone file ............................................................................. 8 - Reverse Lookup zone file .............................................................................. 9 4. Create Resource Record with:......................................................................10 - A .....................................................................................................................10 - PTR .................................................................................................................10 - CNAME ..........................................................................................................10 - MX ..................................................................................................................10 + Let client test ..................................................................................................13 5. Create Zone transfer ....................................................................................14 - Configure on Master DNS server.....................................................................14 - Configure on Slave DNS server .......................................................................20 6. Encryption transfer protocol ........................................................................24 7. Let testing of Zone transfer and Encryption transfer ....................................30 II. On Windows: ..................................................................................................33 1. Install DNS + AD service ............................................................................33 2. Configure DNS zone: ..................................................................................40 - Configure Forward and Revers lookup zone .................................................40 - New Delegation to class Monitor as Admin..................................................46 4. Create multiple domains name .....................................................................55 Create domain name Vannai.net ........................................................................55


3. Create Resource Record: .............................................................................49


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

-Create domain name sna2015.lan .....................................................................59 5. Configure DNS zone transfer .......................................................................64 - Configure on Primary DNS server ...................................................................64 - Configure on Secondary DNS server (Transfer only sna2015.lan) ...................66 6. Active Directory-integrated DNS zone: .......................................................78 - Configure AD-integrated Replication ..............................................................78


- Set Dynamic update as Security only ...............................................................80


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Suse Linux: 1. Install Bind package Before Install Bind package




Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Installation DNS Primary or DNS Master


ďƒ°  Install Bind package


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Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com


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2. Configure Domain Name


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Copy DNS zone files to directory master:


3. Create: - Forward Lookup zone file


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- Reverse Lookup zone file

Save and restart

Configure file


 Use command vim /etc/resovl.conf and add more line as the picture in order to use its dns


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

4. Create Resource Record with: -A - PTR - CNAME - MX => Type command vi primary.edu.zone to edit forward zone

=> Edit zone and record host A, CNAME, MX as the picture below

Type command vim 172.16.1.zone to edit


ďƒ° reverse zone


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com


Test on server before test in Client


 NSLOOKUP Tool nslookup means name server lookup. nslookup uses the operating system's local Domain Name System resolver library to perform its queries. Thus, it is configured automatically by the contents of the operating system file resolv.conf. Please see below picture to know more.


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

 CNAME and MX record A CNAME record or Canonical Name record is a type of resource record in the Domain Name System (DNS) that specifies that the domain name is an alias of another host’s FQDN. This helps when running multiple services (like an FTP server and a webserver; each running on different ports) from a single IP address. Each service can then have its own entry in DNS (like ftp.primary.edu. and www.soho.com.). A mail exchanger record (MX record) is a type of resource record in the Domain Name System that specifies a mail server responsible for accepting email messages on behalf of a recipient's domain, and a preference value used to prioritize mail delivery if multiple mail servers are available. The set of MX records of a domain name specifies how email should be routed with the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.


test MX ( Mail Exchange)


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

+ Let client test


Test nslookup for MX (Mail Exchange)


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

5. Create Zone transfer * Master IP * Slave IP - Configure on Master DNS server * Installing Domain Name System (DNS) on Linux Slas11 Server Domain Name System (DNS) service is a service that we use to map Name of host to IP and from IP to Name. Domain name system in Linux called BIND that it needs two services to install like bind and chrootenv. First step, to install BIND service we have to know ip address and hostname on our server. Second, this service we can install either GUI or CLI. Now we will install this service by use CLI. Use command zypper install –y bind to install this service.


After we have finished installation this service, it has a generate file called named.conf that it store in a path /etc. As the recommendation we should backup origin file by use command copy /etc/named.conf /ect/named.conf.backup.


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

ďƒ° Create Forward Zone and Reverse Zone on DNS Primary Server Forward zone is a zone that map name of host to ip address and Reverse zone is a zone that map ip address to name of host. To create these zones we have to: Use command vim /etc/named.conf in order to edit file named.conf to use as our need


Configure as the picture below to create forward zone called vanai.edu and reverse zone called 1.16.172.zone. In addition to, we have to disable file include as the picture because we don’t need to use it.


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

After we configure file named.conf then we use command #rcnamed restart to restart service, and we use command #tail /var/log/messaces to list file that we configure is error or not:

Change directory to /var/lib/named then copy forward zone and reverse zone of local to master/Vannai.edu.zone (forward zone) and master/172.16.1.zone (reverse zone) in order to create zones that have the A, PTR, MX, CNAME (our need) record by editing.


File record on Forward lookup zone:


Type command vi vannai.edu.zone to edit forward zone


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

File Forward lookup zone is translated from Name to IP address. After we copy these files, we need to configure file Forward and Reverse lookup zone. Follow on:


=> Type command vim 172.16.1.zone to edit reverse zone


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

=> Use command rcnamed restart to restart service named

=> Use command vim /etc/resovl.conf and add more line as the picture in order to use its dns

Then we restart service and tail message to check file error or not. It can help us to know the problem then we can troubleshot that problem:


Then restart named service


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

ďƒ° NSLOOKUP Tool nslookup means name server lookup. nslookup uses the operating system's local Domain Name System resolver library to perform its queries. Thus, it is configured automatically by the contents of the operating system file resolv.conf. Please see below picture to know more.


Test MX (Mail Exchange)


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

- Configure on Slave DNS server => Installation DNS Service in DNS Slave Server DNS Slave Server uses the zones of Master Server in order to keep availability of connection. So when Master cannot get request from clients, the Slave Server will response this task. Please follow below steps to install this service in Slave Server.


Test connection between Master and Slave, We just close firewall rcSuSEfirewall stop


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

We go to yast –I install service bind interface

We write bind for find package

Restart service bind ( rcnamed restart)

Use command copy /etc/named.conf /ect/named.conf.backup to back up


 Zone Transfer Use command vim /etc/named.conf to edit file in order to get zone transfer


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Modify named.conf as the picture (forward zone and reverse zone must same the Master’s zones)

Then we restart service and tail message to check file that we edit error or not. Follow on:


Use command rcnamed restart


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Then we stand on location /var/lib/named/ then #cd slave location to list files that transfer from Master:


Then we use command #cat vannai.edu.zone to view information that update from Master:


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Then we view this file and copy it into file named.conf to edit this key (to copy this key we click Esc to Number of line that we want to copy then click Esc again to double click key P to past it):


6. Encryption transfer protocol For zone transfer, we can use Key security to instead use IP address as above. To create key security, we use command #dnssec-keygen –a hmac-md5 –b 64 –n user key-dns then we will get two files as below:


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com


After we copy this key then we need to edit in file named.conf to transfer by using key security on Master to Slave. We use command #vim /etc/named.conf to edit file:


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

After we edit this file, we need to restart service and tail message to check file that we edit is error or not:


After we edit file on Master, we need to edit on Slave by using command #vim /etc/named.conf


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

We restart service after we edit file and tail message to check file that we edit is error or not:

We use command #nslookup on Slave to test DNS server:


After we test nslookup Then we edit information on Master in file Forward lookup zone and Reverse lookup zone or update file. Now we update on Forward lookup zone:


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Restart service and tail message to check file error or not:

Update file on Reverse lookup zone, we also need to update serial on Forward and Reverse lookup zone to allow Slave can update new record from Master:


Then we restart and tail message to check file that we edit is error or not:


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

On Slave, we need to remove old file then restart to update new record from Master:


We use command #cat file_name to view record update on Slave:


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

7. Let testing of Zone transfer and Encryption transfer We just click on

R and write the ncpa.cpl for check IP address


We just right click on Local Area Connection => click on Properties


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

We double click on Internet protocol Version 4 and tick on Use the following IP


We just use ipconfig for show IP address after we configure


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Master ping connection to client

Slave ping connection to client


ďƒ° NSLOOKUP Tool nslookup means name server lookup. nslookup uses the operating system's local Domain Name System resolver library to perform its queries. Thus, it is configured automatically by the contents of the operating system file resolv.conf. Please see below picture to know more.( for Master and Slave).


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com


On Windows: 1. Install DNS + AD service Installation DNS service with AD in Windows Server 2008 The concept of DNS service in Windows’s operating system is like the Linux operating system but the configurations are different. Installation DNS with AD means when we install AD, the DNS is required. It can help us to make secure dynamic update (only users in AD can register and update record. Please follow below steps to install DNS with AD. Type dcpromo in Run option to promote domain


Check on Use Advanced mode to install and click Next


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Click next


Check on Create a new domain in a new forest >> Next


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Type FQDN of the forest domain (vannai.edu as an ex.) >> Next


Type NetBios name (VANNAI as an ex.)>> Next


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Set Forest Functional Level >> Next


Check DNS Servers to install DNS with AD >> Next


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

We just click on yes, the computer will use an IP


Click Yes


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

This option that we for database folder and next


Type password of Administrator and click Next


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Click Next


Check Reboot on complete (automatic reboot after completed) and then restart by it self


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com


2. Configure DNS zone: - Configure Forward and Revers lookup zone


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Forward Zone as Primary zone After we have installed DNS with AD, forward zone is created automatic that named as domain name. In this zone it has only its server record. In this zone we can add records A, CNAME, MX, SOA, SRV. Create Reverse Zone as Primary The strategies to create reverse zone, please follow below steps A. Right click on Reverse Lookup Zone >> New Zone‌


Click Next


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Check Primary Zone and check Store the Zone in Active directory >> Next


Check To all DNS servers in this domain: Vannai.edu >> Next


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Check IPv4 Reverse Lookup zone >> Next


Check Network ID and type our Network ID >> Next


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Check Allow only secure dynamic updates >> Next


Check finish


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

We go to ncpa.cpl for check IP address


After we have installed DNS service the ip address that we have defined before we install this service will change to So go to Network Connection Interface and assign again.


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Use nslookup tool to test DNS service


- New Delegation to class Monitor as Admin


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Click next


Write the name of user that we want to add as admin


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Click next


Click next


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Click on Finish


3. Create Resource Record: Add Record type A, PTR, CNAME, MX on Primary DNS Server The DNS implements a distributed, hierarchical, and redundant database for information associated with Internet domain names and addresses. In these domain servers, different record types are used for different purposes. There are 7 records that are mostly used: A, PTR, SOA, NS, SRV, MX and CNAME. Now I would like to show how to add record A,PTR, CNAME, MX. -Create Host A record Right click on record area of forward zone >> New Host (A or AAA)‌


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Type host name & IP address and both check (below ip address area) >> Add Host


-Create PTR record Right click on record area of reverse zone >> New Pointer (PTR)‌


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Type ip address and hostname (recommendation, we should browse to forward zone) >> OK


-Create CNAME record Right click on record area of forward zone >> New Alias (CNAME)‌


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Type Alias name (sexy as an ex.) and type FQDN for target host >> OK


-Create MX record Right click on record area of forward zone >> New Mail Exchanger (MX)‌


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Type name of host and browse FQDN of mail server in forward zone >> OK


Finally we will see the records in Forward Zone in Primary DNS Server


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Test nslookup


Records in Reverse Zone in Primary DNS Server


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

4. Create multiple domains name Create domain name Vannai.net Right click and click on New Zone


Click next


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

We just tick on Primary and tick on store the zone In Active Directory => Next


Just Tick on To all DNS server running on domain controller => Next


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

This zone name is Vannai.net => Next


We tick on Allow both nonsecure and secure dynamic update => Next


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We finish it


We create new host name love for domain vannai.net=> click on Add host


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

After we create new we have one new host for domain vannai.net

-Create domain name sna2015.lan All step the same above for we create it => Next


Right click and click on New Zone


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Click next


We just tick on Primary and tick on store the zone In Active Directory => Next


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Just Tick on To all DNS server running on domain controller => Next


We just put domain sna2015.lan in here and next


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

We just tick on allow both nousecure and secure dynamic update =>next


After we tick allow just tick on finish


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

We create domain sna2015.lan already we just create one host. Just click on New host


We create new host name net.sna2015.lan and tick on Add host


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Test nslookup below all result after we do it above already

5. Configure DNS zone transfer - Configure on Primary DNS server Transfer only sna2015.lan (on Primary dns server)


We just right click on sna2015.lan and click on the word Properties for zone transfer


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

- Allow only sna215.lan We just go to sna2015.lan right click on sna2015.lan => Zone transfer => tick on Allow zone to the server and tick on edit and write the IP of secondary and Apply NOTE( do it on forward)

We just go to sna2015.lan right click on sna2015.lan => Zone transfer => tick on Allow zone to the server and tick on edit and write the IP of secondary and Apply


NOTE( do it on reverse)


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

- Configure on Secondary DNS server (Transfer only sna2015.lan) On secondary dns server We just click on

=> Administrator => server manager for install DNS


We just click on next


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Click on next


Click on Install for install


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This step is installing just waiting it


We install it successful


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We just click on DNS


We just right click on Forword lookup zone => New Zone


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

We just click on Next


This step tick on secondary and next


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

This step domain name from primary is name domain sna3025.lan => Next


Clik on finish


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

This step we just right click on forward sna2015.lan => tick Zone transfer => tick on Allow zone transfer => tick on Only to the following servers => Edit and put the IP of domain primary sna2015.lan and OK


On Primary server we just right click on sna2015.lan => tick Zone transfer => tick on Allow zone transfer => tick on Only to the following servers => Edit and put the IP of domain secondary sna2015.lan and OK


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

After we allow a both it can transfer


Just right click on reverse lookup zone => New Zone


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We just tick on secondary and Next


We tick on IPv4 Reverse Lookup Zone and Next


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Reverse lookup zone name please see below => Network ID 192.168.1 and Next


We need to put IP address of primary for reverse lookup zone => next


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com This step we finish it.


We right click on reverse lookup zone on secondary => properties => tick on Zone transfer => tick on Allow zone transfer => tick on Only to the following servers => click on Edit put the IP of DNS server and OK


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

After we do on reverse we have this result below


Test nslookup on secondary


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Below result secondary can’t do anything


6. Active Directory-integrated DNS zone: - Configure AD-integrated Replication Right click on Reverse lookup=> Properties=> General => Change => tick on Primary zone for this zone can updated directly => Tick on Store the zone in Active Directory => OK


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Click on change => to all DNS servers running on domain controller in this domain => OK


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

- Set Dynamic update as Security only


We just to restart server DNS on primary just right click on name server => click on all task => restart


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

This is it process of restart

Test Client R => write nacpa.cpl => check step below


Click on


Prepared by : vannai.SAT Gmail: vannaisat7@gmail.com | site: vannaisat7.wordpress.com

Click on start => computer => properties for join domain


Click on change setting => change => put domain name


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Write name of administrator => OK


We can join domain success


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This below host after we join domain


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