1 minute read
The Mystery
Rosalinda Valencia Sanchez
—Run! (Says worried.)
—I can’t. (Says whispering.)
—Push! Push! (Says nervously.)
—Ahhhhhh! (Screams.)
Two years later, Jesicca was blessed with a beautiful little girl named Gabriela. Gabriela had green eyes and light brown hair with dark brown highlights. Throughout Gabriela’s life, people made fun of her and bullied her because she didn’t have a dad. Gabby always wondered why, or where, her dad was, or if he was still even alive. But other than that, Gabby thought that her life was perfect at home ‘cause her mom loved her to bits.
Everything was normal ‘til one day in 2018, November 6. It is Gabby’s birthday. She is turning 12 and she finally has the courage to ask her mom about her dad, although she is nervous. Next thing you know, her palms are sweating, she is shaking, and she is breathing heavily. She gulps, then she asks. —MOM, WHERE’S MY DAD!?— she says angrily.
Her mom stares deep into her eyes. —You really want to know?
Her mom starts to explain. —Twelve years ago, me and your dad were in a war; World War II. I was still pregnant with you at the time. He used all his power to protect you. He passed away saving you. I never wanted to talk about it. I knew it would make you sad ‘cause you are still just a child.
Then Gabby starts breaking down in tears. She sobs.
—I am so sorry, honey.
Gabby storms into her room. —Why couldn‘t I have just DIED!?— shouts Gabby. She stays in her room for so long being depressed. Days turn into months. After four months, she comes out of her room.
—It’s going to be OK, honey. I am here with you.
All of the pain Gabby had for four months comes out. She starts crying again.
—I love you, Mom.
—I love you too, honey.