Pine Grove Flower Garden Naomi Velasco
On a beautiful, sunny day, I was walking through property that was in a forest, wind blowing through my hair and the damp grass on my feet. I found a beautiful spot full of just blank grass when an idea popped into my head. I ran home and got my grandma. “Is this area part of our property?” I asked, hoping for a yes. “I forgot this was even here!” “Yes, it is. Your grandfather and I used to have picnics there.” I asked her permission if I could try and garden. As soon as I got the yes from my grandma, I started to get to work. I planted tomatoes and sunflowers, the only seeds I had. And the word spread. People from all around Pine Grove came and planted things such as flowers and vegetables. And one even planted a blueberry bush. A few even put some investment into it, such as building a fence and a beautiful entrance with a sign that said The Pine Grove Garden.
I N T O T H E D E P T H S — E A R LY W O R D S