1 minute read
roné’s life

Roné Julianne Alera Blando
Chapter One
Hi everyone, you’re probably wondering on how to pronounce my name. You pronounce it Row-nay. I have a unique name. Every new teacher I have calls Roné with a long e. It is sometimes annoying.
So now you know my name, let’s start at the very beginning when I was born. I was born November 12, 2011, 12:00 a.m. in Manila, Philippines. Now you know where I was born.
So, let’s talk about what I like and love. I love Jesus, God, family, and friends. I like basketball, Japanese, art, and more! I’m very happy about writing this book.
Chapter Two
Dear Diary,
Today I’m writing a story, and at school we had a pretty big schedule today. We read Lightning Thief! We are finishing up the group story at 916 Ink. It’s working out great. The sad thing is Coraline is leaving me today. She’s going to homeschool now. She said she’s starting on Thursday since she can’t be here tomorrow or Wednesday. I gave her my bracelet. I will miss her, but I didn’t cry because I just couldn’t show emotion. She was a really nice friend. I got to work with some of my best friends. Me, Chloe, and Saraj made a poster of our constellation we had. I don’t really remember the constellation’s name, hehe. . . . Now I’m here writing at 916 Ink.
That’s it for Chapter Two. Have a good rest of your day or night!
Chapter Three Dear Diary,

I’m very nervous because I have a big project coming up soon. It’s due next Tuesday. I’m really scared. But good news, I went to Daiso. It’s a Japanese store. I met up with Coraline at the park yesterday. I gave her a gift and took a picture with her. I miss her already. We have to draw a minotaur without using a picture. This week we have a book fair on Thursday. Our time to go is during school time, but we can still go on Friday for Fall Festival. I made a poster for the Fall Festival. I’m so excited for people to see my poster! Well, cya, Diary!