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Bombshell Beer Co. in Holly Springs- 919 Magazine Jan/Feb 2020


Bombshell Beer Co. Celebrates 6 Years In Holly Springs


Just 5 With Michelle Miniutti, Co-Owner and VP Sales Bombshell Beer Company

Holly Springs’ Bombshell Beer Company is the only 919-area brewer that won a prize at the 2019 Great American Beer Festival in Denver – and is one of the few 100 percent women-owned microbreweries in the U.S. Co-Owner and Vice President of Sales Michelle Miniutti discusses the local brewery, it’s history and it’s future.


Bombshell was founded in September 2012 by Michelle Miniutti, Jackie Hudspeth and Ellen Joyner. Michelle and Ellen were business colleagues and played golf together. On days when weather was not conducive to golf, we often visited breweries or craft-centric beer bars.In Januara 2011, after a day visiting local breweries, I proposed to Ellen that we start their own micro-brewery. It seemed logical. Ellen actually had been a home brewer for more than 10 years; we both had strong business management backgrounds and entrepreneurial spirits.

Additionally, there were very few women in the craft brewing industry and we wanted to change that. So, we formed a plan and then asked Jackie, who was also a friend, to join their venture. The word Bombshell has several meanings, including that which is shocking or amazing. That definition is what sold us on the name. In 2011, we decided to found the company; there were only three one-hundredpercent-women-owned microbreweries in the U.S. That was a shocking and disappointing statistic; we wanted to change that, and we also wanted to say “Hey, isn’t it amazing that three women are starting a microbrewery!”


Success didn’t come overnight; this is Bombshell’s sixth year and best ever. There were some rocky roads to the path of success, but hard work and perseverance paid off.All three owners have worked in the business daily since opening in 2013. I manage sales and marketing, along with long-term capital structure funding. Ellen manages production operations and accounting, and Jackie manages delivery. Getting the right employees on the team is what helped us truly grow the business: First with Tap Room Manager, Chris Arrelanes; and then Head Brewer Devin Singley, who joined the team in 2016. Now Bombshell has more than 18 employees, including nine full-time employees, plus three owners, and self-distributes to more than 14 counties in central North Carolina. In October, Bombshell won a bronze medal at the premier beer contest in the U.S., The Great American Beer Festival for our Bourbon Barrel-aged Lady in Red Amber Ale. We were the only Triangle area brewery to score a medal and only one of 11 NC breweries in the pool of 2,300 submitting breweries and 9,500-plus beers.


Bombshell has always strived to have a number of easy-drinking and approachable beers in our portfolio. We’ve always tried to have a beer that someone new to craft beer could enjoy. We are deeply rooted in the community of Holly Springs; all three owners live in Sunset Ridge – a large community of homes in Holly Springs – and we have a passion for giving back through many charitable events at the brewery, where we give upwards of 15 percent of sales. Bombshell is also proudly known as North Carolina’s first 100 percent women-owned microbrewery!


Our Tap Room is family-friendly and pet-friendly. Holly Springs is a community built around families, so well-behaved families are welcome. However, we do encourage adults only after 8 p.m. Normally, we have 10-14 different Bombshell beers on tap for our customers. We also carry wine and cider and non-alcoholic beverages. We sell beer to-go in growlers, and also in cans. Kegs can abe purchased through the Tap Room. If you are having a party, a keg can be a great addition to your fun because everyone likes to party with a Bombshell!

On Tuesday evenings, we host theme trivia; on select Wednesdays, there’s Music Bingo; and we partner with Pace Yourself Run Club for a fun run at 6:30 p.m. on Thursdays; on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month are community fundraisers; and Saturday night features live music from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Food trucks offer dining options and customers are always welcome to bring in their own food or have it delivered to the Tap Room. Check our events calendar for all our special events and activities, food trucks and live music line-up.

The Bombshell Crew!


Bombshell will celebrate our 6th Anniversary with an all-day party on Saturday, Jan. 25, with some fun activities for the kids during the day. In March, our St. Patrick’s Day Party features color-changing cups (instead of green beer, which is a big no-no in craft beer!).

We are also well known for our epic Easter Egg Hunt features more than 3,000 eggs -- and includes a special adults-only hunt, which is a blast! Later in the year, the Oktoberfest is always a great time.

OWNERS: Jackie Hudspeth, Michelle MIniutti, Elen Joyner

YEAR STARTED: Founded in 2012; operations began Nov. 2013

BREWERY HOURS: Mon-Thu, 4-10 pm; Fri, 3-11 pm; Sat, 12 pm-12 am; Sun 12:30-7:30 pm

UPCOMING EVENTS: 6th Year Anniversary Party (Jan 25); Chocolate Pairing for Valentines & Fat Tuesday Party (Feb 25)

PHONE: 919-610-8254WEBSITE: bombshellbeer.com

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