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919's very own Coby James

Just 5 With Coby James

919 Teen Releases Single, Signs With Deep South Management


919 Teen Coby James

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From the minute we first heard Coby…we knew there was something special – and apparently others are hearing it as well.’

---DAVID ROSE CEO, Deep South Management

Musician/producer and singer/songwriter Coby James – a 17-year-old who lives with his family in the Wake Forest/ Youngsville area – recently signed a management deal with Nashville-based Deep South Entertainment, shortly before embarking on a 31-city U.S. tour as direct support for Dove Award winning and Grammy nominated artist Danny Gokey (which concluded in mid-November).

James’ first single “Paradise” was released last summer, followed by a five-song EP in the fall. Deep South Entertainment, based in Nashville, has managed such artists as Bruce Hornsby, Little Feat, Parmalee, Stryper, Roy Parnell and many others.

During the Deep South management announcement, James -- an openly devout Christian -- shared what drives him the most: “I want people to see my perspective as a teenager going through life,” he said. “Hopefully they see where I find my hope and peace and that God is where I find my strength.”

Deep South’s Sam Fisher will oversee James’ management, along with company founder and CEO Dave Rose. “From the minute we first heard Coby in a small bar as an opening act, we knew there was something special – and apparently others are hearing it as well. He’s the kind of artist you want to spend the next 20 years of your life working with – an amazing talent with a sincere and convicted heart for his message,” said Rose.

919 Magazine staff caught up with him at during a recent stop on the Danny Gokey tour.

So how are you enjoying the hectic life on the road?

I’m out here opening with Danny Gokey -- and the team on the road is fairly young, but I’m still the youngest. We have a great time. I couldn’t ask for a better way to tour right now. I’m just out here loving my Jesus and showing my scars.

What’s the story behind the tour name (“The Hope Encounter Tour”?

Hope means “Hold On Pain Ends,” for those who find themselves in a difficult place. So much hope is there, everybody has a chance. Hope anchors the soul.

With the release of your debut single “Paradise,” you’ve been described as sounding like a seasoned veteran, but you’re only 17 years old. How do you explain your sound?

I’ve always been an “old soul.” My musical influences are from John Mayer, Maroon 5’s first album, Dave Matthews and Eric Clapton…all those artists with a lot of guitar.

You not only perform “Paradise”, but you also co-produced, wrote and performed the instruments on the single. How did all of this come about?

My collaboration is with David Spencer. There is just so much synergy with him. It’s like Michael Jackson and Quincy Jones working together. We just click.

What do you hope to have accomplished in this business?

Well, I started with a wonderful guitar teacher, Stephen Ayers -- the Musical Director at Faith Baptist Church in Youngsville. He provided so much guidance to me and really I just want to keep making music and inspiring others like Steven inspired me. The music business is very unpredictable…this can all be gone in just a minute. I can dream for right now and just touch as many people as I can.

Editor’s Note: Coby James told the 919 Magazine team that he reads 919 Magazine and loves its focus on the community. He said he picks up a copy after church at Briggs Restaurant in Wake Forest.

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