Operations Manual
Procedure No. 2 Training, Awareness and Competence
Date 01/02/2012 Page 1 of 1 Issue 1.0
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PURPOSE To ensure that the knowledge, skills and ability requirements for each job function are identified, agreed and realised prior to issuing relevant certification or licence to operate in a specified work environment.
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RESPONSIBILITY The Director of Group Projects is responsible for ensuring this procedure is implemented.
Current and new employees will receive training on the broad aims and vision of the Organisation with particular emphasis on the Operations Manual (Quality System) and applicable legal and mandatory codes of conduct which shall be identified in each individual employee’s via their job profile.
Each Management Team Member will ensure that all personnel under their control:-
Are competent to carry out the required function specified in the Job Profile.
Are assessed and re-trained and/or offered educational support as appropriate.
Have up to date training records.
All employees, whose work may create a significant impact/risk upon the environment or the company’s quality performance will receive training on the importance of:
Operating procedures and work instructions.
The requirements of operational requirements, the Quality management system including emergency preparedness and response requirements.
The potential consequences of departure from specified operating procedures
The training record of each member of staff will be reviewed at least once a year to ensure it is up to date, and to identify the need for and plan any further training or qualifications to meet job specific, legal, safety or environment requirements. The date of the review shall be recorded on the individual's training record.
Records Training records are maintained by the Office Manager who holds a log of all training activity which takes place. Recorded details of training must include the date, the names of those present and details of the training. Details of training must be transferred to individual training records. Records must be kept for at least 10 years after the employee or external third party receiving training leaves the Company's service or training programme.
PROCEDURES None FORMS Training Matrix Individual Training Record
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