1 minute read
Survive the Ocean
Rosalinda Valencia Sanchez
Once, in Yuba City, there were two guys, Joseph and Lucas. Joseph and Lucas went camping at Yuba City for a friend vacation trip at the forest, which has a big ocean. Joseph was really excited because he brought a Jet Ski and he had never ever gone on a Jet Ski before. When they finally arrived, Joseph then asked Lucas to come on a ride with him on the Jet Ski. Lucas wasn’t too sure, but agreed so Joseph wouldn’t go alone. Lucas thought that the place that they were at was kinda sketchy. The water was really deep, and there were lots of rats. When they finally went on the Jet Ski, they were perfectly fine. When suddenly, a big wave hit them and they fell off of the Jet Ski. When they tried to get up, they found out that they had lost the key in the deep blue sea. Next thing you know, they were in the water panicking!
They tried to swim back to shore but they were too far. Then they looked to the left. Then the right. They saw a really big fin. They were confused for a second, and then terrified. They noticed that the fin was getting closer and closer! Lucas realized that it was a legendary megalodon shark. “Swim! Swim!” yelled Lucas as he turned to swim frantically. Joseph screamed an ear-splitting cry and tried to escape. But there was no way out. The legendary megalodon came closer, and closer, and closer, until . . . IT BIT!!!!!
That was the end of Joseph and Lucas.